Editor chat summary: Wednesday, 27 November 2019

This post summarizes the weekly editor chat meeting on Wednesday, 27 November 2019, 14:00 WET held in Slack.

Gutenberg 7.0

Gutenberg 7.0 was released. It brings the navigation block out of the experimental state. The release was possible thanks to the efforts of 51 contributors. More details about this release can be checked on the release post.

Weekly Priorities

November priorities post: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2019/10/29/whats-next-in-gutenberg-november/

The priorities should remain pretty stable I think: Block Content Areas, Nesting Selection Tool, Navigation block will continue to be improved based on feedback. Gradients are almost “finished” and we may start thinking about improvements to the block interface based on this great issue https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/18667.


Task Coordination


Worked on PR’s Edit/Navigation ToolFixed Toolbar on mobile, and Add a header menu to switch between edit and select tool. Hopes to continue a trend of 50% reviews and triage and 50% code.


Gave support on the forums, triaged issues, rebased and updated some PR’s, submitted and merged several bug fixes, and worked on a PR that may increase the performance of the editor by caching styles https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/18763.

On the next week: 

  • Plans to review and help some media-related PR’s, namely the refactor to the gallery, to increase reusability with the native mobile APP. 
  • Wants to finish the remove editor module usages in block-editor by applying changes to the reusable blocks and rich-text. 
  • Update the release tool to move readme and changelog files to the Github repository.


Finished the work on adding a welcome guide modal, which is now ready for review.

Intends to spend the rest of this week playing with wordpress/env, seeing if we can deprecate local-env, and writing docs for this all.


Helped to finish the first approach of the Navigation block. Emphasize this comment: Navigation block will continue to be improved based on feedback.


Contributed to the following tasks:

Is looking at iterations for navigation, going through design feedback in Tightening Up board, and seeing what needs work or is blocked, and is working on docs for the triage team.


 Worked on some reviews and triage, namely the NUX modal PR for @noisysocks.


Looked closer at this issue https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/17640#issuecomment-556866662. Might need to create a new issue to bring a better focus on what he brought up.


Attended WordCamp Łódź, helped people on forums, worked on some triage based on reports from people. This week will resume the work on Block Patterns API.


Working on End User Documentation and connected with @melchoyce on her project to replacing gifs with videos.

Open floor

@scruffian brought the topic of how we handle Full Site Editing blocks for non-admin users.

@youknowriad referred the precedent we have in media blocks to allow/disallow features based on user capabilities, and @noisysocks referred the API we have to query user permissions.

@scruffian shared some questions he had on his mind:

  • Is the API change I suggested in https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-develop/pull/120 sensible? 
  • I see a change in the block itself in the PR not the API and it seems reasonable.
  • How does the design of the block change when a non-admin see it – does it need a special treatment?
  • This is probably a per-block problem as you might have access to some features in the block but not everything (think alignment of a site title block)

For the API change question, @youknowriad answered, he sees a change in the block itself in the PR, not the API, and that the change seems reasonable. For the block design question, @youknowriad answered that this is probably a per-block problem as one might have access to some features in the block but not everything.

@mrMark asked the use case Navigation Block and if it is intended to replace the menu system eventually. @youknowriad said that replacing the menu system may be a possibility but not until we allow editing the full templates in Gutenberg.

As a follow-up question @mrMark asked:

As the Block Editor encroaches onto the realm of what themes would normally handle, ie presentation layer, what’s the plan for integration between the Block editor and themes?

And then @mrMark referred that the Next Generation of Themes and how they integrate with the Block Editor should start being conceptualized.

@youknowriad referred that this is a big topic and ongoing work that can be followed on https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/labels/%5BFeature%5D%20Full%20Site%20Editing. @youknowriad is also happy to answer any specific questions, and this topic will be part of the next week’s meeting. So in case, this is something that interests you, please join us and share your insights!

#core-editor, #editor-chat, #meeting, #summary

New CSS focus in Core

Core has a new focus! As a next step after the birth of the #core-css channel, we now have a matching CSS focus, and tickets are starting to be added to it. You can find existing tickets here:



How to use it?

Quoting from the post that introduced the focuses:

“Focuses are about broad concepts and help break tickets down by specialties and skills, rather than functional areas of core”

With that in mind, the CSS focus should include tickets about

CSS architecture and tooling,

New features that need custom styling,

CSS bugs

and anything else that affects CSS in Core.

Keep in mind that a ticket can have more than one focus, so it’s worth adding the CSS focus where it makes sense.

Here’s how it works:

You can add a focus in the new-ticket form, or in the Modify Ticket section of an existing ticket. Choose the appropriate ones from a list at the bottom right corner of the form:

New ticket form showing Focuses on bottom right corner.

Click on a focus to add it to the ticket.

What’s new in Gutenberg? (27 November)

More than 51 contributors helped shape the 7.0.0 Gutenberg release. It’s one of the biggest number of contributors we’ve ever had.

The release includes a big number of fixes and enhancements to the Navigation block and marks it as a stable feature.

Navigation block in action

In terms of APIs, developers will be happy to know that this PR introduced some new APIs like allowing the internationalization of strings containing safe HTML, a new Card component in wordpress/components and a few other enhancements we encourage you to try and provide feedback.




Bug Fixes

New APIs




Performance Benchmark

The following benchmark compares performance for a particularly sizeable post (~ 36000 words, ~ 1000 blocks) over the last releases. Such a large post isn’t representative of the average editing experience but is adequate for spotting variations in performance.

Version Loading Time KeyPress event (typing)
Gutenberg 7.0.0 5.1s 67.7ms
Gutenberg 6.9.0 6.6s 53.5ms
WordPress 5.3 6.3s 61.44ms

👏 Kudos to all the contributors. Thank you.

#core-editor, #editor, #gutenberg

Dev Chat Agenda for November 27, 2019

Here is the agenda for the weekly meeting happening later today: Wednesday, November 27, 2019, at 09:00 PM UTC.


If you have anything to propose for the agenda or specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.

This meeting is held in the #core channel. To join the meeting, you’ll need an account on the Making WordPress Slack.

#agenda, #core, #devchat

Editor Chat Agenda: 27 November, 2019

Note taker: @jorgefilipecosta

This is the agenda for the weekly editor chat scheduled for 2019-11-27 14:00 UTC.

This meeting is held in the #core-editor channel in the Making WordPress Slack.

  • Gutenberg 7.0
  • Weekly Priorities
  • Task Coordination
  • Open Floor

If you have anything to share for the Task Coordination section, please leave it as a comment on this post.

If you have anything to propose for the agenda or other specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.


Devchat after the hour: November 20

As devchat reached the top of the hour last week, @youknowriad posted his comment about the gap between Gutenberg feature updates and Core major releases.

By December 11, Gutenberg will be ahead of Core with about 5 releases and this is a problem. 12 Gutenberg releases shipped into 5.3 . This is too much for a single WordPress release and with the current schedule, it’s seems like this is going to be similar for 5.4… This is not tenable for the future. It’s hard to stabilize and ship, it’s hard to summarize the changes for third-party developers and users, it’s more scary to ship and people were recommending the plugin to be installed for their clients (and it’s risky since the plugin is a development plugin). So how to reduce that gap is a big issue that needs solving IMO.Ideally I do think a shorter release cycle for majors is better. (Why not just a 5.4 in like end of January 😇 ), otherwise we’ll have to include enhancements in minors.

Riad also left this passage as a comment on @francina’s tentative release schedule, sparking a lively discussion.

So why bring up the subject here, separately?

There’s another question we need to answer, one that lies behind all of our discussions of schedules and cadences and majors and minors and who staffs what. To paraphrase @mapk, at about three minutes past the top of the hour on Wednesday:

What makes a major release?

The rule up to now, bent slightly in the year leading up to 5.0, is that we do not introduce new features in a minor, and really no enhancements either, no matter how small. Minors are for bug fixes and security only.

But then we wind up holding every single enhancement, big or small, for the next major. For some things, that hold can feel like a long wait.

That’s one of the circumstances that has led to the ever-widening gap between the Gutenberg plugin and the Core block editor.

Traditionally, as @azaozz pointed out, we don’t add new files in a minor because there is some potential for mishaps in the autoupdate process. He also pointed out that’s a technical limitation, already partly solved with our bump in PHP version support.

In response, @nerrad suggested that adding new files could become a lot less risky if WordPress moves to updated tooling like Composer, which is on the table in other conversations.

So now, per @mapk and the gang, we’re freer to ask the question based more on what users and devs would like to see:

What’s the bare minimum we can put in a release and call it a major?

And when we answer that, we can discuss any number of possibilities.

In the hour after devchat last Wednesday, and in the insightful commentary around @francina‘s 2020-21 roadmap, we can see ideas from monthly in-between-major-and-minors that just release new Gutenberg features, to starting four majors a year in 2020 and picking up the pace from there.

Chances are, dear reader, that if you’ve read this far you have thoughts of your own. Let’s hear them!

If you’d like to keep the trains of thought straight, I suggest we discuss what components, features and files go in what sort of release here, and scheduling, staffing and tooling over on @francina’s post.

Or we can just see what develops in both places.

Either way, whether you’re celebrating holidays this week or not, have a great rest of your week and a happy day Thursday!

Again, the tentative schedule is here.

The second part of devchat is here.

#2020-scheduling, #devchat, #releases

Tentative Release Calendar 2020-2021

During the 5.3 release cycle I heard that the uncertainty of next release date was a concern for many.

I am happy to introduce you to a tentative release calendar for the next two years. But first…

Tentative why?

  • Because the exact dates will be confirmed only when the release cycle kicks off to be sure that there is enough time to work on the issues and features that are planned
  • Because I don’t know if there is going to be a major change or shift in technology, especially from third parties, so being cautious is natural.
  • Because there is also another sentiment going around the WordPress community, that the project can handle more frequent releases, so there might be some changes in the way things are done.

From 5.4 to 6.0

Major Version Potential Release Date
5.4 2020/03/31
5.5 2020/08/11
5.6 2020/12/08
5.7 2021/03/09
5.8 2021/06/08
5.9 2021/09/14
6.0 2021/12/07

Major religious holidays for multiple faiths and Federal US holidays were taken into consideration. If you spot a date that is a big no, please comment below before December 4th.

Media Meeting Recap – November 14, 2019

The following is a summary of the weekly media component meeting that occurred on Thursday, November 14, 2019. Weekly media meetings are held every Thursday at 14:00 UTC. A full transcript can be found here in the #core-media room in the Make WordPress Slack.

Attendees: @sergeybiryukov , @pbiron, @spacedmonkey, @afercia, @dinhtungdu, @azaozz

Post 5.3 Triage

There were a few issues that came to light after folks updated to the 5.3 release.

Issues discussed:

  • #48632 : Cannot upload images directly from blogpost – Meeting participants attempted to replicate but were unable. Related issues were #48620 and #48604 in which one of the issues were due to a plugin.

That’s all that was reported as of meeting time last week! Thank you to everyone that contributed to WordPress 5.3! It really is a great update.

Meeting Scheduling Discussion

As you may have noticed, the time for the meeting was adjusted for Daylight Savings Time and moved later by one hour. There was some discussion in the meeting around adding a second meeting to the week allowing folks from both sides of the planet to participate. If you are in the AMEA region, please leave your thoughts on when the day and time of the week that works best. This topic will be revisited in the next meeting on Thursday, November 21, at 14:00 UTC

It was also mentioned that in this new scheduling model, it would be desired to move the currently scheduled meeting later one hour. This is of course only if there is another AMEA friendly meeting scheduled.

New Issues Triage

The meeting transitioned to a bug scrub after discussion about scheduling.

  • #48562 : Audio keeps playing on closing of media/attachment details popup in WP Admin – This was reproducible via the Media Library page in grid view. This issue has been around since 5.2 also so this is not a regression. Work is happening in the ticket to fix it up. The remainder of the meeting was filled with bunnies and discussion around a fix for the issue.


If you have any feedback on the above, please feel free to leave a comment, join in #core-media for a chat, or attend the next meeting on November 21, 2019 at 14:00UTC!

#core, #core-accessibility, #core-media, #media, #summary

Core Editor Summary for November 20

This post summarises the weekly editor chat meeting (agenda), held on Wednesday, November 20, 2019, 14:00 UTC in core-editor Slack channel.

Weekly Priorities

Slack transcript.

See November Priorities post. Good to focus on these things as the month wraps to an end and start thinking on next steps.

  • Block Content Areas: expected to still be a focus for a while.
  • Navigation block (board): is close to get out of the experimental phase into the plugin.
  • Tightening up (board):
    • Polish to blocks and different parts of the UI is continuing.
    • Gradients are coming along nicely.
    • Some progress is being made to the Block Selection Tools.
    • Add color to specific text inside RichText (16014) is blocked by 17617 It’d be good to unblock those.

Triage role for GitHub

Slack Transcript.

GitHub has recently created a few new roles with more fine-grained permissions. One of those is the Triage Role that enables people to manage issues and pull request, and well as other actions. There was a consensus that this new role could help onboard new contributors and less technical folks who are not part of the Gutenberg group already.


If you’re interested in joining the Triage group, please, leave a comment in the agenda or the GitHub issue.

Task Coordination

Slack Transcript.

If you’re reading this asynchronously, please, add your notes as comments.

Open Floor

Slack Transcript.

Welcome feedback on this exploration of hover/selection states for Full Site Editing concepts by @shaunandrews

Request For Comments experiment. A few months ago Gutenberg started doing a RFC for major features following this post. @youknowriad noted that it didn’t get as much traction as expected. Many agreed. To close this experiment and the open RFCs is being considered.

If you have any feedback about the RFC experiment, please, comment on this post or reach out to people involved. Feedback channels will be opened until next week when a decission will be made.

#core-editor, #editor-chat, #summary

Dev Chat Summary: November 20, 2019

Here’s a summary of the November 20 Dev Chat (agenda / Slack archive).


The 5.3 Retrospective – Call for Feedback post.

@clorith asked, “Would it be an idea to also allow for an anonymous form to submit to that? I know some folks may not be comfortable with the potential for conflict, and may feel safer giving an honest feedback if it wasn’t all public under their name? Then the feedback could be provided by the leads under a followup post, with no relation to individuals.”

@francina said she’d change the post to mention that anyone who’d like to give feedback privately is welcome to do so. 5.3 release leads @davidbaumwald, @youknowriad, @justinahinon, @audrasjb also committed to offering the same.

Upcoming Releases


@whyisjake offered the current list of tickets in the milestone at https://core.trac.wordpress.org/query?group=status&milestone=5.3.1

After a quick discussion of potential release dates, December 11, 2019 came out a potential winner. It’s pretty soon, but it still gives us time to triage 5.3 regressions and bugfixes. That decision is not final – it’s pending more discussion in the comments.

Got thoughts on timing? Please leave them in the comments – the sooner the better.

While we see how those conversations shake out, @audrasjb graciously offered to lead the first 5.3.1 bug scrub on Thursday November 21, 2019 18:00 UTC

Next up: a call for volunteers to lead the release.

@sergeybiryukov, @audrasjb, @amykamala, @marybaum, and @whyisjake all raised their hands. Everyone expressed great confidence in the potential candidates.

Want to be part of the 5.3.1 release squad? Please leave a comment.

Open floor

@youknowriad brought up a discrepancy in the release cadence between WordPress Core and Gutenberg:

By December 11, the date proposed for a 5.3.12 release, Gutenberg will be ahead of Core with about 5 releases and this is a problem. 12 Gutenberg releases shipped into 5.3 . This is too much for a single WordPress release and with the current schedule, it’s seems like this is going to be similar for 5.4. This is not tenable for the future. It’s hard to stabilize and ship, it’s hard to summarize the changes for third-party [developers] and users, it’s more scary to ship and people were recommending the plugin to be installed for their clients (and it’s risky since the plugin is a development plugin). So how to reduce that gap is a big issue that needs solving IMO.Ideally I do think a shorter release cycle for majors is better. (Why not just a 5.4 in like end of January). [O]therwise we’ll have to include enhancements in minors.

This generated a long discussion that continued well past the end of the Dev Chat. See the full conversation starting here.

@davidbaumwald led the chat and wrote these notes. @marybaum did some editing.

#5-3, #devchat, #summary