
Make WordPress Core

Custom Query


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Results (13)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#45094 Dashboard elements don't always have clear focus states, tab order afercia defect (bug) closed normal Administration
#46289 RTL Bug: wrong navigation arrows in media modal SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) closed normal Media
#46749 Extra border is displaying at bottom of Help section in Firefox (Responsive : 778 * 841) afercia defect (bug) closed normal Administration
#46881 Site Health: improve the header elements horizontal centering afercia enhancement closed normal Site Health
#46957 Site Health: Make site health page access be filterable Clorith task (blessed) closed normal Site Health
#46960 Site Health: Table design issue in small devices(iphone 5/SE). afercia defect (bug) closed normal Site Health
#46997 Theme update links show in Customizer and don't work desrosj defect (bug) closed normal Customize
#47070 Recovery Mode Exit button not visible in responsive view afragen defect (bug) closed normal Site Health
#47158 Merge similar strings introduced in WP 5.2 desrosj defect (bug) closed normal I18N
#47227 i18n: Merge similar translation strings - site health tabs SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) closed normal Site Health
#47429 Editor: Update packages for WordPress 5.2.2 youknowriad defect (bug) closed normal Editor
#47475 I18n: Merge similar strings and fix typo SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) closed normal I18N
#47558 Update about page for 5.2.2 desrosj task (blessed) closed normal Help/About
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.