Classic Editor


Classic Edita pulagini ya WordPress elabirirwa mu butongole nga ezza Edita ya WordPress enkadde n’olutimbe lwa “Edit Post”. Esobozessa pulagini endala ezikozessa olutimbe olukadde, okwongera ko metaboxes enkadde oba ebirala ebikwatte ku edita enkadde.

Classic Edita pulagini ya WordPress mu butongole, era ejja kulabirirwa mpaka omwaka 2022, oba nga bwe kisanidde.

Awasokelwa, eno pulagini eyongera ko bino wamanga:

  • Abalabirizi bo mutimbagano basobola oku londa edita esokelwa ko abakozessa bonna.
  • Abalabirizi basobola okukiriza abakozessa okukyusa edita esokelwa ko.
  • Ngaomukozessa akiriziddwa, asobola okukyusa edita ku kiwandiiko kyona.
  • Buli kiwandiko kiggulibwa mu edita eyasembeyo okozessebwa nga tosinzidde ku yasembyeyo okuwanidika. Kino kikulu nnyo oku letta enkola enunggamu mu kuwandiika.

In addition, the Classic Editor plugin includes several filters that let other plugins control the settings, and the editor choice per post and per post type.

Mu ntegeeka esokelwa ko, eno pulagini ekwekka ebikola byonna mu edita empya(“Gutenberg”).


  • Entegekka z'omulabrizi ku lupapula lw'entegeka ->.
  • User settings on the Profile screen. Visible when the users are allowed to switch editors.
  • "Action links" to choose alternative editor. Visible when the users are allowed to switch editors.
  • Link to switch to the Block Editor while editing a post in the Classic Editor. Visible when the users are allowed to switch editors.
  • Endagiriro mu kyussa Classic Edita nga owandiika mu Block Edita. Osobola okugiraba ng'abakozessa bakiliziddwa okukyussa edita.
  • Okulonda edita esokelwa ko mu ntegeeka yo mukuttu kulw'omukutu gwonna n'okukiriza abalabirizi okuzikyussa.
  • Endagiriro ya "Kyussa ode ku Classic Edita"


Entegeeka esoka

When activated this plugin will restore the previous (“classic”) WordPress editor and hide the new Block Editor (“Gutenberg”).
These settings can be changed at the Settings => Writing screen.

Entegeeka esoka eyo mukutu

Waliwo ebyokulonda bibiri:

  • When network-activated this plugin will set the Classic Editor as default and prevent site administrators and users from changing editors.
    The settings can be changed and default network-wide editor can be selected on the Network Settings screen.
  • When not network-activated each site administrator will be able to activate the plugin and choose options for their users.
Sisobola kusanga endagiriro “Kyussa ode ku Classic Edita”

Kiri mu lukalala lwa Block Editor olukulu, laba akafananyi kano.


Mukutulansanja 10, 2020
Hi Thank you for availability A good program should have decent processing on the server. WordPress has shifted to heavyweight rather than lightweight processing Just compare the Gothenburg loading time with the classic one. Just ask for two simultaneous writing processes in Gothenburg! The core of WordPress forget that many users use shared servers. Members of the WordPress Core are active on a powerful dedicated server, But other public users are mostly on shared servers, There are not many virtual servers that users move to, They are very expensive and require expertise and support, Many users do not have the knowledge and money to do so , Instead of less processing, Gutenberg only changes the code and appearance of the data, Classic plug-in processing extremely low, Unfortunately, the WordPress team forgets to activate the release of its own debug, Activating other languages indicates status, Gutenberg wants sequential processing time to load each part, But the classic plugin displays them in 1 fast processing. You just need to understand when using server resources check. Just enable debugging and error recording to find out. This classic extension has been active since 5 million and Gutenberg 200,000. This means that many users will prefer the old version after testing it. That is, for the audience it is more important than the innovation of correct processing quality and low error. I hope the Gutenberg team will come to an understanding of what the audience needs, not the costly thinking. Keep enduring classic. Classic team Don't be tired Thanks to all the WordPress team members and developers
Mukutulansanja 9, 2020
I have been testing both, Classic Editor and Gutenberg. First I had learned and got used to using Gutenberg (I have 2 websites in different languages, so the content is equal - one of them was updated to Gutenberg while the 2d was left with Classic Editor). I did it for more than 1 year. So here's the result: one needs to spend +50% more time to publish the same article using Gutenberg! It's an awful waste of time!!! Please consider to keep this Classic Editor plugin up-to-date as long as possible (2022 is too close). Because GUTENBERG IS DEGRADATION and not the improvement!
Mukutulansanja 5, 2020
Even though I see how the Gutenberg block editor is useful and helfpul to non-technical people, for me personally I still prefer to have direct access to my HTML and CSS so I installed this useful plugin which brings back the classic editor.
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Contributors & Developers

“Classic Editor” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Classic Editor” has been translated into 52 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Classic Editor” into your language.

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  • Tulinyisizza omutindo gwa WordPress 5.2 ne Gutenberg 5.3+.
  • Enhanced and fixed the “open posts in the last editor used to edit them” logic.
  • Fixed adding post state so it can easily be accessed from other plugins.


  • Okujjamu ebitayizza mukutongoza emikuttu emipya.
  • Added support for network administrators to choose the default network-wide editor.
  • Okuterezza endagiriro z’entegekka muku wabula ku lupapula olw’ebitukwatako.
  • Onkwogera mu “Kyussa ode ku Classic Edita” bulungi ku ndagiriro ezidda ku ngadiriro za Block Edita


  • Twaterezza mu okugyamu ekipande kya “Gezza ko Gutenberg”.
  • Fixed condition for displaying of the after upgrade notice on the “What’s New” screen. Shown when the Classic Editor is selected and users cannot switch editors.


  • Okuterezza mu kukyussa edita okuva ku lutimbe lwa Wandiika ekipya nga tonaba tereka ekiwandiiko ekipya.
  • Okuterezza mu ensobbi mukiwandiiko ekiri okumpi n’okuterezza endagiriro eyokunonyerezza okuda ku classic-edita.
  • Okukyusa okukebera WordPress 5.0 obutakozessa okukebera omutindo. Eterezza ebitatuka nga okebera 5.1-alpha
  • Okukyussa Entegeeka esoka ey’okukiriza abakozessa okukyussa edita.
  • Okwongera okusirisa pulagini ya Gutenberg n’okussa WordPress eyetagisa mpaka mu 4.9.
  • Tugasse ko filter ya classic_editor_network_default_settings


Okuterezza ebitatusse ebiyinza okuleta Block edita okutandika kulwe biwandiiko ebita kolagana n’edita nga abakozessa bakirizibwa okyukyussa edita.


  • Tutumbudde omutindo mpaka WordPress 5.0.
  • Kyussa amanya n’obukwatte obwa Gutenberg ku “Block Edita”.
  • Terezza mu ntegeeka ze ndabikka
  • Okujja mu okuzikiza Gutenberg pulagini. Kino kyagattibwa ko okukebera WordPress 4.9. Abakozessa abagala okw’ongera okugoberera enkulakulana ya Gutenberg mu WordPress 5.0 n’okweyongerayo, tebagyakwetagga pulagini ndala okugisirisa.
  • Added support for per-user settings of default editor.
  • Added support for admins to set the default editor for the site.
  • Added support for admins to allow users to change their default editor.
  • Added support for network admins to prevent site admins from changing the default settings.
  • Added support to store the last editor used for each post and open it next time. Enabled when users can choose default editor.
  • Added “post editor state” in the listing of posts on the Posts screen. Shows the editor that will be opened for the post. Enabled when users can choose default editor.
  • Twongedde mu obukungungguta classic_editor_enabled_editors_for_post and classic_editor_enabled_editors_for_post_type. Busobozessa okukozessebwa pulagini endala oku okutambuzza oba okukyusa edita ekozesebwa kubiwandiko byonna.
  • Tugasse ko filter ya classic_editor_plugin_settings. Esobola okozesebwa pulagini endala okyussa enkola n’okugyamu enkola z’endabika.


  • Tumbula omutindo gwa Gutenberg 4.1 ne WordPress 5.0-beta1.
  • Tegyemu ebimu ebikola kati mu Gutenberg.
  • Fixed redirecting back to the Classic Editor after looking at post revisions.


  • Fixed removing of the “Try Gutenberg” call-out when the Gutenberg plugin is not activated.
  • Fixed to always show the settings and the settings link in the plugins list table.
  • Tukyusizamu ebigambo bya readme.


  • Updated the option from a checkbox to couple of radio buttons, seems clearer. Thanks to @designsimply for the label text suggestions.
  • Okutumbula omutindo buliwamu n’okulongossa.


  • Okulinyissa omutindo gwa Gutenberg 1.9.
  • Jaawo okulabula n’okujjamu pulagini nga Gutenberg teli kukola.


Okufulumizibwa okusoka