

WooCommerce 是一個開放原始碼的彈性電子商務解決方案,架構在 WordPress 的基礎上。無論是要創辦一間公司、讓現有的實體店面上線,或是為客戶設計網站,你都可以快速入門,打造心目中理想的商店。

在新的或現有的 WordPress 網站上啟用免費的 WooCommerce 外掛程式,依照引導式導覽(可略過)提供的說明,使用以下工具在幾分鐘內建立一個新的商店:

除了基礎功能,WooCommerce 還提供完全自訂和擴展功能:

  • 選擇適合的設計,符合品牌和產業的形象。
  • 使用免費和付費延伸模組來改善商店:新增功能並與當地和全球電子商務 Web 服務整合。
  • 檢查並修改核心外掛程式程式碼的所有層面。
  • 善用勾點和篩選器修改功能。
  • 建置在 REST API 和 webhooks 上。

Open-source freedoms mean full ownership of content and data forever – plus the expertise of a friendly global community.

WooCommerce is built to allow store managers to run an eCommerce site themselves, no web developer needed. There is also a free WooCommerce mobile app (Android and iOS) for store management on the go.

WooCommerce is developed and supported by Automattic, the creators of Jetpack and WordPress.com, along with independent contributors. The official extension marketplace is on WooCommerce.com.


With WooCommerce, you can sell both physical and digital goods in all shapes and sizes, offer product variations, complex configurations, and instant downloads to shoppers; and even sell affiliate goods from online marketplaces.

這些都還只是現成的選擇。使用付費延伸模組,你可以擴展 WooCommerce 商店的選項,例如接受預訂、提供會員資格、透過訂閱設定定期付款、建立動態定價規則等等。

開始提供按月訂購的美酒訂閱盒、提供優惠價格讓修習 10 堂以上的學員便宜購買瑜伽墊、提供內容可自由配搭的禮物籃或專為個人打造的珠寶 – WooCommerce 全都幫你實現。


WooCommerce 接受主要信用卡、替代付款方式、BACS(銀行轉帳)和貨到付款。

For additional options, WooCommerce also integrates with more than 140 region-specific gateways including popular choices like Stripe, PayPal, Square and Amazon Pay. Apple Pay and Google Pay are also supported.

Search for your payment service provider of choice on the official marketplace.


透過 WooCommerce 運送,可靈活設定選項。調整內建設定以提供免費運送或固定運費,設定運送區域以限制貨件可送達的特定國家/地區,或將商店的運送範圍開放為全世界。

Official extensions connect you with hundreds of local and international carriers – including Royal Mail, FedEx, and Australia Post – and let you integrate with inventory management and fulfilment providers.

There are also extensions available to add delivery and shipping options and support strategies like buy-one-get-one free, free gifts, and add-ons. WooCommerce Shipping supports real-time calculations and printing labels at home.


WooCommerce store design starts with a theme of your choice. There are hundreds of free and paid themes available, including Storefront by Automattic — it’s free to all stores and you can choose to have it installed for you during the guided setup.

Storefront offers deep WooCommerce integration and prioritizes speed and uptime. You can add your brand and define your style by customizing Storefront yourself or adding one of several industry-themed Storefront child themes.

使用 WooCommerce Blocks(WooCommerce 3.6 和更新版本的功能),讓你的商店設計更具個人風格:使用 WooCommerce Blocks 可在任何頁面新增產品系列或個別產品,完美融合商務與內容。


為 WooCommerce 商店新增功能的最簡單方法,就是使用延伸模組:

經過 WooCommerce 開發人員審查的數百個官方延伸模組,已於 WooCommerce.com 市集開放,你也可在 WordPress.org 儲存庫和網路上找到更多延伸模組。


從稅收、存貨數量到客戶帳戶,WooCommerce 都能讓你全面掌控。新增和移除延伸模組、變更商店設計、切換主題或主機或付款服務供應商,全都按照你的意思執行。

In a world increasingly aware of the importance of data protection, WooCommerce gives you full ownership over what is tracked and stored. If you opt to share usage data with us, your data is anonymized and kept secure. At any stage, you can opt out of all forms of tracking while still enjoying all of WooCommerce’s capabilities.

有了 WooCommerce,你的資料只歸你保管。使用託管電子商務平台的其中一個風險是,如果供應商關閉,你的商店也隨之關閉。WooCommerce 商店資料經得起時間考驗,你可以匯出所有內容並移至你選擇的任何網站。

為什麼開發者喜歡 WooCommerce

最初在設計 WooCommerce 時,是以開發人員的需求為考量。採用 REST API,幾乎可與任何服務整合。你可以隨時隨地存取商店資料,安全無虞。

WooCommerce 讓開發人員能夠輕鬆建立、修改和擴展符合客戶指定規格的商店,並透過延伸模組或自訂解決方案加以強化。

無論你想要建置的商店規模為何,WooCommerce 穩健的架構都能給予支援,從基礎入門到企業版,一應俱全,並在單一集中化的位置同時提供內容和商務。

WooCommerce 由多位分處不同時區的專業開發人員組成團隊審核,以找出並修補任何以及所有發現的錯誤。我們提供一份易於閱讀的完整文件,且每推出一個版本就會更新一次文件內容。詳閱我們的文件後,你將知道如何建立客戶所需的網站。

Join our growing community

WooCommerce 是成長最快的電子商務社群之一。我們備受使用者喜愛,最常聽到使用者稱讚的原因是社群樂於助人,線上蘊藏豐富資源;對此我們感到相當自豪。

There are 80+ WooCommerce Meetups taking place in cities across the world that you can attend for free and even get involved in running. WooCommerce also has a regular presence at WordCamps across the globe – and we’d love to meet you.

If you’re interested in contributing to WooCommerce we’ve got more than 350 contributors, and there’s always room for more. Head to the WooCommerce GitHub Repository to find out how you can pitch in.

WooCommerce is currently 100% translated into 24 languages, including Danish, Ukrainian, and Persian. If you’re interested in helping to localize WooCommerce by adding your local language, visit translate.wordpress.org.


“WooCommerce” has been translated into 55 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions. Translate “WooCommerce” into your language.

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



這個外掛提供 9 個可供 Gutenberg/區塊編輯器使用的區塊。

Hand-picked Products
Product Categories List
Products by Category
Featured Product
Products by Tag
Newest Products
On Sale Products
Featured Category
Best Selling Products


Minimum Requirements

  • 建議使用 PHP 7.2 或更新版本
  • 建議使用 MySQL 5.6 或更新版本

Visit the WooCommerce server requirements documentation for a detailed list of server requirements.

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option — WordPress will handles the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click “Add New.”

In the search field type “WooCommerce,” then click “Search Plugins.” Once you’ve found us, you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by! Click “Install Now,” and WordPress will take it from there.

Manual installation

Manual installation method requires downloading the WooCommerce plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.



If you encounter issues with the shop/category pages after an update, flush the permalinks by going to WordPress > Settings > Permalinks and hitting “Save.” That should return things to normal.

Sample data

WooCommerce comes with some sample data you can use to see how products look; import sample_products.xml via the WordPress importer. You can also use the core CSV importer or our CSV Import Suite extension to import sample_products.csv


在哪裡可以找到 WooCommerce 文件及使用手冊?

For help setting up and configuring WooCommerce please refer to our user guide

For extending or theming WooCommerce, see our codex.


如果你遇到困難卡關,你可以在 WooCommerce 外掛討論版 尋求解答。

For help with paid extensions from WooCommerce.com, use our helpdesk.

WooCommerce 跟我的 theme 相容嗎?

Yes! WooCommerce will work with any theme, but may require some styling. Please see our codex for help. If you’re looking for a theme with built in WooCommerce integration we recommend Storefront.

Where can I request new features, eCommerce themes, and extensions?

You can vote on and request new features and extensions on our WooIdeas board


Report bugs on the WooCommerce GitHub repository. You can also report them in our support forum.

在哪裡可以找到 Rest API 的文件?

You can find the documentation of our REST API on the WooCommerce REST API Docs.

WooCommerce 太酷了,我可以貢獻點什麼嗎?

Yes you can! Join in on our GitHub repository.


2019 年 11 月 1 日
I am very happy and gland to use it , its super friendly and easy to manage for the person like me without any much technical knowledge. Great customer service & technical support by the team. Thanks woocommerce for making it easy & simple.
2019 年 10 月 29 日
The plugin is great when it works, but don't expect any level of professional support. Live chat support does not seem to understand the product very well or are simply reluctant to investigate issues beyond recommending another "plugin of some kind". Shameful to charge a premium cost for the addons and not back it up with decent customer service!
2019 年 10 月 29 日
thanks for make my shop possible
閱讀全部 3,408 則使用者評論


WooCommerce 外掛目前已有 59 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 WooCommerce 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


3.7.1 – 2019-10-09

  • Security – Add an exit after the redirect when checking author archive capabilities for customers.
  • Security – Ensure 404 pages with single product urls cannot be exploited using Open Redirect.

3.7.0 – 2019-08-12

  • Enhancement – Added table ENGINE to system status report for debugging purposes. #23101
  • Enhancement – Format empty cart message as information notice. #23152
  • Enhancement – Add taxonomy-specific classes to active filters widget. #23122
  • Enhancement – Allow emails Thanks wording to be modified via the email settings. #22927
  • Enhancement – Move tax classes from WordPress Options to a new wc_tax_rate_classes table. #23093
  • Enhancement – Make WooCommerce shop roles translatable. #23150
  • Enhancement – Prevent the Cart, Checkout and My Account pages from being set to the same pages. #23479
  • Enhancement – New coupon code generate button on the coupon page. #24069
  • Enhancement – Add tag_operator paramater to the [products] shortcode for use with the tag paramater ie. [products tag='tag1,tag2' tag_operator='AND']. #24111
  • Tweak – When cleaning up variations due to product type change, force delete them instead of trashing. #23478
  • Tweak – Change wording on the link to change the address so reflect if an address is already present or not. #23532
  • Tweak – If variations are missing prices, show a notice in the product data panel. #23133
  • Tweak – Use determine_locale() to properly load custom translation files. #23785
  • Tweak – OBW: Switch shipping labels and shipping zones placement. #23781
  • Tweak – Show the quantity refunded on customer facing order screens. #23038
  • Tweak – CSV product import now allows true/false values for the published field, as well as the original 0 (private), -1 (draft), 1 (publish) values. #23207
  • Tweak – Update product attribute sorting tooltip to clarify usage. #23222
  • Tweak – Store tax rate percentage in the tax line items on orders. #23268
  • Tweak – Remove the left and right margin from the logo in emails. #23360
  • Tweak – Use the high res version of the WP spinner in the coupon Block UI. #23364
  • Tweak – Improve user registration validation messages. #23468
  • Tweak – Auto generate a new username when a username is blacklisted by WordPress. #23672
  • Tweak – Guest cart sessions now gets deleted when a user logs in, preventing duplicate cart sessions. #23687
  • Tweak – Include the store’s base postcode and city when calculating order taxes. #23695
  • Tweak – Update the generate username setting description label to reflect how the username is actually generated. #23911
  • Tweak – OBW: Adjust plugin highlight container sizes to avoid overlap. #23997
  • Tweak – Round tax amounts late when the round at subtotal level setting is enabled to reduce rounding errors. #24024
  • Tweak – OBW: Now includes WooCommerce Admin as a recommended plugin. #24058
  • Template – Review and update all template files escaping. #23460
  • Template – Remove mention of shipping section from the checkout/form-login.php template as shipping is not always a requirement for an order. #23941
  • Template – Add new filter woocommerce_before_thankyou to the checkout/thankyou.php template. #23538
  • Template – Add new woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_total hook to replace hardcoded subtotal in cart/mini-cart.php template. #24145
  • Template – Add new woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_after_buttons hook in cart/mini-cart.php template. #24145
  • Template – Add new woocommerce_before_cart_collaterals hook in cart/cart.php template. #24145
  • Template – Correct the plural forms usage in loop/result-count.php template. #24005
  • Dev – Introduce new PHP 5.6 minimum requirement. #23924
  • Dev – Introduce new WordPress 4.9 minimum requirement. #24156
  • Dev – Move the settings save functionality from the settings_page_init function to the wp_loaded action so it is not saved after the settings page renders. #23091
  • Dev – Add quantity input action hooks woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_quantity and woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_quantity. #23166
  • Dev – Add $this parameter to email class filters. #23250
  • Dev – Add new WC_Abstract_Order::get_coupons() method for returning all coupon line item objects on an order. #23663
  • Dev – Added new action woocommerce_product_read to WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT::read(). #23181
  • Dev – Add new filter woocommerce_admin_order_buyer_name to the WC_Admin_List_Table_Orders::render_order_number_column() method to change the buyer name in orders list screen. #23741
  • Dev – Add new actions to WC_Helper class for when WooCommerce.com Product Subscription statuses change woocommerce_helper_subscription_activate_success, woocommerce_helper_subscription_activate_error, woocommerce_helper_subscription_deactivate_success, and woocommerce_helper_subscription_deactivate_error. #23041
  • Dev – Extend usage and event tracking (if opted in) to system status, admin order and admin coupon pages. #23190 #23189 #23883
  • Dev – Add woocommerce_after_X_object_save actions, and passed objects to woocommerce_new_x and woocommerce_update_x actions. #23338
  • Dev – Update customer order and lifetime spend totals in wc_update_new_customer_past_orders() to trigger customer.updated webhooks for paid orders. #23402
  • Dev – Preserve the State field’s custom css classes when selecting an option from the Country dropdown. #23433
  • Dev – Add new woocommerce_product_related_posts_shuffle filter in wc_get_related_products() to enable/disable related product shuffling, defaults to true. #23562
  • Dev – Deprecate the WC_Abstract_Order::get_used_coupons() method and replace it with a new method WC_Abstract_Order::get_coupon_codes(). #23689
  • Dev – Add new woocommerce_prices_include_tax filter in the wc_prices_include_tax() function. #23697
  • Dev – Add new woocommerce_admin_after_product_gallery_item filter in the WC_Meta_Box_Product_Images::output() method for adding additional markup after product gallery items. #23743
  • Dev – Remove unused images assets/images/klarna-white.png and assets/images/square-white.png. #23748
  • Dev – Move Free Shipping method JavaScript code from outputting on all shipping setting pages to just the Free Shipping page using the admin_footer hook. #23776
  • Dev – Prevent PHP fatal error while throwing exceptions in woocommerce_rest_insert_{post_type}_object hooks. #23793
  • Dev – Add new woocommerce_enforce_password_strength_meter_on_checkout filter in the WC_Frontend_Scripts::get_script_data() method to allow enforcing the password strength meter on checkout. #23811
  • Dev – Add new woocommerce_search_products_post_statuses filter in the WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT::search_products() method for controlling what post statuses to include in product searches. #23838
  • Dev – Allow filtering woocommerce_order_formatted_shipping_address even when no shipping address is defined. #23859
  • Dev – Change the query in the WC_Product_Data_Store::find_matching_product_variation() method to always respect the ordering of variations. #23881
  • Dev – Move all feature plugin features out from the WooCommerce codebase and utilize composer and an autoloader for including it in WooCommerce core, affects WC REST API and WC Blocks. #23957
  • Dev – Allow displaying multiple error messages through the registration validation. #23968
  • Dev – Add new woocommerce_cart_item_removed_notice_type, woocommerce_cart_updated_notice_type and woocommerce_add_to_cart_notice_type filters for changing the default notice types for cart notices. #24021
  • Dev – Add namespaced support for Jetpack 7.5 tracking library. #24140
  • Dev – Add support for an improved WooCommerce.com Marketplace browse and purchase experience (in progress). #24075 #24123
  • Dev – Added $order and $product as parameters to the woocommerce_ajax_order_item filter in WC_Ajax::add_order_item(). #24108
  • Dev – Add new woocommerce_product_import_image_separator filter in WC_Product_CSV_Importer::parse_images_field() for adjusting the product images seperator. #24120
  • Dev – Add new woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_subtotal() template function that hooks into the woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_total action to output the mini cart subtotal. #24145
  • Dev – Deprecate the woocommerce_before_cart_item_quantity_zero action from WC_Cart::restore_cart_item() in favor of existing woocommerce_cart_item_removed action. #23112
  • Dev – Deprecate WC_Tax::maybe_remove_tax_class_rates which hooked into the WP Options update hook for taxes in favor of new function WC_Tax::delete_tax_class_by which works on the new tax classes table. #24213
  • Fix – Use version_compare for determining the maximum WooCommerce database version number. #23092
  • Fix – Missing space and closing <strong> tag in WooCommerce.com disconnect message. #24073
  • Fix – CSV Importer – Skip rows during update if a SKU column exists, but the value is empty. #23262
  • Fix – Allow matching Any attributes when calling WC_Product_Data_Store::find_matching_product_variation(). #23067
  • Fix – Switch coupon amount validation based on decimal seperator setting. #23137
  • Fix – Show the correct results for shortcodes on static homepages when sorting. #23159
  • Fix – Queue AJAX add to cart events to avoid overwriting session data. #23293
  • Fix – Wrong subtotals when changing tax classes via the woocommerce_product_get_tax_class filter. #23344
  • Fix – Fatal error on plain text order emails where products were deleted. #23754
  • Fix – Do not pass the no_shipping argument to PayPal when the order contains shippable items. #23773
  • Fix – Product review form does respects the require_name_email WordPress core option. #23786
  • Fix – Do not cache expired sessions, negative expiry causes errors in some caching modules. #23863
  • Fix – WC_Log_Handler_DB logs now uses the same timestamp format as text logs, Y-m-d H:i:s. #23863
  • Fix – Display line breaks for customer notes in emails, and order details. #23969
  • Fix – Correct plural forms usage in WC_Admin_Report class. #24020
  • Fix – System status database info section throwing a PHP notice on some DB environments. #24023
  • Fix – On the system status database info section display a message informing users that WooCommerce was unable to get database information instead of an error, when a database sharding plugin is active. #24034
  • Fix – Usage and event tracking (if opted in) was not working correctly in the OBW. #24056
  • Fix – Fatal error on downloads report when some download files were missing. #24118
  • Fix – Prevents the taxes columns from being removed when the order is no longer editable in admin. #23884
  • Fix – State field overwritten with blank value when saving orders via wp-admin. #24301
  • Performance – Improve the speed of the admin dashboard by only updating transients once per class. #23011
  • Performance – Reduce number of queries needed to populate variations data by priming post caches. #23272
  • Performance – Persistant cart improvements, only update the persistent cart if the cart items actually change. #23112
  • Performance – Exclude action_log comment types from wp_count_comments. #24071
  • Localization – Added validation for Italian postcodes. #23269
  • Localization – Remove unused tax locale defaults since we now promote auto tax services instead. #23431
  • Localization – Define correct address format for Uganda. #23178
  • Localization – Hide the postcode and update the state label to “Province” for Mozambique. #23764
  • Localization – OBW: Make postal code optional based on locale data. #23915
  • Localization – Add new currency for São Tomé, Príncipe dobra and Mauritanian ouguiya. #23950
  • Localization – Change Canada poscode label to Postal code. #23740

See changelog for all versions.