
The Inter typeface family

Inter is a typeface carefully crafted & designed for computer screens.

Inter features a tall x-height to aid in readability of mixed-case and lower-case text. Several OpenType features are provided as well, like contextual alternates that adjusts punctuation depending on the shape of surrounding glyphs, slashed zero for when you need to disambiguate "0" from "o", tabular numbers, etc.

Inter Regular

Inter Bold


Using Inter is as easy as downloading & installing the font files. If you're making a web thing, you can simply use this CSS:

@import url('https://rsms.me/inter/inter.css');
html { font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif; }
@supports (font-variation-settings: normal) {
  html { font-family: 'Inter var', sans-serif; }

Dynamic Metrics

Size dp = spacing em

There's of course no absolute right or wrong when it comes to expressing yourself with typography, but Inter Dynamic Metrics provides guidelines for good typography. You simply provide the optical font size, and the tracking and leading is calculated for you to produce the best results.

Explore dynamic metrics →

Free &
Open source

Inter is a free and open source font family.
You are free to use this font in almost any way imaginable.
Refer to the SIL Open Font License 1.1 for exact details on what the conditions and restrictions are.

Weights & Styles

There are nine weights, each with italic counterparts, making a total of 18 styles.


Inter is offered as both traditional constant font files (one per style, e.g. Bold Italic, Medium, etc.) as well as a Variable Font which contains all styles in a much smaller file size. Additionally, a variable font is ...variable! You can mix and match weight and italic angle as you please, forming theoretically infinite variations.

Variable Fonts not supported by this web browser

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ?!()[]{}&*^%$#@~

Variable fonts is a new and emerging technology.
This test can be used to discover what a web browser is capable of.


Inter comes with many OpenType features that can be used to tailor functionality and aesthetics to your specific needs. Some of these features can be combined to form a great number of alternative variations.

calt Contextual alternates

This feature is enabled by default and causes certain characters to adjust themselves or be replaced depending on the surrounding context.

Disabled Enabled 12:34, FEX 12:34, FE—X 4.2 4.2 (SEMI)PERMANENT (SEMI)PERMANENT SFO STO SFO → STO IIA OGG IIA ⟶ OGG ARN OGG ARN ⟺ OGG M@N [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Smile :-) Smile :-)

font-feature-settings: 'calt' 1

There are many more contextual alternates.

liga Standard ligatures

Conversion of common sequences into higher-fidelity glyphs, like arrows and enclosing graphemes.

Disabled Enabled 3x9 3x9 -> --> ---> -> --> ---> <- <-- <--- <- <-- <--- <-> <--> <-> <--> => ==> <== => ==> <== <=> <==> <=> <==>

font-feature-settings: 'liga' 1

In addition to standard ligatures, which are usually on by default but can be turned off, Inter also comes with required/default ligatures as well, like for instance specialized glyphs for enclosing combining characters like e.g. U+0041 U+20DD => A⃝
More examples:
1⃝ 2⃝ 3⃝ A⃝ B⃝ C⃞ #⃞ !⃞ ?⃞ →⃞

tnum Tabular numbers

Fixed-width numbers are useful for tabular data, where comparing columns across rows is desired.

Disabled Enabled 1234567890 1234567890 1131711  1131711  0040900  0040900  11:31,711  11:31,711  00:40.900  00:40.900  0.45, 0.91, +0.08  0.45, 0.91, +0.08  1.00, 9.44, −0.13  1.00, 9.44, −0.13  0.00, 1.13, ~7.12  0.00, 1.13, ~7.12 

font-feature-settings: 'tnum' 1

frac Fractions

This feature is contextually sensitive and will convert "words" of numbers separated by forward slash into proper fractions. This feature is dynamic and allows for any fractions. Note that the digits used for fractions are custom-made for their small size, and are even made separately from the slightly larger Superscript and Subscript numbers.

Disabled Enabled 1/3  3/4  1/5 1/3  3/4  1/5 18/29  16/5 18/29  16/5 1337/591038 1337/591038

font-feature-settings: 'frac' 1

numr Numerators

Disabled Enabled Hello 0123 Hello 0123

font-feature-settings: 'numr' 1

dnom Denominators

Disabled Enabled Hello 0123 Hello 0123

font-feature-settings: 'dnom' 1

sups Superscript

Disabled Enabled X0123 (+)-[=] X0123 (+)-[=] Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

font-feature-settings: 'sups' 1

subs Subscript

Disabled Enabled H0123 (+)-[=] H0123 (+)-[=] Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

font-feature-settings: 'subs' 1

case Case alternates

Switches out some glyphs to work better with capital letters and numbers.

Disabled Enabled (Hello) [World] {9000} (Hello) [World] {9000} SCHOOL @ RUN SCHOOL @ RUN 3 + 9 = 12 * 1 3 + 9 = 12 * 1 *+÷±×=≠≈•~<>≤≥ *+÷±×=≠≈•~<>≤≥ - : → ← ⟶ ⟵ − - – — :

font-feature-settings: 'case' 1

ss01 Stylistic set 1: Alternate digits

An alternate style of digits. Note that individual digit styles can be cherry-picked using the cvXX features.

Disabled Enabled 1234567890 1234567890 13469 13469

font-feature-settings: 'ss01' 1

ss02 Stylistic set 2: Disambiguation

Alternate glyph set that increases visual difference between similar-looking characters.

Disabled Enabled WP0ACO9XSI1012O9 WP0ACO9XSI1012O9 Illegal Illegal βeta ßeta Busineß βeta ßeta Busineß

font-feature-settings: 'ss02' 1

ss03 Stylistic set 3: r curves into round neighbors

Lower case r curved into neighboring round shapes for increased legibility and personality.

Disabled Enabled Sara Sara ird ird Monroe Monroe

font-feature-settings: 'ss03' 1

dlig Discretionary ligatures

Alternate glyph set that increases visual difference between similar-looking characters.

Disabled Enabled ¡¿What?! ¡¿What?! ¿¡What!? ¿¡What!?

font-feature-settings: 'dlig' 1

zero Slashed zero

Disabled Enabled O0123 O0123

font-feature-settings: 'zero' 1

cvXX Character variants

Allows cherry-picking alternate characters.

Feature Disabled Enabled cv01 1 1 cv02 4 4 cv03 6 6 cv04 9 9 cv05 l ł ƚ ɫ ɬ ŀ ĺ ļ ľ ḷ ḹ ḻ ḽ l ł ƚ ɫ ɬ ŀ ĺ ļ ľ ḷ ḹ ḻ ḽ cv06 r ɽ ɍ ɼ ŕ ŗ ř ȑ ȓ ṙ ṛ ṝ ṟ r ɽ ɍ ɼ ŕ ŗ ř ȑ ȓ ṙ ṛ ṝ ṟ cv07 ß ß cv08 I Ï Ḯ Ɨ Ḭ Ì Í Î Ĩ Ī Ĭ Į İ Ǐ Ȉ Ȋ Ỉ Ị Ι Ί Ϊ Ἰ Ἱ Ἲ I Ï Ḯ Ɨ Ḭ Ì Í Î Ĩ Ī Ĭ Į İ Ǐ Ȉ Ȋ Ỉ Ị Ι Ί Ϊ Ἰ Ἱ Ἲ cv09 3 3 cv10 G Ǥ Ɠ Ĝ Ğ Ġ Ģ Ǧ Ǵ Ḡ G Ǥ Ɠ Ĝ Ğ Ġ Ģ Ǧ Ǵ Ḡ cv11 a á ă ắ ặ ằ ẳ ẵ ǎ â ấ ậ ầ ẩ ẫ ȁ ä ǟ ȧ ạ ǡ à ả ȃ ā ą ẚ å ǻ ḁ ã a á ă ắ ặ ằ ẳ ẵ ǎ â ấ ậ ầ ẩ ẫ ȁ ä ǟ ȧ ạ ǡ à ả ȃ ā ą ẚ å ǻ ḁ ã

font-feature-settings: 'cv11' 1

Additional features, not highlighted above: locl, salt, aalt, ccmp, cpsp and ordn.
You can explore features in the interactive lab.

Character set

A Ä Ã À Á  ŠĀ Ă Ą Ǎ Ǟ Ǡ Ǻ Ȁ Ȃ Ȧ Α Ά Ⱥ А Ӑ Ӓ Λ Æ Ǣ Ǽ Ӕ B Ƀ Ɓ В Β C Ƈ Ç Ć Ĉ Ċ Č Ȼ Ɔ Ϲ D Ɗ Ď Ɖ Dz Dž E È É Ê Ë Ē Ĕ Ė Ę Ě Ȅ Ȇ Ȩ Ɇ Ǝ Ε Έ Е Ѐ Ё Ӗ F Ƒ G Ǥ Ɠ Ĝ Ğ Ġ Ģ Ǧ Ǵ H Ĥ Ȟ Ħ Ӈ Ң Ӊ Ҥ Ƕ Η Ή Н I Ï Ɨ Ì Í Î Ĩ Ī Ĭ Į İ Ǐ Ȉ Ȋ Ι Ί Ϊ Ἷ І Ї J Ĵ Ɉ Ϳ Ј K Ķ Ǩ Ҡ Қ Ƙ Κ L Ĺ Ļ Ľ Ł Ƚ Lj M Ӎ Μ Ϻ М N Ñ Ń Ņ Ň Ǹ Ɲ Ŋ И Ѝ Й Ӣ Ӥ Ҋ Ͷ Ν Nj O Ö Õ Ø Ơ Ò Ó Ô Ō Ŏ Ő Ǒ Ǫ Ǭ Ȍ Ȏ Ȫ Ȭ Ȯ Ȱ Ǿ Ο Ό ϴ О Ӧ Ɵ Ө Ӫ Œ P Ҏ Ƥ Ρ Q R Ŕ Ŗ Ř Ȑ Ȓ Ɍ S Ś Ŝ Ş Š Ș Ѕ Ƨ T Ţ Ť Ț Ƭ Ʈ Ⱦ Τ U Ư Ù Ú Û Ü Ũ Ū Ŭ Ů Ű Ų Ǔ Ǖ Ǘ Ǚ Ǜ Ȕ Ȗ Ʉ V W Ŵ X Ҳ Ӽ Χ Y Ƴ Ý Ŷ Ÿ Ȳ Ɏ Υ Ύ Ϋ Z Ź Ż Ž Ȥ Ƶ Ζ Ɀ a á ă ǎ â ȁ ä ǟ ȧ ǡ à ȃ ā ą å ǻ ã ɐ а ӑ ӓ æ ǣ ǽ ӕ b ƀ ƃ ɓ c ȼ ƈ ɕ ç ć ĉ ċ č ϲ с d đ ɖ ɗ ƌ ȡ ď ʣ dž ʥ ʤ e ë ɇ è é ê ē ĕ ė ę ě ȅ ȇ ȩ ế е ѐ ё ӗ ǝ f ʩ g ɠ ǥ ĝ ğ ġ ģ ǧ ǵ h ћ ђ ɦ ɧ ƕ ɥ ʮ ʯ ħ ĥ ȟ һ i ı ï ĩ ɨ ì í î ī ĭ į ǐ ȉ ȋ ȷ ɟ ɉ і ї ij j ʝ ĵ ǰ ϳ ј lj k ƙ ķ ǩ ʞ l ł ƚ ɫ ɭ ɬ ȴ ŀ ĺ ļ ľ ӏ m ɱ ɯ ɰ ḿ n ñ ɳ ŋ ȵ ɲ ƞ ń ņ ň ǹ nj o ö õ ø ơ ò ó ô ō ŏ ő ǒ ǫ ǭ ȍ ȏ ȫ ȭ ȯ ȱ ǿ ο ό ѳ ɵ о ӧ œ ѹ p ҏ ƥ р q ʠ ɋ Ɋ r ɍ ɹ ɻ ɿ ɾ ŕ ŗ ř ȑ ȓ ɽ ɼ s ʂ ȿ ś ŝ ş š ș ѕ ƨ ß t ƫ ʈ ȶ ʨ ʇ ŧ ţ ť ț u ü ũ ư µ ʉ ù ú û ū ŭ ů ű ų ǔ ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ ȕ ȗ v ʌ ṿ w ʍ ŵ x х χ y ÿ ƴ ɏ ý ŷ ȳ у ў ӯ ӱ ӳ ʎ Ӯ Ӱ Ӳ z ƶ ȥ ɀ ʐ ź ż ž ʑ Þ Γ Θ Ξ Π Σ Φ Ψ Ώ Ʊ ϒ ϓ ϔ Ɣ Б Ґ Ӻ Д Ж Җ З К Ҝ Ӄ Л Ѳ Џ У Ф Ц Ҵ Ч Ҷ Ҹ Һ Ћ Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Љ Њ Э Ю Я Ҕ Ҧ Є Ҩ Ҽ Ә Ӡ Ѵ Ђ ð þ α ά β γ δ ε έ ʚ ɛ ɜ ɞ ɝ ζ η ή θ ι ΐ ί ϊ λ ξ π ρ ϼ ς σ τ υ ΰ ϋ ύ φ ϕ ψ ω ώ ɣ б в г ґ ӻ д ж җ з и ҋ к ӄ қ ҝ ҡ л ӆ ԯ м ӎ н ң ҥ ӈ ӊ п т ф ӽ ҳ ц џ ч ҷ ҹ ш щ ь ъ ы ҍ ѣ љ њ э ю я ҕ ҧ є ҩ ҵ ҽ ӡ ѵ $ ¢ ¥ £ ƒ 0 1 2 ƻ 3 4 5 Ƽ 6 7 8 9 & ! ¡ ? ¿ ( ) [ ] { } @ # ¤ / | ¦ \ - ­ ʼ ' " ʹ ʺ , . : ; · · ; « » < > = + × ÷ ± ~ ¬ ^ * ® © 🄯 🅫 🅪 ° ª º § ʰ ʲ ˡ ʳ ˢ ʷ ˣ ʸ ¹ ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾ % ´ ˝ ` ΄ ¨ ˆ ˜ ¯ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˇ ΅ ¸ ˛ ́ ̋ ̀ ̏ ̄ ̈ ̆ ̑ ̉ ̂ ̌ ̃ ̇ ̊ ̛ ̨ ̭ ̮ ̣ ̦ ̤ ̥ ̲ ̰ ʘ 🡐 🡒 🄰 🄱 🄲 🄳 🄴 🄵 🄶 🄷 🄸 🄹 🄺 🄻 🄼 🄽 🄾 🄿 🅀 🅁 🅂 🅃 🅄 🅅 🅆 🅇 🅈 🅉 Ƃ DZ Ð Đ Ƌ Ɛ Ʃ Ʒ Ǯ Ƹ Ȝ IJ Ɩ LJ Ŀ NJ Ƣ Ə Ŧ Ƅ Ʋ Ʀ Ɯ Ƿ Ƞ Ȣ Ɂ Ʌ ɢ ʛ ɪ ʟ ɴ ɶ ʀ ʁ ʏ ɑ ɒ ɤ ʗ ƍ ɘ ʃ ʆ ƪ ʅ ə ɚ ʒ ǯ ʓ ƹ ƺ ɡ ʔ ʡ ƾ ʢ ʖ ʕ ȝ ɩ ʄ ĸ ƛ ɮ ƣ ɷ ɔ ɸ ɺ ſ ʧ ƭ ƽ ƅ ʦ ȣ ȸ ȹ ɂ ʙ ʜ ʫ ʬ ỿ ʊ ʋ ƿ ʶ ǃ ʱ ǀ ǁ ǂ ʴ ˤ Г Ѓ Ќ П Р С Т Ў Х Ѡ Ѣ Ѥ Ѧ Ѩ Ѫ Ѭ Ѯ Ѱ Ѷ Ѹ Ғ Ҙ Ҫ Ҭ Ү Ұ Ҿ Ӏ Ӂ Ӆ Ӌ Ӛ Ӝ Ӟ Ӭ Ӵ Ӷ Ӹ Ӿ Ҁ Ҍ ѓ й ѝ ќ ѡ ѥ ѧ ѩ ѫ ѭ ѯ ѱ ѷ ғ ҙ ҫ ҭ ү ұ ҿ ӂ ӌ ә ӛ ӝ ӟ ӣ ӥ ө ӫ ӭ ӵ ӷ ӹ ӿ ҁ Ͱ Ͳ Ϙ Ϛ Ϝ Ϟ Ϡ Ϗ Ϸ Ͻ Ͼ Ͽ κ μ ν ͱ ͳ ͷ ͻ ͼ ͽ ϙ ϛ ϝ ϟ ϡ ϗ ϐ ϑ ϖ ϰ ϱ ϵ ϸ ϻ ͺ ʪ ʭ ʵ ˟ ᶿ ˅ ˂ ˃ ˄ ˮ ˕ ˯ ˗ ˖ ˞ ˓ ˒ ˪ ˫ ˬ ˭ ˰ ˱ ˲ ˳ ˴ ˵ ˶ ˷ ˸ ˹ ˺ ˻ ˼ ˽ ˾ ˿ ˔ ˥ ˩ ˦ ˨ ˧ ϶ ʹ ͵ ҂ ˠ ˏ ˑ ː ʽ ʻ ˉ ˋ ˀ ˁ ˎ ˈ ˍ ʿ ʾ ˊ ˌ ̅ ̍ ̎ ̐ ̒ ̓ ̔ ̕ ̖ ̗ ̘ ̙ ̚ ̜ ̝ ̞ ̡ ̢ ̩ ̪ ̫ ̬ ̯ ̱ ̳ ̴ ̵ ̶ ̷ ̸ ̹ ̺ ̻ ̼ ̽ ̾ ̿ ̀ ́ ͆ ͇ ͈ ͉ ͊ ͋ ͌ ͍ ͎ ͐ ͑ ͒ ͓ ͔ ͕ ͖ ͗ ͘ ͙ ͚ ͛ ͜ ͝ ͞ ͟ ͠ ͡ ͢ ᷿ ͂ ̓ ̈́ ͅ ᾿ ҃ ҄ ҅ ҆ ҇ ҈ ҉ ͣ ͤ ͥ ͦ ͧ ͨ ͩ ͪ ͫ ͬ ͭ ͮ ͯ Ѻ ѻ Ѽ ѽ Ѿ ѿ ⷿ

The story behind Inter

Inter started out in late 2016 as an experiment to build a perfectly pixel-fitting font at a specific small size (11px.) The idea was that by crafting a font in a particular way, with a particular coordinate system (Units Per EM), and for a particular target rasterization size (11), it would be possible to get the best of both sharpness and readability.

However after a few months of using an early version of Inter, it dawned on everyone exposed to the test that this approach had some serious real-world problems. Most notably that it was really hard to read longer text. Because of the pixel-aligning nature of that approach, the font took an almost mono-spaced appearance, making it really easy to read numbers, punctuation and very short words, but eye-straining to read anything longer.

The project was rebooted with a different approach, sticking with the specific UPM, but crafting glyphs and kerning in a way that made for more variation in the rhythm and smoother vertical and horizontal stems. As Inter was being developed, it was tested on an internal version of Figma—where the author of Inter works as a designer—and slowly improved upon based on experience and feedback.



How do I enable and disable font features?

In web browsers you'll want to use font-feature-settings. In Figma you can access features via the Advanced Type panel. In Illustrator, Photoshop and friends, you can access features via the Characters and OpenType panels. Sketch doesn't provide a UI for configuring font features, but there's a workaround using macOS's native font UI.

What is the difference between hinted and unhinted fonts?

The font files in the "hinted" folders have additional data in them for assisting ClearType, the text rasterizer used by Microsoft Windows (and some Linux distributions.) You want to use the "hinted" fonts only if you are targeting Windows users and prefer the different look of these "hinted" fonts. Additionally, hinting data makes the font files larger, so if you are using Inter on websites, the extra size of these files is another consideration to make. This article explains hinting at a greater length.

How reliable are the fonts served from rsms.me/inter?

rsms.me/inter is backed by GitHub's server network and distributed globally on the CloudFlare CDN, making usage of https://rsms.me/inter/inter.css and associated font files very reliable and fast throughout the world.

Can I help with improving Inter?

Yes you can! Inter is an open-source project, meaning the source code—or "source design" if you will—that is used to build the font files are freely available to improve upon. Font making requires a fair bit of technical work and depending on what you'd like to do, some things might be more fun depending on your technical skills. The "Contributing" document is a great place to start. The document outlines where you can have the biggest impact, how things are setup and how to get started.

This website claims work started in 2016, but the git repository's log says it started later?

Inter was developed in an a private, internal git repository starting in November 2016, prior to being published on August 22, 2017. Between November 2016 and August 2017, there were 2 990 150 line edits made across 247 versions. The reason the public GitHub repository does not reflect this is the fact that the project was initially only internal at the company where the author works and had some sensitive information "checked in", like AWS server details and internal author identity in all commit messages. Maybe one day we can write an elaborate git filter-branch program and convert the filter the old repository to make it public, but what would be the point of that?  :—)

The variable font renders poorly in Chrome

There are some known issues with variable fonts in Chrome, in particular on Microsoft Windows. You may see an effect similar to "ink bleed" where shapes overlap, for instance where the vertical and horizontal stems meet in "+" or "t". On Windows you may in addition see incorrectly placed glyphs that looks like poor kerning (spacing between characters) and even some glyphs being lower or taller than other glyphs. It is recommended to avoid using variable fonts on Chrome. See the Chromium bug tracker for a list of variable-font related issues.

I've made a cool thing that uses Inter, can I share it with you?
or, I have a different question.

Reach out on Twitter (@rsms) or over email