About the Team

What is the Theme Review Team? What is the Theme Review Team?

The theme review team is a group of volunteers who review and approve themes submitted to be included in the official WordPress theme directory. The theme review team maintains the official theme review handbook, the theme unit test Data, and the theme check plugin. It also engages and educates the WordPress Theme developer community regarding development best practices.

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How to get involved? How to get involved?

Are you interested in joining the Theme Review Team? Great! The team is open to anyone who wants to help out, and the process is simple. If you would like to join the Theme Review Team, please see becoming a reviewer.

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Communication Communication

The main form of communication is through our blog and also through SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/.. You can join the slack channel #themereview – to find out more about Slack visit here. This is the best way to contact the team.

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Meetings Meetings

We also have two meetings a month in #themereview:

  • Second Tuesday 17:00 UTC open floor
  • Fourth Tuesday 17:00 UTC Team Meeting with a fixed agenda