WordCamp 相聚,無所畏『距』
WFH (work from home) cannot stop us.
Let’s WFH (WordPress from home).
WordCamp Taiwan 2021 @ 2021/12/11-12/12 Gather Town
大家引頸期盼的 WordCamp 回來啦!今年我們首次打破地域的限制,舉辦全台灣最盛大的 WordCamp ,讓世界各地熱愛 WordPress 的好朋友可以在線上與我們共襄盛舉。
The WordCamp that everyone has been longing for is back!
This year, for the first time, we are breaking the geographical barrier and throwing the biggest WordCamp in Taiwan, so that WordPress lovers from all over the world can join us online.
What’s better is that the ticket is totally free! Follow our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to get the latest updates!
Welcome to register to buy tickets.