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Welcome to the Theme Review team.

We are a group of volunteers who review and approve themes submitted to be included in the official WordPress Theme directory. The Theme Review Team maintains the official Theme Review Requirements, the Theme Unit Test Data and the Theme Sniffer plugin.

Interested in joining the Theme Reviewers team?

Great! To find out more just visit the Join The Team page.

Want to know more? There is a more information in the Theme Review Team’s Handbook and the Review itself.


We have a project meeting twice a month on Second and Fourth Tuesday at 17:00 UTC in the #themereview channel on Slack.

Next meeting: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 05:00 PM UTC.

Agendas | Meeting Notes

#meeting, #meeting-notes, #trt

Theme Review Team

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Meeting Notes for Tuesday 22nd October 2019

A meeting was held with the proposed agenda.

The following is the recap of the meeting, you can read the meeting transcript in the slack archives (a Slack account is required).


In the past seven days:

  • 300 tickets were opened
  • 305 tickets were closed:
    • 276 tickets were made live
      • 12 new Themes were made live
      • 264 Theme updates were made live
      • 3 more were approved but are waiting to be made live
    • 28 tickets were not-approved
    • 1 ticket was closed-newer-version-uploaded

We removed some inactive reviewers from trusted lists and added one new reviewer who has the ability to self-assign the tickets.
The trusted reviewers who were inactive for more than 6 month period were removed.

How to make an interest in Review Shindig?

The idea of a Shindig was to inspire people to do more reviews, but also to give new contributors a chance to ask questions and introduce themselves.

One idea was to maybe rename them to ‘workshops’ and make it more about teaching. Also, we could do shindigs where we make introductions about how sniffer works, and how sniffs work.

There was no concrete solution, but for now, we won’t do them until we sort out other priorities (automation tools, etc.).

Follow Up – Featured page issue

The suggestion that was made at the last meeting was that a curated list of themes would be made and that a group of people would decide on which theme gets featured.

This issue was polarizing because of the possible corruption it would bring. How to check the people who are deciding on which theme would be featured?

In the end, the following was decided:

We’ll try with the curated list. Once every 2 or 3 weeks, we’ll hold a meeting where people can recommend themes based on their unique looks, code quality and other merits (to be fully agreed upon by the team reps in the following days). The reps will then decide which to put on the featured list. We’ll see how this works for a few months, gauge what the community thinks about this and see how it goes.

The team reps will hold a meeting where we’ll agree on the fine details about this decision and publish this on the make post.

Other news

@aristath made progress on the color-alpha package. The color-alpha control ended up a bit more complicated than initially planned and it will have 2 modes of operation:

  • Simple (default)
  • Advanced (opt-in)

Both modes look, feel & work exactly the same, the difference is in the way the data is saved.

There are some details in the README.md file and more details/instructions/examples will be documented in the release post on make blog.

The triage meeting will be postponed (I cannot attend it due to personal reasons).

The look of the themes front page was changed to look a bit more like the plugins page.
In addition to styling changes, the upload button was removed from the top bar to prevent uploading themes by mistake – people used to use it thinking that would upload themes to their own websites.

We still haven’t seen a decrease in the erroneous theme uploads so we need to see how to further prevent this.

#meeting, #meeting-notes, #trt

Theme Review Team Meeting Agenda for October 22, 2019

Theme review team (TRT) conducts a meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Along with the fixed agendas, we have open floor meeting at the end where you can ask or share anything related to themes.

We encourage all members and anyone interested to attend.

Channel: #themereview | Time: Tuesday, 22nd October 2019, 17:00 UTC

Meeting Agenda

  1. Weekly Updates
  2. How to make an interest in Review Shindig?
  3. Follow Up – Featured page issue.
  4. Open floor

Meetings usually last around 60 minutes.

The discussion about the meeting agenda can be held in the comments below. You are encouraged to propose the topic for the agenda.


Meeting Notes for Tuesday 15th October 2019

A meeting was held with the proposed agenda.

The following is the recap of the meeting, you can read the meeting transcript in the slack archives (a Slack account is required).


In the past seven days:

  • 238 tickets were opened
  • 233 tickets were closed:
    • 208 tickets were made live
      • 3 new Themes were made live
      • 205 Theme updates were made live
      • 0 more were approved but are waiting to be made live
    • 15 tickets were not-approved
    • 0 tickets were closed-newer-version-uploaded

Handbook update regarding child themes

The current handbook is not presenting the recommended practices of how a child theme should handle loading the styles and overwriting the parent theme styles.

The argument is that child themes shouldn’t have to load the parent stylesheet using enqueue.
The handbook should explain the loading order and the non.overriding the stylesheet handle.

The proposal is to open up a google doc and make a draft of what would go to the handbook, this could then be discussed and added to the handbook.

Next review shindig planning

The last shindig had a low turnout, and there is a problem of having only one person doing it in one time zone. There was not much involvement from the community.

For now, we won’t continue with the monthly shindigs, unless people show more interest in it.

Featured page issue – proposals for solving it

During the last triage, there was a discussion regarding this ticket.
One proposal was to have a curated list of the themes featured for a certain amount of time.

A number of issues were discussed:

  • What are the criteria based on which the themes will be chosen?
  • How often will the themes be on the popular page?
  • Who will choose the themes?

We’ll need to come up with the rules regarding the featured themes (minimal upsell, unique design, good coding practices).

The TRT representatives will try to see if they can get an initial proposal regarding the featured page, the post will be made on the make page and we can continue discussing the details there, and finalize the discussion on the next meeting.

Other news

Next triage will be held on Wednesday October 23rd, 17:00 UTC

#meeting, #meeting-notes, #trt

Theme Review Team Meeting Agenda for October 15, 2019

Theme review team (TRT) conducts a meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Along with the fixed agendas, we have open floor meeting at the end where you can ask or share anything related to themes.

We encourage all members and anyone interested to attend.

Channel: #themereview | Time: Tuesday, 15th October 2019, 17:00 UTC

Meeting Agenda

  1. Weekly Updates
  2. Handbook update regarding child themes (link to issue)
  3. Next review shindig planning
  4. Featured page issue – proposals for solving it
  5. Open floor

Meetings usually last around 60 minutes.

The discussion about the meeting agenda can be held in the comments below. You are encouraged to propose the topic for the agenda.

#meeting, #trt

I think we should mention something about the status of theme tickets. A ticket can say “Reviewing” even when no one is currently assigned.
I think people are skipping those because it says “Reviewing”, because as I go down the list, there are requests for tickets to be assigned, but those tickets are not in the top five (and no one assigned them).

I think people are discouraged if they see people who commented on the ticket and if they are not assigned to it.

We need to open a meta ticket to change the ticket status.

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