WordPress Customizer Typography Control

Learn how to create a typography control using the Kirki Customizer Framework.

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The typography field allows you to add the most important typography-related controls in a single, compact view. It shows the following controls:

Defining active sub-fields

You can define which of the above fields you want displayed or hidden using the default argument of the field.

Since defining a default value is mandatory for all fields, this way you can control both the default value of the field and the fields it contains in as little code as possible.

If for example you wanted to hide the line-height and letter-spacing controls, you’d delete these 2 lines from the defaults specified in the above example.

The exception to the above rule is the variant control.

Since the typography control uses google fonts, in order to ensure that your fonts will be properly enqueued we have to add the variant control for google fonts. So if you add font-family, all 3 controls will be automatically displayed when the selected font requires it.


The typography field requires you to use only the element argument in order to properly generate its CSS. Of course you can define multiple elements as documented in the documentation of the output argument, but you do not have to define a property since it will be automatically applies for each sub-element of the control.

Choosing which fonts-families to use

Google Fonts

You can choose which google-fonts to use by defining an array in the choices argument:

'choices' => [
	'fonts' => [
		'google' => [ 'Roboto', 'Open Sans', 'Lato', 'Noto Serif', 'Noto Sans' ],

To use the top 30 google-fonts sorted by popularity:

'choices' => [
	'fonts' => [
		'google' => [ 'popularity', 30 ],

To use the top 30 google-fonts sorted by trending:

'choices' => [
	'fonts' => [
		'google' => [ 'trending', 30 ],

Standard Fonts

You can choose which standard fonts to use by defining an array in the choices argument:

'choices' => [
	'fonts' => [
		'standard' => [ 'serif', 'sans-serif' ],

The serif, sans-serif and monospace keywords automatically load these font-families:

If you want to use custom definitions you can also do that:

'choices' => [
	'fonts' => [
		'standard' => [
			'Georgia,Times,"Times New Roman",serif',
			'Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif',

Combining custom google-fonts & standard fonts

'choices' => [
	'fonts' => [
		'google'   => [ 'popularity', 50 ],
		'standard' => [
			'Georgia,Times,"Times New Roman",serif',
			'Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif',


The available options for variants are:

'100', '100italic', '200', '200italic', '300', '300italic', 'regular', 'italic', '500', '500italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic', '800', '800italic', '900', '900italic'

When selecting a default value for the variant, please make sure that the value is valid for the selected google font.


Kirki::add_field( 'theme_config_id', [
	'type'        => 'typography',
	'settings'    => 'my_setting',
	'label'       => esc_html__( 'Control Label', 'kirki' ),
	'section'     => 'section_id',
	'default'     => [
		'font-family'    => 'Roboto',
		'variant'        => 'regular',
		'font-size'      => '14px',
		'line-height'    => '1.5',
		'letter-spacing' => '0',
		'color'          => '#333333',
		'text-transform' => 'none',
		'text-align'     => 'left',
	'priority'    => 10,
	'transport'   => 'auto',
	'output'      => [
			'element' => 'body',
] );


It is advised to use this field with the output argument to directly apply the generated CSS and automatically generate and enqueue the script necessary for Google Fonts to function.

Setting transport to auto will automatically create all necessary postMessage scripts for live-preview.


$value = get_theme_mod( 'my_setting', [] );

if ( isset( $value['font-family'] ) ) {
	echo '<p>' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Font Family: %s', 'kirki' ), $value['font-family'] ) . '</p>';
if ( isset( $value['variant'] ) ) {
	echo '<p>' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Variant: %s', 'kirki' ), $value['variant'] ) . '</p>';
if ( isset( $value['font-size'] ) ) {
	echo '<p>' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Font Size: %s', 'kirki' ), $value['font-size'] ) . '</p>';
if ( isset( $value['line-height'] ) ) {
	echo '<p>' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Line Height: %s', 'kirki' ), $value['line-height'] ) . '</p>';
if ( isset( $value['letter-spacing'] ) ) {
	echo '<p>' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing: %s', 'kirki' ), $value['letter-spacing'] ) . '</p>';
if ( isset( $value['color'] ) ) {
	echo '<p>' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Color: %s', 'kirki' ), $value['color'] ) . '</p>';

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