WordCamp Brighton


A conference for everyone. 16-18 August 2019, on the beautiful south coast🌞

Brighton, England
انضم في مارس ٢٠١٦


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  1. تغريدة مُثبَّتة
    ١٨ أغسطس

    Fabulous Contributor Day at . Thanks everyone. Happy contributing!

    Some of the contributors at WordCamp Brighton
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  2. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢١ أغسطس

    Last week I visited the colourful and vibrant Brighton UK, in this video I share some of my experience at 2019 recap - 03 Thanks everyone for the opportunity

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  3. ١٨ أغسطس

    If you haven’t been able to join the Contributor Day this morning, you can drop into The Skiff this afternoon. Lots of help for new people, contributing is for everyone. Come one, come all, we’re here till 4pm.

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  4. ١٨ أغسطس

    Lots of great contributing and introductions to the wonderful world of community at Contributor Day. Thanks to & for leading, & to all our table leads and helpers. More this afternoon, come join us at The Skiff, on Blackman Street.

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  5. ١٨ أغسطس

    Come and join us for Contributor Day at at The Skiff. The kettle is on for tea and the coffee ☕️ is brewing.

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  6. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٥ أغسطس

    WCDublin has received requests by people unable to get their speaker applications in due to their attendance at other WordCamps this weekend. In the interests of fairness (and because we are exceptionally nice people) we will extend our call for speakers until Tuesday 20th Aug.

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  7. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ أغسطس

    If anyone fancies a pint before after party. A few of us at Tempest Inn on seafront.

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  8. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ أغسطس

    Thank you for organising a fantastic . 👏 Much ❤️ for this community and much 🙏 appreciation to all organisers and volunteers.

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  9. ١٧ أغسطس

    And of course we have our Contribution Day tomorrow at the Skiff! 9:30am start, so maybe don't party too hard tonight if you plan on coming along 😉

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  10. ١٧ أغسطس

    But wait!! It's not over yet!! Listen to and come along to the afterparty later! 7pm at OhSo on the seafront 🍹⛱️

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  11. ١٧ أغسطس

    🙌 Thank you so much for coming to WordCamp Brighton 2019 🙌 It's been an awesome couple of days and we hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have 💙 your 2019 organiser & volunteer team xxx

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  12. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ أغسطس

    Fantastic talk on mental health and imposter syndrome from . Remember it can be positive and not just negative. And why not check out the WPandUP charity and donate if you can, it's for a great cause.

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  13. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ أغسطس

    My key take aways of fantastic talk about Impostor Syndrome are: 1. Eveybody can be affected 2. Talk about it & of course You are not alone! Thank you so much 🥰

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  14. ١٧ أغسطس

    What a brilliant weekend!! It's not quite over yet though - please join us in Track 1 for closing remarks at 4:30 🎉

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  15. ١٧ أغسطس

    Join us for a relaxed Contributor Day at on Sunday 18 August 2019 at The Skiff. Marketing, design, community, wptv, core, mobile, WP-CLI & more! Lots of help for new people. Pizza too 🍕. Details at Just sign-up at It’s free!

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  16. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ أغسطس

    Absolutely brilliant talk from Dan Maby on on impostor syndrome at .

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  17. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ أغسطس

    Thanks to all the contributors from teams who have been helping provide info for Contributor Day 18 Aug 2019. There are still places, at The Skiff for tomorrow. If you are new, here’s a blog from the Marketing team about these events

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  18. ١٧ أغسطس

    Last talk in track 2. What better way to end than with from sharing some personal and inspiring advice on imposter syndrome.

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  19. ١٧ أغسطس

    Inspired by the incredible talks you've seen this weekend? Why not apply to speak at 😀 Speaker applications open until Tuesday - see info below or speak to for more info!

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  20. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ أغسطس

    One of the great things about going to WordCamps like is discovering that dedicated, talented people are working on the same things you are, in a variety of fascinating ways but with a common shared goal of building a better web. It's a great confidence boost! 🤓💪💻

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