
Venue Location

WordPress Halifax 2017 Venue Dalhousie

Marion McCain Arts and Social Sciences Building, Dalhousie University. 6135 University Avenue, Halifax (Google Map)

Large tracks will be featured in the 250 person Scotiabank Auditorium. The Marion McCain is completely wheelchair accessible, boasts free wifi for attendees, gender neutral washrooms and beautiful courtyard.

Afterparty Venue

All attendees are welcomed to hang out with speakers and sponsors post-WordCamp for free nibbles! Dalhousie ‘The Pub’ is where all the excitement will be going down, and is just across from the main venue. Exclusive to WordCamp Halifax 2017, this party is sure to shake things up. Learn more about it.

Venue Accommodations

We are excited to offer preferred rates for Dalhousie Accommodations! Book online using promo code ‘WCH17′  on the nights of May 26 and 27. Promo ends April 14, but rooms will still be available at regular rate.


Call 902-494-8840 or 1-855-DAL-STAY and mention ‘WordCamp Halifax 2017‘ when you make your reservation.

Types of Accomodations

Traditional-Style Residence (Shirreff Hall):
Staying at Dalhousie means you’ll have more savings in your pocket for the things you love in Halifax. Centrally located in the city, private single and double rooms include single beds, shared washrooms, wireless Internet, overnight parking (subject to availability) and daily access to the Dalplex fitness facility.

Single Rooms – $44.00 per night :: Double Rooms – $67.50 per night

Suite-style residence (LeMarchant Place):
Rated 3.5 stars by Canada Select, Dalhousie’s newest residence building is ready to accommodate guests in 2, 3 and 4-bedroom suites with private washrooms and kitchenettes. Suite-style accommodations include wireless Internet access, overnight parking (subject to availability) daily access to the Dalplex fitness facility.

2 Bedroom Suite – $92.00 per night :: 3 Bedroom Suite – $110.00 per night