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Welcome to the official blog of the translators team for the WordPress open source project.

This is where we discuss all things related to translating WordPress. Follow our progress for general updates, status reports, and debates.

We’d love for you to help out.

Translate WordPress

You can help translating WordPress to your language at any time. Just log in to the translation platform with your WordPress.org account, and suggest translations. If you want to help in managing and validating translations, please make sure to get in touch with the existing language team and follow the glossaries & style guides if the team has them.

Don’t see your language?

Request support for it by following this guide.

Weekly Meetings

We have a weekly meeting on Slack in #polyglots, on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 06:00 AM UTC. If you have any questions, bring them to the weekly chats!

Posting here

In order to post to this site, you will need to log in with your wordpress.org account. Your first post may take a while to show up, as it is moderated. Please follow our tag policy when posting.

Home / Handbook / Translating WordPress / Inactive Translations

Inactive Translations

There are two types of inactive translations: inactive locales and inactive translation editors.

Inactive locales Inactive locales

If a locale is two or more major versions behind (for example, WordPress is at version 4.3 and the last released language version is 4.1), the locale is automatically considered “inactive” and Rosetta will note this.

The local sites for these locales display an automatic which states that the translation is inactive. The message cannot be removed manually. It disappears automatically, after the locale releases a language pack for the most current WordPress version.

Screenshot 2015-09-06 23.06.22

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Inactive translation editors Inactive translation editors

Sometimes, individuals start translating WordPress but aren’t able to complete it or keep all the translation projects up to date. In some cases, review requests are left without attention or simply rejected without clear explanation.

When this happens, the contributor might be considered “inactive” and the translation needs to be kickstarted by a new contributor, who can be added as a translation editor.

If you would like to become a translation editor of an inactive translation, please read carefully and follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Attempt to contact current General Translation Editor(s).
  • It’s possible that the team is not inactive, but simply delayed for some reason. Please be patient and give the translation editors at least a week to respond.
  • Step 2: Contact a Polyglots team lead. If you don’t hear back from a Translation Editor after a week, contact a Polyglots team lead (again, by posting on make/polyglots) and let them know the steps you’ve taken so far and that you haven’t heard back, or that you have heard back from a Translation Editor and they are no longer working on translating WordPress.
  • Step 3: Polyglots team lead contacts current Translation Editor(s). The Polyglots team lead has a way to contact a translation editor and will make a final effort to get in touch with them.

After these steps have been taken, if no response has been given, a Polyglots team lead will make the translation editors change in the local site, enabling the new contributor to validate their translations and the translations of others.

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