Welcome to the Theme Review team.
We are a group of volunteers who review and approve themes submitted to be included in the official WordPress Theme directory. The Theme Review Team maintains the official Theme Review Requirements, the Theme Unit Test Data and the Theme Sniffer plugin.
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The issue for keeping reviewers around has come up, and it seems to me that there needs to be more of a community. This can partly be accomplished by encouraging authors to give feedback on other author’s tickets, not in the sense of review (although that helps get reviews done) but in the sense of learning from each other and collaborating on themes as a group of authors.
I’ve been chatting with @poena and others about this, but for open floor time today:
I’d like to propose a new recurring meeting in #themereview channel to discuss block-based themes. This would be a dedicated opportunity for everyone to focus on themes in the context of Gutenberg’s full-site editing work, and to discuss the various paths forward for block-based themes.
An important part of this meeting would be coordination and updates from the Design and Core Editor teams. There’s a lot of full-site editing work already happening, and it’s important for Theme folks to stay informed and involved. I’ve already spoken to @mapk, @youknowriad, @epiqueras, and others from those teams, and all said they would be happy to join a new meeting like this and/or help nudge other folks to participate as well. This would be an excellent opportunity to fuel the much-needed communication loop between Themes and those working directly on Gutenberg.
I’d suggest a meeting time of Wednesdays @ 16:00 UTC. Bi-weekly to try it out, with the option of making it more frequent as the work picks up. I’m happy to lead this meeting and to coordinate with the Design and Core Editor teams to ensure we have up-to-date information and topics for each meeting.