These are the weekly notes for the design meeting that happens on Wednesdays. You can read the full transcript on our Slack channel and find the meeting’s agenda here.
Updates from any specific focuses
@mapk shared that Gutenberg 7.3 was just released. There’s been a lot of improvements such as the Navigation block, the new Replace Media flow, new full site editing blocks, and a huge performance boost.
Proposed design focus for the 5.4 release
@karmatosed and @mapk worked on a list of proposed design projects, tickets and issues to focus on for the 5.4 release that is coming up in February. Comments and feedback are welcome. The biggest item in need of design work is the editor, while most of the rest is providing design feedback.
Trello: what is in our inbox?
There was nothing new added to our Trello board this week.
Open floor
A few tickets, issues and PRs in need of feedback were raised. Please feel free to review them and add your comments: