

Bringing WordPress to people across the world by translating it into more than 200 languages.

Unit: abril de 2016


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  1. Tuit fixat
    4 de juny

    Did you participate in WPTD and booked to attend Contributor Day? Connect with the polyglots team & have fun translating. Chat with and from about how the translator interviews to help inspire others.

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  2. 29 d’oct.

    Share your tips for new translators or why you are a translator. We loved the tips from & others about how you can get involved on last month. More tips and stories at Keep translating

  3. 15 d’oct.

    Brilliant to have a Portuguese translation of the first of the features. Thanks to all the contributors who have offered to work on translations too. Be great to get it out in lots of languages. Let’s have some translating fun!

  4. ha retuitat
    10 d’ag.

    Calling , partnering with is a significant awareness & engagement opportunity for you. The community in Asia is a fast growing & energetic tech force. We will feature interviews & inspiring stories through our partners,you could too.

  5. 7 d’ag.

    A big thanks to all the speakers, panel chairs and those who assisted them with training, presentation advice and general positivity for this year. We value all the work behind the scenes and loved to work with new & experienced speakers. magic. 🎉

  6. ha retuitat
    21 de juny

    Glotdict team at , we miss you! Localizing everything!

  7. ha retuitat
    17 de jul.

    Well done to team, now on Central schedule 21-23 Feb 2020! . Great to meet so many of the orgs at and look forward to chatting about your plans in the coming months.

    WordCamp Asia members attending WCEU 2019
  8. 20 de juny

    If you’re a translator missed doing interviews at Contributor Day today, come and sign-up at the polyglots table after the wrap-up. We will also be getting some photos of attendees from . So many wonderful stories. Thanks

  9. 20 de juny

    Thanks for organising, lots of wonderful interviews being done today. If you want to contribute, let us know. We are also going to take a pic at the end of Contributor Day of those who took part in . Gather around the polyglots table with

  10. 18 de juny

    In just 24 hours, we’re now into double figures of the polyglots who took part in who want to share their story of being a translator and contributing to the community. We want to hear about your journey. Let us know. We’re waiting for your message!

  11. 16 de juny

    Great response already to be involved in promoting translation. Open to anyone who translated on 4 in May. Just have to answer a few, easy interview questions about becoming a translator. Let us know if you’re booked for Contributor Day.

  12. 16 de juny

    We’re you a translator at 4? We would love to try & get some pics of participants who will be at this week. We have volunteers ready to do some brief interviews to share your journey of becoming a translator. Reply to this thread or DM us.

  13. 4 de juny

    It would be great to get a picture of everyone at or Contributor Day on 20 June 2019 who took part in . Reply to this thread if you have a booked (note tickets are sold out) and would be happy to be in a photo on the day.

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  14. 29 de maig

    Thanks so much to all those who have connected about sharing their translation story. If you are a translator and were involved in earlier this month, contact us to share your story of why you translate and how you became involved. Inspire others!

  15. 12 de maig

    Tell your story of becoming a translator for our campaign led by and . We hope to gather enough stories for a very special series.

  16. ha retuitat
    12 de maig

    Having a fantastic translation day with folks at Ahmedabad. One step to making our local WordPress awesome. 💪💪💪❤❤❤🙌🙌🙌

    , , i 7 més
  17. ha retuitat
    11 de maig

    We are translating WordPress into Persian in Iran 🇮🇷 on

  18. ha retuitat
    12 de maig
  19. 12 de maig

    The 4th edition of had events in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania. That’s fantastic! . Some events also provided a livestream area, while others projected online talks and tweets onto a wall in their venue.

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  20. 12 de maig

    At 4 on 11 May 2019, there were 77+ local events in more than 35 countries, 12 new GTEs and 14 PTEs announced, and 183 new contributors joined to help .

    Mostra el fil

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