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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
In case you missed it: I'm on the lookout for my next opportunity. If you need someone with a decade of community and developer relations experience for your team, let's chat! (Also some mgmt experience
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
That's fine if you're just hacking together something for yourself, but I'd avoid this syntactic sugar in production code.
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
Let’s be clear, public health, not corporate profits, must be the number one focus of our coronavirus response. A vaccine that’s just for rich people won’t do much to protect public health.https://twitter.com/mmcauliff/status/1232784696792297472 …
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
I like Warren a lot, and I identify with her in ways that are uncomfortable to quantify, and it’s painful (like, real heartache) to see her get this far and be trashed and counted out because she is hands down one of the best candidates I’ve seen in my lifetime.
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
Republicans have been waging a war on science, women’s reproductive freedom, and fetal tissue research for so long that we have no vaccine for the coronavirus despite having more than 17 years to prepare since the SARS outbreak first alerted us to the dangers of coronaviruses.
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
Any security folks up for helping out a woman getting an MS who needs help improving a resume? Maybe give pointers on job typed to apply for? DM me for details
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
questions to ask about compensation more details here: https://jvns.ca/blog/compensation-questions/ …pic.twitter.com/BsWNDwhvpC
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GDPR would cover some of this (example, they waive all liability for the security of their software), but this goes way beyond privacy. Hardware, that I have already purchased, should not be subject to EULA. Full stop. The fact that it is common is abusive and dangerous.
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If you don't want that liability, your *only* alternative should be to make the API and protocols public domain, so that there are alternative implementations. But having proprietary protocols to hardware, and waiving all liability, should not both be permitted.
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I really wish someone would push anti-EULA legislation. Especially when said software is required to use hardware that you purchased and own. No, I don't want to "accept all risk to loss of all data due to using this software". You, as the manufacturer should be liable.
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
This morning I learned that my role at Google has been eliminated. If you've got an opening for someone who's in Kubernetes and containers security, focuses on content, advocacy, and communication, and has an OSS background, holler!
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
!!Con is a conference where we take 2 days to celebrate the joy, excitement, and surprise (!!!) of programming. Our speakers often: - explain the basics of an idea! - show a delightful demo! - tell a story! I'd love it if you submitted a talk: http://bangbangcon.com/give-a-talk.html …pic.twitter.com/dYm1IWnEfr
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
The DNC didn’t change the rules to ensure good, diverse candidates could remain on the debate stage. They shouldn’t change the rules to let a billionaire on. Billionaires shouldn't be allowed to play by different rules—on the debate stage, in our democracy, or in our government.
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
It seems concerning that many of the people building election software are the people who aren't scared enough at the prospect of building election software.
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
the idea that democracy has to take 4 hours on a work night is fucking insane when half the country is one bill away from bankruptcy
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Anthony Ferrara 已轉推謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原
Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
Tip: if you find using ORM to write your database queries put a hold on your DB development. It's not a good example of Modern Data Engineering. How about using modern features like CTEs and Generated/Virtual columns?
#SQL#ISO2016#DB#database https://www.iso.org/standard/63555.html …https://twitter.com/awoods/status/1219027328526880771 …顯示此對話串謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
Anthony Ferrara 已轉推
Do 1 on 1s and don’t skip them, learn who your people are, give structured reviews every 6 to 12 months, remove bad apples sooner than later, lead by example when possible, set an achievable pace, invest in education, show your team trust and give autonomy.https://twitter.com/AngelaRiggs_/status/1216078559346741249 …
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