Enguerran Gillier


Web / App Security with an Open Mind

Gått med juni 2013


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  1. för 10 timmar sedan
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    26 mars

    Tracking the Spread of Coronavirus with Graph Databases

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    17 mars

    created an online travel agency in India and graduated from HEC Paris. She has outstanding skills in sales, execution and leadership. Due to the pandemic, she and/or her team are looking for a new business project. Don't miss the opportunity to connect with her! 💪

  4. Retweetade
    19 mars

    Covid-19 : ouvre son catalogue et sa plateforme aux écoles et universités Pour en savoir plus, lisez l'interview de dans Ici 👉 ou ici 👇

  5. Retweetade
    19 mars

    ⚠️ Appel à projets d’ pour disposer de solutions innovantes afin de lutter contre la pandémie 📣 L’Agence fait appel à tous les opérateurs économiques & académiques, ainsi qu’aux personnels internes du ministère Proposez vos projets👉

    , , och 4 andra
  6. 18 mars

    Home is officially Best Place to Work 2020

  7. Retweetade
    17 mars
  8. Retweetade
    15 mars

    A nice video to add to your incident management trainings. Speed trumps perfection; perfection is the enemy of good; don't be afraid to act for fear of failure. Wise advice for emergency management of all kinds.

  9. Retweetade
    1 mars

    Je retrouve de drôles de choses en triant des papiers des fois !

  10. Retweetade
    27 feb.

    awesome-frida - A curated list of resources Curator: cc

  11. Retweetade
    18 feb.

    So I learned of an amusing bug today: Docker for Windows won't run if you have the Razer Synapse driver management tool running. But the reason is the funny part...

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  12. Retweetade
    17 feb.
  13. Retweetade
    5 dec. 2019

    I just published The functional representation flow. A way to reconcile Product Management, Product Design, and Development.

  14. Retweetade
    9 feb.

    I considered titling this blog post: "The one with all the links." In it, I aim to provide a roadmap for folks getting into the browser space.

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  15. Retweetade
    28 jan.

    Un guide à destination des dev disponible et modifiable sous ! Bravo la , excellente initiative ! 👏🏼

  16. Retweetade
    9 jan.

    Quick reminder that we're still updating the "0day detected in-the-wild" spreadsheet here: . The first entry for 2020 is now in the books -- CVE-2019-17026 is a type confusion issue in the JIT engine for Firefox, detected in active attacks by Qihoo 360 ATA.

  17. Retweetade
    9 jan.

    I'm very excited to share my blogpost series (including PoC code) about a remote, interactionless iPhone exploit over iMessage:

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  18. Retweetade
    1 jan.

    ┏━━┓┏━━┓┏━━┓┏━━┓ ┗━┓┃┃┏┓┃┗━┓┃┃┏┓┃ ┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃ PYTHON 2 IS NOW DEPRECATED GOOD LUCK & HAPPY NEW YEAR ┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃ ┃┗━┓┃┗┛┃┃┗━┓┃┗┛┃ ┗━━┛┗━━┛┗━━┛┗━━┛

  19. Retweetade
    24 dec. 2019

    Writeup on how I made $40,000 breaking the new Chromium Edge using essentially two XSS flaws.

  20. Retweetade
    17 dec. 2019

    I've received some great feedback after published a video about one of my Google Cloud Shell bugs. That's why i've decided to publish a series of posts on my blog: . Thanks to for a year filled with fun!


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