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    WordPress for Android puts the power of web publishing in your pocket. It’s a website creator and so much more!

    - Give your big ideas a home on the web. WordPress for Android is a website builder and a blog maker. Use it to create your website.
    - Pick the right look and feel from a wide selection of WordPress themes, then customize with photos, colors, and fonts so it’s uniquely you.
    - Built-in Quick Start tips guide you through the setup basics to set your new website up for success. (We’re not just a website creator -- we’re your partner and cheering squad!)

    - Check your website’s stats in real time to keep track of the activity on your site.
    - Track which posts and pages get the most traffic over time by exploring daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly insights.
    - Use the traffic map to see which countries your visitors come from.

    - Get notifications about comments, likes, and new followers so you can see people reacting to your website as it happens.
    - Reply to new comments as they show up to keep the conversation flowing and acknowledge your readers.

    - Create updates, stories, photo essays announcements -- anything! -- with the editor.
    - Bring your posts and pages to life with photos and video from your camera and albums, or find the perfect image with the in-app collection of free-to-use pro photography.
    - Save ideas as drafts and come back to them when your muse returns, or schedule new posts for the future so your site is always fresh and engaging.
    - Add tags and categories to help new readers discover your posts, and watch your audience grow.

    - WordPress is more than a blog maker — use it to connect with a community of writers in the WordPress Reader. Explore thousands of topics by tag, discover new authors and organizations, and follow the ones who pique your interest.
    - Hang on to the posts that fascinate you with the Save for later feature.

    - Set up automated sharing to tell your followers on social media when you publish a new post. Automatically cross-post to Facebook, Twitter, and more.
    - Add social sharing buttons to your posts so your visitors can share them with their network, and let your fans become your ambassadors.

    Why WordPress?

    There are a lot of blogging services, website builders, and social networks out there. Why create your website with WordPress?

    WordPress powers over a third of the web. It’s used by hobby blogs, businesses of all sizes, online stores, even the biggest news sites on the internet. Odds are that many of your favorite websites are running on WordPress.

    With WordPress, you own your own content. Other social networks treat you as a commodity, and assume ownership of the content you post. But with WordPress anything you publish is yours, and you can take it with you wherever you’d like.

    WordPress is an open source website creator, meaning anyone can see how it's made, and even contribute. Other services and social networks are proprietary, closed systems; you can never be sure exactly how they work or what they are doing -- and they can disappear!

    Whether you need a website builder to create your website, or a simple blog maker, WordPress can help. It gives you beautiful designs, powerful features, and the freedom to build anything you want.

    WordPress for Android supports self-hosted sites running WordPress 4.0 and later, and all sites at WordPress.com. Just like WordPress, WordPress for Android is open source. Learn more at http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191104020407/https://apps.wordpress.com/contribute/. Need help with the app? Send us a tweet at @WPAndroid, or visit our forums at http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191104020407/https://android.forums.wordpress.org/forum/troubleshooting.
    WordPress ye-Android ibeka amandla okushicilela iwebhu ephaketheni lakho. Umdali wewebhusayithi nokunye okuningi!

    - Nikeza imibono yakho enkulu ekhaya kuwebhu. I-WordPress ye-Android ingumakhi wewebhusayithi nomenzi webhulogi. Sebenzisa ukuze udale iwebhusayithi yakho.
    - Khetha ubukeka obuhle futhi uzizwe kusukela ekukhethweni okubanzi kwezingqikithi ze-WordPress , bese wenza ngokwezifiso ngezithombe, imibala, namafonti ngakho-ke okuhlukile kuwe.
    - Ukwakhiwa kwangaphakathi amathiphu okuqala ukukuqondisa ngokusekelwe kokusekela ukusetha iwebhusayithi yakho entsha ukuze uphumelele. (Asiyena umdali wewebhsayithi - singumlingani wakho nomlingani wakho othokozayo!)

    - Hlola izibalo izibalo kuwebhusayithi yakho ngesikhathi sangempela ukugcina ithrekhi yomsebenzi kusayithi lakho.
    - Landela ukuthi yimaphi amaposi namakhasi athola isikhathi esiningi sethrafikhi ngokuhlolisisa ulwazi nsuku zonke, masonto onke, nyangazonke, nonyaka.
    - Sebenzisa ibalazwe lomgwaqo ukuze ubone ukuthi yiziphi amazwe ozivakashelayo ezivela kuzo.

    - Thola izaziso mayelana imibono , ukuthandwa , nabalandeli abasha ukuze ubone abantu besabela kuwebhusayithi yakho njengoba kwenzeka.
    - Phendula kumazwana amasha amazwana njengoba abonisa ukugcina ingxoxo igeleza futhi ivume abafundi bakho.

    - Dala izibuyekezo, izindaba, izithombe zetayimemezelo - noma yini! - nge umhleli .
    - Letha okuthunyelwe namakhasi wakho ngokuphila nge izithombe nevidiyo kusuka kukhamera yakho nama-albhamu, noma uthole isithombe esiphelele neqoqo lokusebenza langaphakathi nohlelo lwe izithombe zokuzisebenzisa mahhala .
    - Londoloza imibono njenge- i-drafts bese ubuyela kubo lapho i-muse yakho ibuya, noma isheduli okuthunyelwe okusha kwekusasa ukuze isayithi lakho lihlale lihlanzekile futhi lizibandakanya.
    - Engeza amathegi kanye ngezigaba ukusiza abafundi abasha bathole okuthunyelwe kwakho, futhi ubukele izilaleli zakho zikhule.

    - I-WordPress ingaphezu komenzi webhulogi - ukuyisebenzisa ukuxhuma nomphakathi wabalobi ku-WordPress Reader . Hlola izinkulungwane zezihloko ngomaki, thola abalobi abasha nezinhlangano, futhi landela labo abafaka intshisekelo yakho.
    - Hlala ekuthunyelwe okukuthakazelisayo nge Londoloza isici kamuva.

    - Setha ukwabelana ukwabelana ngokuzenzakalelayo ukuze utshele abalandeli bakho kumithombo yezenhlalo uma ushicilela okuthunyelwe okusha. Thumela ngokuzenzekelayo ku-Facebook, Twitter, nokuningi.
    - Engeza izinkinobho zokwabelana nabantu ekuthunyelwe kwakho ngakho izivakashi zakho zingabelana ngazo ngenethiwekhi yabo, futhi vumela abalandeli bakho babe yizinxusa zakho.

    Kungani i-WordPress?

    Kunamasevisi amaningi wokubhuloga, abakhi bewebhu, kanye nokuxhumana nomphakathi lapho. Kungani udala iwebhusayithi yakho nge WordPress?

    Amandla we-WordPress ngaphezu kweyesithathu kwewebhu . Isetshenziswe amabhulogi wokuzilibazisa, amabhizinisi azo zonke izikhulu, izitolo ezise-intanethi, ngisho nezindawo ezinkulu zezindaba kwi-intanethi. Izimo ziningi ukuthi amawebhusayithi wakho owathandayo asebenza ku-WordPress.

    Nge-WordPress, unakho okuqukethwe kwakho siqu . Amanye amanethiwekhi omphakathi akuphatha njengento, futhi uthatha ubunikazi bokuqukethwe okuthunyelweyo. Kodwa nge-WordPress noma yini oyishicilela kungeyakho, futhi ungayithatha nomaphi lapho ungathanda khona.

    I-WordPress ngumdali we-website yomthombo ovulekile , okusho ukuthi noma ubani angabona indlela eyenziwe ngayo, futhi ngisho nokufaka isandla. Ezinye izinsizakalo kanye nokuxhumana nomphakathi kuyizinhlelo zokuthengisa, izinhlelo ezivaliwe; awukwazi nakanjani ukuthi zisebenza kanjani noma ukuthi zenzani - futhi zingahle zinyamalale!

    Kungakhathaliseki ukuthi udinga umakhi wewebhusayithi ukudala iwebhusayithi yakho, noma umenzi webhulogi elula, i-WordPress ingasiza. Ikunika imiklamo emihle, izici ezinamandla, nenkululeko yokwakha noma yini oyifunayo.

    I-WordPress ye-Android isekela izingosi ezizimele ezisebenza nge-WordPress 4.0 nakamuva, nazo zonke izindawo ku-WordPress.com. Njengezwi le-WordPress, i-WordPress ye-Android ngumthombo ovulekile. Funda kabanzi ku-https: //apps.wordpress.com/contribute/. Udinga usizo ngohlelo lokusebenza? Sithumelele i-@WPAndroid, noma vakashela amaforamu ethu ku-https: //android.forums.wordpress.org/forum/troubleshooting.

    Funda kabanzi
    132,870 okuphelele

    Yini okusha

    * Added Remote Preview support for posts and pages.
    * Trashed posts stay trashed. They must be restored before editing or previewing.
    * Fixed: Clicking on “Publish” on a private post now reliably publishes the post as private, some link editing issues resolved.
    * Unsaved changes to posts and pages are automatically backed up.
    Funda kabanzi

    Imininingwane engeziwe

    Okthoba 23, 2019
    Iyahluka kuya ngedivayisi
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    Iyahluka kuya ngedivayisi
    Idinga i-Android
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    Ukuqondiswa komzali
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    Izinto ezibandakanyayo
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