@mclaurent on, @blaurent on Slack
- Member Since: March 9th, 2016
Contribution History
mclaurent’s badges:- Core Contributor
Mentioned in [52094] on Core SVN:
Taxonomy: Change some static strings to registration labels. -
Posted a reply to Gutenberg blocks with media, on the site Forums:
@edward_plainview That sounds fantastic. I am wondering whether my regex needs extending, in case the… -
Posted a reply to Gutenberg blocks with media, on the site Forums:
That would be fantastic. I just found the line that handles this in the plugin..… -
Posted a reply to Gutenberg blocks with media, on the site Forums:
Wow - thank you for the quick reply. Yes at the moment we are only… -
Created a topic, Gutenberg blocks with media, on the site Forums:
Hi I am planning on running a WP Multisite with Guten… -
Created ticket #47446 on Core Trac:
Tools > Export does not include term meta data for a custom post type -
Posted a reply to Caching by user agent, on the site Forums:
Hello Thanks again. I have tried but I have had to tweak it a bit… -
Posted a reply to Caching by user agent, on the site Forums:
Heya Many thanks for your reply (and so quickly, too!). That sounds like it could… -
Created a topic, Caching by user agent, on the site Forums:
Hi We're using the Bridge theme which conditionnally … -
Posted a reply to Phase 1 vs Phase 2, on the site Forums:
Ok great, that explains why they are split in two. Many thanks! -
Created a topic, Phase 1 vs Phase 2, on the site Forums:
Hi I am in the process of building a private site for… -
Created a topic, Alternative plugin, on the site Forums:
Heya I thought it would be helpful to recommend alter… -
Created ticket #43753 on Core Trac:
Media Grid does not respect taxonomy URL parameters -
Posted a reply to Cannot save posts with Gutenberg editor, on the site Forums:
I have tried this but it didn't fix it. Then again I did not select… -
Created a topic, Cannot save posts with Gutenberg editor, on the site Forums:
Hi I noticed that when creating content with the new … -
Created a topic, Background-gradient has outdated direction syntax, on the site Forums:
Hey I noticed that the tiny-framework theme is using … -
Created ticket #43215 on Core Trac:
Allow wp_kses to pass allowed CSS properties -
Created ticket #43060 on Core Trac:
register taxonomy should accept a label to affect the description under ... -
Created ticket #42688 on Core Trac:
Option to make get_template_part return instead of require -
Created a topic, WP Update release dates, on the site Forums:
Hi We are supporting a number of WordPress sites. Eac… -
Posted a reply to Encryption at rest of cloudflare_api_key, on the site Forums:
Hi John, Have you heard back about this feature at all? Thanks -
Posted a reply to Encryption at rest of cloudflare_api_key, on the site Forums:
Hi John You are correct. However we would like to combat a potential risk of… -
Created a topic, Encryption at rest of cloudflare_api_key, on the site Forums:
Hi I was trialling the CloudFlare integration with thi… -
Posted a reply to Support for article-video.php, on the site Forums:
I think the post format would change. I think users may expect the video to… -
Created a topic, Support for article-video.php, on the site Forums:
Hi Would it be possible to add a native support for p… -
Posted a reply to Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons, on the site Forums:
Heya - Also still seeing this on WP 4.8 for .ogg and .ogv files. The… -
Posted a reply to [Plugin: WP SuperCache] Preload may have stalled, on the site Forums:
Hiya Just wanted to confirm I am seeing the same issue. * Refresh preloaded cache… -
Posted a reply to role=”main” on <main, on the site Forums:
Thanks Tomas - that's a great share and thank you for bringing this update into… -
Posted a reply to Menu “Delete Cache” button causes undefined function get_supercache_dir, on the site Forums:
I think this seems indeed to be the cause. I have now removed the line… -
Posted a reply to Menu “Delete Cache” button causes undefined function get_supercache_dir, on the site Forums:
I think I'm getting somewhere. Could it have something to do with the face that… -
Posted a reply to “Delete cache” in top bar is not working, on the site Forums:
Does the "Delete Cache" option work under WP-Admin > Settings > WP Super Cache >… -
Posted a reply to Using H1 instead of H2 inside ARTICLE, on the site Forums:
Hi Tomas This was a really interesting read and I totally see where you are… -
Created a topic, Menu “Delete Cache” button causes undefined function get_supercache_dir, on the site Forums:
Hi Whenever I click on "Delete cache" in the WP-Admin… -
Created a topic, Using in instead of, on the site Forums:
Hi I think we should be using <h1>s for the art… -
Posted a reply to tinyframework_semantics_{$id} hook firing for each type of element, on the site Forums:
Thanks Tomas, much appreciate your work on this! -
Created a topic, tinyframework_semantics_{$id} hook firing for each type of element, on the site Forums:
Heya I stumbled across this line in the semantics.php… -
Created a topic, Poster image for external videos, on the site Forums:
Hi Does anybody know how to add post image for self-h… -
Posted a reply to role=”main” on <main, on the site Forums:
That might make sense. Do you know if the Underscores theme is still actively maintained… -
Created a topic, role=”main” on <main, on the site Forums:
Hiya I think we need to ermove the role="main" from t… -
Posted a reply to Yoast SEO + Visual Composer Grid Elements: wpseoPostScraperL10n is not defined, on the site Forums:
Yes that's correct. You'd need to roll back to 3.1 as that version does not… -
Posted a reply to Yoast SEO + Visual Composer Grid Elements: wpseoPostScraperL10n is not defined, on the site Forums:
@puregraphx if you use Yoast 3.1 you shouldn't be encountering the problem anymore -
Posted a reply to ESC to close burger nav, on the site Forums:
Fantastic, many thanks @addweb-solution-pvt-ltd This works perfectly. I've done some digging through the W3 site… -
Created a topic, ESC to close burger nav, on the site Forums:
Hi Is it possible to make the burger menu listen to k… -
Posted a reply to Sidebar on left on archive template, on the site Forums:
Nope absolutely not. Our client would like the sidebar on the left, but we've found… -
Posted a reply to Sidebar on left on archive template, on the site Forums:
Thanks for that. Does this also fix the order in which the screen reader reads… -
Created a topic, Sidebar on left on archive template, on the site Forums:
Hello Thanks for the great theme, helped us a lot wit… -
Posted a reply to Page types settings not saving, on the site Forums:
Figured it out. These settings are not saved in the database, but in /wp-content/wp-cache-config.php. My… -
Created a topic, Page types settings not saving, on the site Forums:
Hello in Wp-admin > Wp super cache > advanced &… -
Created a topic, Page caching per user-agent, on the site Forums:
Hello, I keep seeing the same problem with different … -
Posted a reply to Yoast SEO + Visual Composer Grid Elements: wpseoPostScraperL10n is not defined, on the site Forums:
Heya Thanks for investigating. I can confirm that overwriting the enqueueJs function does get rid…