
2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets

Posted June 11, 2009 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Releases.

I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in honor of noted trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker. Here’s a quick video overview of everything in the new release:

The first thing you’ll notice is that visually 2.8 feels a lot like 2.7, just with some minor tweaks here and there. However once you’ll dig in you’ll begin to appreciate the changes.

Major New Improvements

First and foremost, 2.8 is way faster to use. We’ve changed the way WordPress does style and scripting.

The core and plugin updaters in previous versions of WordPress have been such a success we decided to bring the same to themes. You can now browse the entire theme directory and install a theme with one click from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard.

If you make edits or tweaks to themes or plugins from your dashboard, you’ll appreciate the new CodePress editor which gives syntax highlighting to the previously-plain editor. Also there is now contextual documentation for the functions in the file you’re editing linked right below the editor.

If you were ever frustrated with widgets before, this release should be your savior. We’ve completely redesigned the widgets interface (which we didn’t have time to in 2.7) to allow you to do things like edit widgets on the fly, have multiple copies of the same widget, drag and drop widgets between sidebars, and save inactive widgets so you don’t lose all their settings. Developers now have access to a much cleaner and robust API for creating widgets as well.

Finally you should explore the new Screen Options on every page. It’s the tab in the top right. Now, for example, if you have a wide monitor you could set up your dashboard to have four columns of widgets instead of the two it has by default. On other pages you can change how many items show per page.

And Even More

You can read the full list of over 180 new features, changes, upgrades, and improvements on the Codex. The list is exhausting!

The Future

We’re already thinking hard about the next versions, 2.9 and 3.0. Keep an eye out for improved media handling, better dependency checking, versioning of templates and themes, and of course the fabled merging of WordPress and MU announced at WordCamp San Francisco two weeks ago.

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  1. […] Automattic has “just” announced that WordPress 2.8, aka Baker is out! As usual, I will be testing and exploring the new system and will soon get you with my feedback. If you liked this post, you can share it now.. […]

    Pingback from Baker is Out! | Ibrahim Abdel Fattah Mohamed Personal bLOG on June 11, 2009

  2. […] WordPress 2.8 has been released! […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released « Lester Chan’s WordPress Plugins on June 11, 2009

  3. […] WordPress 2.8 has been released! […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released « Blog | lesterchan.net on June 11, 2009

  4. […]  → 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets(via WordPress […]

    Pingback from » [IT] WordPressの最新版(version 2.8)が出たみたい。 エセ紳士の館 on June 11, 2009

  5. […] trara – WordPress 2.8 ist da. Heute früh um 3.42 habe ich mir das frisch releaste WordPress 2.8 das erste mal […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ist da - S-O-S SEO Blog on June 11, 2009

  6. […] baru saja merilis WordPress 2.8 Baker yang merupakan rilis dengan banyak bug-fix dan penambahan fitur hasil […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” Siap Digunakan! | Daily Social on June 11, 2009

  7. […] newest version of WordPress (v 2.8) has been officially […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Now Live | WPblogger on June 11, 2009

  8. WordPress 2.8 “Baker” is now available…

    So you can now download WordPress 2.8 , it’s named after Chet Baker ; all WordPress releases are named after Jazz greats.

    I’m not sure when it’s going to show up in our admin consoles for automatic upgrade though.

    Watch the video for all the…

    Trackback from Gary Said... on June 11, 2009

  9. WordPress 2.8 [ENG]…

    Presentación de la nueva versión del CMS WordPress. Incluye video, es en inglés….

    Trackback from chuenga.net on June 11, 2009

  10. [Update] WordPress 2.8 foi lançado!…

    Finalmente o WordPress foi lançado, e ainda não é recomendado instalar. Pois normalmente quando é teminado de lançar um versão do WordPress encontra-se um falha e esta pode danificar seriamente a segurança do seu blog, então tentem não atualiz……

    Trackback from Webord.net on June 11, 2009

  11. […] I had predicted earlier, WordPress 2.8 has been released today (June 10th), the codename for this version is “Baker” in honor of noted trumpeter and […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released | Weblog Tools Collection on June 11, 2009

  12. […] 2.8 Baker is now available as a full release. 2.8 has a whole bunch of bug fixes, has improvements to themes and widgets and has added some […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” is available! | Weblog Tools Collection on June 11, 2009

  13. […] next? Well, Matt mentions it in the WordPress blog: We’re already thinking hard about the next versions, 2.9 and 3.0. Keep an eye out for improved […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released | Blogging Pro on June 11, 2009

  14. […] Read 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets This entry was posted in WordPress. Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment or leave a trackback: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is go | Instinct Entertainment on June 11, 2009

  15. WordPress 2.8 New Features…

    It’s that time again when we find ourselves upgrading to the latest version of WordPress, and let me say what a fantastic job those guys are doing improving WordPress’ s functionality.
    With every new release, new features are added and old …

    Trackback from Yojance Rabelo on June 11, 2009

  16. […] WordPress 2.8 came out today so I had to install it of course. Upgrade was pain free and pretty quick. I’m running Thematic as my framework so I went ahead and upgraded that to version 0.9.5 as well. Ian’s code is solid and with the exception of the search bar CSS on the main page here we’re looking good! […]

    Pingback from We’re running WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  17. […] está disponível a mais recente versão do WordPress, a 2.8 “Baker”. Esta versão apresenta grandes […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” | WordPress PT on June 11, 2009

  18. […] (https://wordpress.org/download/). Fitur-fitur baru yang ditawarkan WordPress 2.8 bisa dilihat di https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ Ayo upgrade!! Did you enjoy the […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker / HarryMahardhika.com on June 11, 2009

  19. […] menunggu lama akibat perbedaan waktu, akhirnya WordPress 2.8 sudah resmi dirilis. Seperti yang pernah saya bilang, perubahan utama ada pada manage themes dan […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Versi Resmi | caplang[dot]net on June 11, 2009

  20. […] is the direct link to the WordPress.org 2.8 version. There is a video showing many of the new upgrades. You can also watch the video […]

    Pingback from WordPress Releases Version 2.8 (Barker) : DotWeekly.com Domain Name Blog on June 11, 2009

  21. […] Word­press 2.8 “Baker” released Lots of bug fixes and speed increases in the latest release named after jazz trum­pet legend Chet Baker. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Jeff Siarto on June 11, 2009

  22. […] está disponível a mais recente versão do WordPress, a 2.8 “Baker”. Esta versão apresenta grandes […]

    Pingback from WordPress | Portugal » WordPress 2.8 “Baker” on June 11, 2009

  23. […] 2.8, codenamed “Baker”, was just released. It’s looking pretty sweet. Unfortunately I’ll have to wait a few days before I upgrade […]

    Pingback from Encephalosponge » WordPress 2.8 released on June 11, 2009

  24. […] Great success! (…I think) […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 • CrazyDrumGuy on June 11, 2009

  25. […] 2.8 ya liberada 10 06 2009 En el blog de desarrollo se anuncia la salida de la nueva versión 2.8 de WordPress que ya puede ser descargada desde su sitio oficial. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ya liberada « Reyson’s Blog on June 11, 2009

  26. […] I was staring idly at my WordPress dashboard when I noticed a link to this video detailing some of the changes in WordPress 2.8.  Holy Shit.  They’ve got some nameless soft-spoken Englishman opening by comparing […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - Pretentiousness You Can Cut With a Knife - cbpye.net on June 11, 2009

  27. […] Med 790 fixade buggar och en flera smidiga nyheter verkar WordPress 2.8 bli en trevlig upplevelse. Det finns mycket att läsa om denna version och med filmklippet här under får du en grundläggande genomgång på 3½ minut. Vill du läsa lite mer och gå djupare rekommenderar jag denna länk där allt nytt är presenterat på ett snyggt sätt. Även WordPress Blog har läsvärt material här. […]

    Pingback from Bloggliv – allt om datorer och IT » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 är släppt – läs mer och ladda hem här on June 11, 2009

  28. […] better now,  and I can’t wait to dive into the other features!  Check out more information here, and bloggers – make sure to BACK UP AND TEST TEST TEST before you make the upgrade.  Right now, I […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Is Released on June 11, 2009

  29. […] denemek isteyenler hemen buraya tıklasınlar, yeni sürüm ile ilgili yenilikleri öğrenmek için buraya tıklayın. Bu arada bu yazımı yazmak için toplam 10 dk. harcadım bu süre zarfından WordPress […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Stable geldi. | E-Gunluk.Net on June 11, 2009

  30. […] var det äntligen dags för den skarpa versionen av WordPress 2.8. Man har hållit en lägre utvecklingstakt under det senaste halvåret, något som gör att […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 är här | Eyesx on June 11, 2009

  31. […] have upgraded this site and the LC(A) to WordPress 2.8.  2.8 doesn’t have as many new features as 2.7, but it’s a bunch faster, and I like it […]

    Pingback from Big | harpojaeger.com on June 11, 2009

  32. […] 2.8 has now been released! The major improvements […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released » _FindingSimple » Canberra Web Design and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) on June 11, 2009

  33. […] on this topic.WordPress 2.8 has just been released for download.  According to the WordPress.org blog entry, there are a number of major improvements over 2.7.1. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Available for Download » BLOG INGENUITY on June 11, 2009

  34. […] Baker would be proud : WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets – is brimming with bug fixes and new features. Overhauled widget editing […]

    Pingback from WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets | mStudiosTALK on June 11, 2009

  35. […] officially released the newest version of stand-alone blog software, WordPress 2.8.  WordPress 2.8 is name Baker, in honor of the noted trumpetere and vocalist, Chet Baker.  Below […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released - Codename Baker | WPThemes.com - WordPress Themes on June 11, 2009

  36. […] Here’s what has changed in WordPress XML-RPC and AtomPub APIs from 2.7.1 to the new WordPress 2.8 release: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 – XML-RPC and AtomPub Changes || Joseph Scott on June 11, 2009

  37. […] the official blog, WordPress 2.8 “Baker” is now available for download. I’m not going to upgrade […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Available for Download - Sean Percival's Blog on June 11, 2009

  38. […] the new widgets administrative interface usually get all the glory. Here are some new features in WordPress 2.8 that most users won’t even know exist but you will probably care about, if you’re a […]

    Pingback from 5 Things of Interest to Developers in the New WordPress 2.8 · Pressed Words on June 11, 2009

  39. […] by all the twitter posts (I extremely dislike the word tweets) mentioning the latest WordPress release 2.8 “Baker”,  I have decided to start up a new blog. I run across several interesting tech news articles, […]

    Pingback from Adam Snodgrass » New blog, new distraction! on June 11, 2009

  40. […] : WordPress Development Blog Category: Announcement You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 "Chet Baker" released | WordPress Design Studio on June 11, 2009

  41. […] the latest stable version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker” is out and available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” finally released [Update Now] on June 11, 2009

  42. Descargar WordPress 2.8 y sus nuevas características…

    Hace unos minutos ha sido liberada la nueva versión de WordPress 2.8 llamada “Baker”. En esta versión se han corregido cerca de 790 bugs e incluye cambios y mejoras a nivel general pero centrado en extensibilidad, optimización y desempeño.

    Trackback from Blog de Illi.Pro on June 11, 2009

  43. […] here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet BoxWordPress 2.8 Baker is out whic is probably cue for a penultimate massive merging session it the O Caoimh household […]

    Pingback from WP 2.8 out, WP + MU merge now ‘fabled’ - WordPress MU and BuddyPress plugins, themes and news at WPMU.org on June 11, 2009

  44. […] June 10, 2009 by Weberz-Rob // Matt Mullenweg, founding developer of WordPress, announced the official release of WordPress 2.8.  According to Matt’s blog post on wordpress.org, the new release has greatly improved the […]

    Pingback from Newly Released WordPress 2.8 Promises to be Faster | Weberz Hosting Blog on June 11, 2009

  45. […] 以下は、2009年6月11日に書かれた WordPress.org 公式ブログの記事、「2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets」を訳したものです。日本語版は現在準備中ですので、少々お待ちください。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress | 日本語 » テーマとウィジェットに彩りを与える2.8のリリース on June 11, 2009

  46. WordPress 2.8 lançado…

    Confira as notas de lançamento no blog de desenvolvimento do wordpress.
    Alguns pontos:

    O codinome dessa versão é Baker, em homenagem ao trumpetista e cantor de jazz Chet Baker.
    Velocidade é um dos pontos em destaque no anúncio da nova versão……

    Trackback from devlog on June 11, 2009

  47. […] https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ Share and Enjoy: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 @ 锐伊·拙笔 | 庸人自扰 : 蔡伊琳 (Elaine Chua - rayvolvez) on June 11, 2009

  48. […] date of WordPress 2.8 if no bugs are uncovered in WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1. As Expected WordPress 2.8 final release is here today. WordPress 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to […]

    Pingback from Download WordPress 2.8 Baker on June 11, 2009

  49. […] has just released the newest version of their installable blog software: WordPress 2.8 – […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Now Available for Download | MrWebMarketing - Motivational Speaker | Guest Speaker | Keynote Speakers - Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Blogging on June 11, 2009

  50. […] https://wordpress.org/development […]

    Pingback from WordPress | Català » Nova versió del WordPress, la 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  51. […] WP 2.8 was just released, and with automatic upgrades it only took about 1 minute to update SS!AB. The main changes: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Sea Slugs! Anime Blog on June 11, 2009

  52. […] blog has just been upgraded to WordPress 2.8. I am wondering if the problems that I faced with pingback and trackbacks not working in Version […]

    Pingback from Upgraded to WordPress 2.8 “Baker” - The Digital Awakening on June 11, 2009

  53. […] contains a bunch of bug fixes and support from all popular plugins. We’re waiting for that.2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets – WordPress Blog Categories: Pulse Update Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) Leave a comment […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” is out | PC Tonic on June 11, 2009

  54. […] Baker would be proud : WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets – is brimming with bug fixes and new features. Overhauled widget editing […]

    Pingback from WordPress » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets | mStudiosTALK on June 11, 2009

  55. […] has just released the newest version of their installable blog software: WordPress 2.8 – […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Now Available for Download | HyipLife.com on June 11, 2009

  56. […] Neuigkeiten sind hier beschrieben. Eine kleine Videopräsentation hat es […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ist da! | Innovation Wings on June 11, 2009

  57. […] WordPress 2.8 “Baker” is finally released today. Read details @ 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released – Upgraded from WP 2.7.1 to WP 2.8 | tamilsweet on June 11, 2009

  58. […] you may have heard, WordPress 2.8 was released on Wednesday!  Want to find out more about it, or exchange tips with fellow users? […]

    Pingback from June 18 Meeting and WordPress 2.8 « Portland WordPress User Group on June 11, 2009

  59. WordPress 2.8 Baker Released…

    Only a few minutes ago, I finished upgrading my Batang Yagit blog to WordPress 2.8.  The new release was code named Baker comprises of 790 bug fixes and some major improvements. Among the new improvements that I noticed first is the new Dashboard them….

    Trackback from SEO Tutorials on June 11, 2009

  60. […] E’ arrivato Baker […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 è arrivato on June 11, 2009

  61. […] WordPress 2.8′de olan değişiklikleri aşağıdaki videodan izleyerek görebilir yada daha detaylı bilgi almak için buraya bakabilirsiniz. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | rugzO.com on June 11, 2009

  62. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets Posted June 11, 2009 by Matt. Filed under Releases. I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in honor of noted trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker. Here’s a quick video overview of everything in the new release: […]

    Pingback from dies & das · WordPress 2.8 – Baker – released on June 11, 2009

  63. […] has just released the newest version of their installable blog software: WordPress 2.8 – […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Now Available for Download | KGRAND ONLINE NEWS on June 11, 2009

  64. […] just rolled out with “Baker”; version 2.8. This is the first time I’ve ever had to update my version of WordPress, and I was pretty […]

    Pingback from Deep-N-Thought » Blog Archive » Behind The Scenes on June 11, 2009

  65. […] Attention bloggers if you have manually installed WordPress then you should upgrade to 2.8. This upgrade makes improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies and overall speed. Also over 790 bugs are fixed in 2.8. […]

    Pingback from Update WordPress 2.8 | BlueFur.com on June 11, 2009

  66. […] can read more about Whats new in WordPress 2.8 at the wordpress dev blog or have a look at the video […]

    Pingback from WordPress v2.8 “Baker” Is Available For Download - Update Now ! | TricksDaddy on June 11, 2009

  67. […] to look at themes and install from admin, like plugins.  For a complete list besure to check out Chet Baker (versions are named after Jazz greats – the wordpress guys have good musical taste as well as […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is released - June 10th, 2009 | 24-7 Web Design and Development Community by Pro's for Joe's on June 11, 2009

  68. […] quieren leer más clic aqui, la descarga clic […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 listo para descargar on June 11, 2009

  69. WordPress 2.8 Latest Release…

    * New drag-and-drop widgets admin interface and new widgets API
    * Syntax highlighting and function lookup built into plugin and theme editors
    * Browse the theme directory and install themes from the admin
    * Allow the dashboard widgets to be …

    Trackback from JigishThakar.com on June 11, 2009

  70. […] Ya tenemos lista para instalar la nueva versión 2.8 de WordPress. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Luna on June 11, 2009

  71. […] WordPressning orziqib kutilgan 2.8 versiyasi e’lon qilindi. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 « UzBlogger on June 11, 2009

  72. […] The official release notes from WordPress […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker is officially released | WordPress Guerrilla on June 11, 2009

  73. […] just released the latest version of their popular blogging platform, WordPress. The new 2.8 version has quite a lot of new features […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 out of Beta - Available for Download | Harmless Geek on June 11, 2009

  74. […] 2.8 “Baker” after Chet Baker has been Official Released…now I have a ton of work to […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” Is Out, Check It :: Zero Strategist.com on June 11, 2009

  75. […] Detaylı bilgi için buraya göz atınız (ingilizce). Posted in WordPress at Haziran 11th, 2009. Trackback URI: trackback Tags: 2.8, Baker, WordPress, Yeni Sürüm […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2,8 “Baker” kod adıyla yayınlandı - Aykut Önen on June 11, 2009

  76. […] per WordPress Blog: I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, […]

    Pingback from kuanhoong dot com » WordPress 2.8 is Now Available for Download on June 11, 2009

  77. […] in server, wordpress Un twitte qui m’informe de la disponiblité de la nouvelle version de WordPress 2.8 et me voilà déjà entrain de migrer mon blog d’une version 2.7.1 à 2.8 sans aucun […]

    Pingback from Comment effectuer une migration wordpress 2.7.1 vers 2.8 - RDesbonnet on June 11, 2009

  78. […] Descargar WordPress 2.8 Vía: WordPress Blog Tags: CMSWordPressWordPress […]

    Pingback from Disponible WordPress 2.8 versión final | Materia Geek on June 11, 2009

  79. […] WordPress 2.8 wurde heute Nacht veröffentlicht. Die neue Version bietet neben einer Optimierung der Ladezeiten u.a. Verbesserungen […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ist da… | nickbohle.de on June 11, 2009

  80. […] last two hours fixing my blog’s database because it crashed after I updated the backend to WordPress 2.8. There might still be a few minor issues around so please do let me know if you come across any […]

    Pingback from Are You Addicted To Me? - Now On WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  81. […] WordPress 2.8 die Beta-Testphase recht schnell durchlaufen hat, steht es hier seit heute zum offiziellen Download bereit. Im Video werden einige Neuerungen vorgestellt. Es sieht […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ist da | Trails & Bikes on June 11, 2009

  82. […] 1. 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from New WordPress 2.8 has arrived | Manoj Kumar on June 11, 2009

  83. […] date of WordPress 2.8 if no bugs are uncovered in WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1. As Expected WordPress 2.8 final release is here today. WordPress 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker Released | LEHSYS Blogger News on June 11, 2009

  84. […] Offizieller Blog Post von der neuen Version […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - COMSOLIT Blog on June 11, 2009

  85. […] anyone to have a web presence without having to shovel out the big bucks. Read more about it from https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ Share and […]

    Pingback from WordPress version 2.8 (Baker) now available on June 11, 2009

  86. […] später als ursprünglich geplant ist heute WordPress 2.8 released worden. Wesentliche Änderungen gegenüber vorherigen Versionen sind der überarbeitete […]

    Pingback from Milestone WordPress 2.8 released on June 11, 2009

  87. […] 2.8 Now Available for Download Goto comments Leave a comment WordPress has just released the newest version of their installable blog software: WordPress 2.8 – […]

    Pingback from The Tech Town » WordPress 2.8 Now Available for Download on June 11, 2009

  88. […] ist es soweit – WordPress 2.8 hat seinen finalen Status erreicht und wurde auf wordpress.org veröffentlicht. Benannt wurde Sie nach dem Jazz-Musiker „Chet […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 veröffentlicht - Endlich ist es soweit - WordPress 28 hat seinen finalen Status erreicht und wurde auf wordpressorg veröffentlicht Benannt wurde Sie nach dem Jazz-Musiker „Chet Baker“, →, Download der offiziellen englischsprachigen V on June 11, 2009

  89. […] WordPress 2.8 Now Available for Download […]

    Pingback from Vesess » on June 11, 2009

  90. […] a few hours ago, WordPress 2.8 was release to the general public (for the self-hosted version). I was notified within my admin […]

    Pingback from Fixing Blank, Empty or White WordPress Pages after Upgrade | HighTechDad Blog on June 11, 2009

  91. […] WordPress 2.8 oficial vía: WordPress Etiquetas: actualizar, castellano, descargar, inglés, oficial, tiempo, trabajo, traducción, […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ya está aquí, pero solo en inglés, Carrero on June 11, 2009

  92. […] arayabilir ve sevdiğimiz temaları/eklentileri yükleyebiliriz. Geniş çaplı bilgi için buyurun. Yeniliklerin anlatıldığı ve wordpress.tv ‘nin yaptığı […]

    Pingback from Web Öğrencisi ~ A Student Network » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 Yayınlandı on June 11, 2009

  93. […] war es nun endlich soweit, das lange erwartete WordPress 2.8 wurde auf wurde auf wordpress.org veröffentlicht. Benannt wurde die Version nach dem Jazz-Musiker […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ‘Baker’ veröffentlicht - Brandt Aktuell on June 11, 2009

  94. […] want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Well, aside from waiting all day for WordPress 2.8 to be released into the wild (public). I left the comfort of my home to get some dinner only to get […]

    Pingback from A busy busy Wednesday night for Automattic! — WPCult on June 11, 2009

  95. […] Und das automatische Update hat bei mir problemlos geklappt. Nur die deutsche Lokalisierung scheint noch nicht hundertprozentig gelungen. Statt »Neuer Artikel« steht bei mir nun im Admin-Interface »Ad New«. Aber damit kann ich leben. (Was ist neu?) […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ist draußen – Der Schockwellenreiter on June 11, 2009

  96. […] disponibile WordPress 2.8. Per conoscere tutte le novità, vi rimando al post di Steve Agl su WordPress […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Zanblog.it di Giorgio Zanetti on June 11, 2009

  97. […] WordPress released their latest version – 2.8 entitled Baker. I’ve gone ahead an installed (with a little difficulty) and hence […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 & subsequent new theme on June 11, 2009

  98. […] : wordpress.org Bookmark […]

    Pingback from Upgrade WordPress 2.8 | blog(dot)hoeda(dot)info on June 11, 2009

  99. […] panelinden bu dizinlere bağlanıp göz gezdirebileceğiz.  Yeni sürüm hakkında geniş bilgiyi WordPress.org (İngilizce) üzerinden yada WordPress-tr.com (Türkçe) adresinden okuyabilirsiniz. Birkaç […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Çıktı… - Bilgi - işlem, bilişim ve teknoloji üzerine… on June 11, 2009

  100. […] WordPress blog announcement: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from Just when you were getting ued to WordPress 2.7 … 2.8 arrives! | Si Staffers Blog on June 11, 2009

  101. […] WordPress 2.8 is Available: Horeee! Ada yang sudah upgrade? Saya sudah dong! Perubahan di versi terbaru berkode “Baker” ini yang paling menarik adalah bisa langsung pasang theme (yang tersedia di direktori Free WordPress Themes) tanpa repot-repot mengunggah (upload) via FTP. Mantap! […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is Available » Benny Chandra dot com on June 11, 2009

  102. […] time to try more then just a couple things to fix it.  But I just updated to the latest release of wordpress (2.8) and everything is work wonderfully.  Thanks […]

    Pingback from DavidMichaelThompson » Blog Archive » Hey I just updated my blog on June 11, 2009

  103. […] wersja WordPress oznaczona numerem 2.8 jest już dostępna! Czy warto aktualizować swojeg bloga czytelnicy zdecydują sami – warto jednak […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - WebFan on June 11, 2009

  104. […] to theme and widget management. Read more, watch a video and find the download link here: WordPress 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets. No […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released | BloggerTools.Net on June 11, 2009

  105. […] Read the official release announcement Download […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 – final « Decoding the Web on June 11, 2009

  106. […] And I can’t wait to be the first to try those out. Check out the release announcement here, or watch this […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is Here and Upgraded | Deuts.NET on June 11, 2009

  107. […] 2.8 hat seinen finalen Status erreicht und wurde auf wordpress.org nachgereicht. Benannt wurde Sie nach dem Jazz-Musiker “Chet […]

    Pingback from Chet Baker : steht zum Download bereit « Dackworld | und es hat nichts mit einer Ente zu tun on June 11, 2009

  108. […] WordPress 2.8 is out now. Update at your earliest and […]

    Pingback from Exciting new features for developers in WordPress 2.8 - Night Dreaming (by Sudar) on June 11, 2009

  109. […] can read more about it here and download it from […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released « Matthew’s WordPress Plugins on June 11, 2009

  110. […] promesso, stanotte, è stata rilasciata la versione 2.8 di WordPress, ne dà comunicazione Matt sul blog ufficiale. Nell’articolo si segnala come questa release 2.8 apporti migliori a temi, […]

    Pingback from Uscita la versione di WordPress 2.8 » WordPress Italy Blog on June 11, 2009

  111. […] ist WordPress 2.8 erschienen. Vorerst zwar nur in der englischen Version, aber das hindert offenbar auch deutsche […]

    Pingback from Neuer Release: WordPress 2.8 soeben erschienen ! : Netbarry on June 11, 2009

  112. […] Source: WordPress Development Blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” is Now Available as a Full Release | MyTestBox.com :: web software reviews, news, tips and tricks on June 11, 2009

  113. […] släpptes den officiella versionen av WordPress 2.8 med namet “Baker” för att hedra den kände trumpetaren Chet Baker och WordPress 2.8 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 "Baker" är släppt | wpxl on June 11, 2009

  114. […] You can download the last version of WordPress here and have more information about the new feature here. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 released ! | Kadom on June 11, 2009

  115. […] is an important news for all WP-bloggers: WordPress 2.8 is available for download! More than 790 bugfixes and new features such […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Available with Many Bugfixes and New Features | The Geeks Of 3D - 3D Tech News on June 11, 2009

  116. […] ในเรื่องของการปรับปรุงพัฒนาไฮไลท์ก็ดังที่ผมเขียนไปแล้ว ในวันก่อนๆโน่น ตามอ่านได้ที่ WordPress 2.8 Highlights แต่เดี่ยวก่อน เพื่อนๆสามารถชมวิดีโอพรีวิวได้ที่ บล็อกของทีมพัฒนา ตามหัวข้อนี้ครับ 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker | ไอ้เดย์บล็อก on June 11, 2009

  117. […] has just released the newest version of their installable blog software: WordPress 2.8 – […]

    Pingback from Pc Online, Computer Support und Webdesign » WordPress 2.8 Now Available for Download on June 11, 2009

  118. […] dazu hier, hier und […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” ist da — filzo.de on June 11, 2009

  119. […] Dev Blog: 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from Shared Items - June 11, 2009 | Einar Thorsen on June 11, 2009

  120. […] I’ve just upgrade my blog to run on wordpress 2.8. Major new improvements includes revamped widgets interface, browsing wordpress theme directory + previewing and installing wordpress themes without leaving your blog, new screen options on every page (no more messing around with setting post per page for your post>edit section) and a much appreciated Codepress editor with syntax highlighting support which will be really useful for developers working with html, css, php and javascript etc. This short video below sums up all the new features and you can also read more detail here […]

    Pingback from Download New WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  121. […] The Popular Open Source blog application WordPress has released their newest version of their popular software called “Baker” […]

    Pingback from Typeboard on June 11, 2009

  122. […] new version of WordPress is out! 2.8 (Baker) represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - Baker » Max Thrane’s Cyberspace on June 11, 2009

  123. […] Thord Daniel Hedengren Matt Mullenweg has announced the release of WordPress 2.8, available for download from wordpress.org as always, but also in your up to date […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Is Out, Update Now | The Blog Herald on June 11, 2009

  124. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets] Comparte el […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 listo para descargar y actualizar | Tinta Fantasma on June 11, 2009

  125. […] listen hos Knut, les den engelske anmeldelsen hos Weblog Tools Collection eller ta en titt på WordPress-bloggen for å få en oversikt over noen av forskjellene fra forrige […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 på norsk - neppe.no on June 11, 2009

  126. […] info | WordPress.org Descargar | WordPress 2.8 « Los mejores temas para WordPress Deja un […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Online on June 11, 2009

  127. […] verschoben wurde, haben die Entwickler nach zwei Beta Versionen und einem RC die finale Version von WordPress 2.8 freigegeben. Bei dieser Veröffentlichung gibt es zahlreiche Detailverbesserungen und Fehlerkorrekturen. […]

    Pingback from Neuerungen in WordPress 2.8 | Pascals Blog on June 11, 2009

  128. […] Add comments Wie ich heute morgen auf dem SOS-SEO-Blog erfahren habe ist seit heute morgen WordPress 2.8 offiziell verfügbar. Und wie ich die Jungs von WordPress-Deutschland kenne wird es heute auch noch […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 verfügbar » zauberpage.de on June 11, 2009

  129. WordPress 2.8 “Baker” veröffentlicht…

    Wie ich gerade bei Filzo.de gelesen habe, wurde gerade das neue WordPress 2.8 veröffentlicht. Die neue WordPressversion soll mit ihrem Namen an den Jazz-Musiker Chet Baker erinnern, dessen Name ich heute wohl zum ersten Mal gelesen habe.
    Neue Funktion….

    Trackback from Tegget.de | Die Blog-Gemeinschaft on June 11, 2009

  130. […] release info is found here, and further insight for the curious […]

    Pingback from Blogvaria » WordPress 2.8 is out! on June 11, 2009

  131. […] WP 2.8 was just released, and with automatic upgrades it only took about 1 minute to update SS!AB. The main changes: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Anime Blog Online on June 11, 2009

  132. […] popular masa kini iaitu WordPress, dan hari ini WordPress telah mereleasekan versi terbarunya, WordPress 2.8. Aku mengenali wordpress sejak versi 2.6 lagi. Terlalu banyak perubahan jika dibandingkan versi […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 mesra pengguna. | Aku dan kamu.. on June 11, 2009

  133. WordPress 2.8 ‘Baker’ released…

    All you WordPress Bloggers out there, its time to rejoice. WordPress has just released the next most awaited version 2.8 “Baker” which has numerous improvements for the themes, taxonomies, widgets and speed. The features which caught my att…

    Trackback from A Techie's Thoughts on June 11, 2009

  134. […] https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from 升級 wordpress 2.8 的步驟&注意事項 | pc-guy on June 11, 2009

  135. […] 2.8 a iesit din Beta 2 , ai este acum disponibil pentru download pe site-ul wordpress […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker | ROMANIA INEDIT on June 11, 2009

  136. […] wordpress.org karena kini Automattic telah resmi melucurkan versi terakhir dari engine mereka yaitu wordpress 2.8 dengan nama kode Baker. Meski hampir sama dengan tampilan pada versi 2.7, namun generasi baru ini […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 diluncurkan, code name : Baker « dunia digital on June 11, 2009

  137. […] Après de long mois de gestation, WP2.8 est enfin publié! […]

    Pingback from WordPress pour tous » WP2.8 est disponible on June 11, 2009

  138. […] is a new version of WordPress available for upgrade: 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets – 2.8 is way faster to use – fixed over 790 bugs – 180 new functions – new Screen Options on every […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” « hep-cat.de on June 11, 2009

  139. […] WordPress Blog at 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets indicates there are improvements in particular to widgets and an overall speed increase as well as […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Available For Download | Jason Slater Technology Blog | Blogging on June 11, 2009

  140. WordPress 2.8 Released!…

    WordPress announced 2.8 Release named “Baker“. This new version has tons of features you wished for and they really made a great new widget system. Now you can install themes easier with the theme browser! See the video below for a quick ov…

    Trackback from ShailaN on June 11, 2009

  141. […] finally released version 2.8 (Baker) of their excellent WordPress blog software. Though immediately available for download on […]

    Pingback from WordPress Gets Upgraded to 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  142. […] Was am meisten auffällt, ist der neue Theme Browser. Damit kann man nun Themes direkt über das Admininterface installieren. Ebenfalls wird nun Syntaxhighlighting unterstützt und die Sommer bzw. Winterzeit wird automatisch eingestellt. Automatisches Update wollte bei mir nicht, manuelles via FTP klappte ohne Probleme. Weitere Infos & Neuerungen gibt eshier. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 » Beitrag » Daily Tim on June 11, 2009

  143. […] You can read official announcement on wordpress site. […]

    Pingback from Upgrade to WordPress 2.8 Now! - India Website Designer – Tips, Tricks, Dirty Secrets, Tutorials, Articles, How To on June 11, 2009

  144. […] nos hemos levantado con el anuncio de la versión final de WordPress 2.8 en el blog oficial de desarrollo del popular software de gestión de contenidos. La nueva versión llega seis meses […]

    Pingback from Hola PO! » Disponible WordPress 2.8 “Baker” on June 11, 2009

  145. […] nos hemos levantado con el anuncio de la versión final de WordPress 2.8 en el blog oficial de desarrollo del popular software de gestión de contenidos. La nueva versión llega seis meses […]

    Pingback from Disponible WordPress 2.8 "Baker" : Blogografia on June 11, 2009

  146. […] 2.8 or Baker has been released is ready to download. As Matt points out in the official blog, 790+ bugs have been squashed and several improvements have been made in favor of […]

    Pingback from Mosharaf Kabir Chowdhury » WordPress 2.8 Released on June 11, 2009

  147. […] in codice “Baker”, è stata da pochissimo annunciata sul blog ufficiale la disponibilità per il download di WordPress […]

    Pingback from Disponibile per il download WordPress 2.8 | Edit - Il blog di HTML.it on June 11, 2009

  148. […] Details are here. […]

    Pingback from SCABR.COM » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8: Blogging and Jazz on June 11, 2009

  149. […] idénticos, pero seguro que iré notando las mejoras gradualmente. El vídeo que han colgado en el post de presentación de WordPress 2.8 ‘Baker’ (otro nombre de leyenda del Jazz) explica mucho mejor los […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 en Incognitosis | Incognitosis on June 11, 2009

  150. […] WordPress 2.8 has been released!  Grab it from the downloads page or upgrade, like I do, via […]

    Pingback from HidayahTech » WordPress 2.8 released! on June 11, 2009

  151. […] WordPress Development, wo es auch eine Übersicher der Neuerungen einzusehen […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.0 Baker Final released on June 11, 2009

  152. […] matin, c’est mise à jour de WordPress vers la version 2.8 (qui m’a au passage planté le diaporama) et mise en place pour test d’une pub sur […]

    Pingback from Publicité Facebook #1 « archiduchesse on June 11, 2009

  153. […] 2.8 Baker is now available as a full release. 2.8 has a whole bunch of bug fixes, has improvements to themes and widgets and has added some […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” is available! on June 11, 2009

  154. […] on Tweetie, I noticed that one of the hottest topics on Twitter today is the release of WordPress 2.8 – Baker, and realizing the fact that since 2.7.1, I could update my installation with just a click of a […]

    Pingback from The Telecommuter on June 11, 2009

  155. […] en vecka sedan släpptes säkerhetsuppdateringar till Joomla och idag släpptes version 2.8 av det så populära bloggverktyget WordPress. Givetvis provade vi att uppdatera en av våra […]

    Pingback from Rumor Control » Nytt och hett – Joomla och WordPress on June 11, 2009

  156. […] zahlreiche Bug-Fixes und die Neugestaltung der Widgets Seite im Backend. Weitere Infos gibs im WordPress Blog und auf […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 verfügbar | Wuensch-Media on June 11, 2009

  157. […] ها برای اطلاعات بیشتر به این لینک مراجعه کنید منبع: وبلاگ وردپرس به اشتراک […]

    Pingback from وردپرس 2.8 | Geek on June 11, 2009

  158. […] llegir totes les novetats al bloc de WordPress. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 • Farré.cat on June 11, 2009

  159. […] Neue Version – Mehr Infor über das Release hier […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 @ Sascha’s blog on June 11, 2009

  160. […] Para mais informações clique aqui. […]

    Pingback from Lançado WordPress 2.8 | Web Inovadora on June 11, 2009

  161. […] WordPress 2.8 kararlı sürümü duyuruldu. 1-2 aydır biz blog.wolkanca.com da ve diğer yerlerde 2.8 test sürümünü deniyorduk, oldukça […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 sürümü çıkmış! Lütfen güncelleyin. | WordPress, wordpress 2.8, WordPress guncelleme on June 11, 2009

  162. […] im Admin-Bereich gesehen, dass es eine neue Version von WordPress, meiner Blogsoftware gibt, also diese mal eben schnell installiert, nachdem ich vorher gecheckt […]

    Pingback from Das Warum-Blog » Update auf WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  163. […] Einziges Manko: Die deutsche Sprachdatei ist noch ein bisschen fehlerhaft. Ansonsten möchte ich allen Entwicklern ganz herzlich danken. Damit ihr noch mehr über die Neuerungen erfahren könnt und ich nicht so viel schreiben muss, hänge ich noch dieses Video vom englischsprachigen WP-Blog an: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ist draußen » Floffimedia – Das Multimedia-Blog on June 11, 2009

  164. […] by WP Greet BoxFor those who havnt heard yet WordPress 2.8 has been released, check it out – https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ I will upgrading soon, will let you know when its done! Share and […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released | Thierry's Technical Tutorials on June 11, 2009

  165. […] Pentru cine nu stie ce aduce nou aceasta noua versiune de WordPress, uite aici filmuletul de prezentare. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - primele impresii | Cristi Ursut on June 11, 2009

  166. WordPress 2.8 Released…

    * New drag-and-drop widgets admin interface and new widgets API
    * Syntax highlighting and function lookup built into plugin and theme editors
    * Browse the theme directory and install themes from the admin
    * Allow the dashboard widgets to be …

    Trackback from Linux Readers on June 11, 2009

  167. WordPress 2.8 Released…

    I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, ta…

    Trackback from PROTOCOLRUN Blog on June 11, 2009

  168. […] did the update to version 2.8 of WordPress. So far I didn’t experience any problems at all, works like a charm […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | akephalos on June 11, 2009

  169. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets Posted June 11, 2009 by Matt. Filed under Releases. […]

    Pingback from We have upgraded to WordPress 2.8 | Cystem-Support on June 11, 2009

  170. WordPress (III) -> Versión 2.8 “Baker”…

    Bueno, hace tiempo que no posteaba en este “mi blog temático” como lo bautizaron por ahí (me gusta esa denominación) y justo atendiendo algunas solicitudes para con la visualización, me enteré vía Twitter de que ya salió el Release Final del WordPress…

    Trackback from IFX InForMatriX 3 on June 11, 2009

  171. […] están enumeradas en el Codex, pero también, y de manera sintética, las podemos encontraren el blog de desarrollo (van dos que linkeo esta semana, ¿les estaré cogiendo cariño?). De ahí también saco este […]

    Pingback from Salió WordPress 2.8 « El blog de Oscar Gallo on June 11, 2009

  172. […] Article officiel de la sortie de WordPress 2.8. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 est dehors ! on June 11, 2009

  173. […] grad auf WordPress 2.8 aktualisiert… This entry was posted on Donnerstag, Juni 11th, 2009 at 12:30and is filed […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | pregos blog on June 11, 2009

  174. […] was announced late yesterday night that WordPress 2.8 had been released. There have been improvements made to themes, widgets, and taxonomies. There were […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” Released | Theme Lab on June 11, 2009

  175. […] لێرەوە دەتوانن بەڤیدیۆ و باسێکی کورت لەسەر دواهەمین گۆڕانکاریەکان ببینن. […]

    Pingback from WordPress | وۆردپرێس بەکوردی » وەشاندنی 2.8 دەرکەوت. on June 11, 2009

  176. […] gut. Heute Morgen ist nun nach längerer Wartezeit endlich WordPress 2.8 freigegeben worden. WordPress 2.8 soll mehr Power unter Haube haben, und viele Verbesserungen mit sich bringen. Das Backend wurde […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 erschienen - WordPress 28, Verbesserungen, Theme, Plugin-Verwaltung, updaten, Version, Änderungen, Fehler - meinungsguck on June 11, 2009

  177. Dass neue WordPress 2.8 ist verfügbar…

    tweetmeme_url = ”;tweetmeme_source = ‘ahmet2106’;
    WordPress 2.8, welches nun auch Baker (von Chet Baker) genannt wird, ist endlich verfügbar, erst vor einpaar Tagen konnte man sich die RC Version zum testen runterladen, un…

    Trackback from BasicBlogger.de on June 11, 2009

  178. […] składni plików wtyczek i theme’ów – dołączanie plików JavaScript w stopce Pobierz: TUTAJ VN:F [1.4.2_694]please wait…Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Istrandir's Blog on June 11, 2009

  179. […] Hoy nos hemos levantado con el anuncio de la versión final de WordPress 2.8 en el blog oficial de desarrollo del popular software de gestión de contenidos. La nueva versión llega seis meses […]

    Pingback from Disponible WordPress 2.8 “Baker” « Viper’s Blog on June 11, 2009

  180. […] just saw that WordPress has released version 2.8. It’s a shame I can’t play the video, must be overloaded at this point in time. I […]

    Pingback from ALTERNATE-REALITY.NET » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 is out~! on June 11, 2009

  181. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets, WordPress HQ. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - Baker est de sortie ! | Grumps' Lab / Blog on June 11, 2009

  182. […] Offizieller Release-Post im WordPress Development-Blog2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - Was gibt’s Neues? | webdemar.com on June 11, 2009

  183. […] what? Änderungen gibt es in der neuen Version reichlich – eine komplette Liste findet sich hier. Und nicht vergessen: Vorher immer ein Backup anlegen. Sicher ist […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker ist da | puzzledmind on June 11, 2009

  184. […] un día de retraso finalmente llegó la nueva versión de uno de los CMS más afamados de la red, WordPress en su versión 2.8 con nombre en clave […]

    Pingback from Lanzado WordPress 2.8 | Bitelia on June 11, 2009

  185. […] 2.8 منتشر شد. خبر انتشار آخرین نسخه وردپرس را می توانید اینجا بخوانید. این نسخه از وردپرس را به یاد «چت بیکر» آهنگساز […]

    Pingback from وردپرس 2.8 منتشر شد « پانوشت on June 11, 2009

  186. […] Upgrading really is a doddle. Two sites done in half an hour. Download it here. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Andy Martin on June 11, 2009

  187. […] WordPress 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Upgrade dan Update WordPress 2.8 Baker | Hendito Dyn@M1c Blogg3r on June 11, 2009

  188. […] WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgetswordpress.org […]

    Pingback from WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets « Netcrema - creme de la social news via digg + delicious + stumpleupon + reddit on June 11, 2009

  189. […] View the official release post on the WordPress Development Blog […]

    Pingback from JungleJar | WordPress 2.8 “Baker” Released on June 11, 2009

  190. […] WordPress Blog SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "WordPress 2.8 Available For Download", url: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Available For Download | Sanziro on June 11, 2009

  191. […] WordPress 2.8 was released and have added improvements to themes, widget and taxonomies. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker! Download & Info on June 11, 2009

  192. […] is not yet available, it still has to come-up. Nonetheless if you want to upgrade, move to the WordPress Blog, read through the new release notes and hit the download link. Also Read A WordPress 2.2.3 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker Released | Kabatology ~ Open Source, Linux on June 11, 2009

  193. […] woke up this morning to find that WordPress 2.8 has finally be released. It was promised for the 10th June, but as I’m based in Europe, I […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 hits the streets | Ugh!!'s Greymatter Honeypot on June 11, 2009

  194. […] kan læse mere om den nye version på WordPress bloggen, hvor du også kan se en video, der viser de nye […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 frigivet - dansk bog på vej om WordPress 2.8 | WebWoman Kommunikation on June 11, 2009

  195. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from Web Media Daily - Thurs. June 11, 2009 | Reinventing Yourself... on June 11, 2009

  196. […] بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، قمت في موضوع سابق بإطلالة تجريبية على الإصدارة التجريبية من النسخة 2.8 لنظام التدوين وإدارة المحتوى الرائع، ووردبريس، واليوم قام “مات Matt” بإعلان صدور النسخة المستقرة في مدونة تطوير ووردبريس […]

    Pingback from صدور النسخة 2.8 النهائية من ووردبريس on June 11, 2009

  197. WordPress 2.8…

    I have upgraded to WordPress 2.8.
    This was actually the first time I got to use WordPress’s automatic upgrade feature.
    SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “”, url: “” });……

    Trackback from wlair.us.to on June 11, 2009

  198. […] Tag später als gedacht, hat Matt eine neue WordPress Version veröffentlicht. Mittlerweile ist man bei Version 2.8 […]

    Pingback from WordPress “Baker” ist verfügbar - Baker, Hinweis, Update, Version, WordPress - ocean90s weblog on June 11, 2009

  199. […] Stamane è stata rilasciata la nuova versione di WordPress, la 2.8. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | WebEpoque on June 11, 2009

  200. […] Vannacht is wordpress 2.8 online gezet en inmiddels draait het hier probleemloos. Op A:B ben ik er iets verder op in gegaan, maar let speciaal op de onderste tip als je automatische upgrade niet werkt. Het filmpje wil ik je in ieder geval ook hier niet onthouden. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Bakkel dot com on June 11, 2009

  201. […] Til alle jer der anvender WordPress, så har de lanceret deres version 2.8 – den kan downloades her […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 klar til download- on June 11, 2009

  202. […] en savoir plus, je vous conseille d’aller jeter un oeil sur l’article officiel (en […]

    Pingback from WordPress en version 2.8 - webdev-memento on June 11, 2009

  203. WordPress 2.8 “Baker”…

    Bagi pemilik blog yang menggunakan WordPress.org, tentunya sudah mendapati informasi bahwa WordPress terbaru yaitu WordPress 2.8 dengan codename “Baker” telah tersedia. Tadi sore, ketika membuka halaman WP-Admin blog ini dan mendapati pesan tersebut, …

    Trackback from maseko's weblog on June 11, 2009

  204. […] WordPress 官方正式发布了 WordPress 2.8, 并将其命名为 Bake, 版本以小号手和声乐家 Chet Baker 命名. Matt […]

    Pingback from 玩软部落 » WordPress 2.8 正式版发布 on June 11, 2009

  205. […] 2.8 “Baker” indirmek için bu linki kullanabilirsiniz. Orjinal habere ulaşmak içinde buradan devam […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Sürümü Kullanıma Hazır | tasarhane.com on June 11, 2009

  206. WordPress 2.8 wydany…

    Dobra wiadomość? Zła wiadomość? Trudno ocenić, choć… no cóż nie ukrywam iż lepszym rozwiązaniem jest zaktualizować, łatając tym samym parę luk, niż nie robić nic. Zmian, które jako tako zmieniłyby sposób “pracy” z tym CMSem wielu nie …

    Trackback from inzaghi89 weblog on June 11, 2009

  207. […] den 11 juni – 09 (något försenat) släpptes då den officiella versionen av WordPress 2.8  med namnet […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 är finns nu att ladda ner! | ZtrixQ.se on June 11, 2009

  208. […] ver la versión original de esta nota  y un video de wordpress 2.8 con las principales características en este […]

    Pingback from Nuevo WordPress 2.8 “Baker” | Descargue WordPress 2.8 | Pablo Glanz on June 11, 2009

  209. […] jaunais WordPress 2.8 ir oficiāli ārā no betas. Par to vakar paziņots oficiālajā blogā, plus šodien iemests trīs minūšu klips ar galvenajām izmaiņām. Man patīk, būs jāpamēģina. Vienīgi klipa […]

    Pingback from Iznācis WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  210. […] WP Greet Box With one day of delay the final version of one of the most popular CMS on the network WordPress 2.8 is now available.The new version arrives six months after the previous stable edition and this time the code name […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Now Available on June 11, 2009

  211. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets Posted June 11, 2009 by Matt. Filed under Releases. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 « Acervulus Blog on June 11, 2009

  212. […] – WordPress Blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ออกแล้ว | Tech Oops! on June 11, 2009

  213. […] the team behind blogging platform WordPress have announced the release of version 2.8 of the platform. Code named “Baker”, in the tradition of the platform’s jazz inspired naming, […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release - Baker Hits the Street | BusinessTechFeed on June 11, 2009

  214. […] latest and greatest version of WordPress version 2.8, is available for download starting from today. This release is named in honor of noted trumpeter […]

    Pingback from WordPress Baker 2.8 | DevelopDesk on June 11, 2009

  215. […] gag sebegitu wahnya launcing kali ini, tapi cukuplah penantian akan rislisnya wordpress 2.8 ini, karena tepat waktu sesuai rencana dari pihak […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Akhirnya Release | SSN Web Tutorial WordPress and Blogger, Technology News on June 11, 2009

  216. […] wenn auch mit ein paar Fehlern. Vor allem die Widgets wurden verbessert und erweitert. Auf dem WordPress-Blog finden Sie weitere Informationen sowie einVideo das die Funktionen […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 » Beitrag » Gratis-Tube.de on June 11, 2009

  217. […] 2.1 now is compatible with WordPress up to v2.8.x, Thanks to MoontoC, great […]

    Pingback from Sparanoid » WordPress Plugin: Quotmarks Replacer on June 11, 2009

  218. […] just upgraded this blog to WordPress 2.8. As a reader, you properly won’t even notice, but as a publisher it seems I will now have […]

    Pingback from That was easy and painless… | Søren C's blog on June 11, 2009

  219. […] @dantheman https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from b1ackcr0w's status on Thursday, 11-Jun-09 12:43:05 UTC - Identi.ca on June 11, 2009

  220. […] WordPress Blog. Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 disponible para descargar - Gregorio Espadas on June 11, 2009

  221. […] WordPress merilis versi terbarunya yaitu WordPress 2.8. Saya sendiri belum coba wordpress 2.8 sama sekali, […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 dirilis | JEVUSKA on June 11, 2009

  222. […] está disponible WordPress 2.8 (Baker) y como el upgrade automático es uno de sus mejoras más interesantes.. ya estamos corriendo ahí […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Denken Über on June 11, 2009

  223. […] de las novedades que indican en el blog, entre otras, […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - Arde Troya on June 11, 2009

  224. […] tutti voi certamente saprete, il team di sviluppo del famoso CMS per blog WordPress ha sfornato una nuova release, la 2.8, scaricabile da qui. Nonostante non segni un cambiamento radicale dalla versione […]

    Pingback from E’ uscito WordPress 2.8, tutte le novità e i miglioramenti - Geekissimo on June 11, 2009

  225. […] un día de retraso finalmente llegó la nueva versión de uno de los CMS más afamados de la red, WordPress en su versión 2.8 con nombre en clave […]

    Pingback from Lanzado WordPress 2.8 | ELMUNDO55 on June 11, 2009

  226. […] next version of the popular WordPress blogging system has just been released. The most notable features are […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released :: CMS Design Resource on June 11, 2009

  227. […] just upgraded my WordPress installation to 2.8 and changed it to a SVN checkout of the 2.8 tag. While I were at it, I also uploaded my static […]

    Pingback from Upgraded WordPress and using Amazon CloudFront | Don Pinkster on June 11, 2009

  228. […] June 10th, WordPress 2.8 was released. It includes a theme browser, redesigned widgets interface, improved speed and fixes […]

    Pingback from WordPress v2.8 Released — Meandering Passage on June 11, 2009

  229. […] WordPressin versioon 2.8. Siinäpä vasta esimerkillinen päivittyminen. Klikkaat yhtä linkkiä ja priu-priu-priu ja kaikki […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 – Jasmon blogi on June 11, 2009

  230. […] lançado hoje o WordPress 2.8 Baker em homenagem ao trompetista e vocalista Chet Baker. Nesta versão foram corrigidas mais de 790 bugs […]

    Pingback from Lançado WordPress 2.8 Baker | pBlog on June 11, 2009

  231. […] 2.8 is out. Release notes here. I’ll probably wait a bit to let some of the inevitable new release bugs get worked […]

    Pingback from You first | Les Jones on June 11, 2009

  232. […] the changes are listed in the 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets entry, but I want to focus your attention on these […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 released : Emanuele Feronato on June 11, 2009

  233. […] There are some pretty cool publishing features with this new version that will go unnoticed by the readers, but for any of you that have to manage content, some of these features are pretty nice. Check them out here. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released – Sure Beats Work on June 11, 2009

  234. […] Documentasi original WordPress versi 2.8 bisa dilihat di https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/. […]

    Pingback from Review WordPress versi anyar, 2.8 “Baker” « Artvisualizer Blog on June 11, 2009

  235. […] lavoro, questa notte è stata rilasciata la versione 2.8 di WordPress, ne dà comunicazione Matt sul blog ufficiale. Nell’articolo si segnala come questa release 2.8 apporti varie migliorie ai temi, widget, alla […]

    Pingback from È stata rilasciata la versione 2.8. di WordPress « Il mondo di Paolettopn on June 11, 2009

  236. […] has just released the newest version of their installable blog software: WordPress […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Now Available for Download | Kashif Mushtaq on June 11, 2009

  237. […] nocą/wczesnym rankiem wydana została wersja 2.8 WordPressa. Poniżej zamieszczam tłumaczenie wpisu umieszczonego na blogu wordpress.org przez Matta. Jestem bardzo podekscytowany, mogąc ogłosić wszem i wobec, że najnowsza i najlepsza z wersji […]

    Pingback from WordPress | Polska » Wersja 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  238. […] 2.8 is available for download […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released! | The Road Not Taken on June 11, 2009

  239. […] WordPress 2.8 Release is cool, smooth, and simple as Michael says in the latest video announcement. I like that. My […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is Cool, Smooth, and Simple | Design Simply on June 11, 2009

  240. […] si alguien está interesado, pueden ver el post en el blog de desarrollo de WordPress aqui y descargar el 2.8 aqui. Dirección permanente de este artículo: […]

    Pingback from Jrodas.com – WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  241. […] Saya telah upgrade ke wordpress 2.8. wordpress 2.8 Random PostsKarnival IbadahSaya turut di tagHangatnya pelukanSenyum pagi Dia juga […]

    Pingback from Kaktuskah aku? | Hidup Biar Sedap on June 11, 2009

  242. […] 2.8 Now Available for Download WordPress has just released the newest version of their installable blog software: WordPress 2.8 – […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Now Available for Download « TheChetan’s Blog on June 11, 2009

  243. […] out WordPress 2.8 release post for full list of changes and also a video about the new release. Share this on del.icio.usDigg […]

    Pingback from Hail, WordPress 2.8 codenamed Baker! | Michael Aulia -Technology and Reviews on June 11, 2009

  244. […] WordPress 2.8 Release。 […]

    Pingback from diary @ 2009-06-11 | diary | irene's page on June 11, 2009

  245. […] updated: June 11, 2009 at: 6:03 am WordPress 2.8 Baker Released WordPress dev team released, WordPress 2.8 “Baker” that comes with improvements to themes, widgets, […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker Released on June 11, 2009

  246. […] Via wordpress.org […]

    Pingback from Upgrade to wordpress 2.8 | Internet | My Life Story on June 11, 2009

  247. […] there is no easy way to change the minimum and maximum font size that the widget uses. While the recent release of WordPress 2.8 doesn’t add any UI to change those sizes, it’s now easier to change them than […]

    Pingback from Change the Tag Cloud Font Size in WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  248. […] upgraded this blog to WordPress v2.8, let me know if you see anything funky. I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest […]

    Pingback from Upgraded to WordPress v2.8 | Faraway, So Close on June 11, 2009

  249. […] WordPress 2.8 is out and with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in honor is  Chet Baker is American jazz trumpeter, flugelhorn player and singer. I got new version of WordPress 2.8 from the Development blog […]

    Pingback from Chet Baker on WordPress 2.8 | Tech Interview Question Papers on June 11, 2009

  250. […] nuovissima ed attesa versione 2.8 di WordPress è stata rilasciata ufficialmente nelle scorse ore. Come sempre le novità introdotte sono numerose, tra queste: una […]

    Pingback from lucatogni.ch › Archivio › Rilasciato WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  251. […] neue Version von WordPress (2.8 – Baker) enhält u.a. einige Verbesserungen bzgl. der Widgets (drag’n drop + mehrfache Verwendung) […]

    Pingback from WordPress: 2.8 – Baker > > splash ;) on June 11, 2009

  252. […] Dopo prove, falsi annunci e date d’uscita non ufficiale arriva la notizia che in molti aspettavano. Chi possiede un blog su WordPress si sarà accorto che da ieri e finalmente disponibile la nuova versione 2,8. […]

    Pingback from Cirillina – Blog, Tecnologia, Web 2.0 » Blog Archive » Arriva la versione 2.8 di WordPress on June 11, 2009

  253. […] es oficial el lanzamiento de WordPress 2.8, nombre clave […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - Diario a Borbo on June 11, 2009

  254. […] WordPress Update was released today. It is 2.8 in a series of 2’s. Here is a list of all the updates: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released With a Cleaner Widget & Theme Interface | Scott Markman on June 11, 2009

  255. […] nos hemos levantado con el anuncio de la versión final de WordPress 2.8 en el blog oficial de desarrollo del popular software de gestión de contenidos. La nueva versión llega seis meses […]

    Pingback from Disponible WordPress 2.8 “Baker” | Adelantos Tecnológicos y Cientificos | Adelantos.net on June 11, 2009

  256. […] yourself a favor and read some more about the release and quick video overview of everything in the new release…SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "WordPress 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets", url: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets | Miscellaneous | Internet Marketing Guides on June 11, 2009

  257. […] Tienen mas información en el blog de WordPress. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 – Released! | ModemHead.com.ar on June 11, 2009

  258. […] 2009/06/11: WordPress 2.8 was released yesterday and this new version works well with Firefox 3.5 Preview. It also provides a […]

    Pingback from Firefox 3.5 Preview Released, Breaks WordPress Admin Interface | Code Society on June 11, 2009

  259. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. […]

    Pingback from stfu » F!XMBR on June 11, 2009

  260. […] blogging platform WordPress has released the newest version of its self-hosted blog software, WordPress 2.8 – Baker. With over 790 bug fixes, WordPress 2.8 – Baker features minor improvements in nearly all […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Available for Download — TechOwl on June 11, 2009

  261. […] WordPress on ulkona, ihan vaan näin FYI. Listaa uusista ominaisuuksista TÄÄLLÄ, wp:n voit ladata […]

    Pingback from WP2.8 Ulkona | Valomerkki.org on June 11, 2009

  262. […] tutti voi certamente saprete, il team di sviluppo del famoso CMS per blog WordPress ha sfornato una nuova release, la 2.8, scaricabile da […]

    Pingback from E’ uscito WordPress 2.8, tutte le novità e i miglioramenti | FDS on June 11, 2009

  263. […] 2.8 has been released http://ur1.ca/5hy4 upgraded my blog already 🙂 […]

    Pingback from candrews's status on Thursday, 11-Jun-09 15:02:43 UTC - Identi.ca on June 11, 2009

  264. […] WordPress.org 公式ブログの“2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets”によれば、今回のアップデートで全体のスピードが改善されており、また790のバグが修正されたとのこと。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress-2.8 リリース « cyber BONMEE on June 11, 2009

  265. […] tutti voi certamente saprete, il team di sviluppo del famoso CMS per blog WordPress ha sfornato una nuova release, la 2.8, scaricabile da […]

    Pingback from E’ uscito WordPress 2.8, tutte le novità e i miglioramenti | Ultimissime on June 11, 2009

  266. […] Io sono 2.8. […]

    Pingback from Me or not? » Blog Archive » duepuntootto on June 11, 2009

  267. […] Published 11 June 2009 Tech 0 Comments Tags: wordpress WordPress 2.8 officially release in very recent. At a glance, this version looks like the previous 2.7, yes, because there’s only minor tweak […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released « adisetiya on June 11, 2009

  268. […] WordPress 2.8 がリリースされたようで、管理画面の「Update」ボタンをポチッと押すと、一瞬でバージョンアップ完了。こんなに簡単でいいのか。WPさんよ。しかし怪しげな動きも。画面に変な警告メッセージがでてるんですけどー。(追記:対処方法がありました)メニューが英語だったり日本語だったり、統一感ないんですけどー。(追記:日本語版を待ちましょう)ま、いいか。とりあえず動くようだし。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress2.8 - 3106.org on June 11, 2009

  269. […] A new version of WordPress has been released, containing many changes and improvements. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 released » PugetPro - Technology help for small organizations on June 11, 2009

  270. […] il più diffuso software di gestione blog, ha rilasciato una nuova versione. WordPress 2.8 Baker si arricchisce di molte funzionalità rispetto alle versioni precedenti. Una nuova veste del […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker, nuova versione ricca di funzionalità | ciaoblog on June 11, 2009

  271. […] of the key features that are noticeable in this version, according to the the WordPress development blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 – Baker Available! | blondish.net on June 11, 2009

  272. […] released and now it is the full release. You can read more about the release at the WordPress blog: 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets. They also released a snazzy video highlighting all of the new features. Personally, I am looking […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released - LGR Internet Solutions on June 11, 2009

  273. […] 8:28 am on June 11, 2009 Permalink | Reply WordPress news: WordPress 2.8 was released last night and iThemes is now offering their paid WordPress themes under the GPL […]

    Pingback from WordPress news: WordPress 2.8 was releas… « toni.org on June 11, 2009

  274. […] as well as 790 bugs stomped in this release.  You can check out a video of 2.8 in action at https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released | Hawk Host Blog on June 11, 2009

  275. […] team has released WordPress 2.8 today. This release includes improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. Over […]

    Pingback from Arun’s Blog » WordPress 2.8 released on June 11, 2009

  276. […] Love WP 2.8 WordPress 2.8 Baker was released. […]

    Pingback from Love WP 2.8 « patchwork on June 11, 2009

  277. […] Más información: WordPress Blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 disponible on June 11, 2009

  278. […] el que aún no se haya dado cuenta, ya podemos actualizar nuestro WordPress 2.7.1 a WordPress 2.8. Esta nueva versión, llamada “Baker” puedes descargar directamente desde la página […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ya está aqui. | aNieto2K on June 11, 2009

  279. […] 2.8献给天才演奏家Chet Baker。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress | China » WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  280. […] Hip hip hurra! Najnowsza wersja WordPressa, oznaczona numerkiem 2.8 została w końcu opublikowana. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  281. […] Via | WordPress.org […]

    Pingback from Rilasciato WordPress 2.8 - Commenta la tecnologia, la telefonia, i software on June 11, 2009

  282. […] Das Warten ist vorbei, WordPress 2.8 ist da! Eine Featureliste findet ihr auf WordPress-Deutschland, wo ihr auch die deutsche Version finden werdet. Das original gibt es hier. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ist da! - GreenSmilies on June 11, 2009

  283. […] tietoa itse päivityksestä löytyy tietysti WordPress -blogin omasta jutusta, josta löytyy myös oheinen […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” päivitetty onnistuneesti | SwitchX on June 11, 2009

  284. […] Publicado 11 Junio 2009 Blogs 0 Comentarios Tags: WordPress Ya se encuentra disponible WordPress 2.8 “Baker” varias mejoras, especialmente en la organización de las áreas de adminsitración del blog. done […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 disponible « Gluper on June 11, 2009

  285. […] the long waited WordPress 2.8 aka Baker being out, there is a ton of features including 2.8 being a way faster to use, widgets are remixed, some DB […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8: Features and tips — gunnerpress.com on June 11, 2009

  286. […] 2.8 erschienen Stephan Walcher schrieb am 11. Juni 2009 Heute Nacht war es soweit, die neuste Version von WordPress 2.8 ist erschienen. Das Update hat hier auf Prometeo einwandfrei […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 erschienen on June 11, 2009

  287. […] perfectly (i.e. accidentally) with today’s release of WordPress 2.8 tickets for WordCamp Montreal are now […]

    Pingback from WordCamp Montréal » Registration is open, get your tickets today! on June 11, 2009

  288. […] el que aún no se haya dado cuenta, ya podemos actualizar nuestro WordPress 2.7.1 a WordPress 2.8. Esta nueva versión, llamada “Baker” puedes descargar directamente desde la página […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ya está aqui. : Blogografia on June 11, 2009

  289. […] utiles : Site Officiel Annonce officielle Liste complète des changements et améliorations […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Enfin ! | Astuce Gratuit ! on June 11, 2009

  290. […] coming back to WordPress 2.8, i visited the WordPress blog to know about the new features in 2.8. There are some very nice features. My favorite are […]

    Pingback from GotChance – A Geek’s Blog » Blog Archive » Upgraded From WordPress 2.6.2 to 2.8 Baker on June 11, 2009

  291. […] Los desarrolladores de WordPress no han cumplido el plazo previsto por sólo un día, lo que es realidad no está nada mal, así que desde hoy ya está disponible para descargar WordPress 2.8. […]

    Pingback from Descarga WordPress 2.8 | Sumolari.com on June 11, 2009

  292. […] of today the new version of WordPress, 2.8, has been released and as always this gets plugin developers like myself pretty worried that all […]

    Pingback from New WP Version - Plugin Compatibility | Lunatic Studios on June 11, 2009

  293. […] Seit wenigen Minuten läuft dieses Blog auf → WordPress 2.8, der “Baker”-Version. → Benannt wurde Sie nach dem Jazz-Musiker Chet Baker. Falls Probleme auftreten sollten, freue ich mich über eine kurze […]

    Pingback from krimiblog.de | Fundstücke eines Krimilesers | Ermittlungen seit 2005 | 5. Jahrgang on June 11, 2009

  294. […] WordPress – med ett enda klick i admin-panelen. (Tid: 60 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 och Thesis 1.51 — jardenberg unedited on June 11, 2009

  295. […] Annunciato oggi il rilascio della versione 2.8 di WordPress. Nella nuova versione sono stati corretti 790 bug, sono stati apportati diversi miglioramenti, e sono state introdotte molte nuove funzionalità. La lista completa dei cambiamenti è disponibile a questa pagina. Il download di WordPress 2.8 è possibile da questa pagina. Tra qualche giorno dovrebbe essere disponibile la versione italiana. Di seguito un video con una rapida panoramica sulla nuova versione […]

    Pingback from Rilasciato WordPress 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  296. […] WordPress 2.8 version is available for download. If you have most recent version you can automatically update wordpress 2..8 by clicking the “Please update now” link found within your dashboard. WordPress 2.8 upgrade overwrites wordpress default theme, so if you are using default theme please don’t upgrade wordpress without making a backup of your theme. […]

    Pingback from Download WordPress Version 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  297. […] Read more about WordPress 2.8 >> […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 automatic upgrade just works | Wayne Hastings - Interactive and Graphic Design - Los Angeles, CA on June 11, 2009

  298. […] Sekarang anda dapat menjelajahi direktori theme dan meng-install theme dengan satu klik. Masih banyak lagi fitur baru lainnnya, langsung cek di sini dan di sini. […]

    Pingback from wordpress 28 baker | hasssan.web.id on June 11, 2009

  299. […] to work so far, though I’m not sure about email notifications. Update: It’s running on 2.8 final […]

    Pingback from Upgrades: WordPress and CommentLuv « Speed Force on June 11, 2009

  300. […] WordPress 2.8 soll die Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit von der Blogware schneller sein. Daneben wurde die Theme- bzw. Design-Bereich überarbeitet, so wie das […]

    Pingback from Ach ja, WordPress 2.8 ist da | DimidoBlog on June 11, 2009

  301. […] note to my fellow WordPress users, if you’re self-hosting you should DEFINITELY upgrade to 2.8 […]

    Pingback from nicopolitan.com on June 11, 2009

  302. WordPress 2.8 è arrivato…

    La celeberrima piattaforma di blogging WordPress è arrivata alla versione 2.8!! Tanti auguri WP…

    Trackback from danixland 2.0 on June 11, 2009

  303. […] Mullenweg today announced the release of the latest version of WordPress, version 2.8. I’m very excited to announce to […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Is Available, Upgrade Today! - Blog Reign on June 11, 2009

  304. […] upgraded to WordPress 2.8 and you should […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | alexking.org on June 11, 2009

  305. […] WordPress 2.8 is now out. Time to […]

    Pingback from How to rewrite a hacked URL? « Mark Turner Dot Net on June 11, 2009

  306. […] has just released the newest version of their installable blog software: WordPress 2.8 – […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Now Available for Download | The Pakistani Spectator on June 11, 2009

  307. […] 2.8献给天才演奏家Chet […]

    Pingback from 翼元素 » 升级到WordPress2.8 on June 11, 2009

  308. […] updated the Stet Lab site to WordPress 2.8. There are only a few minor interface changes behind the scenes, however, the K2 search and […]

    Pingback from update to WordPress 2.8 at Stet Lab (a space for improvised music in Cork, Ireland) on June 11, 2009

  309. […] WordPress 2.8 is live for everyone to grab now and I decided to upgrade the ol’ blog.   Overall it was a smooth […]

    Pingback from Upgrading to WordPress 2.8 | (jeff)isageek.net on June 11, 2009

  310. […] WordPress has just updated to version 2.8. It has some cool new features, view all the changes here. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is out « Position Absolute on June 11, 2009

  311. […] People, The new version of WordPress (version 2.8) is available as of now. You can go to this post to learn more about it, check out a video and download […]

    Pingback from WordPress Rocks! » WordPress 2.8 version is available now on June 11, 2009

  312. New WordPress 2.8 is ready to download…

    Click to continue reading “”

    Trackback from bliputu.com on June 11, 2009

  313. […] those of you who love to be on the cutting edge, you’ll be happy to learn that the WordPress 2.8 is now available for download. If you log into your WordPress today you will notice a message […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8-Baker is Out on June 11, 2009

  314. […] to read more about this new release head out to the wordpress blog, make sure you watch that […]

    Pingback from WordPress releases v2.8 ‘baker’ | Sameer Joad.Com - Make money online and more on June 11, 2009

  315. […] WordPress 2.8 is now available for download.  Several improvements have been made to widgets, taxonamy as well as speed.  The overall design keeps in line with the previous 2.7 release.  It’s what’s under the hood that counts. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is out and ready for download. on June 11, 2009

  316. […] Video on WordPress.org […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Video Review on June 11, 2009

  317. WordPress 2.8…

    Da var endelig WordPress 2.8 ute, så nå har jeg oppdatert bloggen igjen.
    Pleier riktig nok å laste ned oppdatert WP et par ganger i uka, men da er det som oftest veldig lite som er oppdatert.
    Nå er det over 790 feil som har blitt rettet, nye funksjoner…

    Trackback from Daniel Landsverk's blog on June 11, 2009

  318. […] via WordPress.org […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Is Available | Get A New Browser on June 11, 2009

  319. […] kon worden naar versie 2.8. Uiteraard meteen een backup gemaakt en op update geklikt. Meer info hier, changelog […]

    Pingback from WordPress geupdate naar versie 2.8 « StorVision.nl on June 11, 2009

  320. […] you go, WordPress 2.8 has been released and now available for download. It is yet another fit release which brings with it improvements to […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 brings Jazzes Themes and Widgets | Geekword on June 11, 2009

  321. […] very well may have missed the news in the last few days, but I was surprised to see that WordPress 2.8 was released by WordPress.org.  I knew the next version was on the way, I just didn’t know it was this […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 released – what’s in store? on June 11, 2009

  322. […] 2.8 is now available for Download. WordPress 2.8 Highlights and features may be found […]

    Pingback from WordPress – Install Version 2.8 | I Do Info Tech on June 11, 2009

  323. […] WordPress 2.8 announcement […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 final version released. Upgrade time..!! | Smart Blog Tips on June 11, 2009

  324. […] I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in honor of noted trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker. Here’s a quick video overview of everything in the new release….Quelle…weiterlesen […]

    Pingback from bash, sql, wordpress and fun » upgrade auf wordpress – version 2.8 “Baker” on June 11, 2009

  325. […] más ventajas. Bueno, esta es mi primera publicación con WordPress 2.8 – si desean pueden ver detalles de esta nueva versión y -leyendo por ahí- ví algunas cosas que no salieron en esta versión y que seguro la veremos […]

    Pingback from Disfrutando de WordPress 2.8 - Willy Andres on June 11, 2009

  326. […] of WordPress 2.8, dubbed as WordPress Baker, is finally here! The announcement has been made in the WordPress Development Blog posted June 11, […]

    Pingback from WordPress v2.8 - WordPress Baker Released | cajammed.com on June 11, 2009

  327. […] more at WordPress Blog and WordPress Codex about Version […]

    Pingback from WordPress: Version 2.8 | Snippet IT on June 11, 2009

  328. […] just updated this site to WordPress 2.8, using my favorite method for handling a WordPress install, Subversion. Here’s what I typed […]

    Pingback from Updated to WordPress 2.8 « Dented Reality on June 11, 2009

  329. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from Se lanza la versión oficial de WordPress 2.8 “Baker” : Blogografia on June 11, 2009

  330. […] [ internet – 11 Jun ] Gehacked En toen was mijn website gehackt… net twee dagen nadat een nieuwe versie, 2.8, van WordPress uitkwam. En maar waarschuwen over het op tijd updaten daarna.. twee […]

    Pingback from Gehacked » Media & Passie on June 11, 2009

  331. […] sicher hunderte oder tausende andere habe ich heute mein Blog auf das neue WordPress 2.8 aktualisiert. Das Update war, WordPress-typisch einfach. Per SSH eingeloggt, ein Backup erstellt […]

    Pingback from Update auf WordPress 2.8 | anrichter on June 11, 2009

  332. […] 2009 Kommentare Einen Kommentar schreiben Seit heute steht die neue WordPress-Version 2.8 offiziell zum Download bereit und kann auf http://wordpress.org in der englischen Originalversion und mit der deutschen […]

    Pingback from wemaflo.net » Das neue WordPress 2.8 steht zum Download bereit on June 11, 2009

  333. […] New WordPress 2.8 Blog Post […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 has been released, but I would caution you from upgrading right away. | The Black Tech Report on June 11, 2009

  334. […] Read the official WordPress blog post here! […]

    Pingback from computerwizz974 » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 is out! on June 11, 2009

  335. […] has just released the newest version of their installable blog software: WordPress 2.8 – […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Now Available for Download | Jack Script on June 11, 2009

  336. […] 2.8 se laudă cu rezolvarea a 790 de buguri, dar şi cu noutăţi la capitolul instalare teme, configurare […]

    Pingback from A apărut WordPress 2.8 | CNET.ro on June 11, 2009

  337. […] fin du développement du célèbre CMS (système de gestion de contenu) a été annoncé hier soir, WordPress 2.8 est fraichement disponible et ce même en français. Il y a (à priori car je n’ai pas encore […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 en français est disponible ! on June 11, 2009

  338. […] lançada a nova versão do WordPress com a versão 2.8 com o nome sugerido de Baker. Segundo os o site que divulgou o lançamento, a versão 2.8 vem com praticamente 790 erros resolvidor e mais de 15 novas ferramentas que irá […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 liberado para Download | :: Rafael Designer - Criação, Manutenção e Hospedagem de Sites Lojas Virtuais, Blogs, Cms´s | hospedagem, website, blog, tecnologia, microsoft, apple, tutorial :: on June 11, 2009

  339. […] por aqui, poderá querer subscrever à RSS feed para receber actualizações sobre este tópico.Já está disponível a mais recente versão do WordPress, a 2.8 “Baker”. Esta versão apresenta grandes melhorias na […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Open Mania on June 11, 2009

  340. […] Een aantal nieuwe functies is samengevat in de video hieronder. Mocht je de officiële blog over de release willen lezen dan kan dat hier […]

    Pingback from WordPress Baker | Eelco's Wereldje on June 11, 2009

  341. […] Yey! I just upgraded to WordPress two point eight (2.8). The upgrade was soooo easy, it boomed me for a one click! Then this blog is now all new and shiny (well, in the back end). There were a lot of new things on the current release of WordPress. Most of the them are roughly improving the past release. Making everything customizable, appealing, and anything you can think of making a blog easier to use. Ohhh don’t forget to watch there video overview. […]

    Pingback from ragingFX - Updated to WordPress two point eight on June 11, 2009

  342. […] There is more stuff in this new version, but I am not gona get into them. Check them out here https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8! « One More Visit Blog on June 11, 2009

  343. […] https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28 […]

    Pingback from ورد بريس 2.8 النسخه النهائيه WordPress 2.8 | One4v.com Your site for Variant stuff on June 11, 2009

  344. […] se ha liberado la versión final de WordPress 2.8, seguro que ya os habéis enterado, y este mediodía he procedido a su instalación en un par de […]

    Pingback from Tranpalitu on June 11, 2009

  345. WordPress 2.8 “Baker” ute nu…

    WordPress-gänget jobbar på i högt tempo och världens kanske populäraste bloggverktyg har nu nått upp i aktansvärda version 2.8. Jazztemat på kodnamnen fortsätter och version 2.8 har tilldelats det ärofyllda namnet “Baker” efter ja……

    Trackback from kiper.se on June 11, 2009

  346. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets Posted June 11, 2009 by Matt. Filed under Releases. […]

    Pingback from Bunnykins’ Blog » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 Released on June 11, 2009

  347. […] Codex Troubleshouting FAQ is a must have. I felt aventurous and tried an auto – upgrading to wordpress 2.8. Two questions minimum applied to me as I had to remove the .maintenance and re-upload all files to […]

    Pingback from Resources when upgrading to WordPress 2.8 | Julien Airaud on June 11, 2009

  348. […] WordPress 2.8 passée sans aucun problème et en automatique via l’interface d’administration, […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 : business as usual | Le blog d'Olivier on June 11, 2009

  349. […] WordPress 2.8 “Baker” was released this morning. I tested it on a few mule sites first, including this one, and all updates went perfectly. I’ll have more regarding a 2.8 w/plugins Plugin Auto-Update Stress Test in the next day. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released Today | Denver Web Design, SEO and Web Marketing on June 11, 2009

  350. […] brings lot of improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies and overall speed according to WordPress blog. Visually it looks the same as previous version 2.7 but you will see some changes like code editor […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Final Released on June 11, 2009

  351. […] https://wordpress.org/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets » Garuna Web Designer on June 11, 2009

  352. […] Acestea fiind spuse, spor la DOWNLOAD şi pentru cei mai riguroşi dintre dumneavoastră am pregătit la final lista celor 180 de noutăţi pe care le aduce WordPress 2.8. https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from Stefa Media Srl » WordPress 2.8 FINAL on June 11, 2009

  353. […] you should know that WordPress 2.8 was released last night. Upgrading has never been easier.  I’ll be interested to see what […]

    Pingback from Free Themes to Check Out For WordPress 2.8 | Red Pill: Shiny New Toy's Blog on June 11, 2009

  354. […] lack of the Wednesday frugal/Thursday cookbook posts are due to the announcement of WordPress 2.8. I am taking the time to update the site by backing everything up, and I expect that this will be […]

    Pingback from Site Renovation - | Well Done Chef! on June 11, 2009

  355. […] WordPress Blog: 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from WesleyDonehue.com on June 11, 2009

  356. […] upgrade WordPress 2.8, kucoba untuk explore lebih jauh fitur-fitur baru WordPress. Dari websitenya wordpress.org, ada beberapa perbaikan utama di versi terbaru ini. Mereka mengklaim bahwa wordpress versi 2.8 ini […]

    Pingback from Review WordPress 2.8 | It's About Dani Gunawan on June 11, 2009

  357. […] nos hemos levantado con el anuncio de la versión final de WordPress 2.8 en el blog oficial de desarrollo del popular software de gestión de contenidos. La nueva versión llega seis meses […]

    Pingback from Disponible WordPress 2.8 "Baker" | Ricón de Ocio on June 11, 2009

  358. […] WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets. Share and […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released on June 11, 2009

  359. […] blog is now running WordPress 2.8, […]

    Pingback from Service announcement < Crashed Pips on June 11, 2009

  360. […] WordPress 2.8 is released and available through automatic upgrade (this is a built-in feature starting in WordPress 2.7). […]

    Pingback from WordPrtess 2.8 is Released. « 37prime on June 11, 2009

  361. […] WordPress 2.8 is released and available through automatic upgrade (this is a built-in feature starting in WordPress 2.7). […]

    Pingback from 37prime.news » WordPrtess 2.8 is Released. on June 11, 2009

  362. […] WordPress 2.8 is released and available through automatic upgrade (this is a built-in feature starting in WordPress 2.7). […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is Released. « 37prime on June 11, 2009

  363. […] Läs mer om nyheterna på wordpress.org […]

    Pingback from WordPress ”Baker” 2.8 färdig | Lentz-it bloggen on June 11, 2009

  364. […] Those responsible for the WordPress blogging software have just released their latest and greatest version. […]

    Pingback from Honest Services » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 Released! on June 11, 2009

  365. […] to a post by Matt Mullenweg on the WordPress Blog possible improvements in versions 2.9 and 3.0 include […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released - News Blog | White Fir Design on June 11, 2009

  366. […] WordPress 2.8 is out, and snappier! […]

    Pingback from Daily List « MiT Gr8 1 on June 11, 2009

  367. […] Download WordPress.org | via WordPress Blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” | Oase Adwan on June 11, 2009

  368. […] é do melhor que existe, por exemplo este blog utiliza WordPress 2.8! , mais informações no post do blog oficial e também no WordPress PT para a versão […]

    Pingback from João Bernardo » WordPress 2.8 “Baker” on June 11, 2009

  369. […] anteriormente foi lançada nesta quinta-feira, 11 de junho, o WordPress 2.8, codinome Baker. Veja mais detalhes do release aqui […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 versão final lançado. Será que meus plugins vão funcionar? « Blog AglioEoliO on June 11, 2009

  370. […] video: artikel berjudul “2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets” di situs wordpress.org Artikel ini mungkin hanya sekedar opini atau pendapat pribadi […]

    Pingback from Nonton Video Presentasi Fitur WordPress 2.8 | Blog.SumberIde.com | Ardiansyah’s Blog on June 11, 2009

  371. […] וורדפרס 2.8 ששוחררה אתמול מביאה איתה חידוש חשוב שמשנה את כללי המשחק בכל מה שקשור […]

    Pingback from סטארטר · המשמעות של וורדפרס 2.8 on June 11, 2009

  372. […] is now running on WordPress 2.8 “Baker”, released yesterday. Notable new features include improved widget handling and a faster admin […]

    Pingback from Catix — Upgrade on June 11, 2009

  373. […] expected, the folks at Automattic unleashed WordPress 2.8 on the public this week. If your blog his hosted on WordPress.com, it should automatically be upgraded. If you […]

    Pingback from Techknology’s Blog » WordPress 2.8 released on June 11, 2009

  374. […] Giubertoni on giu 12 2009 at 02:27 | Filed under: Web 2.0 Per maggiori informazioni: blog di WordPress Per scaricare WordPress: wordpress.org/download/ […]

    Pingback from E’ uscito WordPress 2.8 Baker. Ora disponibile per il download | Buzzes about e commerce, social shopping, strategic internet marketing on June 12, 2009

  375. […] yang rada punya banyak urusan, apalagi kalau misalnya punya banyak blog, harus ketemu lagi dengan upgrade wordpress. Cuman ngerasa beda aja sama sodara2 yang Code Igniter jugjug kayak Joomla, Drupal, mereka tau diri […]

    Pingback from » Download WordPress 2.8.1, Release Sudah! Blog Manusia Biasa on June 12, 2009

  376. […] yesterday released  WordPress 2.8 and I love it! The upgrade process was easy, and no errors (unlike the last time). I used to have […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8: Update Tips and Tricks | Mark8t: SEO, SEM, E-Marketing And More on June 12, 2009

  377. […] WordPress 2.8 brings a more incremental approach to WordPress than did 2.7, which made some rather radical overhauls of the user interface. Which isn’t to say that the changes aren’t welcomed. Among the changes are a further integration in outlier functions with the rest of the 2.7 interface theme, improvements in code to make functions faster, and the introduction of a theme installer that allows you to peruse, preview, and install new themes all from within the blogs interface. Another improvement is with widget management, which now allows you to manage and modify as many sections as you have on a single page (previously, one could only manipulate one section at a time). In addition to this, you can now use multiple instances of the same widget. […]

    Pingback from the laughing linden branch » WordPress 2.8 on June 12, 2009

  378. […] contains several new features, you can have a look to this video describing these features from here or read the whole features list from […]

    Pingback from Mohammed Almeshekah’s Information Security Blog - 790 bugs are fixed in WordPress 2.8 on June 12, 2009

  379. […] 这里是WordPress2.8官方介绍,这里则是WordPress2.8详细新功能介绍(均为英文) […]

    Pingback from WordPress2.8发布,新功能多浏览器不兼容 | 挨踢八卦 on June 12, 2009

  380. […] – WordPress Blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 ออกแล้ว | Pantip Guide on June 12, 2009

  381. […] WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets Wooo! 2.8 is out! WordPress 2.8 (tags: webdev blog wordpress video widgets no_tag ping.fm) […]

    Pingback from Daily Links | AndySowards.com :: Professional Web Design, Development, Programming, Hacks, Downloads, Math and being a Web 2.0 Hipster? on June 12, 2009

  382. […] See the Codex‘ changelog for details on what is new in this release. Honestly I didn’t even read it. Instead I chose to fall asleep while watching the jazzy intro video. […]

    Pingback from gaarf.info » Blog Archive » Upgraded to WordPress 2.8 on June 12, 2009

  383. […] versi 2.7.1). Ada beberapa perbaikkan untuk versi terbaru ini, selengkapnya dapat kita baca di sini. Ayo segera upgrade WordPress kita. Semoga bermanfaat atas posting yang saya publish […]

    Pingback from Tutorial Blog WordPress | Can I Help You ? on June 12, 2009

  384. […] Fuente: WordPress […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 (Beta) ya esta disponible! | Mundo Inteligente on June 12, 2009

  385. […] 2.8献给天才演奏家Chet Baker。 2.8 在主题、小工具支持、显示选项和运行速度上做了改进,修复了 790 bugs,增加了180个新特性。2.8的后台速度明显提升,现在在后台亦可安装主题,添加了一个新的 CodePress 编辑器支持语法高亮,并且有语法参考。中文版的WordPress 2.8现在亦提供更新,更多的新鲜东西请安装升级看看,希望能给你带来惊喜。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 官方简体中文版发布 | 互联网的那点事... on June 12, 2009

  386. […] WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” was released on June 10th and includes improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, overall speed and of course, fixes for a number of bugs. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released | Watershed Studio, LLC | Indianapolis, Indiana on June 12, 2009

  387. […] 2.8献给天才演奏家Chet Baker。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 发布 on June 12, 2009

  388. […] WordPress Blog, “2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets” […]

    Pingback from samuel joseph levy / WordPress 2.8 released on June 12, 2009

  389. […] 2.8献给天才演奏家Chet Baker。 2.8 在主题、小工具支持、显示选项和运行速度上做了改进,修复了 790 bugs,增加了180个新特性。2.8的后台速度明显提升,现在在后台亦可安装主题,添加了一个新的 CodePress 编辑器支持语法高亮,并且有语法参考。中文版的WordPress 2.8现在亦提供更新,更多的新鲜东西请安装升级看看,希望能给你带来惊喜。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Yansen's Blog on June 12, 2009

  390. […] latest versiton of WordPress, version 2.8 has been officially released and is available for immediate download. At first glance you might not notice a lot of difference […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Officially Released « Jaedeals | Weblog on June 12, 2009

  391. […] WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets No TweetBacks yet. (Be the first to Tweet this post) Share and Enjoy: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 bakes in ease of use | BizzyWeb on June 12, 2009

  392. […] WordPress « Hide nginx Server […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | WING LOON on June 12, 2009

  393. […] forums for issues with the WordPress 2.8 upgrade, I decided a quick post was needed. And, yes, WordPress 2.8 was released a day […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Upgrade Issues and Recommendations | (Anti) Social Development on June 12, 2009

  394. […] https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress Updated to a New Version Today | WebsiteCreationWorkshop.com on June 12, 2009

  395. […] WordPress终究在老美时间6月10日蹦出来了,据说2.8的改动并没有很大,反正我升级后就没感觉有太多的变化,没有像2.7那样眼前一亮的感觉。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8升级成功 - 寂寞部屋 on June 12, 2009

  396. […] 2.8 of WordPress.  WordPress 2.8 is an incremental improvement on 2.7, but it really rocks.  Here is the post announcing WordPress 2.8 (check out the video for the highlights) and here are some tips […]

    Pingback from Links: Complaints via Twitter, Smartphones, Eagle Scouts: Chris M. Lindsey on June 12, 2009

  397. […] If you want more information on all the wonderful new features of WordPress 2.8, you can check the official announcement or the codex […]

    Pingback from GrandSlambert » Blog Archive » Installing themes is easier in WordPress 2.8 on June 12, 2009

  398. […] WordPress 2.8 is Out […]

    Pingback from You May Have Missed These | The Simian Downtime Analyst on June 12, 2009

  399. […] The rest is here: 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets on June 12, 2009

  400. […] The changes from WordPress 2.7 aren’t as noticable as they were from 2.6 to 2.7, but it is always worth upgrading to the latest installation in my opinion.   As far as what is new, here is what the WordPress team had to say about the improvements in WordPress 2.8: […]

    Pingback from WordPress - Fikri Online » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 Officially Released! on June 12, 2009

  401. […] versionen av WordPress och som går under namnet “Baker”, men officiellt har den versionsnummer 2.8 . Och mer förberedd och vidtagit lämpliga åtgärder har jag nog aldrig […]

    Pingback from Det kan uppstå problem när man uppgraderar WordPress! | wpxl on June 12, 2009

  402. […] deutsche Variante auf wordpress-deutschland.org veröffentlicht. Ich habe mich noch nicht durch die ganzen Neuerungen durchgewühlt, kann aber sagen, dass das (manuelle) Update von Version 2.7.1 (DE) auf 2.8-DE […]

    Pingback from Eintrag "WordPress 2.8 ist da" auf Webrocker on June 12, 2009

  403. […] 今天运气不错,上来看下,就有更新了,很好!记录一下吧! 2.8献给天才演奏家Chet […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 中文版发布 at The BloG OF PEST on June 12, 2009

  404. […] 魔术师发表于 2009-06-12 14:56 | 阅读 1 views 新闻来源:wordpress.org 2.8献给天才演奏家Chet Baker。 2.8 […]

    Pingback from OPRO » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 官方简体中文版发布 on June 12, 2009

  405. […] WordPress 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets: WordPress liegt jetzt in der Version 2.8 vor und hat einige tolle neue Funktionen unter der Haube. Außerdem wurden unzählige Bugs behoben. Im Video wird WordPress 2.0 vorgestellt. […]

    Pingback from Lesetipps für den 12. Juni | Blogpiloten.de - das Beste aus Blogs, Videos, Musik und Web 2.0 on June 12, 2009

  406. […] » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from Linkwertig: Wagn, WordPress 2.8, Facebook, Google I/O » netzwertig.com on June 12, 2009

  407. […] is their official video. Explains things pretty […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Blows … My Mind — 5ubliminal’s 5pace on June 12, 2009

  408. […] 2.8 Is available for download see the release notice here or jump straight to the download […]

    Pingback from Going Nowhere Fast » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 Is Out on June 12, 2009

  409. […] información en inglés sobre las mejoras en: 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets Serie Trucos Blog Índice de entradas: Optimización Web I de IV Optimización Web II de IV […]

    Pingback from Phylosoft con WordPress 2.8 | Phylosoft on June 12, 2009

  410. […] extensive testing of WordPress 2.8 Beta for several months now an announcement was posted on WordPress.org by Matt saying that the final release of WordPress 2.8 is immediately […]

    Pingback from Tribulant News » WordPress 2.8 Updates on June 12, 2009

  411. […] beliebte Blog-Software WordPress steht seit gestern in einer neuen Version zur Verfügung. 790 Fehler wurden beseitigt, rund 180 neue Features sind hinzugekommen. Optisch hat sich auf den ersten Blick nur wenig geändert. Unter der Haube hat sich jedoch […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 bringt 180 neue Features mit | Basic Thinking Blog on June 12, 2009

  412. […] 2.8 an updated version of wordpress is available…version 2.8 which boasts a few new features and many bug fixes. i did a full back up of the blog and the database and performed an automatic upgrade. everything […]

    Pingback from blog upgrade ¦ wordpress 2.8 | cloudplasma on June 12, 2009

  413. […] WordPress 2.8 er ute, men oppgraderingen er ikke obligatorisk her på NorBlogg. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 er ute | NorBlogg on June 12, 2009

  414. […] ist es soweit – WordPress 2.8 hat seinen finalen Status erreicht und wurde auf wordpress.org veröffentlicht. Benannt wurde Sie nach dem Jazz-Musiker „Chet Baker“. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 steht zur Verfügung | // TBDTTT on June 12, 2009

  415. […] 2.8献给天才演奏家Chet Baker。 2.8 在主题、小工具支持、显示选项和运行速度上做了改进,修复了 790 bugs,增加了180个新特性。2.8的后台速度明显提升,现在在后台亦可安装主题,添加了一个新的 CodePress 编辑器支持语法高亮,并且有语法参考。中文版的WordPress 2.8现在亦提供更新,更多的新鲜东西请安装升级看看,希望能给你带来惊喜。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 官方简体中文版发布 - 卡卡帮-新鲜日志分享 on June 12, 2009

  416. […] WordPress […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.7 –> 2.8 Baker on June 12, 2009

  417. […] ist die neue WordPress 2.8 Version auf WordPress.org erschienen. Änderungen könnt ihr hier nachlesen: Link. Downloaden könnt ihr die aktuelle Version […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 erschienen @ Dominik´s Blog on June 12, 2009

  418. WordPress 2.8 ist da…

    Was auffällt: Das Dashboard benötigt nun mehr als 16 MB beim PHP-Speicherlimit um ordentlich zu laden….

    Trackback from thole.org/hendrik on June 12, 2009

  419. […] tutti voi certamente saprete, il team di sviluppo del famoso CMS per blog WordPress ha sfornato una nuova release, la 2.8, scaricabile da qui. Nonostante non segni un cambiamento radicale dalla versione […]

    Pingback from Nuova versione wordpress | Barbarablog on June 12, 2009

  420. […] Secara visual sih, tidak beda jauh dengan versi 2.7 tetapi ada beberapa hal yang membuat kegiatan blogging kita menjadi lebih mudah dengan versi 2.8 ini. Secara lengkap anda bisa membaca dan melihat video tentang WordPress 2.8 ini di sini. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 – Baker Datang! | Edi Susanto dot Com on June 12, 2009

  421. […] just upgraded to version 2.8 of WordPress.  Hopefully it will improve the speed of the […]

    Pingback from Meta and trumpet-blowing | John Barrdear on June 12, 2009

  422. […] WordPress 2.8 Released […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 released | Silkenhut's World on June 12, 2009

  423. […] Nur so als kurze Info am Rande für alle, die es sonst noch nicht irgendwo gelesen haben: WordPress 2.8 ist fertig. […]

    Pingback from fabianonline.de » WordPress 2.8 ist fertig on June 12, 2009

  424. […] just upgraded the site to WordPress 2.8, which was released yesterday. WordPress describes the 2.8 release as a “fit and […]

    Pingback from Upgrade to WordPress 2.8 | Puzzlehead on June 12, 2009

  425. […] panelinden bu dizinlere bağlanıp göz gezdirebileceğiz.  Yeni sürüm hakkında geniş bilgiyi WordPress.org (İngilizce) üzerinden yada WordPress-tr.com (Türkçe) adresinden okuyabilirsiniz.Buraya […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Türkçe Yayınlandı ! | Miraç Baran Satıç'ın Günlük Blogu on June 12, 2009

  426. […] pe 11 iunie 2008 a fost lansata versiunea 2.8 a platformei WordPress. Mai multe detalii gasiti pe blogul WordPress. Afla lista completa cu schimbarile si imbunatatirile […]

    Pingback from Platforma WordPress a ajuns la versiunea 2.8 | zoomx solutions on June 12, 2009

  427. […] via Posturi Simmilare:WordPress 2.6Wordpress.tv – totul despre WP in imagini40 de sfaturi pentru optimizarea WordPressA aparut WordPress 2.7 Beta 1Uite ce era in Tg-Jiu aseara pe la miezul noptii(Vizite-2) Tags: detalii wordpress 2.8, WordPress 2.8, wp 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Despre WordPress 2.8 in imagini | Bag tare in blogosfera romaneasca on June 12, 2009

  428. […] Meer info over WordPress 2.8 Leave a Comment […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 nu nog sneller! | TurtleHost Blog on June 12, 2009

  429. […] WordPress ist eine freie Blogsoftware, die jetzt in der Version 2.8 erschienen […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 erschienen | OSZine on June 12, 2009

  430. […] 此外在WordPress官方部落格也有介紹影片。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8版推出 « 高登工作室 on June 12, 2009

  431. […] just upgraded to WordPress 2.8, and all of my plugins are working fine with it so far. The only problem I’ve noticed is the […]

    Pingback from Shashin and My Other Plugins Compatible with WordPress 2.8 | Nothing But Words on June 12, 2009

  432. […] and, if you do, chances are you’re using WordPress. Well, it’s time to upgrade! WordPress 2.8 was just […]

    Pingback from SDuffyPhotography.blog » Blog Archive » Friday Link Love – 06/12/09 on June 12, 2009

  433. […] Link: http://www.wordpress.org […]

    Pingback from [blog update]: WordPress 2.8 | NaughtyCat on June 12, 2009

  434. […] einige Versionen von WPMU geben, bis WordPress MU endgültig in WordPress eingebunden wird. Matt Mullenweg bestätigte dies im offiziellen WordPress-Blog. Wie diese genau ablaufen wird, steht noch nicht fest, außerdem steht noch nicht fest welche […]

    Pingback from WordPress MU 2.8 und dannach… - WordPress MU 28, WordPress MU, WordPress MU, WPMU 28, WordPress MU, WordPress MU - WordPress MU Deutschland on June 12, 2009

  435. […] WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from Daily Links for Friday, June 12th, 2009 on June 12, 2009

  436. […] el blog oficial de wordpress se anunció que está disponible la nueva versión 2.8 bajo el nombre “Baker” en honor […]

    Pingback from Ya es oficial la version 2.8 de WordPress - TechTear on June 12, 2009

  437. […] June 11, 2008 WordPress is pleased to announce the immediate availability of WordPress 2.8 (”Baker”) – named after Jazz Trumpeter, Chet Baker. https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 (”Baker”) Released | CRE8TIVE STATE on June 12, 2009

  438. […] realmente el vídeo interesante es el que nos ofrecen directamente desde wordpress.org dónde se comentan todos los cambios […]

    Pingback from A2Blog»Archivo del blog » » WordPress 2.8 publicado on June 12, 2009

  439. […] a beta version, but the newest and greatest version of WordPress, at least according to Matt on the WordPress Blog. This version of WordPress, officially called WordPress2.8 Baker, after the famous trumpeter and […]

    Pingback from What is New in Social Media | Premier Social Media on June 12, 2009

  440. […] של וורדפרס מדריך וידאו להתקנה ותחילת השימוש בוורדפרס הודעת השחרור של WordPress 2.8 פרטים נוספים על וורדפרס 2.8 בוויקי תגובות על וורדפרס […]

    Pingback from WordPress | וורדפרס בעברית » וורדפרס 2.8 בעברית on June 12, 2009

  441. […] of the nice features in this latest version of WordPress are a better way of managing your widgets, more control over plugins (including the ability to […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 released yesterday, have you upgraded yet? on June 12, 2009

  442. […] the release of WordPress 2.8 “Baker” starts the day of the new development of WordPress 2.9. A major component that is being upgraded […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.0 “Baker” Means Media Management Takes Center Stage | the rabbit hole on June 12, 2009

  443. […] WordPress version 2.8 has been released. I decided to revisit the issue of automatic core updates which had not been working for me previously. The automatic update simply means that you can upgrade the core WordPress software through the admin interface (i.e. through the web browser), without having to manually download the archive file, upload to the WordPress hosting server, etc. […]

    Pingback from Zit Seng’s Superwall » Blog Archive » Upgrading to WordPress 2.8 on June 12, 2009

  444. […] 2.8献给天才演奏家Chet Baker。 […]

    Pingback from 麒麟博客今日升级为2.8 | 麒麟博客 on June 12, 2009

  445. […] Features gibt, sondern hauptsächlich Bugfixes und Detailverbesserungen. Was allerdings schon jetzt deutlich auffällt, ist die Geschwindigkeit, die sich enorm verbessert […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 – Baker- Lenormand Cafe on June 12, 2009

  446. […] has been a 6 months long wait but WordPress 2.8 “Baker” has finally been rolled out. It does fit in nicely with the completion of my blog redesign. Just like in previous versions, it […]

    Pingback from 2.8 “Baker” | LimeTouch on June 12, 2009

  447. […] WordPress 2.8 released! […]

    Pingback from Weekly round-up #4 | Engage Interactive Blog | Web design Harrogate on June 12, 2009

  448. […] Great short video explaining all the new features of WordPress 2.8 – View the video from WordPress […]

    Pingback from New WordPress 2.8 Features Overview | George Susini | Web Site Tech Tips on June 12, 2009

  449. […] o WordPress 2.8: “A nova versão do conceituado sistema de blog WordPress, de codinome Baker, apresenta muitas novidades, entre elas: navegador de temas para download no […]

    Pingback from Lançado o WordPress 2.8 on June 12, 2009

  450. […] 2.8 had been release on 10 June 2009, offering hundreds of bug fix, better speed, a new widgets page, a file editor (plugin & theme […]

    Pingback from Got Problems When You Upgrade WordPress to Version 2.8? - Software Download and Review on June 12, 2009

  451. […] wordpress blog, the lasted wordpress version 2.8 is released […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 released | WordPress Online on June 12, 2009

  452. […] 2.8 has been officially released. You can automatically update from your WordPress Admin Control Panel or Download the latest […]

    Pingback from Webbhawk | WordPress 2.8 Released on June 12, 2009

  453. […] WordPress’in son sürümü “2.8 – Baker” Yayınlandı Blog yazarlarının 1 numaralı yardımcısı WordPress’in, en son ve en iyi sürümü olan WordPress 2.8 – Baker yayınlandı. […]

    Pingback from WordPress’in son sürümü “2.8 – Baker” Yayınlandı « Umut Balkan | Tasarımcının Günlüğü on June 12, 2009

  454. […] Versi 2.7.1 sebagai Enggine Blog saya ini, eh sekarang Udah muncul WordPress Versi terbaru yaitu WordPress 2.8 (2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets). Versi WordPress 2.8 ini baru dirilis kemarin tanggal 10 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Available Now | Situs Personal Frenavit Putra on June 12, 2009

  455. […] With version 2.8 WordPress has made three big ease of use changes.  Themes can now be searched for, previewed and installed right from the Dashboard.  The Widget system has been completely redesigned for ease of use; you can now have multiple widgets of the same type and can save widgets not in use.  Finally you can customize every Dashboard page via Screen Options for improved column support.  Full details and a great video are available at the WordPress blog. […]

    Pingback from eBabble » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 Released on June 12, 2009

  456. […] upgraded this blog to the newest version of WordPress today. WordPress is so awesome and it’s totally […]

    Pingback from gohlkusmaximus.com » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 is out! on June 12, 2009

  457. […] mesmo blogueiros! Lançado o WordPress 2.8, a mais nova versão desse conceituadíssimo sistema de blog (olha , conceituadíssimo, afinal, eu […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8! | THLopes on June 12, 2009

  458. […] WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets. Category : Allgemein […]

    Pingback from WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets on June 12, 2009

  459. […] WordPress’ in 2.8 sürümü uzun zamandır deneme yapılarak izlendi ve başarılı sonuçlar sayesine bugün hayata geçmiş durumda. […]

    Pingback from Blog | WordPress 2.8 Sürümü Sizlerle | Güncel Bir Blog olup Her Türlü Konuya Yer Verilir. Sizlere Bilgi Aktarımının Yapıldığı Bir Weblogdur on June 12, 2009

  460. […] 2.8 Baker is available for download! Watch a quick video overview: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-12 | Amid People Search on June 12, 2009

  461. […] 3.0 won’t be that far away with many new features. You can read the official article by Matt; here. If you haven’t still updated your WordPress blog to version 2.8 – go ahead and do it […]

    Pingback from WordPress Releases Version 2.8 “Baker” on June 12, 2009

  462. […] versão final do WordPress está disponível para todos, inclusive através da atualização automática que a […]

    Pingback from Download do WordPress 2.8 disponível - Profissionais de Web on June 12, 2009

  463. WordPress 2.8: Chet Baker spielt auf…

    Mit der nach Chet Baker benannten Version 2.8 bringt WordPress komfortablere Widget- und Plugin-Verwaltung sowie Syntax-Highlighting fürs Backend.

    Trackback from datenschmutz.net on June 12, 2009

  464. WordPress 2.8: A solo for Chet Baker…

    tweetmeme_url = ”;
    Yesterday the WordPress Team released the official roadmap version 2.8, named after Jazz musician Chet Baker. Thanks to the update engine most webmasters should be able to do the update via CMS – b…

    Trackback from datadirt.net on June 12, 2009

  465. […] La presentazione nel blog ufficiale di WordPress. […]

    Pingback from Nuovo aggiornamento per WordPress giunto alla versione 2.8 “Baker” on June 12, 2009

  466. […] Redesigned widget interface.  To find about more about this release, read this blog post. […]

    Pingback from New Tekzilla ep. – Interview with Matt Mullenweg « Another Interesting Blog on June 12, 2009

  467. […] a big week for WordPress fans because on Wednesday, developers released the upgraded version of WordPress 2.8 “Baker”, affectionately named after the noted trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker (!). The upgrade fixes […]

    Pingback from Solving Widget Problems after WordPress 2.8 & Thesis 1.5 Upgrades | Birds, Words, & Websites on June 12, 2009

  468. […] was released to the public. For more information on this enhancement and bug-fix release, read the Development Blog Announcement and see the Changelog for […]

    Pingback from Upgrade WP - Mr`PeKeN BloG on June 12, 2009

  469. […] CMS più diffuso tra i blog, WordPress 2.8. Il sito ufficiale presenta un comunicato ufficiale a questo indirizzo con tutte le maggiori novità che elencheremo in […]

    Pingback from Nuovo WordPress 2.8, il famoso CMS per blog si aggiorna | Upyou.it The Blog on June 12, 2009

  470. […] używać i korzystać. Kilka dni temu opublikowana została kolejna edycja WordPress. Tym razem, co zostało wyraźnie podkreślone przez samych twórców, motywem przewodnim była prędkość działania systemu. Poza tym, istnieje teraz możliwość […]

    Pingback from Polskie tłumaczenie WordPress 2.8 | torli on June 12, 2009

  471. […] […]

    Pingback from ÇÕÏÇÑ ÇáäÓÎÉ 2.8 ãä ææÑÏÈÑíÓ - ãäÊÏíÇÊ áíäßÇÊ ÇáÊØæíÑíå on June 12, 2009

  472. […] WordPress 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Goldclone Podcast Episode 2 | Vegard Langås on June 12, 2009

  473. […] agak telat menginformasikan, bahwa WordPress versi 2.8 telah dirilis. Setelah beberapa waktu yang lalu meluncurkan versi beta. Kali ini WordPress sepertinya telah […]

    Pingback from WordPress Versi 2.8 Baker Telah Dirilis | RISOFTE on June 13, 2009

  474. […] 2.8 was released on Wednesday, and I’ve upgraded my site.  I’m looking forward to playing with the new […]

    Pingback from Jeff Gran » Site Upgrades: WordPress 2.8! on June 13, 2009

  475. […] WordPress 2.8 is now released to the public. Called “Baker” after the noted jazz musicial Chet Baker. I have been using the new version of WordPress the last few days and it feels pretty much like version 2.7 with some enhanced features. I like it.  You can download a free version of WordPress 2.8 here: DOWNLOAD WORDPRESS VERSION 2.8 […]

    Pingback from New WordPress Version 2.8 - Blog Tips on Blogging on June 13, 2009

  476. […] いつの間にやらでていたので何も気にせず自動更新。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress2.8jへ | Voyager on June 13, 2009

  477. […] just one-click upgraded the ‘ol blog here at oblogn.com to WordPress 2.8. Looking good. Most of all, it’s screaming fast. Good […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | O (b LOG N) on June 13, 2009

  478. […] 2.8 献给天才演奏家 Chet Baker。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 简体中文官方版 | 芒果 on June 13, 2009

  479. […] the official release here and see for yourself! Tags: wordpress 2.8, wordpress update Comment (RSS) […]

    Pingback from » WordPress 2.8 Released | Net Patcher on June 13, 2009

  480. […] Download WordPress.org | via WordPress Blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release « solehLoVe on June 13, 2009

  481. […] saber mais sobre essa versão, acesse o post 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets que tem um vídeo explicando as […]

    Pingback from BrunoCunha.com agora é WordPress 2.8 | BrunoCunha.com on June 13, 2009

  482. […] wenigen Tagen wurde eine neue WordPress Version freigegeben. In WordPress 2.8 sollen viele Dinge verbessert worden sein unter anderem die Datenbankperformance. Dadurch reagiert […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 freigegeben | ZYNDROM.DE on June 13, 2009

  483. […] | WordPress.org Categories : WordPress […]

    Pingback from Rilasciato WordPress 2.8 | Web Agency NIC Italia by Marco & Maurizio Nicosia on June 13, 2009

  484. […] nos hemos levantado con el anuncio de la versión final de WordPress 2.8 en el blog oficial de desarrollo del popular software de gestión de contenidos. La nueva versión llega seis meses […]

    Pingback from Disponible WordPress 2.8 “Baker” on June 13, 2009

  485. […] Thesis hooks have not been my best area of study, and I think I have a weird installation of WordPress 2.8 going on, but eventually, I’ll get to everything I really […]

    Pingback from Blog Facelift with Thesis 1.5.1 on June 13, 2009

  486. […] in General Hoy nos hemos levantado con el anuncio de la versión final de WordPress 2.8 en el blog oficial de desarrollo del popular software de gestión de contenidos. La nueva versión llega seis meses […]

    Pingback from Disponible WordPress 2.8 “Baker” « El mejor blog sobre tecnologia y animes de habla hispana on June 13, 2009

  487. […] WordPress 2.8 Tags: Soft […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Feeder on June 13, 2009

  488. […] (via wordpress) […]

    Pingback from Hurray, WordPress 2.8 finally available! improves Themes, Widgets + Speed | www.HWDOT.com on June 13, 2009

  489. […] WordPress 2.8 released yesterday, and this upgrade addresses one of the biggest shortfalls in WordPress: the widget interface. It used to be possible to see all of your sidebars and widgets at once and drag and drop your widgets straight from one sidebar to another. I believe it’s been since version 2.3 that that functionality was lost. Since then, you had to view your sidebars one at a time, and moving a widget between one sidebar and another was very cumbersome. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 – Widgets! | MattCleaver.com on June 13, 2009

  490. […] que muestra la nueva versión antes de proceder a actualizar: Para más información podemos ir al anuncio oficial. Archiva este […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | El mundo de IMD on June 13, 2009

  491. […] new version 2.8 of WordPress was released this week and I’ve upgraded this blog to that latest […]

    Pingback from Easy upgrading WordPress to version 2.8 — NevilleHobson.com on June 13, 2009

  492. […] Blog yazarlarının 1 numaralı yardımcısı WordPress’in, en son ve en iyi sürümü olan WordPress 2.8 – Baker yayınlandı. […]

    Pingback from blogg | animadverto corporate blog on June 13, 2009

  493. […] nos hemos levantado con el anuncio de la versión final de WordPress 2.8 en el blog oficial de desarrollo del popular software de gestión de contenidos. La nueva versión llega seis meses […]

    Pingback from Disponible WordPress 2.8 "Baker" | ::Huariques.NET:: on June 13, 2009

  494. […] melihat di kandangnya WordPress, disebutkan bahwa update atau perubahan yang dibuat adalah pengembangan dalam segi appearance ( […]

    Pingback from WordPress versi 2.8 sudah di launching | Hendro's Blog on June 13, 2009

  495. […] For more info, goto WordPress.org Blogs here. […]

    Pingback from Client CMS Upgrades - June 2009 » ZETA*AID - Billing and Support Center on June 13, 2009

  496. […] There are other features to the new WP 2.8, of course. You can check out a video overview of them at the Codex. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Available Now: Should Bloggers Upgrade Their Sites? | The Inspired Solo on June 13, 2009

  497. […] Mais famoso e melhor sistema de blog, WordPress acaba de ser atualizado para versão WordPress 2.8 , . Em sua versão 2.7 é possivél fazer o Updade automático via painel, ou baixar diretamente do […]

    Pingback from WordPress atualizado para 2.8 | Jailbreak.com.br on June 13, 2009

  498. […] This version contains a bunch of improvements and enhancements, mostly on the backend, and is also WordPress 2.8 compatible. Here’s the full list of changes, which is now included as a Changelog in the […]

    Pingback from WordPress Plugin v2.2 « IntenseDebate – Official Blog on June 13, 2009

  499. […] that it matters to anyone but me, but today I upgraded Chiriquí Chatter to the latest version of WordPress which is […]

    Pingback from Chiriquí Chatter » Blog Archive » Chiriquí Chatter Upgraded to WordPress 2.8 on June 14, 2009

  500. […] WordPress 2.8 is out. Nothing about the release itself is actually all that interesting to me. It’s just that I’m now going to spend the week wondering, “should I or shoudn’t I” about upgrading my various sites. What I usually do is work backwards in order of importance. Since this site is brand new (and therefore likely to be a little messed up anyway) I started the upgrades here. So far so good. […]

    Pingback from On My Radar This Week- Cufon, Event Tracking, Steve Souders’ New Book » HTML + CSS + JavaScript » Blog Archive on June 14, 2009

  501. […] an dem eine Änderung sein muss. Nach längerem überlegen und dem sowieso geplanten Umstieg auf WordPress 2.8 hab ich mich für ein neues Design entschieden, welches freundlicher und zugleich lebendiger […]

    Pingback from dennisoderwald im neuen Gewand | dennisoderwald.de on June 14, 2009

  502. […] 2.1 is compatible with WordPress up to v2.8.x, Thanks to MoontoC, great […]

    Pingback from Sparanoid » Quotmarks Replacer 2.1 on June 14, 2009

  503. […] Added tags for WordPress 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Sparanoid » Quotmarks Replacer 2.1.1 @ WP Plugin Directory on June 14, 2009

  504. […] All PressHarbor weblogs have been upgraded to WordPress 2.8, which was released June 11, 2009. For more information about WordPress 2.8, please see the release announcement. […]

    Pingback from PressHarbor Support Center on June 14, 2009

  505. […] All PressHarbor weblogs have been upgraded to WordPress 2.8, which was released June 11, 2009. For more information about WordPress 2.8, please see the release announcement. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Upgrade Complete – PressHarbor Support Center on June 14, 2009

  506. […] WordPress 2.8 Released Dougal Campbells WordCamp Organization Advice bbPress RC2 Released iThemes Goes GPL […]

    Pingback from WPWeekly Episode 58 – WordPress Deep Dish Style on June 14, 2009

  507. […] 如人们在beta版看到的那些,2.8版可以后台像添加插件和升级插件一下对主题进行同样的操作、把插件管理界面和文章管理界面做到统一、把主题编辑框变得更像是一个编辑器。除此之外就是修补了N多BUG。另外关于最新的亮点WordPress官方博客也放了个小影片。查看更新细节与该影片可以到这里:https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress2.8 发布了 - Mr.bssn 的个人博客 on June 14, 2009

  508. […] I love the new widgets API in WordPress 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Ben Huson » WordPress 2.8 Widget API on June 14, 2009

  509. […] Riprendo direttamente dal sito WordPress la notizia con molta gioia dato che il  nostro sito gira attraverso questa piattaforma. Per approfondire vi rimando a post in inglese: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from My Beautiful Place » WordPress 2.8 disponibile on June 14, 2009

  510. […] the release of the recent WordPress 2.8 version, there seems to be a bug showing it’s face for users of the popular FireFox web […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Firefox issue | AGT.ID.AU - Cairns on June 14, 2009

  511. […] Weitere Informationen zur neuen Version gibt es in der Originalmeldung des WordPress-Teams. […]

    Pingback from WordPress | Deutschland » WordPress 2.8 on June 14, 2009

  512. […] have upgraded to WordPress 2.8, but it seems that this resulted in some problems with the chess diagrams and replayable games. […]

    Pingback from Oops!!! on Chess Teaching on June 14, 2009

  513. […] WordPress 2.8 is finally out. There are some key improvements for the casual WordPress user including easier theme addition. Like plugins, you can now browse the WordPress.org theme gallery from within your WordPress admin screen. One click and your theme is installed. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release – Mike Van Winkle on June 14, 2009

  514. […] 2.8 DE umgestellt. Die neue version heißt “Baker”. Die Entwickler von WordPress haben nach eigenen Angaben 790 Bugs gefixt und Dinge wie den Speed verbessert. Ich bin gespannt wie gut oder schlecht die neue […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 treibt den Blog an! | Chris im Netz - Software, Hardware, Tutorials und mehr.. on June 14, 2009

  515. […] official announcement: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 released | Mark Joseph Aspiras on June 14, 2009

  516. […] WordPress 2.8 has been released with new features.  Find below a description on what is included in this release.  This was taken directly from https://wordpress.org/ and the original source can be found here: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 release | Web Marketing and SEO Blog on June 14, 2009

  517. […] the weekend I updated my blog to WordPress 2.8. It’s been a relatively smooth process although I lost my archive and recent post widgets as […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - I've upgraded, have you? | Musings of ErisDS on June 14, 2009

  518. […] version 2.8 has some interesting updates […]

    Pingback from Loving WordPress 2.8 — Danny Whatmough.com on June 14, 2009

  519. […] is a video from WordPress.org, showing some of the highlights of the new […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker - Available for download | Technofranki's blog on June 14, 2009

  520. […] informations on WordPress 2.8: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ Share and […]

    Pingback from jolol.lu » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 - Just another WordPress weblog on June 14, 2009

  521. […] updated the WordPress Appliance to version 2.8 of WordPress. You can read the release announcement here. Everyone should be able to update via the rPath Platform Agent or by running the following […]

    Pingback from Elliot’s Blog » WordPress Appliance updated to 2.8 on June 14, 2009

  522. […] actually update to WordPress 2.8, because it’s inflicting a certain amount of fail, and I want the site to be running for my […]

    Pingback from quiet trickster » This is the sort of dorky thing I do on holiday: on June 14, 2009

  523. […] WordPress 2.8 has just been released. It includes around 790 bug fixes and major performance improvements. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Download on June 15, 2009

  524. […] Secara visual sih, tidak beda jauh dengan versi 2.7 tetapi ada beberapa hal yang membuat kegiatan blogging kita menjadi lebih mudah dengan versi 2.8 ini. Secara lengkap anda bisa membaca dan melihat video tentang WordPress 2.8 ini di sini. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 – Baker Datang! on June 15, 2009

  525. […] WordPress 2.8 släpptes för några dagar sedan och många har redan uppdaterat sina bloggar till senaste versionen. De flesta utan några större problem verkar det som, när man läser artiklar och kommentarer. Vid det här laget har man kikat runt i 2.8 och hittat nya eller förändrade funktioner, som jag tycker både är bra och mindre bra. För och nackdelar med nuvarande funktioner tänkte jag ta upp i en annan artikel, för här idag tänkte jag skriva lite om kompabilitet för WordPress plugin med version 2.8! […]

    Pingback from WordPress plugin med 2.8 kompabilitet! | wpxl on June 15, 2009

  526. […] Read more (No Ratings Yet)  Loading … […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets | Get Inspired Magazine on June 15, 2009

  527. […] speeds and an improved widgets interface. For the full list of changes check out the official WordPress 2.8 announcement. We’ll be updating sites this week and the transition should be seamless. This entry was […]

    Pingback from WESCO Net Web Services » SiteControl 2.8 Update Rollout This Week! on June 15, 2009

  528. […] 2.8 was released a few days ago, but I wasn’t able to see the upgrade link in my dashboard, until today. And I […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | andygoh.net on June 15, 2009

  529. […] qualche giorno di ritardo rispetto al blog ufficiale di WordPress vi annuncio il rilascio della nuova versione 2.8 di […]

    Pingback from Rilasciato WordPress 2.8 - “Chet Baker” | Spaghetti WordPress on June 15, 2009

  530. […] upgrading to WordPress 2.8 I discovered that this update has broken automatic core or widget upgrades for me. I use SFTP as I […]

    Pingback from A broken upgrade? NO! NEVER! | Ryan McKern on June 15, 2009

  531. […] Lange hat man warten müssen, ausser man hat sich die Betaversion installiert, bis Version 2.8 von WordPress endlich veröffentlicht wurde. Nun ist die Version draussen und für jeden updatewilligen Nutzer zum Download […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 final ist veröffentlicht | nodch.de on June 15, 2009

  532. […] er en video fra WordPress.org, som viser noen av de nye funksjonene og […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - Denne gangen gikk oppgraderingen fint | Frank Eivinds verden on June 15, 2009

  533. […] WordPress 2.8 Baker Released The hotly anticipated release of 2.8 saw much needed tweaks to the themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. […]

    Pingback from Weekly Web Roundup: Critical Analysis Edition #4 | Hi, I'm Grace Smith on June 15, 2009

  534. […] the awesome folks over at WordPress, we’re officially sporting the brand spankin’ new WordPress 2.8 blog engine.  I can’t even begin to list the awesome new features we’ve been gifted […]

    Pingback from Upgraded to WordPress 2.8 « hacker on the verge on June 15, 2009

  535. […] de actualizar la versión de este blog a la última versión liberada hace unos días (tiene mejoras interesantes al UI), encontré un problema al tratar de […]

    Pingback from Bug en WordPress 2.8 al actualizar plugins automáticamente | yorch @ web [in] on June 15, 2009

  536. […] gembira buat wordpress lover, sekarang wordpress sudah merilis versi terbarunya WordPress 2.8 pada tanggal 11 Juni 2009. Versi ini juga dikenal dengan WordPress “Baker”, untuk […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker Released « My Simple Blog on June 16, 2009

  537. […] 2.8 which includes some major revamps to the themes and widget sections. You can see a three mintue video of the changes here. What I am most interested in is they have added syntax highlighting so working in the template […]

    Pingback from Idle Musings | Daily Totally Random Links on June 16, 2009

  538. […] WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” was released on June 10th and includes improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, overall speed and of course, fixes for a number of bugs. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” | Upgrade Guru on June 16, 2009

  539. […] came out a couple of days ago, but I thought it was still worth posting. WordPress 2.8 is now available for download. Here’s a list of some of the new […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 now available for download | Cardeo Design Blog on June 16, 2009

  540. […] with upgrading to wordpress 2.8, ESPECIALLY if you have a bunch of plugins… there are some real bad compatibility issues […]

    Pingback from like a boss | gorirraJoe on June 16, 2009

  541. […] https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets on June 16, 2009

  542. WordPress 2.8…

    Ich habe nun auch auf WordPress 2.8 upgegraded. Sind ja wieder einige neue Features hinzugekommen

    Trackback from Goa`s Blog on June 16, 2009

  543. […] June 16, 2009: WordPress 2.8 is now out, upgrade worked well, have updated the post with the route I took to do it. More good […]

    Pingback from Keeping things in sync with WordPress releases via SVN using vendor branches « Tales from the Script on June 16, 2009

  544. […] irgendwelche Probleme hab ich gerade auf die aktuelle WordPress Version 2.8 “Baker” aktualisiert. Knapp 800 Bugs wurden entfernt und es soll viel schneller geworden sein, mal sehn wie […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | sr on June 16, 2009

  545. […] WordPress 2.8 “Baker” was released on June 11th, bringing with it 790 bug fixes, some interface improvements, and several new features, many of which will be appreciated by plugin and theme developers. (Read the full announcement.) […]

    Pingback from Poll: Are You Running WordPress 2.8? on June 16, 2009

  546. […] vydání verze 2.7 uplynulo pár měsíců a verze 2.8 je už na světě. Nepřináší spoustu převratných novinek, spíše se jedná o opravené chyby […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - finální verze je na světe » blog nofutur3 on June 16, 2009

  547. […] You can read more at WordPress.Org. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Review | My Blogs 4 U on June 16, 2009

  548. […] by 冬瓜 on Jun 11 , 2009 , under 公告 , 100 views , 4 Comments 今天(6月11日,美国时间6月10日)期待已久的wordpress2.8正式版发布了,来自wordpress官方的更新描述: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8正式版发布,冬不拉的弦音已升级 | 冬不拉的弦音-王佳冬博客 on June 16, 2009

  549. […] code to improve speed and the overall blogging experience. According to the official WordPress announcement post, this version brings “cooler, smoother, simpler blogging” to the […]

    Pingback from New WordPress 2.8 release adds features, speed « MarketNet Blog on June 16, 2009

  550. […] Weer onderhoudstijd geweest: er is een kleine update gedraaid van WordPress – het systeem waarop Clicko.nl draait – van versie 2.7.1 naar 2.8. Informatie over WordPress 2.8 vind je hier. […]

    Pingback from Clicko.nl geupdate | Clicko.nl on June 16, 2009

  551. […] wordpress 2.8 release 了, 請參考: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ , 不過, 回到 http://mu.wordpress.com/ 時, 發現 mu 版本並未一併更新, […]

    Pingback from Another My Program » wordpress2.8 release了 on June 16, 2009

  552. […] WordPress 2.8 A big new release for the world’s top blogging platform. I, like Adii, am interested in how much people trust WP to get it right, and just update without doing any backups. […]

    Pingback from Quick Hits: Tech News | White African on June 16, 2009

  553. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in honor of noted trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker. – By WordPress Blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress & Blogging Articles for june 16 2009 | WPStart.org - WordPress themes, plugins and news on June 16, 2009

  554. […] The Thesis theme does not work well with WordPress 2.8. […]

    Pingback from The Ashes » Blog Archive » Thesis theme and WordPress 2.8 on June 16, 2009

  555. Hello World!…

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
    Well that seems to work then, I’ll finish up the config and add some neat plugins and then I’ve got me a live website…….

    Trackback from NielsGouman.nl on June 16, 2009

  556. […] out more about it from WordPress Central Office now. And if you have 2.7, upgrade/install with a button […]

    Pingback from New WordPress - 2.8 - Make Money With WordPress Blogs AND ActiveBlogging! on June 17, 2009

  557. […] have updated Idealien Category Enhancements to support the recent release of WordPress 2.8. […]

    Pingback from ICE v1.2 now available - Idealien Studios on June 17, 2009

  558. […] offizielles Entwicklerstatment […]

    Pingback from WordPress Version 2.8 - WordPresshosting on June 17, 2009

  559. […] jemanden interessiert hier klicken Juni 17th, 2009 in […]

    Pingback from Der Warsteinix-Blog » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 im Einsatz on June 17, 2009

  560. […] WordPress in der Version 2.8 ist da. Freude! Die Version “Baker” in Gedenken an den Jazzmusiker Chet Baker bietet einige Neuerungen: die Verwaltung der Widgets wurde komplett überarbeitet und ist jetzt einfacher, das System ist insgesamt auf Schnelligkeit optimiert worden, ein neuer interner Editor wurde installiert und vieles mehr… Nachzulesen hier! […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” ist da | D-Sign Weblog on June 17, 2009

  561. […] Bagi pecinta WordPress pasti telah mendapatkan sebuah angin segar setelah mendengar rilisnya WordPress 2.8 – Baker beberapa hari yang lalu. Pasalnya pihak pengembang melakukan klaim bahwa meskipun tidak ada perubahan yang besar dari segi tampilan, di versi terbaru ini memiliki perubahan besar dari sisi fungsionalitas yang tentu saja berlandaskan asas kemudahan. Paling tidak begitulah informasi yang saya dapatkan dari artikel di situs resminya, buat yang belum baca silahkan telusuri melalui link ini. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker, WordPress versi terbaru | Berliyanto on June 17, 2009

  562. […] WordPress 2.8 was released earlier today. Upgrading to it was a very painless process. Basically, backup the database, click the upgrade link in the control panel and follow the instructions. It took longer to backup the database than it did to do the actual upgrade. Share and Enjoy: […]

    Pingback from gordon.dewis.ca | WordPress 2.8 on June 17, 2009

  563. […] Enlace: WordPress versión 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Tabulando 1: Apple WWDC 09, Opera 10 Beta y WordPress 2.8 « Tabulando on June 17, 2009

  564. […] news on WordPress’ latest release. Read more on v2.8 feature set and enhancements Share with […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release | Hosted Business Blog Sites in Denver on June 18, 2009

  565. […] 2.8 منتشر شد. خبر انتشار آخرین نسخه وردپرس را می توانید اینجا بخوانید. این نسخه از وردپرس را به یاد «چت بیکر» آهنگساز […]

    Pingback from وردپرس 2.8 منتشر شد! - بیا تو آفلاین on June 18, 2009

  566. […] lançado no dia 11 de junho o WordPress 2.8 Baker em homenagem ao trompetista e vocalista Chet Baker. Nesta versão foram corrigidas mais de 790 bugs […]

    Pingback from Blog do Prof. Márcio Cavalcante » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 em Português on June 18, 2009

  567. […] 2.8 was released last week. Besides the usual bug fixes, does it contain anything worth getting excited over? For most of our […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8: Should your small business care? | Synaptec, LLC on June 18, 2009

  568. […] favorite thing about 2.8 so far is the speed (of the admin panel). I’m not the one to switch themes/widgets all the […]

    Pingback from WordCamp SF, WordPress 2.8, and WordPress Meetup Site | blog.detlog.org on June 18, 2009

  569. […] WeBMaZTaH Blogs has been updated! WeBMaZTaH | June 18, 2009 | 10:20 PM Recently, WordPress finally releases their new version of WordPress Blogs. So, I decided to join the millions of users of wordpress to know what’s the difference in the new 2.8 from 2.7. And here’s what I found out. By the way, here’s the complete story of it. You can find it in their blog of just by simply clicking this link. https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from WeBMaZTaH Blogs has been updated! | WeBMaZTaH Blogs on June 18, 2009

  570. […] has upgraded to WordPress version 2.8 – this is a test post to make sure everything still […]

    Pingback from BADOOBLE » Blog Archive » WordPress version 2.8 Now Available on June 18, 2009

  571. […] of getting in on a beta, I thought I’d make a new post since I’ve updated the site to WordPress 2.8. It was an amazingly seamless upgrade. Hopefully you won’t see any difference other than […]

    Pingback from Evidence of Flow » CitiesXL and WordPress 2.8 on June 18, 2009

  572. […] leave a comment » Not too long ago, WordPress 2.8 was released. […]

    Pingback from Updates for WordPress 2.8 « Simpler Plugins Blog on June 19, 2009

  573. […] or Bad You Say? Rate It (No Ratings Yet)  Loading … 0 views Well, WordPress 2.8 “Baker” has now been released by the WordPress team. The new version contains a couple of great new features […]

    Pingback from All Pumped Up! » WordPress 2.8 Baker is Here on June 19, 2009

  574. […] WordPress 軟體更新到到最新的 2.8 […]

    Pingback from 東方之朱 » Popup Chinese-小孩學中文的幫手 on June 19, 2009

  575. […] c’est vraiment facile. Merci à l’équipe française pour la traduction et merci à WP pour cette nouvelle version. Seul hic pour moi, le fichiers widgets.php a changé, du coup je ne […]

    Pingback from Le Blog de Sexydinosaure » Blog Archive » WP 2.8 on June 19, 2009

  576. […] and colors to code-editing as well? If you’re curious to see what this looks like, the WordPress 2.8 release announcement has a slick video overview that touches on the code editor and various other new features (I […]

    Pingback from Grantovich.net » Fresh Styles and WordPress 2.8 on June 19, 2009

  577. […] Read More here […]

    Pingback from Mike Hughes » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 Released on June 20, 2009

  578. […] newest edition of WordPress is simply awesome! WP2.8 boasts of an automatic theme installer / uploader, color-coded template editor, more intuitive […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 rocks! | GreyBlogs.com - Themes on June 20, 2009

  579. […] know I’m late, but I decided to write this post just for the sake of chronology. Not only has WP 2.8 been released with a lot of new great improvements, but it has been downloaded more than 850.000 times already. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is Released » WordPress Freelancer on June 20, 2009

  580. New WordPress 2.8 Released…

    WordPress 2.8 has just been released..
    Well, i just saw on the admin panel of wordpress that wordpress 2.8 is ready for public, so i just had to install it.

    Trackback from eBloggy.net - Internet, Web Development and Information Technology! on June 20, 2009

  581. […] Version 2.8 of WordPress has been released. I did the auto upgrade and have seem to go fine. Here for a list of updates for 2.8 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 : MichaelFreyman.net on June 20, 2009

  582. […] features in WordPress 2.8 make blogging more easier. ============================================================= 01. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Features | Just an ordinary blog on June 21, 2009

  583. […] la nova versió, al bloc del programa destaquen que han millorat molt les cerques, la velocitat, la gestió de les plantilles i dels […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” en funcionament | oleguer.cat on June 21, 2009

  584. […] download the latest stable release of wordpress, WordPress 2.8. There are some new changes listed here, some of them very exciting I […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is here! « escoin.net on June 22, 2009

  585. […] updated Menardconnect.com to WordPress 2.8 over the weekend. The WordPress.org site announced that this release is named in honor of noted trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker. Major […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 and Other Updates | menardconnect.com on June 22, 2009

  586. […] bloggen kan jag meddela att jag just uppgraderat den till WordPress 2.8. Det finns en lite töntig film som sammanfattar de viktigaste nyheterna. Det här inlägget skrevs av Björn tisdag 23 juni 2009 kl. 0:49, och arkiverades under Nyheter […]

    Pingback from Upsalafandom » Intervju med Morrow on June 22, 2009

  587. […] anzi speravo di riuscire a risolverlo con l’upgrade automatico alla versione 2.8 (a proposito, è stata rilasciata, qui le note di rilascio e qui la versione con il language pack in italiano), ma il problema si è […]

    Pingback from 500 internal server error su Aruba con WordPress, seconda parte: come risolvere il problema « Il blog professionale di Francesco Settembre on June 23, 2009

  588. Aggiornato WordPress alla 2.8…

    Effettivamente WordPress è scritto proprio bene: per aggiornare è bastato scompattare lo zip nella document root e tutto è andato bene

    Trackback from Motosauro on June 23, 2009

  589. […] days back, WordPress.org announced the released of WordPress 2.8 – Baker. This version uses the name of trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker (1929 – 1988). And so far, […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released on June 23, 2009

  590. […] WordPress 2.8 “Baker” twaalf dagen naar zijn release al één miljoen keer gedownload is mag een prestatie van formaat […]

    Pingback from Eén miljoen WordPress 2.8 “Baker” downloads | Eelco's Wereldje on June 24, 2009

  591. […] developers at WordPress have been quick to build on the redesign of the Dashboard in version 2.7, with optimised performance in 2.8 and slick features for managing your themes and plugins including theme download/preview/activation directly from the Dashboard. Much work has been done on […]

    Pingback from Teach Mheana – the house of Meana » Optimise your pair-hosted WordPress site – use cgi-wrap on June 24, 2009

  592. […] here’s the release announcement for the new software. (Watch for the New Widget Interface section of the video at 1:15.) I’d […]

    Pingback from Better Widgets with Science! on June 24, 2009

  593. […] ten days after the release of WordPress 2.8, WordPress has released its 2.8.1 Beta version promising to fix all the bugs that were present in […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 bugs, New Version Released (2.8.1 beta) | Boykma’s Blog – Free download ebook and much more Windows Linux SEO… tips on June 24, 2009

  594. […] can do on a self-hosted version of WordPress 2.8. If you don’t know about WordPress 2.8, go here. I wonder why there’s no version of WordPress 2.8 for MU admins? Posted in Blogs, CMS, blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress.com uses a secret version of WordPress 2.8 « TechPress on June 24, 2009

  595. […] En esta versión podemos encontrar mucha mejoras y para poder saber un poco sobre ellas os aconsejo que miréis AQUI y AQUI. […]

    Pingback from NerKinet » Archivo del blog » Nerkinet actualizado a WordPress 2.8 on June 25, 2009

  596. […] also fixed more than 700 bugs, so updating is highly recommend. There’s more details on the official WordPress Blog. This video demonstrates the new […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8: A solo for Chet Baker | Blog Helpfull Hint Tips and Advice on June 25, 2009

  597. […] 2.8.x 版本,感谢 MoontoC […]

    Pingback from WordPress Plugin: Quotmarks Replacer 用来统一前后台的单引号和双引号问题 | 夏日记-小雷的失身地 on June 26, 2009

  598. […] The changes from WordPress 2.7 aren’t as noticable as they were from 2.6 to 2.7, but it is always worth upgrading to the latest installation in my opinion.   As far as what is new, here is what the WordPress team had to say about the improvements in WordPress 2.8: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Officially Released! | Fresh News - Blog Design, WordPress, Blogger, and Web Development on June 26, 2009

  599. […] 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from Interesting stuff I found this week - June 27, 2009 - bass.net.nz on June 27, 2009

  600. […] del blog. En efecto, nada más acceder al frontend para comprobar los resultados del cambio a WordPress 2.8, me recorrió el espinazo un escalofrío de horror (el segundo de la tarde, después del primer gol […]

    Pingback from Actualizaciones, renovaciones, exportaciones | La Bitácora del Tigre on June 28, 2009

  601. […] original here: WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets Share and […]

    Pingback from WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets on June 28, 2009

  602. […] Alle Änderungen könnt ihr in den Release Notes der Version 2.8 nachlesen. Weitere Informationen und ein Video findet Ihr in der offiziellen WordPress Ankündigung. […]

    Pingback from Neue WordPress Version 2.8 | Out of the Door - Outdoor Blog on June 30, 2009

  603. […] along like a well oiled machine. Believe it or not, we didn’t need to make any changes for WordPress 2.8. It just works. This is great, but it doesn’t mean we are going to sit around and stare at it […]

    Pingback from Summer News | Vigilance on July 1, 2009

  604. […] de actualizar mi blog a la versión 2.8 de WordPress. La verdad es que ha sido un trabajo bastante más fácil de lo esperado, pues tras realizar las […]

    Pingback from Actualización a WordPress 2.8 | La Bitácora del Tigre on July 4, 2009

  605. […] de actualizar mi blog a la versión 2.8 de WordPress. La verdad es que ha sido un trabajo bastante más fácil de lo esperado, pues tras realizar las […]

    Pingback from Actualización a WordPress 2.8 | La Bitácora del Tigre on July 4, 2009

  606. […] website updates.  On the day before the day before we left on vacation (that’s not a typo) WordPress announced the release of WordPress 2.8. I will be looking at upgrading the blog to this new version in the following weeks, though I […]

    Pingback from Folaji.com » Back in Ottawa! on July 5, 2009

  607. […] Pieejama WordPress 2.8 versija ar darbgalda, logdaļu, dizaina tēmu jeb kažociņu lietošanas uzlabojumiem un citām vairāk nekā 180 jaunām iespējām. Sīkāk par WordPress 2.8 variet uzzināt šeit… […]

    Pingback from WordPress | Latviešu valodā » WordPress 2.8 on July 7, 2009

  608. […] that in future releases, they can refine it to the trending user-base. To cite an analogy: in their release 2.8 they totally “jazzed up” the widgets and themes section and (almost) perfected […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 Stress Media Features on July 7, 2009

  609. […] ayer se encuentra disponible WordPress 2.8, la más reciente versión de la famosa plataforma CMS titulada Baker por el famoso trompetista […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” disponible- TecnoVits on July 8, 2009

  610. […] The changes from WordPress 2.7 aren’t as noticable as they were from 2.6 to 2.7, but it is always worth upgrading to the latest installation in my opinion.   As far as what is new, here is what the WordPress team had to say about the improvements in WordPress 2.8: […]

    Pingback from » WordPress 2.8 Officially Released! on July 8, 2009

  611. […] To learn more about WordPress 2.8 update you can visit the WordPress.org development blog. […]

    Pingback from WordPress News « UBD Money Theme on July 8, 2009

  612. […] The changes from WordPress 2.7 aren’t as noticable as they were from 2.6 to 2.7, but it is always worth upgrading to the latest installation in my opinion.   As far as what is new, here is what the WordPress team had to say about the improvements in WordPress 2.8: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Officially Released! | Download E-Books Free Video Training Courses Softwares on July 9, 2009

  613. […] mismo se ha hecho público el lanzamiento de la versión 2.8 del CMS (sistema de gestión de contenidos) WordPress, que trae […]

    Pingback from Publicado WordPress 2.8 | VitaminaWEB.com on July 9, 2009

  614. […] Minus WordPress 2.8 Posted on Juli 10, 2009 by aveganteng Akhirnya versi wordpress yang terbaru per Juli 2009 telah dirilis. Tapi apa ya kelebihan dan kekurangan wordpress versi terbaru ini? Bagi […]

    Pingback from Plus Minus WordPress 2.8 « Aveganteng Blog on July 10, 2009

  615. […] un mese fa il team di sviluppo di WordPress ha annunciato la disponibilità della nuova release 2.8 che punta a migliorare principalmente la gestione di temi e […]

    Pingback from Upgrade wordpress from 2.7.1 to 2.8.1 | MRG_corner on July 13, 2009

  616. […] WordPress 發佈了代號以著名的美國爵士樂喇叭手 Chet Baker 為名的 2.8 版本,強化了許多後台的功能,包含更方便的 HTML、CSS […]

    Pingback from Rengised2 - WordPress 2.8.1 Upgrade! on July 13, 2009

  617. […] | Kabar gembira buat wordpress lover, sekarang wordpress sudah merilis versi terbarunya WordPress 2.8 pada tanggal 11 Juni 2009. Versi ini juga dikenal dengan WordPress “Baker”, untuk menghormati […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Baker Released « tutorial belajar wordpress on July 14, 2009

  618. […] 1. WordPress 2.8 Baker released with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. In 2.8 you can now browse the entire theme directory and install a theme with one click from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard. Editing or tweaking themes or plugins from your dashboard is more easier now with new CodePress editor which gives syntax highlighting to the previously-plain editor. […]

    Pingback from Week Updates- WordPress 2.8, Safari 4, Windows 7 without IE8 on July 14, 2009

  619. […] by Unreal The new version of WordPress (version 2.8) is available as of now. You can go to this post to learn more about it, check out a video and download […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 version is available now | Word Press Magazine on July 15, 2009

  620. […] WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” was released on June 10th and includes improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, overall speed and of course, fixes for a number of bugs. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” | WordSprung, A Service of Watershed Studio on July 15, 2009

  621. […] If you want more information on all the wonderful new features of WordPress 2.8, you can check the official announcement or the codex page. Posted in Themes, WordPress | Tags: […]

    Pingback from Installing themes is easier in WordPress 2.8 on July 17, 2009

  622. […] newest version of WordPress dropped late in the day yesterday. 2.7 was a very big release, completely changing the admin area […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 “Baker” Released | Swank Web Style Blog on July 20, 2009

  623. […] Chet Baker 命名。关于此次增强和漏洞修复的版本多的更多信息,访问 Development Blog Announcement ,并查看 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8登场 - winZeng*北京SEO on July 22, 2009

  624. […] More details: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Released! - gіаиg's blog on July 23, 2009

  625. […] og alle undersider, er nå oppdatert til siste versjon, versjon 2.8.2. En innføring i ny funksjonalitet finner dere her. At versjonsnummeret er noe høyere (*.2) skyldes at det har vært noen sikkerhetsfiks siden 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Til administratorer: strommen-if.no er oppgradert | Interne sider Strømmen IF on July 23, 2009

  626. […] the back-end to this site, has made some significant progress and is now at version 2.8.x. The developers and community have done a great job making it more user-friendly in posting, […]

    Pingback from Same Blog | New Look – philomyth.us on July 28, 2009

  627. WordPress Update stressfrei geglückt…

    Das WordPress Update auf die 2.8.2 ist problemlos geglückt, damit stehen mir jetzt auf dem Blog 180 neue Features zur Verfügung. Dass ich alle brauchen werde, glaube ich allerdings weniger . Dafür freue ich mich über die 790 Fehler weniger schon deutl…

    Trackback from marc bohlen on July 30, 2009

  628. […] https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from Modificando o tema… : My Blog on July 31, 2009

  629. […] à jour vers WordPress 2.8.x faite… sans dégâts apparents. Réellement plus rapide pour ce qui concerne l’édition […]

    Pingback from YABB » Mise à jour WordPress on August 1, 2009

  630. […] isyu.info, patria.isyu.info and semirara.isyu.info sites and blogs from WordPress 2.7.1 to WordPress 2.8 Baker. A lot of bugs have been fixed but I guess not everything. There will always be something that will […]

    Pingback from BLOG » Upgraded to WordPress 2.8 Baker, Gallery Code Problem » Sofie Estolloso Hofmann Designs International - Weggis, Switzerland on August 4, 2009

  631. […] sido actualizada a la versión 2.8.2 de WordPress MU. La principal novedad de las versiones de la serie 2.8 de WordPress es un nuevo sistema de gestión de widgets, que mejora muchísimo las posibilidades de […]

    Pingback from Actualización de Multiblog a la versión 2.8.2 de WPMU on August 6, 2009

  632. […] Con fecha de 10 de agosto de 2009, la plataforma Multiblog del PNTE ha sido actualizada a la versión 2.8.3 de WordPress MU, que corrige algunos fallos de seguridad observados en las versiones de la serie 2.8 de WordPress. […]

    Pingback from Actualización de Multiblog a la versión 2.8.3 de WPMU on August 10, 2009

  633. […] Con fecha de 13 de agosto de 2009, la plataforma Multiblog del PNTE ha sido actualizada a la versión 2.8.4a de WordPress MU, que corrige algunos fallos de seguridad observados en las versiones de la serie 2.8 de WordPress. […]

    Pingback from Actualización de Multiblog a la versión 2.8.4a de WPMU on August 13, 2009

  634. […] Tag später als gedacht, hat Matt eine neue WordPress Version veröffentlicht. Mittlerweile ist man bei Version 2.8 […]

    Pingback from WordPress “Baker” ist verfügbar » Baker, Hinweis, Update, Version, WordPress » ocean90s weblog on August 16, 2009

  635. […] Article Source : https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/ […]

    Pingback from /// NeoTech v3.1 /// » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 RELEASED! on August 26, 2009

  636. […] 11 juin 2009  est à l’honneur de Chet Baker, grand trompettiste américain. Matt Mullenweg, fondateur de WordPress et grand amateur de jazz, a nommé toutes les versions WordPress […]

    Pingback from Regardez les beautés de WordPress 2.8 Baker en vidéo | Diane Bourque on September 5, 2009

  637. […] was even wachten, maar versie 2.8 van WordPress is afgelopen nacht gelanceerd. Er is veel gesleuteld aan o.a. de Themes UI (direct een thema installeren via de admin UI) en de […]

    Pingback from wordpress-websites.com » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 beschikbaar on September 12, 2009

  638. […] Новость на оффициальном сайте Скачать WordPress 2.8 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 « Maniac Programmer’s Blog on September 20, 2009

  639. […] WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets Published by Craig Rosenblum on 11th June 2009 Filed Under WordPress Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets […]

    Pingback from Craig M. Rosenblum » Blog Archive » WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets on September 21, 2009

  640. […] been a while since WordPress 2.8 aka. “Baker” was released. Even though I think “Coltrane” was a more fundamental change to the […]

    Pingback from Some updates to the blog | Oscar and Friends | OscarKarlsten.com on September 24, 2009

  641. […] WordPress 2.8was released a few months ago and I’ve been putting off updating my site. When things are working well, especially software programs, then why update? Recently a user reported that my Portfolio galleries were not displaying the individual images properly. I checked on the WordPress.org forums and started reading about these horror stories of hackers hijacking your WordPress site and bringing it down. Supposedly the new release was more secure in addition to several other improvements. […]

    Pingback from WordPress update | Doug Eng Photography on October 5, 2009

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