Have you ever had trouble getting women to speak at your events? Us too.
Did you know that there’s a solution this? There’s no one perfect solution, but there is a speaker training workshop written by and for female members of the WordPress community. (http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200213163552/https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/speaker-training/) It busts through women’s typical objections, like “What would I talk about?” and “I don’t know enough about … to give a talk on it.” The training runs through exercises (and public speaking practise opportunities) for finding a topic, crafting good pitches, bios, and outlines, and covers tips to becoming a better speaker.
This workshop has been tested and proven to increase the number of women speakers at meetups and WordCamps in Vancouver, Seattle, and Montreal.
Where do you come in?
We’d like to form a group of passionate folk to run and promote this fantastic workshop. We want everyone to know that this resource exists, and that anyone can pick it up and run it. It’s been designed so that the facilitators don’t need expertise; they don’t even need to be experienced public presenters themselves. The course is all written out in a script that trainers can just read the material aloud, along with accompanying workbooks (coming soon).
Interested in joining this Diversity Outreach Speaker Training working group? Together we will: (each item is optional)
- Train you to run the workshop. (The first time, you will be a workshop participant in a live online version. There may be possibilities to receive the training in person, such as at WordCamp US 2017 on Contributor Day).
- Receive and then, in turn, provide ongoing support and mentorship to run the workshop.
- Help you train others to run the workshop. We want many trainers worldwide in a self-perpetuating system that is continuously growing.
- Promote the workshop globally and help create a promotion plan.
- Be part of a team that decides how the workshop should change over time.
- Discuss ongoing speaker diversity issues and how we can solve them. We will be focusing more on solutions than on just talking about problems.
Currently this effort is being mostly lead by myself, but the goal is to recruit a group to take long-term leadership in achieving the above goals. I’m available to spend about 6 months training folks and then hope to pass this on, though that is flexible. Even after that time, I will always be available to answer questions and provide support.
Estimated time commitment:
- A bi-weekly group chat: 30 minutes every 2 weeks [Update: We meet on the #community-team Slack channel every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 5pm UTC, for 30-60 minutes]
- A live training: 1.5 hours + 1 hour of group chats over the course of a couple of weeks + 0.5 hour wrap-up
- Prepare and run the workshop: Running the whole workshop takes 4 hours, but you can run just a module for 1 hour. Expect about 2 hours prep time the first time.
If you’d like to take part in this working group please comment on this post. I will then reach out to interested folks, to find a good time for biweekly meetings. Other people can join in any time after that as well. If you have questions, please also feel free to comment on the post. I look forward to working with you and together creating something wonderful!
I’m one of the organizers of our local community where we are having issues with getting more women to volunteer and speak. There’s one person in general that I’ve pushed to speak and now she has started to volunteer actively but she’s the only one.
I’d love to volunteer to learn and help. 🙂
I am interested, yet have no availability until Contributor Day because I am on the WCUS Organizer team.
I am a WordPress enthusiastic located in Kolkata, India. Working on local meet-up here. Would love to work with you.
I’m interested! We had nearly 50% female speakers at our WC this year, and I’d like to make sure we can keep the trend up. Please let me know. Thanks!
I am interesting in learning more about this and perhaps participating.
The meeting will be at 5:00pm UTC (12pm Eastern) on Wednesdays in #community-team on Slack. The first one will be tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 29th.
I’m communicating with everyone through Slack before the meeting, so please write to me there @jillbinder to let me know when you have a Slack id.
“What would I talk about?” is the one thing which is always on my mind, when people say why don’t you apply as a speaker. Hence definitely I will take this opportunity to be a part of this program.
Please let me know. Thanks.
I am interested, yet have no availability until 20th Novembre because I am on the WCMIL Organizer team.
Would love to be a part of this, Jill! I’ll be at WCUS or you can reach me on slack @jenblogs4u. This will be a huge benefit to our WomenWhoWP groups. Thank you for the post.
I am very interested, and would love to participate! I’m always for promoting diversity in meet-ups, WordCamps, and even in Slack discussions. As a translator, my first thought was to have the training materials translated, and reach more people, and I’m already volunteering to do it to PT-BR. On the other hand, I would also support anything directed to the other participants too, because low participation is not always a problem of the people refraining to do so, but the fact that communities are not always as welcoming as we’d expect them to be.
Excellent points all around. Also, I’d love to chat more with you about translations.
I’ve love to be a part of this!
Please reach out to me. I would love to be part of this. I am a speaker and have spoken at WordCamp Toronto in 2016. I am often thinking about topics of interest. I use WordPress and have often thought about this as a topic.
Please reach out to me.
The meeting will be at 5:00pm UTC (12pm Eastern) on Wednesdays in #community-team on Slack. The first one will be tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 29th.
I’m communicating with everyone through Slack before the meeting, so please write to me there @jillbinder to let me know when you have a Slack id.
This is awesome.
I would like to do this, but I limited in time before WCUS.
It was great meeting you and having a chance to chat in Seattle. Your presentation materials helped here and I would love to be a part of this.
Hi there,
I would like to participate as a volunteer and involve myself in the community events. It would be a great opportunity to contribute, network and learn many new things. Thanks
I am very interested in participating. Count me in, please.
I would like to be a part of this too.
I was the first speaker at the first Nashville WordCamp. And have been on stage in one way or another for most of my life. Would LOVE to help with this program!
The meeting will be at 5:00pm UTC (12pm Eastern) on Wednesdays in #community-team on Slack. The first one will be tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 29th.
I’m communicating with everyone through Slack before the meeting, so please write to me there @jillbinder to let me know when you have a Slack id.
I would love to be a part of this. My time is a bit limited until after WCUS but this is definitely something I want to peruse. Thank you so much!
I am a member of Mumbai WordPress community. I got on the stage for a panel, first time in WordCamp Nashik a week back and I did face some of the stated problems and I face them now too every time I think about what next. This would help me. Also I and Meher can help pushing this in Mumbai community. 🙂
The meeting will be at 5:00pm UTC (12pm Eastern) on Wednesdays in #community-team on Slack. The first one will be tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 29th.
I’m communicating with everyone through Slack before the meeting, so please write to me there @jillbinder to let me know when you have a Slack id.
I’m interested and would love to learn more about it.
I’m interested to join Speaker Training.
This is fantastic – we’d be interested to do this in Brighton. We’ve done the Get Speaking training here for the last 2 years prior to WordCamp and it was great. Would love to learn more and help spread the word in the UK. My Slack name is alicestill.
Hi @jillbinder I’d definitely be interested ☺️
I’m dianewallace on Slack 😊
I’d love to do 1 & 3
I’m interested.
The meeting will be at 5:00pm UTC (12pm Eastern) on Wednesdays in #community-team on Slack. The first one will be tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 29th.
I’m communicating with everyone through Slack before the meeting, so please write to me there @jillbinder to let me know when you have a Slack id.
Hi @ashokrd2013
I’m Jill’s assistant and I’m assisting her in creating a plan for the Diversity Outreach Speaker Training workshop programme.
We’re using slack to co-ordinate the meeting but I don’t have your user details.
If you don’t have slack and you would like to participate, please sign in to your wordpress.org account and then go to this link: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200213163552/https://make.wordpress.org/chat/
Follow the instructions for creating an account. If you have any questions about it, please don’t hesitate to ask. I will get Jill to help you through it.
Then, come back and let me know your username here.
My username is ashokrd2013
Thanks, @ashokrd2013!
I can’t seem to find you on Slack with that username. Can you message me there on the Making WordPress workspace? I’m @jillbinder
Thank you for the interest, everyone! I am so pleased to see so much interest around the world.
1. Please fill out this doodle poll to find a time to meet bi-weekly on Slack. Make sure it is set to your timezone.
(I’d like the first meeting date to be in November so that we can chat before WCUS. I made these dates in the poll for December just so those who aren’t available until after WCUS will still fill it out.)
2. If people aren’t available to meet regularly and also not available for doing an online training with me, just a reminder that you can still run the workshop in your local community on your own. All the material is available at http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200213163552/https://make.wordpress.org/training/speaker-training
3. If you are attending WCUS, you are invited to attend a live training with me in the afternoon of the Contributor Day (Sunday, December 3rd) in the Community group. Let me know if you can make it. Sign up here:
I’m looking forward to meeting you!
Please say yes in the doodle to as many times as possible. That will help to coordinate a large group over vast timezones.
Hi there-
Is this still open? I’d be very interested.
The meeting will be at 5:00pm UTC (12pm Eastern) on Wednesdays in #community-team on Slack. The first one will be tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 29th.
I’m communicating with everyone through Slack before the meeting, so please write to me there @jillbinder to let me know when you have a Slack id.
Please put me on the list, if not for the first round of “train the trainer”, then maybe for the second round.
i am interested!
The meeting will be at 5:00pm UTC (12pm Eastern) on Wednesdays in #community-team on Slack. The first one will be tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 29th.
I’m communicating with everyone through Slack before the meeting, so please write to me there @jillbinder to let me know when you have a Slack id.
Hi @enmanuelguzman
I’m Jill’s assistant and I’m assisting her in creating a plan for the Diversity Outreach Speaker Training workshop programme.
We’re using slack to co-ordinate the meeting but I don’t have your user details.
If you don’t have slack and you would like to participate, please sign in to your wordpress.org account and then go to this link. Follow the instructions for creating an account. If you have any questions about it, please don’t hesitate to ask. I will get Jill to help you through it.
Then, come back and let me know your username here.
http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200213163552/https://make.wordpress.org/chat/ (this is the link)
The meeting will be at 5:00pm UTC (12pm Eastern) on Wednesdays in #community-team on Slack. The first one will be this Wednesday, Nov. 29th.
I’m definitely interested in getting involved with this group! I’m leading my first WordCamp in June. 🙂 I’m looking for ways to get more speakers for our Meetup/WordCamp and would love to be able to train on speaking.
Hi Jill! Great to connect with you last week. I am definitely interested in this group and helping people that want to speak at WordCamps.
I am very interested in this! I’m tired of being one of the few women that speak at WordCamps!
I’d love to be a part..
From – DeveloperBrothers
Great, @developerbrothers!
We use Slack to communicate and coordinate. It looks like you don’t have one on wordpress.slack.com yet.
Please sign in to your wordpress.org account and then go to this link: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200213163552/https://make.wordpress.org/chat/
When you have it set up, please let me know it. Thanks!