The pixel pipeline in the browser is often causing animations to be a lot slower than they can be. Different CSS properties cause in validations on different layers. You can use transform and opacity to avoid layout and skip some of the
Aaaand I’m back after the lunch break. This time with
@nikgraf! He’s talking about the new Reasonži ovu nit -
Reason has a feature called PPX which you can use to extend the syntax. You can use that to generate an actual module which can resolve the query to actual types. No type definitions but 100% type safety
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So that’s how a Hello World React component looks like in Reason React using the React
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So Reason (and Ocaml) can infer the type of a React Component prop by looking at how the prop is used. In this example, the type for the prop “name”, “characteristics”, and “population” are automatically
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Hooks in Reason React The compiler can infer the type for a useState hook again by looking at how you use the
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Ok so there’s even a PPX that can generate TypeScript/Flow declarations for your React Reason components as well. Unreal! …
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So we’re staying at Reason.
@bryphe is talking about totally native React with Revery. Revery is a high-performance, React-inspired, native application stack built on top of the Reason programmingži ovu nit -
So with Reason, Revery can use both native UI frameworks (like Cocoa on a Mac) and compile into native binaries while staying at a language that is highly productive. Great fit!
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All of this can compile to JavaScript as well and just works in a
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Compared to Electron, a Revery app (compiled to native code) is a lot faster.
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@paularmstrong just announced Build Tracker. A tool to automate bundle size tracking including a dashboard that shows the bundle sizes of every build over time.ži ovu nit -
@jverlaguet on Skip, an experimental programming language developed at Facebook fromži ovu nit
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