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Welcome to the official home of the WordPress documentation team.

This team is responsible for all things documentation, including the Codex (moving to HelpHub), handbooks, developer.wordpress.org, admin help, inline docs, and other general wordsmithing across the WordPress project.

Want to get involved?

We need your help keeping content current with each WordPress release and adding new content and screenshots to:

Weekly Meetings

Join our discussions of documentation issues here on the blog and on Slack.

The documentation team holds bi-weekly office hours on Mondays from 15:00-16:00 UTC in the #docs Slack channel.

Individual teams have their own regular meetings – you can find details of those in the sidebar.

Make WordPress Documentation

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Changing the nature of our weekly meetings

So HelpHub has already been deployed and other projects are in need of some focus.

I’ve been thinking about how to make our meetings more useful. Meetings that are just about updates aren’t the best use of everyone’s volunteer time.

Meetings that require involvement but no one is prepared for ain’t the best either.

So I’m hoping that we can improve how we run the meetings. I’d love for everyone to suggest something.

I’ll start off –

  1. Let’s rotate facilitators and note takers. Both roles have the ability to help someone really get into the groove and understand the Docs Team.
  2. Let’s change all meetings to Docs Team meeting (no special HelpHub dedicated only meetings)
  3. Let’s time-box each section of the meeting
  4. Let’s have focuses for each meeting. (e.g.)
    • Docs Team Meeting (60% time on HelpHub discussions, 40% other pieces)
    • Docs Team Meeting (60% time Docs Handbook, 40% other pieces)
    • Docs Team Meeting (60% DevHub discussions, 40% other pieces)
    • Docs Team Meeting (60% Flagship WordCamp contributor day discussions, 40% other pieces)
    • You get the drift!

Any better ideas? I’d love to hear them!

Summary for Docs Team Meeting 28 October 2019

This meeting had an agenda to cover all the main topics:


@felipeelia, @atachibana, @milana_cap, @tomf, @kenshino, @bph, @felipeloureirosantos



@leogermani updates:

Hooks migrations are stalled for the last two weeks

I’ve been working in the localization content for the common APIs handbook. Hopefully this week I’ll manage to have something to show

Docs handbook review: This page http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://make.wordpress.org/docs/handbook/helphub/migrating-articles/ have 2 sections talking about migrating the Versions pages. Apparently this taks is completed already and could be removed

@atachibana updates:

Content: 256 of 1068 (23.9%) pages were redirected. Last week was 241 of 1068 (22.6%).


During these works, I was suggested by johnbillion to report all inline documentation fix under the one ticket: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/48303

I modified Docs Team Handbook to relect this change: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://make.wordpress.org/docs/handbook/code-reference/inline-documentation/

@estelaris updates:

The team at contributor day WC Valencia came up with good ideas, but after reviewing their individual input and adding the comments left on the P2 I posted 2 weeks ago, we came up with what it looks like the final version


As discussed during our last meeting, our focus on this meeting was the Docs Team Handbook.

According to @milana_cap, our Handbook has been forgotten for a long time until recently when we started updating and reorganising it, each team member is responsible for a part on the Handbook, and may review and update all guidelines around it. It’s only natural that those people update the same parts of Handbook because they know the best how to contribute to that project and who to talk to.

@milana_cap also pointed out that we are also missing the Block editor documentation guidelines, and that we are missing someone who’s going to “own” it.

Then @felipeelia asks about the “Plugin Handbook Rep: Open” from the projects list.

@milana_cap remembers that plugin handbook is actually shared between plugin review team and docs, and that main ownership is by plugin team.

@Kenshino proposes about clarifies if the Plugin Team is updating the pages based on the latest changes to WordPress, and propose about contacting @ipstenu.

@milana_cap highlights that the main goal of the handbooks is that people that want to add something in notes or want to contribute, they should be able to go to our handbook, find info on how to start, which document to go to, which Trello board etc and which people to ping if they have questions.

@Kenshino gives the suggestion to create a P2 post, so we can set expectations and deadlines for people.


The plugin has been activated in several sites, but we are still waiting for content import into the sites. There is still not an estimation of its availability.

Next meeting & WCUS Contributor Day

We are going to be at WCUS 2019 Contributor Day, and @milana_cap has published a post about it: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://make.wordpress.org/docs/2019/10/28/docs-team-at-wcus-2019-contributor-day/

As we are going to be with limited resources next week, so the meeting has been canceled, and we will just have a meeting again on Nov 11 which will be hosted by @tomf.


You can take a look at the meeting transcript via this link: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RP4WU5/p1572274864247300

Docs Team at WCUS 2019 Contributor Day

Docs team will have a table at WCEU 2019 Contributor Day. We have few planned focuses.

Redirecting Functions in Codex to Code Reference (DevHub)

Details stats are here:
http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15hpEbbnuWJZ0DJafyCeG3CFRMtSxX1gY-RObrrjzzdw/edit#gid=157607027 Anyone can join these tasks by following below steps:

Docs Team Handbook

Review and report on missing/outdated parts. http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://make.wordpress.org/docs/handbook/

Meeting Other Teams

Quick discussion with Plugins Team about Plugins Developer Handbook “ownership”. Same goes with Core team about Inline-Docs.

If anyone, who’s going to be present, have something else they would like to focus on, please leave comment here. Thank you and see you in St Louis.

Agenda for Docs Team Meeting 28 October 2019

Our next Documentation Team meeting is scheduled on

Monday, October 28, 2019 at 03:00 PM UTC

in the #docs channel on Slack. As discussed during our last meeting, today we will focus on Docs Team Handbook.

Please review your parts of the Handbook. You can find out what’s your part by visiting team’s page http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://make.wordpress.org/docs/handbook/the-team/ 

Items to discuss:

  1. Attendance
  2. Note taker
  3. Select facilitator for next Docs meeting
  4. Docs Team Handbook – @milana_cap
    1. What needs to be done
    2. Responsibilities
  5. WCUS Docs Team Table
  6. Content Migration from Codex to HelpHub & DevHub – @atachibana
  7. HelpHub localization
  8. Common APIs Handbook – @atachibana and @leogermani

Open Floor

Feel free to comment if you have items to add to the agenda.

Summary for Docs Team Meeting 21 October 2019


@atachibana @softservenet @fahimmurshed @kafleg @verygoode @kenshino @fierevere @ibdz @audrasjb @leogermani @themiked @felipeelia @milana_cap @nullbyte


Today we started with new meeting format. In order to make meetings more useful we want to try to keep updates as short as possible at the beginning of the meeting (or maybe even during day prior to the meeting).

Most of the meeting will be dedicated to one specific part of Docs team responsibility ― HelpHub is published and it will no longer have dedicated meetings every second week.

The rest of the meeting time will be used for quick discussions/decisions on any other part of Docs team work.

Also, whenever possible, it would be good to close the meeting with clear tasks for the next meeting.

Facilitators and note takers will be rotating. At every meeting one volunteer will be assigned for the next meeting.

Read more and leave feedback/suggestions on new format: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://make.wordpress.org/docs/2019/10/14/changing-the-nature-of-our-weekly-meetings/

HelpHub Updates

Common APIs

@leogermani is proposing moving all documentation on internationalizing API and localising WordPress core, themes and plugins to newly published Common APIs Handbook. He will try to create all the necessary pages this week. After review the old pages from other Handbooks and Codex can be redirected.

Read more, leave feedback/suggestions and offer your help here: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://make.wordpress.org/docs/2019/10/17/l10n-and-i18n-on-common-apis-handbook/

Next Meeting

Next meeting will have focus on Docs Team Handbook. Everyone are invited to review their parts of Handbook and indicate things that are missing or are out of date. A plan on adding/fixing these should also be made.

What is my part of Handbook?

Every project has its part in Handbook. You know the best how to contribute to project(s) you are involved with and, therefore, you know better than the others if Handbook is complete and up to date for that specific project.

The team page is mapping responsibilities and will be used as general guide for Handbook parts ownership. If you are missing from the list or your responsibilities have changed since Team page was created, do let us know and we’ll fix it. Or you can fix it yourself.

Next meeting will be run by @felipeelia and will happen on

Monday, October 28, 2019 at 03:00 PM UTC

Transcript of the meeting can be found here: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RP4WU5/p1571670035148100

Agenda for HelpHub Meeting 21 October 2019

The next HelpHub Meeting will happen in the #docs Slack channel at:

Monday, October 21, 2019 at 03:00 PM UTC
  1. Attendance
  2. Select facilitator for next Docs meeting
  3. Content status @atachibana
  4. Design review – @estelaris
  5. Development (@milana_cap / @netweb)
  6. HelpHub Rosetta release
  7. AOB

Helpful Links:

l10n and i18n on Common APIs Handbook

This post is a starting point to discuss how we can organize the documentation around Internationalization and Localization on the new Common APIs Handbook.

Common APIs Handbook is the new home for documentation on APIs used across WordPress that is not specific to themes, plugins or any other component. There you will find docs on Options API, Shortcode API, etc. (Note that content is still being migrated so there might be incomplete pages).

This should also be the home for the i18n and l10n documentation. So let’s see how this could look:

Current documentation

Here is a list of the current documentation on this topic we have (and that I could found)

And then you have, at the top of that page, a link to documentation on both new Themes and Plugins Handbooks.

You will notice that we have duplicated content on these pages. “How to internationalize…” pages are very similar, with small differences in how to initialize text domains and where to save the files. “Localization” pages are pretty much the same.

Finally, we have the documentation on the new Javascript support for i18n introduced last year. This didn’t make it to the Docs yet:

What we could do

Here is my suggestion on how to organize this:

  1. Create an “Internationalization API” page on the Commons APIs Handbook with content from the current Codex page and the “How to Internationalize your theme/plugin” pages.
    1. These pages already have the same content
    2. Make sure to make it generic, in a way it works for themes, plugins, and the core
  2. Redirect Codex page to this newly created page
  3. Edit “How to Internationalize your theme/plugin” pages, leaving only plugins/themes specific information, and then linking to the “Internationalization API” page for general guidelines
  4. Add to the “Internationalization API” page the section about i18n support in javascript. If we have permission, Pascal’s post could be incorporated.
  5. Finally, we have to find a home for the “Localization” page. This is not properly an API, so maybe it could be an article on http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20191101094157/https://wordpress.org/support/ and all i18n pages could link to it

I love the proposal and agree with execution plan. Also, I like the idea of separating Internationalization and Localisation as those are two completely different things. Linking to each other in a form of “Read more about..” is just enough in my opinion.

Thank you for working on this @leogermani.

Agenda for Docs Team Meeting 14 October 2019

Our next Documentation Team meeting is scheduled on

Monday, October 14, 2019 at 03:00 PM UTC

in the #docs channel on Slack

Current Projects Updates:

  1. Content Migration from Codex to HelpHub & DevHub – @atachibana
  2. HelpHub development – @milana_cap and @clorith
  3. Inline Docs – @drewapicture and @atimmer
  4. Docs Team Handbook – @milana_cap
  5. HelpHub localisation
  6. Common APIs Handbook – @atachibana
  7. We have reps for other parts of Docs – let’s hear from them!
  8. Changing the nature of the Docs Team meetings

Open Floor

Feel free to comment if you have items to add to the agenda.

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