Podcast #42. ¿Qué es el #WPTranslationDay y cómo puedes colaborar? #WordPress https://t.co/cAonZ5Ztj1 https://t.co/bRxaSlriMY

Podcast #42. Colabora con la Comunidad #WordPress en el #WPTranslationDay y ayuda en su traducción #WordPress… https://t.co/jv5ZCrdil2

Annual #WordPress survey is open and available in five other languages so far, well done #WPPolyglots… https://t.co/5nLILbOUvE

Podcast #42. Durante 24h tendrá lugar el #WPTranslationDay para ayudar en la traducción de #WordPress #WordPress… https://t.co/aYdOC5zCFy

Brilliant to have a Portuguese translation of the first of the #MakeWordPress #DigitalCitizenship features. Thanks… https://t.co/TQ1dhtqapZ

Awesome to be able to feature wonderful examples on #DigitalCitizenship & skills sharing. @tessc_a pleased to be ab… https://t.co/rwj5MXk0MB

Podcast #42. ¿Sabes que #WordPress está traducido en 169 idiomas? Aprende a colaborar en #WPTranslationDay… https://t.co/U6jDhMKIbH

A big thanks to all the speakers, panel chairs and those who assisted them with training, presentation advice and g… https://t.co/JrJg9r8PmR

The more that #WordPress is translated, the more that users throughout the world are empowered 💪 Our takeaways from… https://t.co/M6kHvoJIis

One of #wcasia organizers Ugyen’s story was featured on WordPress News blog. Accompanied with a photo from their… https://t.co/m1Fzpl9fD0

@IamAhmedKhalifa I feel you strong @IamAhmedKhalifa and thank you for being open, allowing us to measure ourselves… https://t.co/BdwbrVlKQk

That’s why the work of the #WPPolyglots team is so important (and why we celebrate them on #WPTranslationDay 😉 https://t.co/FemylAEDAs

If you’re a #WordPress translator missed doing interviews at #WCEU Contributor Day today, come and sign-up at the p… https://t.co/f3GgEh0BGD

Thanks @NonStopNewsUK for organising, lots of wonderful interviews being done today. If you want to contribute, let… https://t.co/96s5u1oQm1

Podcast #42. 14.000 voluntarios colaborarán en el #WPTranslationDay para traducir el ecosistema #WordPress… https://t.co/Z9zgkWZDJH

Calling #WPPolyglots. We want to hear your story of how you got involved & why you would encourage others to join.… https://t.co/TxA5OaqoMB

Look what @JeroenRotty brought us!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #WPTranslationDay https://t.co/YK0HvmfbfP

Our 3rd tip for how you can contribute. Use your awesome multilingual skills to translate #WordPress and increase a… https://t.co/hnjTdTkFpv

In just 24 hours, we’re now into double figures of the polyglots who took part in #WPTranslationDay who want to sha… https://t.co/7axXp0gdY1

Great response already to be involved in promoting translation. Open to anyone who translated #WordPress on… https://t.co/Rm85MUQMLh

@Alice_Ridice Thanks. It’s going to be a fab get-together for all the Polyglots involved with #WPTranslationDay , w… https://t.co/JnYWhcSNns

@WomenInWP @BOEmedia @wceu @tapps Be great to chat @WomenInWP and @tapps with @zetaraffix @naokomc and… https://t.co/LSYZdvOUhE

We’re you a translator at #WPTranslationDay 4? We would love to try & get some pics of participants who will be at… https://t.co/g8oarRMGmg

It would be great to get a picture of everyone at #WCEU or Contributor Day on 20 June 2019 who took part in… https://t.co/r88bopOhI5

Did you participate in WPTD and booked to attend #WCEU Contributor Day? Connect with the polyglots team & have fun… https://t.co/spJWQlN7nR

Thanks so much to all those who have connected about sharing their translation story. If you are a #WordPress trans… https://t.co/adNTTYaVwi

Dia 11 de maio tivemos o #WPTranslationDay 4, um dia inteiro dedicado à tradução e localização do #WordPress. Veja… https://t.co/1uHOMcu1qJ

Organized WordPress Translation Day on 11th May by contributing Hindi Translations.😎🤘
@WordPress @TranslateWP… https://t.co/zJ1psOkxO9

@siobhanseija @zetaraffix @reimark This sounds fascinating @reimark – let us know how it progresses and if you want… https://t.co/5G3X5a7DqG

オンライン WordPress イベント、#WordSesh が日本時間22:45からスタート!無料で視聴できます。
#WPTranslationDay でも使った @CrowdcastHQ のアカウントでどうぞ。 https://t.co/PDbaNe7h5p