Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)
General announcements
WordCamp Asia 2020 is coming up, and with it two posts for the community have been put up which are good to look at.
Forum ticket bug scrub
As we did last year, we’ll be having a bug scrub of meta tickets relating to the support forums.
The primary purpose is to evaluate the validity of the tickets, are there items we no longer feel as strongly are needed, or are there items that should be prioritized differently?
Bug scrub will be at Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 05:00 PM UTC in #forums on Slack. (a Slack account is required)
If you want to get an overview ahead of time, or just get a head start, feel free to view the component list at!closed&component=Support+Forums
For anyone who’s never taken part in a bug scrub/ticket triage before, what essentially happens is that the facilitator (in this case, @clorith) prepares a set of tickets ahead of time they’d like to consider.
During the hour, the tickets are provided, a quick summary of what they are about is provided, and then input from the other participants is taken into account to make sure the best choice is made for how to proceed with it later.
Checking in with international liaisons
Members of our community from far and wide took part in this weeks support chat, including (but not limited to) Russia, Italy, Bangladesh, Netherlands and Brazil!
Open floor
During open floor, a hearty discussion about how we approach users, and how words may be conceived in different situations by various users was conducted.
The outcome of this is that volunteers will try to look more closely at the words that are used, and help let each other know if they may be misinterpreted in any way. Hopefully a more balanced pre-defined set of replies to common questions can be constructed from this to help maintain a good relationship with the users.