Stockholm Waterfront 25-26 november 2019

SLUTSÅLT | PHP, WordPress and Beyond

Organized by Dalnix, 25 november 2019

Det här spåret är slutsålt. A deep dive into the realms of WordPress, PHP and other techniques used to deliver web applications.

This track is about PHP and WordPress and is aimed at you as a developer. During the day we will do a technical deep dive into the realms of WordPress, PHP and other techniques used to deliver web applications.


A1 Språk engelska


  • danah boyd

    danah boyd   Sociala medier-expert

    danah boyd är expert på nätbaserad ungdomskultur och hur vi använder sociala medier, hon forskar i skärningspunkten mellan teknik, samhälle och politik. Läs mer


HTTP/3 over QUIC. All is new but still the same!

HTTP/3 is the designated name for the coming next version of the protocol that is currently under development within the QUIC working group in the IETF. HTTP/3 is designed to improve in areas where HTTP/2 still has some shortcomings, primarily by changing the transport layer. HTTP/3 is the first major protocol to step away from TCP and instead it uses QUIC.

Daniel Stenberg does a presentation about HTTP/3 and QUIC. Why the new protocols are deemed necessary, how they work, how they change how things are sent over the network and what some of the coming deployment challenges will be.

  • Daniel Stenberg

    Curl hacker

    Daniel Stenberg is an internet protocol geek and open source hacker employed by Mozilla. He's perhaps most known as the maintainer and lead developer of curl.

A deep dive into the WordPress Security Ecosystem

There is no shortage of information on how to keep a WordPress site safe. Still WordPress sites keep getting hacked. In this talk we’re going to have a look at the actors involved in the WordPress security space and more strategic problems our WordPress community faces.

We’ll also review some recent incidents that had a widespread impact. What does a severe vulnerability look like? How does it work in practice? We’ll conclude with some ideas for how we can all contribute to WordPress security. Discovering vulnerabilities isn’t something only hackers can do. You can do it too.

  • Åsa Rosenberg

    WordPress Project Manager, Oderland Hosting Services

    Åsa Rosenberg has worked with the internet in one way or the other since 1998. She’s passionate about understanding and communicating the bigger picture and the social aspects of technical issues. Recently she’s been focused on WordPress in areas ranging from development to product management. She currently works as WordPress Project Manager at Oderland Hosting Services.


A1 Språk engelska


  • David Rowan

    David Rowan   Teknologiguru

    David Rowan har varit chefredaktör för den brittiska upplagan av teknikmagasinet Wired, och är expert på tekniktrender och företagsinnovation. Läs mer

Tips on how to reduce the carbon emissions of your WordPress website

How to understand the carbon emissions of your website and it's impact on the environment. We’ll look at techniques you can use to lessen your impact, particularly if you are a custom theme developer.

We will discuss how to reduce your page load size by looking at ways to compress images and serve them up efficiently. We will also look at techniques for optimising your code base through minification and tracking down unused code. Not only will these techniques help your green credentials, you will also produce faster loading sites that your visitors and search engines will love.

  • Hannah Smith

    WordPress Developer

    Bristol based WordPress developer with a passion for nature and sports. When not writing code Hannah is organizing WordPress-related events.


The state of PHP

In this presentation We will look at the state of PHP. From its humble beginnings 25 years ago, to the fully fledged computer language ready for the 21st century Web. We will look at some new features that are coming up in PHP 7.4 in a more practical sense as well as the general direction where the language and PHP ecosystem could possibly be heading.
  • Derick Rethans

    PHP Developer and author of Xdebug

    Derick Rethans is a PHP internals expert and author of PHP debugging tool Xdebug. He works as an independent contractor and consultant on PHP extensions and related projects. He is the current Release Manager for PHP 7.4.

Panel about the current state of PHP

A paneldiscussion about the state of PHP

  • Derick Rethans

    PHP Developer and author of Xdebug

    Derick Rethans is a PHP internals expert and author of PHP debugging tool Xdebug. He works as an independent contractor and consultant on PHP extensions and related projects. He is the current Release Manager for PHP 7.4.

  • Olaf Lindström

    Web developer and e-commerce specialist at Angry Creative

    Olaf Lindström is a web developer focusing on e-commerce for enterprises, based on WooCommerce and WordPress. He's also an advocate for pushing code quality and performance forwards in the community and in his daily work.

  • Stanislav Khromov

    Full-stack developer at Schibsted Media Group

    Stanislav Khromov is a full-stack developer working on one of the largest web sites in Sweden. He is the author of numerous WordPress plugins and a WordPress core committer. He runs various WordPress-related events such as the WordPress Stockholm Meetup Group and WordCamp Stockholm.

  • Juliette Reinders Folmer

    Consulting developer

    Juliette is an opinionated, passionate busy-body with a prolific portfolio of contributions to various high profile open source projects. She has commit rights to WordPress, is co-author of PHPCompatibility and created She is based in Netherlands.

A1 Språk engelska


  • Max Schrems

    Max Schrems   Integritetsaktivist

    Max Schrems har utmanat nätjätten Facebook och ifrågasatt deras insamling av data från sina användare bland annat genom initiativ som "None of Your Business". Läs mer