Steve Dufresne
@dufresnesteven on , @Steve Dufresne on Slack
- Member Since: November 13th, 2019
- GitHub: StevenDufresne
- Job Title: A whole bunch of words to describe what I am.
- Employer: Automattic
Contribution History
Steve Dufresne’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Core Team
- Meta Contributor
- Pattern Author
- Plugin Developer
Submitted pull request #37 to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Use excerpt for blog description. -
Created issue #40870 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Make "mobile" setting for columns block modifiable. -
Submitted pull request #3 to WordPress/wporg-parent-2021:
Start WP in setup script. -
Closed issue #31 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
There are design discrepancies. -
Closed issue #17 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Site Admins should be able to modify the page via the admin... -
Closed issue #36 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Everything should redirect home. -
Created issue #190 in the WordPress/five-for-the-future repository:
Consider launching end-to-end solution for a specific team -
Created issue #189 in the WordPress/five-for-the-future repository:
Update Usermeta with latest 5ftf contribution. -
Created issue #188 in the WordPress/five-for-the-future repository:
Planning: Non-Code Environments -
Created issue #187 in the WordPress/five-for-the-future repository:
Tracking Contributions: Add non-code contribution to Profiles -
Created issue #186 in the WordPress/five-for-the-future repository:
Tracking Contributions: Find contributors to help with automated tracking -
Created issue #185 in the WordPress/five-for-the-future repository:
Tracking Contributions: Collect most important non-code contribution per team -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Change const to var because some elements exist on the... -
Pushed 2 commits to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Add linting and lint css and js. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Redirect everything to the front page. -
Closed issue #35 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Responsive text -
Pushed 2 commits to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Reduce the size of the fonts. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Remove the block from the inserter if not admin. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Change post type tp pending to turn off some draft... -
Created issue #36 in the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Everything should redirect home. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Update gutenberg content. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Add a utility to hide stuff on mobile. -
Closed issue #32 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Broken title on mobile -
Closed issue #33 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Slightly horizontal scroll on mobile -
Pushed 2 commits to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Use media query to change base font for responsive titles. -
Pushed 3 commits to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Update the gutenberg content. -
Closed issue #29 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Links should probably navigate immediately, the same way buttons do. -
Created issue #31 in the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
There are design discrepancies. -
Pushed 2 commits to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Add in a link control. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Refactor js plugin out to match new structure. -
Closed issue #19 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Implement the [W] logo in the header -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Create a custom [w] button because the other one doesn't... -
Closed issue #24 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
`wp-block-image` styles missing when not logged in. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Fix case where admin styling is off. -
Closed issue #30 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Remove dead theme supports. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Remove automatically added theme support. -
Created issue #30 in the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Remove dead theme supports. -
Closed pull request #113 on WordPress/revisions-extended:
Run js/php tests/linting on pull requests -
Submitted pull request #113 to WordPress/revisions-extended:
Run js/php tests/linting on pull requests -
Closed issue #27 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Do something with the "Welcome Guide" -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Move modifications into a plugin. It gets called at the... -
Created issue #29 in the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Links should probably navigate immediately, the same way buttons do. -
Pushed 2 commits to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Update the stylesheet information. -
Created issue #28 in the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Fullscreen mode: When turned off looks broken without a sidebar. -
Closed issue #14 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Users should be able to interact with the page as they do... -
Closed issue #4 on the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Menu: "Manage Reusable blocks" links to non existent page. -
Created issue #27 in the WordPress/wporg-gutenberg repository:
Do something with the "Welcome Guide" -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Update default content. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Remove the emoji conversion. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/wporg-gutenberg:
Manually add in the block styles that we need.
Beauty Box
Active Installs: 70+