Block-based Themes Meeting Agenda for February 5

Below is the agenda for the first Block-based Themes meeting. The goal of this initial meeting is to get everyone on the same page about early full-site editing work in Gutenberg, so that we can understand how it may effect themes in the future.

Time: Wednesday, February 5th 2020, 16:00 UTC
Channel: #themereview


There will be a period at the end of the meeting for folks to discuss how this meeting can be most useful. If you have any topics, demos, or questions you’d like to see discussed at a subsequent meeting, please share below!

In the theme review guideline, its specified that themes cannot register custom blocks. And since, there are not enough core blocks to create a whole page including header/footer, I am not sure how a theme can be “block based theme”.

Is there any plans on allowing themes with Custom Blocks in the repo?

In the theme review guideline, its specified that themes cannot register custom blocks. And since, there are not enough core blocks to create a whole page including header/footer, I am not sure how a theme can be “block based theme”.

Is there any plans on allowing themes with Custom Blocks in the repo?

I can’t answer your second question (though I believe the answer is no). But I will say that one of the discussion topics I’d like to address at some point is: “What blocks are missing from Core that will be required for full-site editing?”

There are already numerous blocks in the works, but we’ll need more:

Site Title Block (Already merged)
Site Description Block (Already merged)
Post Excerpt Block (Already merged)
Post Content & Title Blocks (Already merged)
Post Author Block (Already merged)
Post Date Block (Already merged)
Featured Image Block
Post Tags Block
Post (or Query) Block
Comments Count Block
Comments Block