WooCommerce is a flexible, open-source eCommerce solution built on WordPress. Whether you’re launching a business, taking an existing brick and mortar store online, or designing sites for clients you can get started quickly and build exactly the store you want.
Activate the free WooCommerce plugin on a new or existing WordPress site, follow the optional guided tour, and set up a new store in minutes with:
- Siderne Vare, Kurv og Betaling
- Sikker betaling med kreditkort og alternativer
- Konfigurable forsendelsesmuligheder, omfattende faste satser og print af labels
- Integrér indhold og e-handel over hele dit site, med modulære blokke.
- Automatiske momsberegninger
- Google Analytics, MailChimp, and Facebook integration
- Webshoppens admin med nøgleparametre og meget mere.
Udover det sædvanlige er WooCommerce fuldt ud muligt at skræddersy:
- Vælg et design der passer til dit brand og din branche.
- Du kan udvikle din webshop med gratis og betalte udvidelser: Tilføj funktioner og integrer med lokale og globale E-handelstjenester.
- Undersøg og modificer ethvert aspekt af plugin’ets kildekode.
- Udnyt kroge og filtre for at ændre funktioner.
- Bygget på toppen af REST API og webhooks.
Open-source freedoms mean full ownership of content and data forever – plus the expertise of a friendly global community.
WooCommerce is built to allow store managers to run an eCommerce site themselves, no web developer needed. There is also a free WooCommerce mobile app (Android and iOS) for store management on the go.
WooCommerce is developed and supported by Automattic, the creators of Jetpack and, along with independent contributors. The official extension marketplace is on
Fra abonnementer over gymnastikundervisning til luksusbiler
Med WooCommerce kan du sælge både fysiske og digitale varer i alle former og størrelser, tilbyde varevarianter, flere konfigurationer og øjeblikkelige downloads til kunder og endda sælge affilierede varer fra online markedspladser.
And those are just the out-of-the-box options. With paid extensions, you can extend your WooCommerce store to take bookings, offer memberships, set up recurring payments by subscription, create dynamic pricing rules, and much more.
Start a monthly wine subscription box, offer a discount on yoga mats to members who’ve attended 10+ classes, offer configurable hampers or personalized jewelry – it’s all possible with WooCommerce.
Omfattende betalingsmuligheder
WooCommerce comes bundled with the ability to accept major credit cards, alternative payment methods, BACS (bank transfers), and cash on delivery.
For additional options, WooCommerce also integrates with more than 140 region-specific gateways including popular choices like Stripe, PayPal, Square and Amazon Pay. Apple Pay and Google Pay are also supported.
Search for your payment service provider of choice on the official marketplace.
Send lokalt og globalt
Shipping with WooCommerce is highly configurable. Adjust the built-in settings to offer free shipping or flat rate shipping, limit your shipments to specific countries by setting up shipping zones, or open your store up to the world.
Official extensions connect you with hundreds of local and international carriers – including Royal Mail, FedEx, and Australia Post – and let you integrate with inventory management and fulfilment providers.
There are also extensions available to add delivery and shipping options and support strategies like buy-one-get-one free, free gifts, and add-ons. WooCommerce Shipping supports real-time calculations and printing labels at home.
Design din shop med temaer og blokke
WooCommerce store design starts with a theme of your choice. There are hundreds of free and paid themes available, including Storefront by Automattic — it’s free to all stores and you can choose to have it installed for you during the guided setup.
Dansk vejledende: WooCommerce starter med design, og Storefront er et godt og gratis tema.
Storefront offers deep WooCommerce integration and prioritizes speed and uptime. You can add your brand and define your style by customizing Storefront yourself or adding one of several industry-themed Storefront child themes.
Dansk vejledende: Temaet Storefront giver dig en fuldstændig integration med WooCommerce og prioriterer fart og oppetid. Storefront er udviklet af WooCommerce.
Personalize your store’s design even more with WooCommerce Blocks (available in WooCommerce 3.6 and above) — use them to add selections of or single products to any page, for a seamless blending of commerce into content.
Tilpas din shop med udvidelser
Den nemmeste måde at tilføje funktioner og muligheder til en WooCommerce shop er med en udvidelse:
- Sælg hvad som helst – Abonnementer, Medlemskaber, Bookinger, Grupperede varer, and mere.
- Lav din webshop, som du vil – Varetilføjelser, Kasse-felter-redigeringer, Tilføjende varevariantbilleder, and mere.
- Customize your shipping options – Table Rate Shipping, Shipment Tracking, live rates from top carriers, and more.
- Find your audience, market to them your way – Google Product Feed, LiveChat, Amazon/eBay marketplace integration, and more.
- Drive sales – Dynamic Pricing, Smart Coupons, Google Ads, and more.
There are hundreds of official extensions reviewed by WooCommerce developers available on the marketplace, and many in the repository and on the wider web.
Hav kontrol med dine data for altid
WooCommerce gives you complete control – from taxes to stock levels to customer accounts. Add and remove extensions, change your store’s design, and switch themes or hosts or payment service providers, all as you please.
In a world increasingly aware of the importance of data protection, WooCommerce gives you full ownership over what is tracked and stored. If you opt to share usage data with us, your data is anonymized and kept secure. At any stage, you can opt out of all forms of tracking while still enjoying all of WooCommerce’s capabilities.
With WooCommerce, your data belongs to you. One of the risks of using a hosted eCommerce platform the risk of losing your store if the provider closes. WooCommerce store data is future-proof — you’re are free to export all your content and take your site wherever you choose.
Derfor elsker udviklere WooCommerce
WooCommerce blev oprindelig skabt med udviklere for øje. Med et REST API, kan det integreres med praktisk talt enhver tjeneste. Shoppens data kan tilgås, hvor som helst og hvornår som helst, 100% sikkert.
WooCommerce allows developers to easily create, modify, and scale a store that meets client’s specifications, and to make enhancements either with extensions or with customs solution.
No matter the size of the store you want to build, WooCommerce has a robust framework that supports stores from basic to enterprise – with content and commerce in a single, central location.
WooCommerce is audited by a dedicated team of developers who work across time zones to identify and patch any and all discovered bugs. There is comprehensive, easily-accessible documentation that is updated with each release. With our docs, you’ll learn how to create the site your client needs.
Kom med i vores voksende fællesskab
WooCommerce er et af de hurtigst voksende eCommerce communities. Vi er stolte over at det er hjælpsomhed og bidrag fra deltagerne og de mange kompetencer, der er til rådighed, som er de årsager, der gør, at vores brugere er vilde med WooCommerce.
Der er 80+ WooCommerce Meetups som finder sted i byer over hele verden, og du kan deltage gratis og endda være med til at få det til at køre. WooCommerce deltager også i WordCamps globalt – og vi vil gerne møde dig.
Hvis du er interesseret i at bidrage til WooCommerce, har vi mere end 350 bidragsydere, og der er altid plads til flere. Gå til WooCommerce GitHub samlingstedet for at finde ud af hvordan du kan hjælpe.
WooCommerce er p.t. 100% oversat til 24 sprog, inklusiv dansk, ukrainsk, og persisk. Hvis du er interesseret i at hjælpe med at oversætte WooCommerce til dansk, så besøg
Bidragydere & udviklere
“WooCommerce” er blevet oversat til 55 sprog. Tak til oversætternefor deres bidrag. Oversæt “WooCommerce” til dit sprog.
Gennemse koden , tjek SVN-depotet , eller abonnere på udviklingsfilen af RSS .
This plugin provides 9 blocks.
- woocommerce/handpicked-products
- Hand-picked Products
- woocommerce/product-categories
- Product Categories List
- woocommerce/product-category
- Products by Category
- woocommerce/featured-product
- Featured Product
- woocommerce/product-tag
- Products by Tag
- woocommerce/product-new
- Newest Products
- woocommerce/product-on-sale
- On Sale Products
- woocommerce/featured-category
- Featured Category
- woocommerce/product-best-sellers
- Best Selling Products
- PHP 7.2 eller højere er anbefalet
- MySQL 5.6 eller nyere anbefales
Gå til dokumentation for WooCommerce-serverens krav for en detaljeret liste over serverkrav.
Automatisk installation
Automatisk installation er den nemmeste løsning, da WordPress håndterer filoverførsler selv, og du ikke behøver at forlade din browser. For at oprette en automatisk installation af WooCommerce, log ind på dit WordPress kontrolpanel, navigér til menuen Plugins og klik på Tilføj ny.
Skriv “WooCommerce” i søgefeltet og klik derefter på “Søg plugins.” Når du har fundet os, kan du se detaljer, såsom udgivelse, vurdering og beskrivelse. Men vigtigst af alt er selvfølgelig, at du kan installere det! Klik “Installer nu”, og WordPress vil installere det valgte til din pluginliste.
Manuel installation
Den manuelle installationsmetode kræver download af WooCommerce plugin og upload af det til din webserver via et FTP program. WordPress codex indeholderinstruktioner om, hvordan du gør dette.
Automatisk opdatering skulle gerne virke, men vi vil anbefale at du tager en back up af din hjemmeside.
Hvis du støder på problemer med webshoppen og/eller kategorisider efter en opdatering, skal du gemme dine permalinks igen. Det gør du ved at gå til WordPress > Indstillinger > Permalinks og trykke “gem”. Det bør få dine links til at virke igen.
WooCommerce har nogle demodata, som du kan bruge til at se, hvordan varer ser ud; importér sample_products.xml via WordPress importer. Du kan også bruge selve CSV importer eller vores CSV Import Suite udvidelse til at importere sample_products.csv
For hjælp til at opsætte og indstille WooCommerce så kan du få mere information i vores brugermanual
For udvidelse eller temagørelse af WooCommerce, så se vores codex.
Hvis du går i stå, kan du bede om hjælp i WooCommerce Plugin Forum.
For hjælp med betalte udvidelser fra brug vores helpdesk.
Ja! WooCommerce virker med ethvert tema, med der kan være brug for noget styling. Prøv at se vores codex for hjælp. Hvis du leder efter et tema med indbygget WooCommerce integration, anbefaler vi temaetStorefront.
Du kan stemme på samt forespørge på nye funktionaliteter og udvidelser på vores WooIdeas board
Rapportér fejl på WooCommerce GitHub datalager. Du kan også rapportere dem i vores supportforum.
Du kan finde dokumentationen af vores REST API på WooCommerce REST API Docs.
Ja, det kan du! Deltag i vores GitHub datalager.
Contributors & Developers
“WooCommerce” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Bidragsydere“WooCommerce” er blevet oversat til 59 lokalområder. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.
Translate “WooCommerce” into your language.
Interesseret i udvikling?
Gennemse koden, tjek SVN repository, eller abonner på udviklerloggen via RSS.
3.7.1 – 2019-10-09
- Security – Add an exit after the redirect when checking author archive capabilities for customers.
- Security – Ensure 404 pages with single product urls cannot be exploited using Open Redirect.
3.7.0 – 2019-08-12
- Enhancement – Added table ENGINE to system status report for debugging purposes. #23101
- Enhancement – Format empty cart message as information notice. #23152
- Enhancement – Add taxonomy-specific classes to active filters widget. #23122
- Enhancement – Allow emails
wording to be modified via the email settings. #22927 - Enhancement – Move tax classes from WordPress Options to a new
table. #23093 - Enhancement – Make WooCommerce shop roles translatable. #23150
- Enhancement – Prevent the Cart, Checkout and My Account pages from being set to the same pages. #23479
- Enhancement – New coupon code generate button on the coupon page. #24069
- Enhancement – Add
paramater to the[products]
shortcode for use with thetag
paramater ie.[products tag='tag1,tag2' tag_operator='AND']
. #24111 - Tweak – When cleaning up variations due to product type change, force delete them instead of trashing. #23478
- Tweak – Change wording on the link to change the address so reflect if an address is already present or not. #23532
- Tweak – If variations are missing prices, show a notice in the product data panel. #23133
- Tweak – Use
to properly load custom translation files. #23785 - Tweak – OBW: Switch shipping labels and shipping zones placement. #23781
- Tweak – Show the quantity refunded on customer facing order screens. #23038
- Tweak – CSV product import now allows true/false values for the published field, as well as the original 0 (private), -1 (draft), 1 (publish) values. #23207
- Tweak – Update product attribute sorting tooltip to clarify usage. #23222
- Tweak – Store tax rate percentage in the tax line items on orders. #23268
- Tweak – Remove the left and right margin from the logo in emails. #23360
- Tweak – Use the high res version of the WP spinner in the coupon Block UI. #23364
- Tweak – Improve user registration validation messages. #23468
- Tweak – Auto generate a new username when a username is blacklisted by WordPress. #23672
- Tweak – Guest cart sessions now gets deleted when a user logs in, preventing duplicate cart sessions. #23687
- Tweak – Include the store’s base postcode and city when calculating order taxes. #23695
- Tweak – Update the generate username setting description label to reflect how the username is actually generated. #23911
- Tweak – OBW: Adjust plugin highlight container sizes to avoid overlap. #23997
- Tweak – Round tax amounts late when the round at subtotal level setting is enabled to reduce rounding errors. #24024
- Tweak – OBW: Now includes WooCommerce Admin as a recommended plugin. #24058
- Template – Gennemgå og opdatere alle eskaperende skabelonfiler. #23460
- Template – Remove mention of shipping section from the checkout/form-login.php template as shipping is not always a requirement for an order. #23941
- Template – Add new filter
to the checkout/thankyou.php template. #23538 - Template – Add new
hook to replace hardcoded subtotal in cart/mini-cart.php template. #24145 - Template – Add new
hook in cart/mini-cart.php template. #24145 - Template – Add new
hook in cart/cart.php template. #24145 - Template – Correct the plural forms usage in loop/result-count.php template. #24005
- Dev – Introduce new PHP 5.6 minimum requirement. #23924
- Dev – Introduce new WordPress 4.9 minimum requirement. #24156
- Dev – Move the settings save functionality from the
function to thewp_loaded
action so it is not saved after the settings page renders. #23091 - Dev – Add quantity input action hooks
. #23166 - Dev – Add
parameter to email class filters. #23250 - Dev – Add new
method for returning all coupon line item objects on an order. #23663 - Dev – Added new action
. #23181 - Dev – Add new filter
to theWC_Admin_List_Table_Orders::render_order_number_column()
method to change the buyer name in orders list screen. #23741 - Dev – Add new actions to
class for when Product Subscription statuses changewoocommerce_helper_subscription_activate_success
, andwoocommerce_helper_subscription_deactivate_error
. #23041 - Dev – Extend usage and event tracking (if opted in) to system status, admin order and admin coupon pages. #23190 #23189 #23883
- Dev – Add
actions, and passed objects towoocommerce_new_x
actions. #23338 - Dev – Update customer order and lifetime spend totals in
to triggercustomer.updated
webhooks for paid orders. #23402 - Dev – Preserve the State field’s custom css classes when selecting an option from the Country dropdown. #23433
- Dev – Add new
filter inwc_get_related_products()
to enable/disable related product shuffling, defaults to true. #23562 - Dev – Deprecate the
method and replace it with a new methodWC_Abstract_Order::get_coupon_codes()
. #23689 - Dev – Add new
filter in thewc_prices_include_tax()
function. #23697 - Dev – Add new
filter in theWC_Meta_Box_Product_Images::output()
method for adding additional markup after product gallery items. #23743 - Dev – Remove unused images
. #23748 - Dev – Move Free Shipping method JavaScript code from outputting on all shipping setting pages to just the Free Shipping page using the
hook. #23776 - Dev – Prevent PHP fatal error while throwing exceptions in
hooks. #23793 - Dev – Add new
filter in theWC_Frontend_Scripts::get_script_data()
method to allow enforcing the password strength meter on checkout. #23811 - Dev – Add new
filter in theWC_Product_Data_Store_CPT::search_products()
method for controlling what post statuses to include in product searches. #23838 - Dev – Allow filtering
even when no shipping address is defined. #23859 - Dev – Change the query in the
method to always respect the ordering of variations. #23881 - Dev – Move all feature plugin features out from the WooCommerce codebase and utilize composer and an autoloader for including it in WooCommerce core, affects WC REST API and WC Blocks. #23957
- Dev – Allow displaying multiple error messages through the registration validation. #23968
- Dev – Add new
filters for changing the default notice types for cart notices. #24021 - Dev – Add namespaced support for Jetpack 7.5 tracking library. #24140
- Dev – Add support for an improved Marketplace browse and purchase experience (in progress). #24075 #24123
- Dev – Added
as parameters to thewoocommerce_ajax_order_item
filter inWC_Ajax::add_order_item()
. #24108 - Dev – Add new
filter inWC_Product_CSV_Importer::parse_images_field()
for adjusting the product images seperator. #24120 - Dev – Add new
template function that hooks into thewoocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_total
action to output the mini cart subtotal. #24145 - Dev – Deprecate the
action fromWC_Cart::restore_cart_item()
in favor of existingwoocommerce_cart_item_removed
action. #23112 - Dev – Deprecate WC_Tax::maybe_remove_tax_class_rates which hooked into the WP Options update hook for taxes in favor of new function WC_Tax::delete_tax_class_by which works on the new tax classes table. #24213
- Fix – Use version_compare for determining the maximum WooCommerce database version number. #23092
- Fix – Missing space and closing
tag in disconnect message. #24073 - Fix – CSV Importer – Skip rows during update if a SKU column exists, but the value is empty. #23262
- Fix – Allow matching
attributes when callingWC_Product_Data_Store::find_matching_product_variation()
. #23067 - Fix – Switch coupon amount validation based on decimal seperator setting. #23137
- Fix – Show the correct results for shortcodes on static homepages when sorting. #23159
- Fix – Queue AJAX add to cart events to avoid overwriting session data. #23293
- Fix – Wrong subtotals when changing tax classes via the
filter. #23344 - Fix – Fatal error on plain text order emails where products were deleted. #23754
- Fix – Do not pass the
argument to PayPal when the order contains shippable items. #23773 - Fix – Product review form does respects the
WordPress core option. #23786 - Fix – Do not cache expired sessions, negative expiry causes errors in some caching modules. #23863
- Fix – WC_Log_Handler_DB logs now uses the same timestamp format as text logs, Y-m-d H:i:s. #23863
- Fix – Display line breaks for customer notes in emails, and order details. #23969
- Fix – Correct plural forms usage in
class. #24020 - Fix – System status database info section throwing a PHP notice on some DB environments. #24023
- Fix – On the system status database info section display a message informing users that WooCommerce was unable to get database information instead of an error, when a database sharding plugin is active. #24034
- Fix – Usage and event tracking (if opted in) was not working correctly in the OBW. #24056
- Fix – Fatal error on downloads report when some download files were missing. #24118
- Fix – Prevents the taxes columns from being removed when the order is no longer editable in admin. #23884
- Fix – State field overwritten with blank value when saving orders via wp-admin. #24301
- Performance – Improve the speed of the admin dashboard by only updating transients once per class. #23011
- Performance – Reduce number of queries needed to populate variations data by priming post caches. #23272
- Performance – Persistant cart improvements, only update the persistent cart if the cart items actually change. #23112
- Performance – Exclude
comment types fromwp_count_comments
. #24071 - Localization – Added validation for Italian postcodes. #23269
- Localization – Remove unused tax locale defaults since we now promote auto tax services instead. #23431
- Localization – Define correct address format for Uganda. #23178
- Localization – Hide the postcode and update the state label to “Province” for Mozambique. #23764
- Localization – OBW: Make postal code optional based on locale data. #23915
- Localization – Add new currency for São Tomé, Príncipe dobra and Mauritanian ouguiya. #23950
- Lokalisering – Ændre Canada postnummeretiket til
. #23740