Anthony Ferrara


Technologist, leader, and purveyor of rants. Engineering @ FB. All opinions my own. 's other half

New Jersey, USA
Dołączył październik 2008


Zablokowano @ircmaxell

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  1. podał/a dalej
    18 godzin temu
  2. podał/a dalej
    21 maj

    Next Wednesday join me to talk about Serverless on Cloud Forum by ! If you weren't able to see my talk at Fullstack Europe, this is your chance, registration links:

  3. podał/a dalej
    18 maj

    -----ATTENTION----- If you or a loved one has been refused entry to a private business for not wearing a mask and you would like to explore legal options to protect your constitutional rights, our law firm is happy to explain just how fucking stupid you are.

    Pokaż ten wątek
  4. podał/a dalej
    18 maj

    And to add to this, try and set expectations up front about who that audience is! This goes for conference talks as well as blog posts and other instructional content.

  5. 12 maj

    So, it appears stores passwords in plain text (or reversibly encrypted). I had to "enter the password" on the phone's keypad using nums for letters, ignoring case, and substituting all symbols with *. And I haven't change pw's since before this was implemented

  6. podał/a dalej
    22 kwi

    If you personally know someone who has tested positive for covid -19 retweet this. People need to see how close it really is.

  7. podał/a dalej
    23 kwi

    This shit is incredibly abusive and should be outlawed under a basic right to privacy for employees. Disgusting pitch, disgusting surveillance.

    Pokaż ten wątek
  8. podał/a dalej
    23 kwi

    Career ladders can be helpful to set expectations. But most of the time they get misused. They lead to learning how to "ace the test" instead of actually building the right behaviors. Here are the questions I use with my team for my personal growth conversations instead 👇

    Pokaż ten wątek
  9. podał/a dalej
    18 kwi

    I haven’t seen my wife or kids or dog in 4 weeks because I’m working in an ED swimming in COVID19 and purposefully trying not to get them sick too. These people make me fucking furious.

    Pokaż ten wątek
  10. podał/a dalej
    15 kwi

    It's going to start soon.

    Pokaż ten wątek
  11. podał/a dalej
    14 kwi
    W odpowiedzi do

    I don't read specs.

  12. podał/a dalej
    30 mar
  13. podał/a dalej
    21 mar
  14. podał/a dalej
    12 mar

    “Schools are closing? Where do I send my children?” “How do I afford healthcare?” “I can’t afford to take off work!” “I don’t have guarenteed housing if I leave school!” The issues the virus is causing are literally everything progressives have been trying to fix for years.

    Pokaż ten wątek
  15. podał/a dalej
    11 mar

    I wrote a blog post about PHP-CFG []. This library generates the Control Flow Graph of a PHP file. This post would be a good starting point to get familiar with this library. Kudos to its authors and .

  16. podał/a dalej
    7 mar

    the threat posed by coronavirus is less that you personally will die, but that the healthcare system will collapse tech people: you should know this, coronavirus is fundamentally a DDoS of our healthcare infra

    Pokaż ten wątek
  17. podał/a dalej
    5 mar

    Did you know that the two main symptoms of are a dry cough and fever? Actual, factual information is useful. Pass it on.

  18. podał/a dalej
    3 mar

    The amount of support needed for people who have shittastic managers is staggering. Mind you my complaint is about the managers and not the people I give support to. I really want to return to being my asshole self can't managers leave the "being an asshole" to us ICs.

  19. podał/a dalej
    2 mar

    Sanders is 1,933 delegates short of what he needs to win. Warren is 1,983 short. So don’t let anyone tell you this is over and you can’t vote for who you want on Super Tuesday.

    Pokaż ten wątek
  20. podał/a dalej
    27 lut

    In case you missed it: I'm on the lookout for my next opportunity. If you need someone with a decade of community and developer relations experience for your team, let's chat! (Also some mgmt experience ✨)


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