The WordPress core development team builds WordPress! Follow this site for general updates, status reports, and the occasional code debate. There’s lots of ways to contribute:
She congratulated everyone, NOT just the folks active in the chat, on an amazing job. Several Core committers were especially pleased that 5.3 came in on schedule (🎉) with the biggest group of contributors ever.
Here are a few statistics:
12 weeks of development
A release squad with nine focus leads, covering every relevant component that got an update
645 contributors
658 bugfixes
A new default theme, Twenty Twenty
Lots of fun and new friends made
And much, much more!
Before release the squad counted at least 153 user-experience enhancements.
Highlighted Posts
The annual WordPress survey is open! Your feedback is not just appreciated – it’s vital to the future of WordPress. So please fill it out and share it everywhere you can think of.
Tanking the floor for a moment, @chanthaboune told the group this survey is new – not the same as last year – and is broader. Whether you’re a contributor, designers, developers, users or hosts, please participate!
Big thanks to everyone who has helped with testing so far! If that includes you, please keep testing and report any issues, concerns or enhancement ideas in a comment on Trac.
That’s how WordPress gets better and you get to shepherd your best ideas through the process.
@francina wrapped the discussion with a note that in the next few weeks the release leads will open a call for retrospective. Want to share some honest, constructive feedback? That’ll be your chance!
@marybaum said “I love that we have a #core-css channel. Does that mean Core CSS is a component?”
@peterwilsoncc replied, “it’s closer to a focus than a component. Tickets can still be assigned to the affected component, eg Admin, Themes, etc. “
@sergey asked “If we have a `javascript` focus, should we add one for CSS as well?
After a few more comments from folks, @francina reminded all 30,000-plus potential attendees that we don’t make final decisions in devchat.
She asked the folks talking about CSS to follow this process:
Make a proposal on the Core blog
Come to a conclusion
Here are the reports from other component maintainers:
@williampatton: “Themes component is looking good. Prepping for next release.”
@peterwilsoncc: “From the security team, now we have a Travis CI account that allows for private repos, we have the security tests running regularly. It should make it easier to find out if they’re passing during the release process.” and went on to ask @sergey if it was possible to add it to Trac.
@mensmaximus asked whether “we ever change the user management screen to a tabbed interface. What is the current state and what do core devs think?”
@williampattonstarted with a general reply: “There are lots of thoughts on redesign for user management, but lots of ideas mean lots of decisions [making it] hard to reach agreement.”
A lively discussion followed. Hopefully the WordPress world will see some new ideas for an even more usable Admin experience!
(Ed. note: The UX discussion and the conversation below, about jQuery, happened at the same time, and you’ll see the comments jump from one to the other. Still, imo, both are worth your time and effort to decipher!)
@enrico.sorcinelli has “noticed that Juery’s `$` is no longer globally defined in admin.” That’s made some of their client sites cause issues with users’ code.
@clorith answered, “The jQuery `$` being globally available was a bug.” That bug got fixed in one of the JS updates in 5.3.
“Although it’s not ideal, reports of issues are fewer than expected, and the code errors would be within the plugin code,” @clorith continued, adding, “I tend to lean towards leaving it being the right thing.”
This post summarizes the weekly REST API chat meeting for November 7, 2019. (Slack transcript, Agenda). Please note that this meeting did not change time for daylight savings, and Weekly REST API component office hours continue to be held every Thursday at 18:00 UTC in the #core-restapi room in the Make WordPress Slack. 🙂
The first half of the meeting discussed the newly-created wp-api/authentication GitHub repository, a follow-up to discussions at WCUS contributor day around rebooting work towards a canonical, core Authentication solution to permit the Mobile team to use the REST API instead of XMLRPC.
Our target for a merge proposal some time next year is to have an use the OAuth 2 handshake flow with dynamic client registration, which issues revocable, long-lived JWT tokens. The repo has no content so far, but we will start work by focusing on UX and the desired user-facing and technical flow rather than diving immediately into code.
@spacedmonkey, @derekherman, and others intend to drive this project over the coming months. If you who is reading this or any colleagues of yours are interested in contributing to this effort, we will be using part of our weekly REST API office hours each Thursday at 18:00 UTC (Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 06:00 PM UTC) as a weekly standup to coordinate work.
Priorities & Goals
Priorities for Next Release
Key tickets highlighted for consideration as part of the next release cycle include, but are not limited to,
If you have a ticket to highlight or propose for the next bugfix or major release, please leave it as a comment below or raise it in #core-restapi. Thank you once more, as well, to everybody who helped drive our API improvements in 5.3!
We are behind schedule in updating the REST API handbook to cover the recent changes in WordPress 5.3. @timothyblynjacobs and @kadamwhite will be working to roll these updates out over the coming week. Handbook content is managed at
Open Floor
@timothyblynjacobs raised #44568 and #44886. Because WordPress operations are non-atomic, these race condition issues are not limited to the REST API and were determined to be out-of-scope, so #44886 was closed as wontfix.
Several bugs were raised and have been provisionally milestoned for 5.4, with the option to backport as needed once addressed.
To increase contributor awareness of REST API tickets, we discussed holding periodic component scrub meetings in the main #core channel.
In this newest release of Gutenberg, block content areas and the navigation block continue to be iterated upon. An experimental block pattern API has been added, and themes can now define custom gradient presets!
The navigation block, demonstrating newly improved horizontal block movers.
The block editor provides default gradient presets. Now, a theme can overwrite them and provide its own:
'name'=> __( 'Vivid cyan blue to vivid purple', 'themeLangDomain'),
The following benchmark compares performance for a particularly sizeable post (~ 36000 words, ~ 1000 blocks) over the last releases. Such a large post isn’t representative of the average editing experience but is adequate for spotting variations in performance.
Because of DST there was a decision to move the meeting one hour later. The async discussion is still open until Monday, November 18, 2019 at 12:00 AM UTC to decide if people, other than those present at he core editor chat want it differently.
WordPress 5.3 was released yesterday
@youknowriad: Big kudos to all the contributors. It’s a huge release for the block editor
@jorgefilipecosta I would like to thank all the people that contributed and made all this improvements and bug fixes possible!!
There is some current effort to iron out issues that may appear.
need a code review on the media replace control here:
I finished a big refactor for the legacy widgets, made some improvements on the custom gradient picker, worked on some PR reviews, continue the work around having configurable inner block settings to allow a parent block to absorve the child, and continued the iterations on some PR’s I had open.
For the next week, I’m hoping to merge the simulated media queries mechanism; I want to get involved again in the navigation block work, so I hope to do many reviews there and maybe pick up some tasks, besides that I will continue the buttons block and innerblocks UI work.
For task coordination: I’ve mostly been reviewing nav-related PRs this week and will be away from the 14th to the 24th November. (In case anyone wonders why I’ve gone strangely silent :D)
Embedding Multilingual ability as standard core functionality: seems a bit early for implementation but it’s definitely being considered.
Let’s review more PRs!
Just a note to everyone. Do please also spend a little time going through older PR’s. As there are many just hanging waiting for a comment, a review etc. We’re definitely falling behind in terms of reviews.
The number of open PR’s increasing which in part is a good signal it means the project is getting more interest, but we should try to review these PR’s as soon as possible so new contributors keep the interest in contributing and we get the features/fixes sooner.
For task coordination: I’ve mostly been reviewing nav-related PRs this week and will be away from the 14th to the 24th November. (In case anyone wonders why I’ve gone strangely silent :D)
For Task Coordination: Development of build in core functionality — Embed Multilingual ability as standard core functionality. I would like WordPress to have a built in multilingual ability to manage translated front end content, i.e. not just switching between different back-end languages. I would be surprised if this topic has not yet been discussed by the core team, as it is crucial for the success of any CMS in a more internationalised environment. The present plugin solutions are way too complicated, trust me. I have tried many of the most popular ones, and multilingual core functionality would give huge benefits on many levels through a tight integration into the CMS core. Just a thought. Rgds/Gunnar
Some discussion ensued on what is needed to merge this pull.
Post on regarding any code standard changes affected by this pull (and to inform about the change). This will need further feedback from core lead devs, core committers and contributors.
There are some rule removals from the es-lint plugin package, some discussion ensued about how to handle that and are those changes necessary. At a minimum, there seems to be some agreement that the ESLint rules should match the standards.
Check how many of the existing eslint rules could stay unmodified and what can be tweaked to work with Prettier and which need to be disabled. Should align with whatever standards are for the project (including any necessary modifications to those standards)
We should also seek a way so that the eslint plugin can continue to be used without prettier so folks can have the benefit of styling standard checks the same way as of today.
Once the above is done, write a post on outlining the changes and inviting feedback.
This is a new function that makes it possible to interpolate elements within a translated string and have those rendered as react elements. Currently, doing something like the following can’t be done in react.
const MyLinkComponent = ( { href } ) => {
returnwp.i18n.__( 'This is a <a href={ href }>link</a>');
In order to have <a> render, you’d need to split up the string, which in turn breaks context for translations. The solution is __experimentalCreateInterpolateElement:
const MyLinkComponent = ( { href } ) => {
wp.i18n.__( 'This is a <a>link</a>'),
{ a: <a href={ href } /> }
If you have any feedback or concerns with the proposed api please give feedback in the pull.
In the meeting:
generally seems to be approval around the api
concerns over whether the parsing should be cached.
wondering whether there’d be value in introducing a useInterpolation hook (that could also take care of some of the caching)
adding some sort of performance testing (although since it’s not used anywhere, there’s nothing currently in the project that can help with this).
For details about what to expect in WordPress 5.3, please see the first, second, third and fourth release candidate posts.
Release Candidate 5 contains some bug fixes for the new default theme, Twenty Twenty – for reference, see #48557 – and addresses the following tickets:
#48542 – In wp_default_packages_inline_scripts(), make sure the root URL middleware is registered before using the media middleware
#48543 – Comments: check if comment form element exists before adding a key handler to detect the cmd/ctrl-enter key press.
#48517 – Bundled themes: several changes to ensure consistency and accuracy for default theme headers
#48518 – Upload: When an image was scaled because it is larger than the big image threshold, use the originally uploaded image’s dimensions in wp_get_missing_image_subsizes(). Fixes an edge case/inconsistent behaviour when a registered image sub-size is also larger than the big image threshold.
Plugin and Theme Developers
Please test your plugins and themes against WordPress 5.3 and update the Tested up to version in the readme to 5.3. If you find compatibility problems, please be sure to post to the support forums so we can figure those out before the final release.
If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.
The following is a summary of the weekly media component meeting that occurred on Thursday, November 7, 2019. Weekly media meetings are held every Thursday at 14:00 UTC. A full transcript can be found here in the #core-media room in the Make WordPress Slack.
It’s that time of year again (for some of us!) Fall Daylight Savings Time historically makes the meeting time move forward one hour. The next meeting will take place Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 02:00 PM UTC.
There was discussion in a group message consisting of meeting facilitators around potentially doing a rotation of one week at a convenient time for each side of the planet. The Hosting-Community room does this and it seems to work very well. This would allow for participation from groups outside of the normal hour that we hold the meeting while also allowing folks that have been stretching outside their normal work hours to catch the meeting async. Please let us know in the comments what you think about this! There was mention of potentially doing a few months on one schedule and a rotation after. Another suggestion was around doing many meetings instead of rotating meetings. This would entail two designated meeting times a week in an effort to encourage new participants. This topic will be discussed in the next Media Meeting. Any additional ideas would be appreciated.
WordPress 5.3 Tasks
There were three tickets discussed in the meeting.
I’m a fan of “many meetings” with low pressure for folks where the time doesn’t align conveniently. I think keeping the Thursday meeting the same and adding a new day that aligns to the other side of the time zones would be great!
Proposing to add a gitignore entry for VSCode’s “.vscode” local folder
Historically we’ve avoided editor-specific entries in the project’s gitignore to avoid opening pandora’s box (proliferation of ignore entries), but is this too rigid a guideline causing friction in new contributor onboarding?
Question: Should we allow more of these entries, and if so, which?
@gziolo said that he does not have a strong opinion on this item, but WordPress as a project is strict about it.
@mkaz also does not feels strong either way but said he would probably merge the PR because vscode its perhaps the largest and most popular editor.
@chancethedev shared his perspective as an instructor:
I often include vscode settings in my repos to make things easier for students when running workshops, so ignoring it globally won’t work for me. That said, I can just remember to remove it before I commit so it’s not a HUGE deal, I can just imagine folks slipping up often enough to where it’ll end up in commits from time-to-time and we’ll just have the conversation again.
@aduth and @adamsilverstein asked if the fact that WordPress os strict is written down somewhere?
IDE-specific .gitignore rules should not be present in a project. They should be managed in the user’s ~/.gitignore_global.
@gziolo added that it does not look like it is a written rule, as he was not able to find it in the docs. So, we can go both ways; we should document it to make it easy for contributors to update patches.
I lean towards adding the rule and just evaluating on a case-by-case basis.
It seems to be more dev friendly and avoids unnecessary noise in reviews.
@mkaz asked if there is any downside to adding the rule and @aduth answered:
I don’t think there’s a downside in-and-of-itself, more the slippery slope of how we make these decisions in the future without a well-defined approach.
@adamsilverstein suggested as action item working on some language for HOW we decide.
@mkaz and @gziolo suggested we add 3-5 top popular IDEs. @gziolo said we could also link to docs how to add an IDE to ~/.gitignore_global.
Right now the Social Links duplicates the SVG in CSS and PHP to work – we want to figure out some way to get it to a single .svg file
@aduth asked if it’d be feasible to manually shove the SVG into JSX. And asked if not an option to use something like <img src="icon.svg">.
@mkaz answered that the problem for the publishing view is KSES, and linking to images, one loses the ability to color them.
@aduth shared the main questions he thinks we should answer are “Should we do it, and if so, how?” and shared some thoughts :
I am conscious of the size inflation, though I think we need to be solving this problem anyways. Could be a way to prompt us to investigate better handling of “large” blocks (opening path for more complex blocks too, like reintroducing Code+SyntaxHighlighting).
I guess there is some issue with our build that the Webpack loader might not work? The Babel transform seems less ideal, but also workable.
@gziolo shared the following analysis of what creat react app did:
While historically core has shied away from this, I do think it might be worth reconsidering. I’m all in favor of a change that reduces the friction to contributing. To that end, I wonder if we should include ignores for all possible IDEs?
I would also caution using the stack overflow survey as the basis for any decision making as the demographics of that survey are overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly male which isn’t the demographics of the community WordPress has, nor are they the demographics of the community WordPress wants.
I do think it would be best to mirror the changes in both the core repository and the Gutenberg repository.
It says ‘presents’ instead of ‘presets’ here:
I don’t know how to edit it 🤷♂️
Thanks for the report. I’ve opened a pull request to fix it.