WordPress 5.8 Translation Status (July 9, 2020)

If you received a notification about this post, then the reason is (most probably) that you’re registered as General Translation Editor for one or several WordPress locales. If you believe that to be in error, please reach out to the Polyglots Global Mentors’ team via a comment to this post or (better) via Slack (see http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20210824144536/https://make.wordpress.org/chat/ about how to join Slack).

WordPress 5.8 is planned to be released on July 20, 2021, and now it’s at RC 2. Let’s work together to make sure the complete translations arrive in time.

Please don’t forget to watch the #polyglots channel on Make WordPress Slack for important updates, and ask any questions – your inquiry will help other translators too!

Ready for release (40 locales)

Congrats to these 25 teams for getting ready for the release. 🥳

de_DE, fr_FR, de_DE_formal, sq, nl_NL_formal, cy, lv, zh_TW, es_CO, nb_NO, hsb, it_IT, nl_BE, el, es_AR, pt_PT, tr_TR, ar, en_CA, bg_BG, sk_SK, pt_BR, id_ID, he_IL, cs_CZ

And extra kudos to these 15 teams for translating everything to 100% ahead of time. 🥳

ko_KR, en_ZA, ja, es_EC, es_MX, gl_ES, es_ES, es_VE, sv_SE, ru_RU, ro_RO, zh_CN, en_GB, nl_NL, pl_PL

/dev/ & /admin/ each needs ~10% more (39 locales)

You’re on the right path! To be ready for release, make sure the /dev/ is at least 90% and /dev/admin/ is 75%! For more information, please check out this post.

Below is the list of locale, GTEs, and the number of remaining strings to be ready for this release – in parentheses.

#sl_SI @hekos (338)
#fa_IR @dedidata @man4toman @saeedfard @sushyant @gonahkar (42)
#dsb @milupo (84)
#en_NZ @jjripikoi @ryanhellyer @netweb @tareiking @toherangi @wealthy @webaware (84)
#en_AU @bronsonquick @dd32 @pento @netweb @webaware (84)
#kab @belkacem1977 @simane1015 @yacine2953 @zirisut (84)
#hr @yuraz @mirta @vipteam (84)
#hu_HU @aguseo @babosgabor @balcsida @csurga @djzone @fgywp @wphuorg @vitaio @naoko01 @oaron @surbma @tojgli @zolikonta (84)
#ca @cubells @davilera @mgrau226 @xavivars (84)
#fi @arhipaiva @arkimedia @teemusuoranta @sippis @tlxo (84)
#bs_BA @kenan3008 (84)
#uk @romanbon @sergeykovalets (84)
#fr_CA @cedricbethencourt @guimos @jfarsen @maximejobin @mialevesque @rhialto (84)
#nn_NO @chriscena @meinmycell @hgmb @peterhoob (84)
#eo @cindio (84)
#es_CR @caco26i @zoncho @elpuas @fonsotranslations @m00g @marbaque @remediosgraphic (84)
#pt_AO @marcio-zebedeu (84)
#de_CH @aliyanage @pandulu @openstream @swissspidy @grapplerulrich (84)
#ast @chrismilleresp @dangerouspiper @enolp @ivarela @quiquead @terecapi (84)
#de_CH_informal @aliyanage @pandulu @openstream @swissspidy @grapplerulrich (84)
#ka_GE @dimitrigog @ttodua (84)
#pt_PT_ao90 @alvarogois @goblindegook @nbar @pedromendonca @vanillalounge (84)
#de_AT @pputzer (84)
#es_UY @ranss (84)
#sr_RS @drmiletic @milana_cap @dimadin @lanche86 @ziontrooper (126)
#fa_AF @barnamah @khurasani (126)
#da_DK @ahjdp @droeger @intoxstudio @culturemark @unomobil @ellegaarddk @tohevi (126)
#lt_LT @ideag @jonasltu @pokeraitis (126)
#ur @mrahmadawais @hibashaikhpk @maedahbatool @farhandanish1 @sajidzaman @saqibameen (168)
#eu @musinho @elurnet @hey_neken @atxamart @ikusimakusi @asturiaga1946 @erralin @murgilduta @pablo-moratinos @sergixnet (168)
#af @carike @semblance_er @hugmin42 @kobusb @rianbotha @snapalot (168)
#ckb @alan-hilal @govarweb @qezwan @rebeensarbast @sia-neriman @swaradesign (210)
#zh_HK @anthonychan2509 @chrischiu @greglui @cyis100 @jimmywong911 @ckykenken @gamerz @mackstudio @tangrufus @wisley (252)
#fr_BE @casiepa @pauldewouters (252)
#es_CL @bredebs @ejner69 (252)
#bo @bumpagyal @zangkar-tsultrim (378)
#skr @saraiki @shahidlaashary @shuaibkaisrani (378)
#et @erkoristhein @indrek_k @uncleowl @mstannu @petskratt @priiduonu @ragulka @ristoniinemets (378)
#uz_UZ @azamat88 @ulugov (378)

Happy translating, and thank you to everyone who is making WordPress available in your language 🙌

#pre-release-status, #vi

Since more strings have been added, here’s an update of the status as of today (RC3).

Ready for Release (48 locales)

ko_KR, fr_FR, ru_RU, ro_RO, zh_CN, es_EC, es_ES, es_VE, sv_SE, nb_NO, en_GB, en_ZA, pl_PL, gl_ES, es_MX, ja, cy, es_CR, de_DE, de_DE_formal, sq, nl_NL, dsb, de_AT, lv, en_AU, hsb, nl_NL_formal, it_IT, vi, zh_TW, es_CO, en_CA, nl_BE, el, tr_TR, es_AR, kab, pt_PT, sk_SK, da_DK, ar, hu_HU, bg_BG, fa_IR, cs_CZ, pt_BR, ka_GE

1-500 Strings Left (29 locales)

sl_SI, id_ID, he_IL, en_NZ, fi, hr, uk, ca, bs_BA, fr_CA, eo, nn_NO, de_CH, pt_PT_ao90, pt_AO, de_CH_informal, as, es_UY, fa_AF, sr_RS, lt_LT, ckb, ur, af, eu, zh_HK, fr_BE, es_CL, bo

501-1000 Strings Left (17 locales)

ml_IN, kk, roh, et, skr, uz_UZ, kmr, pa_IN, es_PE, ast, th, mk_MK, snd, hi_IN, es_PR, bn_BD, ug_CN