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  1. acum 13 ore
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  2. 12 nov.

    WordPress 5.3 “Kirk” is available for download! With over 150 new enhancements, Kirk is more intuitive than previous releases, focuses on accessibility, and includes a fresh new default theme.

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  3. 9 nov.
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  4. 5 nov.
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  5. 2 nov.
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  6. 1 nov.
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  7. 29 oct.
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  8. 22 oct.
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  9. 16 oct.

    Empowering Generations of Digital Natives - In the third article in the Digital Citizenship Week series, we focus on ways OSS can support Gen Z in learning the nuances of digital citizenship.

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  10. 15 oct.
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  11. 15 oct.
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  12. 14 oct.
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  13. 14 oct.

    Becoming Better Digital Citizens Through Open Source - Today marks the start of Digital Citizenship Week. Over the course of this week, we'll share how open source can help learners of any age practise and model digital citizenship skills.

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  14. 8 oct.
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  15. 5 oct.
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  16. 2 oct.
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  17. 30 sept.
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  18. 24 sept.

    WordPress 5.3 Beta 1 is available for testing!

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  19. 6 sept.
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  20. 5 sept.
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