Location information

WordCamp is only 2 days away! We thought of giving a reminder of the location and how to get there.

WordCamp Finland 2016 will be held at Virgin Oil in the center of Helsinki.

Address is Kaivopiha, Mannerheimintie 5, which is within about 3 minutes walk from Helsinki central railway station and 10 minutes from Kamppi bus station. Also trams 2, 3, 4, 6, 7A. 7B, 9, and 10 stop near the venue.

The after-party will be held at O’Learys Bakers Bar on Mannerheimintie 12, which is within about 5 minutes walk from Virgin Oil.

Helsinki journey planner or Google Maps services can both help in finding out how to get around with public transportation in Helsinki.

Parking options nearby: Q-Park Stockmann,  P-CityForum EuroparkP-Kamppi Europark.
Centralized Helsinki taxi services: TAXIHELSINKI. Please note, Uber does not officially operate in Finland.

Workshops and Contibutors Day will be on April 16th (Saturday) on Korkeavuorenkatu 35, Helsinki.

Join us for the afterparty on Friday!

The afterparty for WordCamp Finland will be held at O’Learys Bakers Bar on Mannerheimintie 12 on Friday 15th April from 19:30 (7.30 pm) on. The place is within 5 minutes walk from Virgin Oil, where the conference day is held.

You can leave your coats and bags at the coat service upstairs.

Drink tickets will be given on arrival. You can exchange them for a special WordCamp Finland drink called Vihta, or choose from a list of other options including sodas, cider, wine and beer.

Bakers will be open until early morning, but the private event will end around 22:00 (10 pm). After that doors will open to the public.

This will be a great opportunity for you to meet some of the local WordPress communities from Finland and get a chance to share your experiences from the conference.

We hope to see you there and remember to bring your badges!

On the Speaker Selection Process

It’s hard to believe, but WordCamp Finland 2016 is only 8 days from now. On Friday the 15th we have 12 excellent talks lined up for you (6 full length and 6 lightning talks), and we can’t wait to hear them ourselves! In this post I’ll go a little into the speaker selection process.

We were lucky to have 30 talk proposals from 24 different people. The overwhelming majority of those proposals were well thought out and we believe every one of them deserved to be heard. However, we knew we had room for only one track so choices had to be made. In addition to Finland, we got application from the USA, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Sweden. Because WordCamps are first and foremost for the local community, we had to set limits on the number of international talks.

So, how do you choose? We had a team of 4 people, made up of organisers, who read through your applications. 3 on the team had not been involved in the speaker application or selection process up to that point, which meant we could make an initial selection of talks anonymously, based purely on the proposed topic and description. Although I don’t believe it makes sense to completely disregard the person, this was a good way to ensure that to begin with, we had a varied and interesting selection of topics.

We aimed to have talks appealing to designers, site owners, intermediate and advanced developers alike. Some talk proposals were very similar to one another, and in those cases we chose the one we considered to appeal to the widest audience. In the end we quite naturally emerged with a talk schedule comprised of both experienced and first-time speakers, men and women, advanced and general interest topics. See the final schedule here: https://2016.finland.wordcamp.org/schedule/

If you applied to speak and didn’t get selected, do not despair! There are regular meetups in Helsinki, Tampere, Jyväskylä and Turku, all of which are looking for good talks and speakers. And of course, there’ll always be another WordCamp.

See you all on the 15th at Virgin Oil!

Workshops Registration

Workshops and Contibutors Day will be on April 16th (Saturday) on Korkeavuorenkatu 35, Helsinki.

Read more info about workshops (schedule, brief descriptions) from here.

Note that Workshops and Contibutors Day is only open for those that have a ticket for WordCamp Finland.


Register to Workshops and Contributors Day using the form below.

Following workshops are full:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Freelance Workshop
  • Building a theme from scratch


Workshops and Contributors Day

Workshops and Contibutors Day will be on April 16th (Saturday) on Korkeavuorenkatu 35, Helsinki.

Register to Workshops from here.

On Workshops and Contributors Day we’ll be going through specific topics in small groups. Bring your laptop with you because it might involve coding also.

  • Workshops are more like easy going classes in school.
  • Contributing means contributions to Core and translating Core, Themes and Plugins.


11:00 am – 13:00 pm: Workshop round I, contributions to Core and translating
13:00 pm – 14:00 pm: Lunch break
14:00 pm – 16:00 pm: Workshop round II, contributions to Core and translating

Continue reading “Workshops and Contributors Day”

Bronze Sponsors: Geniem, Exove, WPML and Corellia Helsinki Oy

Meet our bronze sponsors!



Geniem is one of our bronze sponsors this year.

Geniem provides enterprise grade WordPress development and maintenance services. Even though headquartered in Tampere, our passionate staff is spread around Finland (and one in Sweden). Our main WordPress open source project is DustPress, an MVC based model for developing WordPress sites with modern thinking.




Exove is one of the bronze sponsors for WordCamp Finland 2016.

Exove is a leading open technology digital design and development company in the Nordic countries and the Baltic states.

We help our customers to grow their digital business. We provide beautiful, functional, and business driven web and mobile sites and applications with WordPress and other open source tools.

We are over 80 people and have offices in Helsinki, Oulu, Tampere, Tallinn, and London.




WPML turns WordPress websites multilingual. It works with caching, SEO and E-Commerce plugins, and allows the building of complete multilingual sites. WPML powers simple blogs as well as corporate and enterprise sites.

WPML allows users to translate everything in the site, including content, menus, widgets and even theme and plugin texts. WPML powers over 500,000 commercial websites from all over the world.

More information about going multilingual can be found at WPML.org.

We are looking for talent. If you are a smart programmer you are welcome to contact us here: http://wpml.org/home/were-hiring/.

WPML kääntää WordPress-sivustot monikielisiksi. Se käyttää välimuisti-, hakukoneoptimointi- ja sähköisen-kaupankäynnin laajennuksia ja sen avulla voidaan rakentaa täydellisiä monikielisiä sivustoja. WPML pyörittää yhtä hyvin yksinkertaisia blogeja kuin yhtiöiden ja yritysten sivustojakin.

WPML-laajennuksen avulla käyttäjät voivat kääntää sivustolla kaiken, mukaan lukien sisällön, valikot, vimpaimet ja jopa teemat ja laajennustekstit. WPML toimii 500 000 kaupallisen sivuston moottorina ympäri maailmaa.

Lisätietoa monikielisyyden toteuttamiseen löydät osoitteesta WPML.org

Etsimme kykyjä. Jos olet kyvykäs ohjelmoija, olet tervetullut ottamaan meihin yhteyttä täällä: http://wpml.org/home/were-hiring/.

Corellia Helsinki Oy


Corellia is a bronze sponsor for WordCamp Finland this year.

Corellia is an agile training and consulting center. Our services are specifically targeted to professionals working in publishing, marketing and communications services and companies. Our mission is to help individuals and teams to work with WordPress in a creative and efficient way.


Silver Sponsor: Frantic Oy


Frantic is one of our silver sponsors this year. This is what Frantic is:

We’re a team of professional craftsmen on a journey to create a better digital world. We do this by building awesome digital services across all devices with tender loving care. Since 1996, we’ve been combining our experience with lean project management methods to deliver top quality on budget and on schedule every time. At the end of the day, we want our work to have a positive impact on society by helping our clients be successful, by making users happy and by sharing our knowledge with our peers.
