WordPress Accessibility Meeting notes for 25 October 2019

Meeting transcript on Slack

Update on WP 5.3 Progress

@audrasjb reported that reactions from the French slack team on admin CSS changes have been pretty good. Feedback also from Jetpack/WooCommerce teams who’ve fixed a few minor things, but reactions generally positive.

@afercia reported that an un-named large plugin had to fix a few minor glitches related to custom form controls. Also noted that these changes cause some issues with custom selects such as select2 or chosen.

Continuing work on CSS: #48420

Ticket to standardize form control heights and alignments. Patch already exists, but didn’t make it in time for RC. These problems have existed since WP 3.8; in WP 3.7 form controls were aligned consistently.

Need some feedback from design to make decisions about inconsistent border radii and Gutenberg.

Agreed to schedule this for 5.4-early, with the possibility that we’d try to push it into 5.3.1.

Update on Accessibility at WCUS

@nataliemac Reported that @rianrietveld and @nrqsnchz would be helping her in her workshop, which is just finishing up prep.

@nrqsnchz reported that he’s got a plan for format and activities at the contributor table. @nataliemac will also be at the contributor table.

Proposal: cancel team meeting for 1 November

We’ve routinely cancelled meetings that occur during WCEU or WCUS, and we’ll do that for this date as well. Many members would be unable to attend.

Proposal: Change team reps at meeting 8 November

Team reps haven’t changed since October 2018; we’ll plan to vote in reps at meeting on 8 November. @audrasjb will make a post to announce this. Existing reps are still eligible to run; there are no term limits.

Open Floor

@afercia would like to remove Segoe UI from the system fonts stack per #48423. Reasoning: Segoe UI has significantly different leading boundaries from other fonts, creating layout issues in vertically centered contexts like input fields.