WordCamp Europe


is the largest conference in Europe. The 2020 edition will be online, but will come back to Porto, Portugal in 2021.

Đã tham gia tháng 8 năm 2012


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  1. 2 giờ trước

    "Contributor Day can be anything you want it to be... It can be the day you write a little bit of WordPress history." Milana Cap () is an advocate for bringing in new people to the community. Read more on:

    Picture and quote from Milana Cap about her experience as a WordPress contributor.
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  2. 20 giờ trước

    We have many exciting talks about web lined up for you at this year's and here is our first group of speakers: , , , , , and . Meet them at

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  3. 12 thg 5

    "When I went to my first WordCamp, everyone was very helpful and welcoming." Through contributing to , Estela Rueda () has made friends from across the globe while doing work she loves. Read more in the latest

    Picture and a quote from Estela Rueda about her experience as a WordPress contributor.
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  4. 11 thg 5

    The fourth group of 2020 Online speakers will focus on the intersection between and . Get to know , , , , , and on the WCEU blog:

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  5. 11 thg 5

    In our second instalment of Contributor Stories, we hear how contributing helped Estela Rueda, Milana Cap and Matthias Bathke find their homes in the community and make friends around the globe. Read more on the blog:

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  6. 10 thg 5

    In our third group of 2020 Online speakers, we have , , and talking about how to take your site's content to the next level:

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  7. 9 thg 5

    Community is at the heart of every WordCamp and 2020 is excited to have and sharing their experiences in engaging people to build a better web! Learn more about our second group of speakers:

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  8. 8 thg 5

    If you've ever wanted to contribute to , you'll have support from Make teams. In his , Lucas Radke () explains: "The team was super open and supportive and it felt like there were tasks for each skill level."

    Picture of Lucas Radke and a quote about his experiences as a WordPress contributor.
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  9. 8 thg 5

    We're proud to announce the first group of speakers: , , , and Vili Mileva Yankova will be talking about a range of business-related topics from freelancing to data privacy. Get to know them:

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  10. 6 thg 5

    "I love to help people and solve their problems, so I started resolving problems on the WordPress Support Team." tells us how she got hooked on contributing after translating into Hindi on the Polyglots team

    Picture of Nidhi Jain and a quote about their experience as a WordPress contributor.
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  11. 6 thg 5

    Good luck on your first day, ! We're watching and learning a lot over here!

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  12. 5 thg 5

    Tomorrow, 6 May, WordCamp Spain () kicks off its first online edition! We can't wait to learn and connect with our Spanish-speaking friends :) Register at and be a part of it too!

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  13. 5 thg 5

    Tomorrow, 6 May, WordCamp Spain () kicks off its first online edition! We can't wait to learn and connect with our Spanish-speaking friends :)

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  14. 4 thg 5

    2020 starts in exactly 1 month! 🤯 Who's joining us? Get your tickets at:

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  15. 4 thg 5

    "To contribute WordPress in my free time makes me so happy because I know more people will use it, our community will become bigger and WordPress will become better." Read more about @benjamin_webdev98 contributing journey on our blog

    Picture of Benjamin Zekavica, and a quote sharing his story as a WordPress contributor.
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  16. 4 thg 5

    Thanks to the increase in online events happening in the community, you can connect with other enthusiasts no matter where you are in the globe. This week, gatherings are being organised by people in Spain, USA, Denmark and more:

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  17. 3 thg 5

    stands with our friends in their decision to make 2020 an online event. We know it was a hard call to make, but we can't wait to see everything they have in store for this edition!

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  18. 2 thg 5

    We called and the community answered! Read the first instalment of our series of Contributor Stories over on the blog and find out how Benjamin, Nidhi and Lucas started their contributing journey at WordCamps

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  19. 1 thg 5

    Registration for 2020 Online’s Contributor Day has now closed! We are so happy so many of you want to take part. Read more about what to expect and what to do if you didn’t manage to get a place:

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  20. 1 thg 5

    It's been less than a week and 3,000 of you have already signed up for tickets to 2020 Online! 🎉 Thank you! See you all in June!

    Banner with WordCamp Europe brand identity and text celebrating 3000 registered attendees.
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