Classic Widgets is an official plugin maintained by the WordPress team that restores the previous (“classic”) WordPress widgets settings screens. It will be supported and maintained until at least 2022, or as long as is necessary.
Once activated, this plugin restores the previous widgets settings screens and disables the block editor from managing widgets. There is no other configuration, the classic widgets settings screens are enabled or disabled by either enabling or disabling this plugin.
No, there are no settings. Once activated, this plugin restores the previous (“classic”) WordPress widgets screen and disables the block editor from managing widgets.
Seriously, while building a brand new site, all I wanted to do was add a title to the latest posts widget. You think the new block editor would make this easy. No. Either there's a bug, or something is conflicting, but I could not find the place to add/modify the title. I don't have time for this.
Installed Classic Widgets, done and dusted. I can now get on with creating actual content instead of endlessly fiddling with such things.
Just make this and the Classic Editor part of core with toggles for switching and be done with it.
Why on this green earth do we need to constantly try to fix something that isn't broken!
Add to these things, if you feel you have to, but please, don't take something away that is otherwise working perfectly fine.
This plugin saves my day, every freaking and f**** day. Block-based widgets are THE WORST THING EVER SHOVED DOWN THE THROATS OF HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of wordpress admins, worldwide. They are so destructive, it makes me speechless. Whoever decided that block-based widgets are a good idea has ABSOLUTELY no idea about how WE, THE USERS work. The number of widgets we need just to counter those "improvements" keeps on growing.
Whats left to say about the block widgets that hasn't allready been said here. It's utter garbage. Might be the worst WP update i have ever seen.
This plugin fixes things. TY.
Clearly those giving a poor reviews on this plugin are CLUELESS, they are unhappy with the decision by WP to use Blocks to manage Widgets, which is totally understandable, I'm not happy with it either, but they apparently don't understand that they're reviewing a plugin to fix that, not WordPress itself.
THIS PLUGIN allows you to roll-back to the classic method of managing widgets that is much easier and makes so much more sense. And it does this very simply and very well. Lightweight, low overhead, restores the way managing Widgets used to be. Bravo.
To the users who gave this a 1-star review, if you really can't understand what you're doing and how to properly review a plugin, the please don't. Just. Don't. Do. It.
First off who decided that block widgets were a good idea? Second why do we have to add another plugin when we should have the opportunity to either choose block widgets (seriously bad idea) or classic widgets without the addition of adding more code to our sites.
Plus your block editor is buggy. You rolled out a version of WordPress that has a lot of invalid code causing time and frustration on the end user who is trying to design websites.
Old saying: If it ain't broke don't fix it or update it with garbage.