Säkerställer respekt för yttrandefriheten genom opartiska bedömningar.

As its community grew to more than 2 billion people, it became increasingly clear to Meta that it shouldn’t be making so many decisions about speech and online safety on its own. The Oversight Board was created to help Meta answer some of the most difficult questions around freedom of expression online: what to take down, what to leave up, and why.

The board uses its independent judgment to support people’s right to free expression and ensure those rights are being adequately respected. The board’s decisions to uphold or reverse Facebook, Instagram and Threads content decisions will be binding, meaning Meta will have to implement them, unless doing so could violate the law.


The purpose of the board

The purpose of the board is to promote free expression by making principled, independent decisions regarding content on Facebook, Instagram and Threads and by issuing recommendations on the relevant Meta content policy.

When fully staffed, the board will consist of 40 members from around the world that represent a diverse set of disciplines and backgrounds. These members will be empowered to select content cases for review and to uphold or reverse Facebook, Instagram and Threads content decisions.

The board is not designed to be a simple extension of Meta’s existing content review process. Rather, it will review a select number of highly emblematic cases and determine if decisions were made in accordance with Meta’s stated values and policies.

A central, standalone sphere in the midst of several smaller spheres and graphic lines in motion.
A central, standalone sphere in the midst of several smaller spheres and graphic lines in motion.
A central, standalone sphere in the midst of several smaller spheres and graphic lines in motion.


The purpose of the board

The purpose of the board is to promote free expression by making principled, independent decisions regarding content on Facebook, Instagram and Threads and by issuing recommendations on the relevant Meta company content policy.

When fully staffed, the board will consist of 40 members from around the world that represent a diverse set of disciplines and backgrounds. These members will be empowered to select content cases for review and to uphold or reverse Meta’s content decisions.

The board is not designed to be a simple extension of Meta’s existing content review process. Rather, it will review a select number of highly emblematic cases and determine if decisions were made in accordance with Meta’s stated values and policies.



The board’s independent judgment is critical to its function. Board members are being carefully chosen for the diversity of their expertise and the quality of their judgment. To further ensure the independence of its decision making, both the board and its administration are funded by an independent trust and supported by an independent company that is separate from Meta. The board’s structure, responsibilities, purpose and relationship to Meta are outlined in the Oversight Board Charter.


The board is a separate entity from Meta and will provide its independent judgment on both individual cases and questions of policy. Both the board and its administration are funded by an independent trust.


Individuals will be able to appeal Facebook, Instagram and Threads content decisions to the board. Anyone whose content is selected for review by the board will have the opportunity to share a statement explaining their position.


The board has the authority to decide whether Facebook, Instagram and Threads should allow or remove content. These decisions are binding, unless implementing them could violate the law. The board can also choose to issue recommendations on the company’s content policies.


The board is committed to publicly sharing written statements about its decisions and rationale. Each decision will be published and archived on the board’s website. Additionally, the board will release annual reports about its work.


The board is a separate entity from Meta and will provide its independent judgment on both individual cases and questions of policy. Both the board and its administration are funded by an independent trust.


The board has the authority to decide whether Facebook, Instagram and Threads should allow or remove content. These decisions are binding, unless implementing them could violate the law. The board can also choose to issue recommendations on the company’s content policies.


Individuals will be able to appeal Facebook, Instagram and Threads content decisions to the board. Anyone whose content is selected for review by the board will have the opportunity to share a statement explaining their position.


The board is committed to publicly sharing written statements about its decisions and rationale. Each decision will be published and archived on the board’s website. Additionally, the board will release annual reports about its work.


The board is a separate entity from Meta and will provide its independent judgment on both individual cases and questions of policy. Both the board and its administration are funded by an independent trust.


The board has the authority to decide whether Facebook, Instagram and Threads should allow or remove content. These decisions are binding, unless implementing them could violate the law. The board can also choose to issue recommendations on the company’s content policies.


Individuals will be able to appeal Facebook, Instagram and Threads content decisions to the board. Anyone whose content is selected for review by the board will have the opportunity to share a statement explaining their position.


The board is committed to publicly sharing written statements about its decisions and rationale. Each decision will be published and archived on the board’s website. Additionally, the board will release annual reports about its work.

Fem personer av olika etnicitet och kön tittar alla över axeln i samma riktning.
Fem personer av olika etnicitet och kön tittar alla över axeln i samma riktning.
Fem personer av olika etnicitet och kön tittar alla över axeln i samma riktning.


Så bildades rådet

Facebook har konsulterat experter under hela utvecklingen av Tillsynsrådet. I rapporten från juni 2019, som sammanfattade den första delen av samrådet, redogjorde Facebook för återkopplingen från sex fördjupade workshops och 22 rundabordssamtal, där över 650 personer från 88 länder deltog. Under hela perioden förde Facebook också personliga diskussioner med fler än 250 personer och samlade över 1 200 skriftliga inlägg om utformningen av rådet. Sedan junirapporten har Facebook fortsatt att samråda med experter om ämnen som rådets stiftelse, regelverk och medlemskap.


Så bildades rådet


November 2018

Konceptet bakom rådet utformas

Facebook tar fram ett koncept för ett organ vars oberoende bedömningar kan vara till hjälp i de svåraste innehållsbesluten.


Januari 2019

Utkast till stadga släpps

Facebook publicerar ett utkast till en stadga som beskriver rådets tänkta syfte och funktioner och man börjar anlita experter.


April 2019

Offentlig inbjudan att lämna förslag

Facebook efterfrågar offentliga förslag kring rådets struktur och utformning.


Juni 2019

Global feedback och indatarapport

Under den globala rådgivningsprocessen inhämtar Facebook feedback från experter och allmänheten och håller diskussioner med fokus på att utforma den slutliga stadgan. Viktiga erfarenheter från den första omgången av globala konsultationer sammanställdes och en offentlig rapport om resultaten släpptes.







djupgående workshops

djupgående workshops

enskilda diskussioner

enskilda diskussioner

offentliga framställningar

offentliga framställningar


September 2019

Den slutliga stadgan publiceras

Efter revidering utifrån mottagen feedback formaliseras en slutlig stadga för Tillsynsrådets ansvarsområden och struktur.



Oktober 2019

Tillsynsrådets stiftelse bildas

Tillsynsrådets stiftelse och understödjande oberoende företag bildas. Tillsammans utgör de den institution som bidrar med bred översikt över och hantering av Tillsynsrådet.


Under 2020

Rådets verksamhet inleds

Rådsmedlemmarna presenteras och rådet samlas för att diskutera och formalisera sin verksamhet och behandla sitt första ärende.





Ett överklagande skickas till rådet.



Tillsynsrådet avgör vilka ärenden som ska höras.



Rådet utser en panel som granskar respektive ärende.



Den utsedda panelen fattar ett beslut.



Rådet informerar om sitt beslut och eventuella policyrekommendationer.



Facebook svarar rådet offentligt och implementerar dess beslut, om inte beslutet kan medföra ett lagbrott.