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The Global WordPress Marketing Team markets WordPress and its community to the wider world.

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Make WordPress.org Marketing

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Global Marketing Team Meeting 19 February 2020


These summary notes focus on key items and actions from the meeting and to assist with asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team. For those unable to attend a meeting due to timezone issues, please do join the discussion threads and tasks on Trello after the meeting and send your updates.

The fuller meeting discussions can be found on Slack: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C0GKJ7TFA/p1582124597097000

Meeting led by Team Rep: @mikerbg
Summary: @maedahbatool @webcommsat @JillianSMaxwell

Attended: (WordPress.org IDs where advised): @maedahbatool, @mikerbg, @megphillips91, @passionate, @darls, @JillianSMaxwell, @webcommsat, @mta1, @wpfiddlybits, @antialiasfactory, @MatthiasBathke, @gkibria69, @jonoaldersonwp, @abdulwahab610, @pmbaldha, @Ryan B.
New contributors: welcome to @pmbaldha and @Dan Gissane

Task Updates

Task: Organize a Virtual Marketing Table Session for WCAsia

Task lead for Contributing Events marketing group: @webcommsat
Update provided by: @webcommsat

Trello card: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/ed14v1HD/319-virtual-marketing-table-drop-in-in-support-of-wcasia-contributor-day


A lot of interest has been shown by the community in doing a virtual session on marketing using some of the prepared marketing table materials for WCAsia contributor day including developing the language buddies idea.

Some ideas that we propose are:

  • a virtual, informal drop-in marketing session for those who had planned to attend or participating virtually on the marketing table at WCAsia Contributor Day itself
  • holding a virtual session in a couple of weeks/ some months time
  • a session could potentially include anyone who wanted to join from Cebu in the Philippines as they have also had to cancel their WordCamp. http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://2020.cebu.wordcamp.org/
  • using the Marketing channel slack and our other tools for a virtual session or drop-in
  • target audience: marketing team and people who predominantly contribute to other teams but want to help on particular tasks, eg the language buddies work, sustainability and marketing videos.

Next steps:

  • feedback on what support and participation from within the team and those interested in marketing from other teams. This will help us decide on what could be possible within the timespan
  • potentially use a Doodle poll in addition to Trello and Slack for people to express interest.

Task: Proposed Content Marketing Strategy

Task lead: @megphillips91
Trello card: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/b/0ZCUIw4V/2020-content-marketing 


  • The working group has started working on a formal proposal outlining the major objectives and constraints through a charter process. This Google document will be shared with the full marketing team [date to be set] and finalized into a P2 blog from the group for wider feedback and comment.
  • Links to scrum stand up documents (updates on the different workstreams that have been set up)
  • Initial thoughts on the charter for this proposal
  • In the next two weeks, the working group proposes to work on the charter document to give all those who would like to participate time to do so asynchronously. When complete, the charter will be shared as a proposal for comments and participation.
  • To add to the Google document, turn on the Suggestion mode and add comments and feedback
  • Thanks to @mikerbg for assisting the working group on defining the objectives through a charter process and to all those who participated.

New Business

Component Maintainers Post on WP Marketing

Trello card: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/H6sis4Az/320-component-maintainers-post
Update provided by: @mikerbg . Thanks to @francina from the Core team for the request to marketing and to @webcommsat for setting up the Trello cards.


  • Received request from the Make Core Team which could be a great opportunity for our technical and development focused contributors. The task will increase the focus on the component maintainer role.
  • Background to Component Maintainers: these are some of the most important roles within the WordPress ecosystem, as they drive new features forward with each release. Without a strong component maintainer, features can struggle to gain traction. This task is aimed to help inform the community on this role.
  • Some of the key things component maintainers do are:
    • triage new tickets related to the component
    • help keep momentum on existing tickets
    • assist in keeping other teams updated on the status of a component during release
    • maintain the roadmap for a component
    • and propose new component features.

Task objectives

  • The main task is to re-write the component maintainer page. Core will be the final reviewer.
  • Direct questions to Core through the Trello card regarding any technical aspects or descriptions which need further clarifying
  • The revised content needs to help raise awareness of this role and aid future recruitment efforts.
  • Create some social content (short tweets and hashtags which could be used to encourage sharing). Though this content may have more limited social media reach, we are trying to include this aspect in future copy plans.

Next steps

  • @JillianSMaxwell and @MegPhillips91 volunteered in the meeting. Anyone else who is interested to collaborate may add their names to the Trello card or speak to @mikerbg
  • A second task has been requested from the Make Core Team. It focuses on writing an initial draft of the Release Focus Lead role, with similar objectives to this first task. This will be discussed at next week’s meeting.

Request to Task leads/ contributors

The group working on notes and actions would really appreciate if you could update your Trello cards or let @webcommsat or @yvettesonneveld know how you are getting on and what help you might need.

We are working towards having an ongoing open list of actions or follow-ups from previous meetings. So please do let us know if there is something from your tasks we could include in this section or would be useful to be a reminder in future meetings. The team reps are here to help support you and do keep in touch with them if you have a difficulty or need particular assistance from others in your task.

We will contact task leads or participants where we are unsure of an action, and really appreciate your replies so we can finalize actions and all work together on next steps. We hope this new system will make it easier for people to get involved and find tasks to use their skills. Thanks everyone for your feedback into this new approach and as we work towards putting it into place.

Next Meeting

Wednesday 26 February 2020, 15:00 UTC, in the Marketing Channel on Make WordPress Slack.

Thank you everyone who has joined, attended and updated the meeting, or contributed asynchronously in the last few days.

Global Marketing Team Meeting 12 February 2020


These summary notes focus on key items and actions from the meeting and to assist with asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team. For those unable to attend a meeting due to timezone issues, please do join the discussion threads and tasks on Trello after the meeting and send your updates.

The meeting discussions on the Marketing team Slack can be found at: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C0GKJ7TFA/p1581519699428000

Attended / participated async

Meeting led by team rep: @mikerbg

Summary: @JillianSMaxwell @webcommsat

(WordPress.org IDs where advised): @fayazgabol @afshanadiya @mikerbg @maedahbatool @mta1 @megphillips91 @yvettesonneveld @ogleker @siobhanseija @harryjackson1221 @webcommsat @antialiasfactory @carike @kashifgabol @abdulwahab610 @sharaz @nao @passoniate @abdulwahab610 @darls @artisticasad 

New contributors: @Imurillom

WordPress Celebrations/Successes of Past Week in the Marketing Team

  1. Update by @mikerbg: We are very pleased to announce that Abha Thakor has joined the Global Marketing Team reps! @webcommsat has been a very active member of the team for some time, and is recognized for her wide contributions throughout WordPress. She is involved as a resource and mentor, and is always willing to share her perspective and expertise. Abha has a very broad skillset, and is known for her willingness to answer any WordPress and marketing questions!

    We really look forward to having her as a part of the team!
    Team members added their congratulatory comments and welcome.
  1. I would also like to remind everybody that our wonderful team rep @siobhanseija will be stepping away from the marketing team for several months for family reasons, but be back after that. Team members thanked Siobhan and wished her well during her break.
  2. We also want to recognize and thank our contributors from around the world that may not be able to attend this meeting due to timezones and conflicts. We greatly appreciate your dedication and feedback! We encourage anybody who is not able to attend this meeting to comment and participate asynchronously. We will wait several days before publishing the meeting notes to encourage participation. 

Open items from last week

Previous week’s summary


  • nothing received on WordPress Meetups survey as yet. Follow up to be sent after 19 February 2020 meeting as needed
  • date tbc for next proposed content strategy meeting. Meg adding Team reps as admin to its working board to arrange access for other marketing team members. All – please let team reps know if you want to participate and have any difficulties accessing the board
  • date to be arranged with team reps and working group for full marketing team input and feedback on proposed content strategy
  • ideas received for virtual session and options to re-use materials prepared for WCAsia contributor day marketing table [post meeting]
  • follow-up sent to WCVienna 2020 on marketing table materials available if needed
  • next Hero article for WordPress.org news being worked on. Publication due by 19 February 2020.

Task Updates

Task: Contributor Day Marketing Day preparations, WordCamp Asia 

Task lead for Contributing Events marketing group: @webcommsat
Update provided by: @webcommsat


  • WordCamp Asia (WCAsia) has been cancelled today http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://2020.asia.wordcamp.org/2020/02/12/cancellation
  • from the marketing team, we are thinking of all the organizers and everyone involved
  • thanks to @nao and team for all their work and involving the global marketing team from the early days of preparation. We have many marketing team members who have been involved in some way with this WordCamp. Thanks to everyone who has been giving ideas and working on language aspects to help with a marketing table at the Contributor Day. We will be able to use much of this in the future. For now, we are sending best wishes to the WordCamp Asia team and everyone involved with what can be offered digitally and with the communications work in the next few weeks.

Next steps for the task: 

  1. we will share any digital offering in the marketing team and through our networks as relevant
  2. @nao, the Global Lead for WCAsia asked to contact marketing if they want to explore using some of the Contributor Day marketing table preparation
  3. all those who have been involved in the Contributor Day preparation or who planned to take part on the marketing table contact Abha or Jillian on slack or on the Trello card if they would like to join an informal virtual marketing session. Any other marketing team member also welcome to join this.

Post meeting update

Trello card: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/ed14v1HD
Update: Virtual session of marketing table to show support for WCAsia 

We have had a lot of interest in doing some kind of virtual session on marketing using some of the prepared marketing table materials for WCAsia contributor day. This includes the video marketing tasks and developing the language buddies idea. We have done this before in other areas as a follow-up or additional support time. Ideas on what we could do:

Thank you to everyone who has contacted about this and for your enthusiasm. We can make a final decision in the Marketing Team on Wednesday on whether it is feasible. The biggest takeaway from the comments received was the support for the WCAsia team and ongoing message of solidarity across the WordPress community. We will keep in our ongoing thoughts the WCAsia team, organizers of WordCamp Cebu and all those working to support them.

Next steps:

  • please reply in slack, DM Abha or Jillian Maxwell, or add information to the Trello board
  • let us know if you would be able to take part, an idea of time (please can you give this in UTC – you can check what this would be on http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/http://www.wordtimebuddy.com/ and what timezone you are in. It may be very tight to try and make this happen for Friday and we may focus on exploring it for a future date.

B. Task: Content Marketing

Task lead: @megphillips91
Trello card: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/b/0ZCUIw4V/2020-content-marketing 

Updates and discussion

  1. @mikerbg has agreed to help lead a discussion. We are hoping this will clarify scope and goals of this project and prepare a short statement. 
  2. Thank you to everybody that spent time working on this area.
  3. You can use the Trello content board to share ideas. Lot of ideas for content on the board so far!
  4. We do not know if Design or Meta is working on something similar. What we want to avoid is duplicate work or ’undo’ something another team has been working on. The hope is that we can spur conversations between teams and identify any areas of overlap.
  5. The next meeting for this group will be Saturday (@Meg Phillips will confirm time later) [Update this has been moved to Thursday 18 February 2020, 9am (time zone tbc – please check on the marketing slack for update on times]
  6. A formal proposal will be put together and submitted initially to the marketing team for feedback and then wider through the P2 blog. @mikerbg will put together a document/workflow on this process and what we should include (more details below).
  7. Sustainability and buy-in discussions.
    @webcommsat – There are so many great ideas. If we can draft a proposal in this working group, and then get feedback and buy-in from the marketing team as a whole before it gets published wider, it will put the efforts in a much stronger position. We have so many people in the team (including in this group) who have raised these areas before, done bits of work on aspects, and who have expertise in many of the areas being discussed. Getting the whole marketing team to feed into this will only help and what a great resource that will be. It will help us sustain content opportunities and SEO in the long term term.
    @carike highlighted the planning schedule will be crucial and including flexibility.
    @megphillips91 highlighted the speed the industry changed and echoed the need for sustainability.
  8. It was agreed in the discussion that involving more people will help with buy-in and sustainability.

Next steps for the task – Creating a charter and formal proposal 

This will aid understanding/ awareness and input from the wider marketing team, and help finalize a P2 document to gain transparency and visibility with other Make WordPress teams.

Team rep @mikerbg will help with the proposal process. Lots of work has been done towards this. The proposal will be approached in a similar way to a project charter in other environments. This will help set out what is being proposed and why. Then we will consider one of the most important part of a charter: the areas we are specifically excluding from the scope.


  1. example of P2 proposal http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://make.wordpress.org/core/2019/06/12/xml-sitemaps-feature-project-proposal/
  2. a charter is project management term, and outlines the scope of a project. It is a document preparred at the beginning of a project, and serves as the ‘official‘ starting point for a project.
  3. it can be as simple or as complicated as needed, but generally contains the overall objective, constraints (stuff you must do or not do), and any scope constraints. Depending on your organization, it can also be a formal authorization to use resources. Basic Overview of a charter

C. Task: Social Media Discussions 

Update provided by:  @webcommsat


  1. this week, we have followed up with community about the remaining questions we had in the feedback from camps on how to interact with the WordCamp related global social channels
  2. also highlighted the questions we have previously raised on how we can contribute to wider channels and methods to do this, for example, release schedule marketing. Discussion is on the channel. We will update the meeting again when we hear more on this. 

New Business

Suggestion/New Business Topic: How to request help for some copy from the marketing team 

Question posed by: @francina in the Make Community team.
Reply by team rep @yvettesonneveld: you can get help in all sorts of ways. You could post about it here in the channel, raise it as a new task at a meeting, or direct message any of the team reps.

Next Meeting

Wednesday 25 February 2020, 15:00 UTC, in the Marketing Channel Slack.

Thank you everyone who has joined, attended and updated the meeting, or contributed asynchronously in the last few days.

Global Marketing Team Notes 5 February 2020


These summary notes focus on key items and actions from the meeting and to assist with asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team. For those unable to attend a meeting due to timezone issues, please do join the discussion threads and tasks on Trello after the meeting and send your updates.

The main meeting discussions on the Marketing team Slack can be found at: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C0GKJ7TFA/p1580915215196300

Attended (WordPress.org IDs are listed here): @timbb @maedahbatool @kashifgabol @megphillips91 @fayazgabol @mta1 @JillianSMaxwell @Carike @OGlekler @antialiasfactory @Sukafia @yvettesonneveld @harryjackson1221 @sharaz @abdulwahab @webcommsat @siobhanseija @mikerbg

Summary: @JillianMaxwell @webcommsat @yvettesonneveld

WordPress celebrations/ Successes of Past Week in the Marketing team

  • Extending his firm’s involvement in the WordPress community, @timbb shared his office hosted ‘13 WordPress Meetup LJ’ for the first time. This Meetup is in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 
  • @megphillips91 shared her excitement of attending her first Meetup/ WordCamp organizer meeting and its planning a charity hackathon in Virginia Beach, USA.
  • Thanks to everyone who has worked on items in the week or for this meeting. As with all tasks covered in our meetings, please do get involved with the different tasks/ working groups by attending the meetings and following the cards.

Task updates

1) Task: Proposal – 2020 Content Marketing. A working group is exploring this.

Task Lead: @Megphillips91
Trello Card: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/AxoJHcsM 
Update Provided by: @Carike


  1. @megphillips91 has published a Content Marketing Trello (note this is extenal to the usual task board), link below.
  2. Trello Board: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/b/0ZCUIw4V/2020-content-marketing 

Task Updates

Information for notetaker: Summarize any updates from Task Leads that are discussed here:

Task: Proposal 2020 Content Marketing Plan

Task Lead: @megphillips91 
Trello Card: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/AxoJHcsM  
Trello Board: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/b/0ZCUIw4V/2020-content-marketing 


  1. @megphillips91 hosted a session for the Marketing Team with Cathi Bosco, from the WordPress Governance Project, last week to explore relevant marketing learnings from the project’s work. It explored the stakeholders’ definitions within the WordPress Governance Project and how this information could contribute to stakeholders and buyer persona for marketing purposes. 
  2. Thanks to Meg and Cathi for their time arranging this. These ‘personas’/ stakeholders are a good starting point for marketing. They will need further fleshing out for marketing and link in with the work already started on marketing personas.
    • Notes from this working group meeting can be found via the Trello card. Thanks to everyone who was able to attend or follow asynchronously.
  3. @megphillips91 published a Trello board (link above) for the working group which outlines what it is hoping to accomplish and will bring this together for a future meeting of the Marketing Team. (Date to be scheduled with the Team reps).
  4. @yvettesonneveld highlighted the ongoing collaboration process.
    1. To obtain a go-ahead for this project, a concise proposal is needed first to come back initially to the Marketing team as a whole. Once any further feedback has been incorporated, then it would be shared wider within the WordPress.org community for feedback. @mikerbg gave an example that proposals like these are typically published on  make.wordpress.org relevant (P2) channel to foster an open conversation about it, gather feedback and gain support. An example is the Five for the future, which had wider development and feedback before posting. http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://make.wordpress.org/updates/2018/11/05/proposal-five-for-the-future-acknowledgement-page/
    2. To obtain support for initiatives like these, it’s vital we try to use helpful, inclusive language to express opinions. Also we need to keep in mind that many of us are volunteers and do the best we can with what time and resources we have. We come from a wide variety of cultural and lingual backgrounds. Fostering an inclusive, collaborative culture and opportunities to participate are essential. 
    3. As a partial solution to be more inclusive, the working group had highlighted the need for creating multilingual content. @JonoAlderson noted that the infrastructure doesn’t currently support multilingual content for an initial distribution of content.
    4. @yvettesonneveld highlighted is too early in the proposal plan process for discussing multilingual workflows with the polyglots teams. She recommended for now, we need to make we have people on board who have experience with cross-cultural communication. 

Next steps for the task

  1. The working group on the proposed content strategy will draft a concise proposal as discussed in Point 4(1) above. This will come back to the full Marketing Team meeting. A draft will be finalized for the P2 WordPress.org Marketing Blog and cross-promoted on the other teams for further review, adaptation and relevant agreements. 

Task: Contributor Events Marketing

Task Lead: @webcommsat
Trello Board: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/uoQnPizU 
Update provided by: @webcommsat


  1. Many ideas have come in – all are very appreciated. 
  2. Will provide a greater update after the next catch up with @yvettesonneveld and @siobhanseija, and with a number of volunteers who have expressed interest in working on this in the next few months.

Task: Google documents onboarding guide with WordCamp Europe (WCEU) 

Joint task with WCEU
Update provided by
: @webcommsat
Trello card: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/I62iDEJO 


Thanks to everyone who has continued to give input into the Google documents guide and raise further questions. This guide being drafted with WCEU contributing team. We will come back to marketing for further feedback shortly. Please do continue to add your queries in the interim as there were be marketing team specific areas we may want to add for team-onboarding.

Project: Hero Article series on WordPress.org news

Task lead: @yvettesonneveld
Trello board: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/6nOxbIyx 
Update provided by: @yvettesonneveld


  • @Ali-WPFiddlyBits will be working on this HeroPress story to get it published by the end of next week.
  • Request for experienced copy editor to double check the copy. 
  • @webcommsat offered to support if needed

New Business

Awareness: WordPress Meetups survey

Task lead: N/A
Trello card: once response received from the community team 
Update provided by: @mikerbg
Survey link: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://wordpressdotorg.survey.fm/2019-annual-meetup-program-survey 


  1. The WordPress Meetup survey has been sent out by email to Meetup organizers. It includes questions on what people are looking for with local WordPress Meetups. The survey itself takes approximately three minutes to complete. 
  2. Opportunity to share visibility of this document.
    1. Feedback provided by @webcommsat: this is usually part of the community team’s work and features in the newsletter for Meetups, this month in WordPress and other promotions. @Aditya Kane from the Community Team may be able to share more on the outreach plan for this and if there is anything further they would like marketing’s help for promotion this year. It may be something we can help with promoting in future years and include in our planning. 
  3. Actions: Message sent to the Community team channel and to Aditya Kane. In the interim, marketing team members are encouraged to share the survey with their own Meetup networks.

Next meeting

Wednesday 12 February 2020, 15:00 UTC, in the Marketing Channel Slack.

Thank you everyone who has joined, attended and updated the meeting, or contributed asynchronously in the last few days.

Global Marketing Team Notes 22 January 2020

These notes focus on key items from the meeting and to assist with asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team. For those unable to attend a meeting due to timezone issues, please do join the discussion threads and tasks on Trello after the meeting and send your updates.

The meeting discussions on Slack can be found at: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C0GKJ7TFA/p1579705290124300

Attended: @harryjackson1221, @michellefrechette, @simonasNaudzius, @darls, @timbb, @Fayazgabol, @OGlekler, @nullbyte, @mta1, @passioniate, @maedahbatool, @carike, @megphillips91, @siobhanseija, @kashifgabol, @sharaz, @JillianMaxwell , @adityakane, @webcommsat.
If you have contributed to the meeting and we do not have your WordPress.org ID please contact the notetaker for the day.

Welcome to new contributors joining today @sharaz and @JillianMaxwell

Notetaker: @JillianMaxwell

New Contributors

Provide a list of new members joining us today.

Successes of Past Week (WordPress Wins)

Project: WordPress Showcase 

Task lead: @harryjackson1221

Trello Card: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/wQJwSmfT 


  1. Great meetings on the Showcase work during this past week. Thanks to everyone.
  2. Summary can be found via the P2 Post http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://make.wordpress.org/marketing 
  3. Next Steps: Comments from P2 posts will be used to encourage contributions from everyone, and figure out how to best move forward.

Project: Proposed 2020 Content Marketing 

Task lead: @Megphillips91

Update (More on this task in the projects section of the notes)

  1. Personas and Journey Mapping meeting with Cathi Bosco from WordPress Governance Project planned for next week. 
  2. 91 topic suggestions for a proposed 2020 content marketing strategy. @Carike is managing the spreadsheet and tracking the status. 

Project and Task Updates

Summarize any updates from Task Leads that are discussed here.

Project: proposed Content Marketing Plan

Task lead: @MegPhillips91 

Trello Card: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/AxoJHcsM  


  1. Sign up to attend the Personas Meeting with Cathi Bosco (Now Scheduled for Wednesday 29 Jan 2020, 14:00-15:00 UTC) 
  2. Example of Content Planning/Audit tool added to the Marketing Google Drive. The tool helps set measurable goals, buyer personas, buyer journeys content ideas, and content schedule. Used to plan before implementing or creating content. 
  3. Prospective channels and how to take this forward are being discussed. Meg, Yvette, Abha and others to meet to explore this further In the next few weeks.
  4. Content Planning tool may be helpful in the pitch and development of this proposal, showing the structure, goal and required work needed to complete the proposed goals.

Scheduling Doodle poll for meeting on personas and journey from the experience of the WordPress Governance Project http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://doodle.com/poll/58z6xa86xu5gvytq 

Content Topics Suggestions: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yHPXIYazN8hu7hIVhtHaJuOuq0jGiBGd1iVvEeoR1Iw/edit#gid=329469429 

Content Planning/Audit Tool: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dxmWW2zvnKWH54hrtMkcyKVQZ3VTN8-Q/edit#gid=1394574761  

[Note: this is in development and proposal stage, and will come back to the Marketing Team as a more in-depth proposal before it is taken out for wider consultation. Thanks to Meg for leading on developing this task and encouraging contributions from the marketing team. ]

New Business

Topic: Discuss the overlap between goals of the showcase and the proposed content marketing plan

Question: How do these work together towards the same goals?

  1. Showcase End Goal: Real-world examples of solving problems businesses run into using WordPress. 
  2. Proposed Content Marketing Strategy: wider reach potentially. Showcase is a subset of the overall WordPress strategy. 
  3. Not competing initiatives – rather complement each other. 

Background note: The Showcase is an existing project which has been through the process and project as a whole including resourcing. It is a main feature of the WordPress.org.

Topic: WordCamp Vienna 

Question: Who will be attending the Contributor Day from the Marketing Team?

  • @nullbyte and @OGlekler will be attending the event. Further information has been requested from WordCamp Vienna and the German speaking marketing team on what they have prepared.
  • A request for what may be needed and examples of suggested tasks have been sent in December to WordCamp Vienna via the Contributor Events marketing sub group. The take up will depend on The camp’s plans and resources available as with all camps, and as many attendees are expected to be German speaking, any plans by the German speaking marketing team.

Topic: WordCamp Asia 

Question: Who will be attending from the Marketing Team?

Request: @adityakane from the Community Team

Call For Contributors: @harryjackson1221Currently looking for contributors to help or take part on the contributor day. Please note, you will need a Contributor Day ticket.

Next Steps: @harryjackson1221 and @webcommsat to talk about incorporating the work on contributing events marketing sub group and linking in with WCEU. TGhere will be multiple languages to be considered for WordCamp Asia.

Next meeting

Wednesday 29 January 2020, 15:00 UTC, in the Marketing Channel Slack.

Thank you everyone who has joined, attended and updated the meeting, or contributed asynchronously in the last few days.


Marketing Team meeting 17 January 2020


Welcome to the Make WordPress Marketing Team meeting. This note captures the key areas from the meeting and asynchronous discussion to assist others in taking part and contribution on marketing from other teams.
Full Slack meeting link: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C0GKJ7TFA/p1579100431150100

Notetaker: @webcommsat

Attendance: @siobhanseija, @harryjackson1221, @webcommsat, @maedahbatool, @jonoaldersonwp, @oglekler, @darls, @simonasn, @megphillips91, @passoniate, @nullbyte, @antialiasfactory, @mta1, @simonasn, @carike, @kashifgabol
If you attended or contributed to this meeting asynchronously and are not listed above with your WordPress.org ID, please contact @webcommsat or @yvettesonneveld so we can update this list. We ask members to please add their WordPress.org ID if it is different to their Slack ID into the attendance thread or at the start of any task update during the meeting as finding the correct WordPress ID can be difficult and time consuming. Thanks everyone for your help with this.

1) Google document tips to help with onboarding

Introduction to task

@webcommsat from the WCEU 2020 Contributing Team and lead of contributing events marketing sub group.

Aim of the task

What we are looking for is input/ examples / FAQs on using Google Docs to help new contributors at WCEU and reduce barriers to contributing. These guides will be able to be updated and translated through a process on GitHub by other WordCamps and the wider WordPress community. This new facility in a WordPress area on GitHub has been recently agreed. Thanks to @chanthaboune and Francesca Marano, Tammie Lister for this, and to everyone who inputted on this in the contributing events marketing sub group meetings.

Who can contribute and how?

  • How? Add comments to the Trello board, add ideas to the card or the DM @webcommsat http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/I62iDEJO
  • Who? Everyone in the marketing or community team who uses Google documents and sheets for the WordPress project is welcome to contribute to this task.
  • Helping people with using Google Docs is an important part of our onboarding and working on tasks.
  • If you are new to using Google Docs and have questions about how to use it for WordPress collaboration or are an experienced Google Doc collaborator from other environments and have tips which could be shared to help people get started, we would value your input.
  • This may be a potential task for someone new to the marketing team. We will also need to help test the information we produce and translate it.

Questions on using Google Documents

  • What documentation is needed to help new contributors use Google Docs to collaborate on blogs or notes?
  • What are the typical questions we hear from new contributors at events or in meetings as they start to get involved?
  • Do you have any examples with optional screenshots of problems you have found or tips for using Google Docs collaboratively?
  • Are there any examples which can help others unfamiliar with using Google Documents in this kind of collaboration, for example, adding comments, signing in, using suggestion mode?
  • From your experience of collaborating on documents in the marketing team, have you had any specific difficulties or found solutions which can be shared?

Some of the issues and questions highlighted by marketing team members:

  • how to sign-in to a document to help task leads or other collaborators interact with you or ask a follow up question
  • how to set up a document in the right location, that is, WordPress marketing folder (for us) or how to check where it is being stored (so that it is in the right team folder)
  • what it means to edit in suggestion mode and how do you check you are doing this
  • how to check your spelling when you add your comment or draft a document
  • how to make a suggestion in wording that can be accepted rather than someone having to retype it
  • how to make a suggestion in wording that can be accepted rather than someone having to retype it
  • is there a way of reading and responding to each comment individually within a Google document without all the other comments on the same or adjoining text appearing. This can make it difficult to get a sense of the sentence and comment in question and the whole piece. It can also cause confusion in following the comments. Any input into helping with this query is particularly welcome as it has been regularly raised by members during onboarding, when contributors first start working on a document, and task leads. It has also been highlighted by a few members as causing an accessibility barrier.
  • do you have any other suggestions or examples? All welcome.

Why do we use free and widely available or open source tools?

Why don’t we use tools like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or one of the proprietary content specific collaboration tools which can have more features, audit functions etc?

  • Tools like Google Documents and Sheets are used to help with access, ease of translation, and to avoid cost being a barrier to contribution to this open source project. Through improving how we use and the support we can provide on Google tools, the marketing and other teams hope to get more use out of its functions, and avoid some of the problems with lost text, follow-up discussion with collaborators, improve the contribution process for a document.
  • If others know of other open source tools which we could also be used, please do share this with the team.
  • If we can help answer the questions new contributors and task leads have when dealing with Google Documents, it can be more positive for how we collaborate together and reduce some of the barriers we know members have experienced.

2) Contributor events marketing group

Ongoing discussion: Contributor events ideas for onboarding

  • Encourage contributor events to publish agenda with more detail before the event, where known.
  • WordCamp teams and Make WordPress teams try to prepare subjects beforehand, but it proves hard. Sometimes what can be used at an event will depend on who joins the table and what communications can be done with attendees before the event to help with preparation and encourage set up of tools, the bringing of equipment, multi-language support and extra support for new contributors. As part of the preparation, we need to prepare a mixture of tasks, ranging from something for writers to those who want to contribute to idea creation or review.
  • Onboarding takes a significant amount of time at contributor events and this can affect who is available to support other tasks on the day. We are working in the group and with the team reps on continuing to improve onboarding.
  • Contributor Day meetings differ between WordCamps and what resources they have, the experienced contributors that are available to assist others on the day, and the language support that may be needed.
  • We have a contributor event marketing group which is working with other teams on ways of helping camps put on contributor events and work with the teams on materials. There’s been a lot of progress on this and with the agreement for using GitHub initially for onboarding materials, this will also help.  The community team is also reviewing some documents, and some work with other teams on finding ways of listing events. 
  • The WCEU Contributing Team is also working on even more ways to support contributors this year and sharing from the experience of WCUS and others.

The WCEU contributing team is working on collaboratively producing guides to help new contributors including those new to teams that use Google Docs, Trello, GitHub and other tools. Many camps have an onboarding stream or dedicated table which also helps people coming for the first time.

Reply to questions to encourage members to support the work the team does at Contributor Days

  • Single day events which are part of a WordCamp have their own ticket booking process and are often at different venues to the main conference. These tickets may not be released at the same time as the main WordCamp ticket. They are only available to those who also book for a WordCamp ticket.
  • There are also some standalone contributor days which are not linked to a WordCamp. They are great places to get involved and meet other contributors.
  • We have a planning process for materials and tasks at contributor events we are able to support. We are also working with other teams and WCEU on onboarding materials which will be held in a central repository on GitHub. Link with @webcommsat and @yvettesonneveld if you are planning to attend a forthcoming event and may be able to assist. There are also opportunities to support the group working on contributor events marketing including for members who have multi-language skills.

2) Content the open source approach blog

Task lead: @harryjackson1221

Trello task: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/dELGoIP8/317-content-the-open-source-approach-blog-post

Google document: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a6bi0ztc10xKsewHlDWUKcEjyGXm1dJNYA7adNwO69g/edit#

Please add to this document which we think will get some good traction in the WordPress community focusing on optimization plugins. Add your Slack ID to the bottom of the document.

If you are interested in contributing to this project, add yourself to the card (and put your name and WordPress.org ID in the document).

  1. First blog post – initial due date 5 February 2020, to ensure we have this content ready for review and publication.
  2. @harryjackson1221 has access to a sheet where everyone shared their time estimates for the inclusion of the class and data attribute. This will mean the post can be launched when most of the plugins have released the compatibility feature.

Meeting finish and thanks

Thank you to everyone for their contribution. Please do continue to work on tasks inbetween our meetings and to add to the topic threads if you were unable to attend the meeting itself. Next Global marketing team meeting Wednesday 22 January 2020 in the Slack channel from 15:00 UTC.

#contributor-day, #contributor-event, #google-documents

Marketing Meeting 2020, January 08

Meeting timestamp on Slack for full notes

Notetaker: aurooba


@miker, @Meg Phillips, @OGlekler, @maedahbatool, @harryjackson1221, @Matthias Bathke, @aurooba, @nullbyte, @Michelle Frechette (she/her), @AfshanaDiya, @Megan Geissinger, @Maziar, @Arslan Ahmed, @mta1, @webcommsat

Task Lead Updates

Blog Post: Core Integrates With GitHub

Lead: @Meg Phillips

Trello Link: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/Yzb6YveV

  • GitHub Bridge: We’ve learned from the team developing this feature that it is not ready for publicity. Therein the project has been put into stasis until we hear back.
  • The Trello board is updated with our progress and the card has been moved into “in progress”. Thank you to @koop for bringing this feature to our attention. I will notify the team when we can publicize the feature.

Diversity Speaker Training Marketing

Lead: @aurooba

Trello Link: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/eNghs0YZ

  • Progress is still underway! We will soon update probably in the next meeting.

Showcase Redesign Meta Ticket

Lead: @harryjackson1221

Task Lead: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/wQJwSmfT

  • @harryjackson1221 encouraged everyone to keep putting out as much information about using WordPress as we can.
  • Although it can be frustrating not knowing where content will live, we still need to do everything we can keep growing the WordPress user base. 
  • @Megan Geissinger shared a doodle for breakout meetings for the Showcase.

Collaboration Time: WordPress Resolutions for TwentyTwenty

Lead: @miker

Trello Link: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/4xuZpTfK

  • During the meeting, everyone worked together to create a draft for the first resolution: “In TwentyTwenty,  I resolve to share my knowledge in a way that is humble and inclusive.” We made good progress on the 3 major takeaway points for the resolution.

New Business

2020 Content Marketing Plan

Trello Link: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/AxoJHcsM

  • @Meg Phillips shared this article that sparked a lot of that conversation. As a result of the conversation, a lot of people came to the consensus that the Marketing team should create a strategic content marketing plan to create an impact, regain lost market share, and introduce more people to WordPress.
  • @Meg Phillips has volunteered to take lead on this project to create a content marketing plan, a firm set of goals for 2020, and an action plan.

Marketing Meeting 2019, December 11

Meeting timestamp on Slack for full notes

Notetaker: maedahbatool


@maedahbatool, @yvettesonneveld, @dhruvpandya, @Meg Phillips, @nullbyte, @darls, @OGlekler, @webcommsat, @FahimMurshed, @antialiasfactory, @raym , @harryjackson1221, @passoniate, @bethgsanders, @mta1, @Matthias Bathke, @mikerbg, @fayazgabol 

#MakeWordPress Marketing Successes of the Past Week

@yvettesonneveld: Glad to announce that we published another wonderful People of WordPress story on /news. You can find the link here: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://wordpress.org/news/2019/12/people-of-wordpress-jill-binder/. Mad props to @Ali-WPFiddlyBits for doing most of the work again! 

@harryjackson1221: @raym took care of another audit of the Showcase for us. Some changes are expected which should be done in the coming week.

@webcommsat: A moment of celebration to thank everyone who worked on the release schedule blog in the last few meetings and especially to @miker for leading and advocating its importance. This was edited with help from the relevant teams and finally checked with Francesca. It was published at http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://make.wordpress.org/marketing/2019/12/05/wordpress-major-release-schedule/. You will find a summary of promotions, short links, and hashtags to help share this at http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C0GKJ7TFA/p1575564922159800. These will be added to the Trello card too. Please help us promote this provisional schedule.

@webcommsat: Moreover, we have published a marketing post on the new provisional release schedule. @francina@miker, and others worked with Abha and they made sure that they had captured the key messages and fact-checking. Also, a huge thanks to those who have contributed to recent meetings. For follow up check this URL:
It’d be great if you share it with your networks and on social media to help spread the information on this provisional schedule produced by the Core team. You will find key messages in the post. We are using the hashtag: #WordPressReleaseIf you need some intro copy to share with others, here is our excerpt:
A new WordPress release schedule has been published with provisional dates to the end of 2021. The timetable is hoped to help the community with planning and encourage involvement in future development work.

Task Lead Updates

Plugin Document 

@webcommsat Update: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/cTgoVoy4

It will be great if anyone else from the marketing team would like to join a chat to content test some of the key areas in this document on this with some plugin and theme developers. If you have a plugin or theme development background, this would be very valuable and a great chance for you to contribute.

Collaboration Time

Quite recently, Abha has been working on ways to make contributor days in countries with native languages other than English easier, more effective and more fun and she’d like your input for making this even better. Share all views about what have been some of the issues in non-English speaking countries. We would love to hear some great feedback and ideas from you in this respect.

Update “WordPress Features” Page on WP Marketing

OGlekler Update: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://trello.com/c/o4PIoq8r/312-update-wordpress-features-page

She created this new card and volunteered to take lead on this. @Meg Phillips will be helping to get this page updated.

Since this page is located in an area of the site that we don’t actually manage or work on, we may want to reach out to the team that does, and offer help?

Adding images will absolutely help with making the page more easily digestible. We could also reach out to the design team if need be. We are planning to get in touch with the support team first. They’ll need to be willing to accept our offer for help first. And we may want to add this to the to-do list of the communications lead for new releases. Also, a video screencast with a voiceover would be very nice as well. Moreover, visual components can be added later to the content.

Contributor Event & Marketing Support

@webcommsat Update: Document where you can share your thoughts. 
http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XZBqYvDyoavxQCm803YAD7bQ9jd6sxE84UnopueITYY8:18 PM

A group is working on Marketing Contributor Events and Marketing Support. You can find all the news under ‘Community updates’ in the following meeting notes.

Efforts have been put to find solutions on how we can reduce some of the barriers to marketing contributions and help encourage the use of the multi-language skills of our marketing team members. This reflects feedback gathered at contributor events over the last 18 months. We have worked with organizers on some of the difficulties at the event or in preparation, work with the WCEU community/contributing team, and lessons from events where we have provided support through various methods. It also incorporates feedback gathered with the help of WordPress Translation Day and input from conversations with the German and Italian speaking communities.

One of the key areas which have been identified from our findings is how can we help new marketing team members at events who may need some support with translation access and contribute to the cards. We would love to hear your feedback about how can we capture a list of marketing team members who have a proficiency in another language and/or work in marketing in another language in addition to English, who would be willing to assist either in person or virtually before, at and after the event.

Regarding Google Doc, we are looking at the following questions:

  • Polyglot Overlap: We need to ensure whether they are a Polyglot member already and which locale. Do we need any supplementary questions on how they interact with polyglots?
  • Sometimes it is also about the difference between the literal translation of process terms and marketing language translation, which is where our marketing team members can add considerable value.
  • We have seen this with contributor events work we have done so far. So we need questions about how we can capture what languages. What questions do we need to ask here?http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200301104705/https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XZBqYvDyoavxQCm803YAD7bQ9jd6sxE84UnopueITYY

Please feel free to contribute asynchronously this week and we will bring comments together under headings so that we can start to get a survey together.

Marketing Meeting 2019, December 4

Meeting timestamp on Slack for full notes

Notetaker: @siobhanseija


@miker, @Meg Phillips, @Megan Geissinger, @OGlekler, @maedahbatool, @siobhanseija, @Arslan Ahmed, @harryjackson1221, @Matthias Bathke, @aurooba, @nullbyte, @Michelle Frechette (she/her), @mta1, @scottjones @abhanonstopnewsuk

#MakeWordPress Marketing Successes of the Past Week

@siobhanseija: We just had a great cross-team Zoom chat about supporting contribution events. Thanks for organizing @webcommsat.

@Matthias Bathke: The German Marketing Team had a meeting just before WordCamp Düsseldorf. Based on feedback from @nullbyte they discussed improving their communication with the international marketing team. Also thanks to @grafruessel for a discussion on improving the onboarding process for contributors in spe. The team has decided to adopt the international vision for their team. They have decided on six goals for the team and assigned them to attendees. Click for the full overview.

@raym: Completed the December Monthly Showcase review.

Task Lead Updates

WordPress Release Schedule

@mikerbg‘s update on: WordPress Release Schedule.

Worked on a draft in last week’s meeting, ready for review before publishing today. Mike and @aurooba worked on the content during the meeting.

Take-away from this discussion: there are different users such content could be focused on, like plugin/theme devs, WP businesses, end-users, and so on. Mike proposes making a different article with a focus on end-users.

Diversity Speaker Training Marketing

@aurooba‘s update on: Diversity Speaker Training Marketing.

Aurooba feels stalled and could use some help/input, especially with writing up different scenarios of what the community is lacking. For example a11y, age, etc. Some other thoughts and input were offered in the discussion. Read it all in this thread.

Take-away from this discussion: we could start creating “Calls for Contributors” for various issues. A card was created for that: [Call for Contributors] Creating outreach scenarios for the Speaker Diversity Training Template.

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