WooCommerce er en fleksibel open-source e-handelsløsning bygget til WordPress. uanset om du lancerer en forretning, lægger en eksisterende butik online eller designer websteder for kunder, kan du starte hurtigt og bygge præcis den onlineshop, du ønsker.
Aktivér det gratis WooCommerce plugin på en ny eller en eksisterende WordPress side, følg den frivillige introduktion og opret en ny webshop på få minutter med:
- Siderne Vare, Kurv og Betaling
- Sikker betaling med kreditkort og alternativer
- Konfigurable forsendelsesmuligheder, omfattende faste satser og print af labels
- Integrér indhold og e-handel over hele dit site, med modulære blokke.
- Automatiske momsberegninger
- Google Analytics, MailChimp, and Facebook integration
- Webshoppens admin med nøgleparametre og meget mere.
Udover det sædvanlige er WooCommerce fuldt ud muligt at skræddersy:
- Vælg et design der passer til dit brand og din branche.
- Du kan udvikle din webshop med gratis og betalte udvidelser: Tilføj funktioner og integrer med lokale og globale E-handelstjenester.
- Undersøg og modificer ethvert aspekt af plugin’ets kildekode.
- Udnyt kroge og filtre for at ændre funktioner.
- Bygget på toppen af REST API og webhooks.
Open-source freedoms mean full ownership of content and data forever – plus the expertise of a friendly global community.
WooCommerce is built to allow store managers to run an eCommerce site themselves, no web developer needed. There is also a free WooCommerce mobile app (Android and iOS) for store management on the go.
WooCommerce is developed and supported by Automattic, the creators of Jetpack and, along with independent contributors. The official extension marketplace is on
Fra abonnementer over gymnastikundervisning til luksusbiler
Med WooCommerce kan du sælge både fysiske og digitale varer i alle former og størrelser, tilbyde varevarianter, flere konfigurationer og øjeblikkelige downloads til kunder og endda sælge affilierede varer fra online markedspladser.
And those are just the out-of-the-box options. With paid extensions, you can extend your WooCommerce store to take bookings, offer memberships, set up recurring payments by subscription, create dynamic pricing rules, and much more.
Start a monthly wine subscription box, offer a discount on yoga mats to members who’ve attended 10+ classes, offer configurable hampers or personalized jewelry – it’s all possible with WooCommerce.
Omfattende betalingsmuligheder
WooCommerce comes bundled with the ability to accept major credit cards, alternative payment methods, BACS (bank transfers), and cash on delivery.
For additional options, WooCommerce also integrates with more than 140 region-specific gateways including popular choices like Stripe, PayPal, Square and Amazon Pay. Apple Pay and Google Pay are also supported.
Search for your payment service provider of choice on the official marketplace.
Send lokalt og globalt
Shipping with WooCommerce is highly configurable. Adjust the built-in settings to offer free shipping or flat rate shipping, limit your shipments to specific countries by setting up shipping zones, or open your store up to the world.
Official extensions connect you with hundreds of local and international carriers – including Royal Mail, FedEx, and Australia Post – and let you integrate with inventory management and fulfilment providers.
There are also extensions available to add delivery and shipping options and support strategies like buy-one-get-one free, free gifts, and add-ons. WooCommerce Shipping supports real-time calculations and printing labels at home.
Design din shop med temaer og blokke
WooCommerce store design starts with a theme of your choice. There are hundreds of free and paid themes available, including Storefront by Automattic — it’s free to all stores and you can choose to have it installed for you during the guided setup.
Dansk vejledende: WooCommerce starter med design, og Storefront er et godt og gratis tema.
Storefront offers deep WooCommerce integration and prioritizes speed and uptime. You can add your brand and define your style by customizing Storefront yourself or adding one of several industry-themed Storefront child themes.
Dansk vejledende: Temaet Storefront giver dig en fuldstændig integration med WooCommerce og prioriterer fart og oppetid. Storefront er udviklet af WooCommerce.
Personalisér din shops design endnu mere med WooCommerce Blocks (tilgængelig i WooCommerce 3.6 og derover) — brug dem til at tilføje et udvalg af eller enkelte produkter til enhver side, for en glat overgang fra handel til indhold.
Tilpas din shop med udvidelser
Den nemmeste måde at tilføje funktioner og muligheder til en WooCommerce shop er med en udvidelse:
- Sælg hvad som helst – Abonnementer, Medlemskaber, Bookinger, Grupperede varer, and mere.
- Lav din webshop, som du vil – Varetilføjelser, Kasse-felter-redigeringer, Tilføjende varevariantbilleder, and mere.
- Customize your shipping options – Table Rate Shipping, Shipment Tracking, live rates from top carriers, and more.
- Find your audience, market to them your way – Google Product Feed, LiveChat, Amazon/eBay marketplace integration, and more.
- Drive sales – Dynamic Pricing, Smart Coupons, Google Ads, and more.
There are hundreds of official extensions reviewed by WooCommerce developers available on the marketplace, and many in the repository and on the wider web.
Hav kontrol med dine data for altid
WooCommerce gives you complete control – from taxes to stock levels to customer accounts. Add and remove extensions, change your store’s design, and switch themes or hosts or payment service providers, all as you please.
In a world increasingly aware of the importance of data protection, WooCommerce gives you full ownership over what is tracked and stored. If you opt to share usage data with us, your data is anonymized and kept secure. At any stage, you can opt out of all forms of tracking while still enjoying all of WooCommerce’s capabilities.
With WooCommerce, your data belongs to you. One of the risks of using a hosted eCommerce platform the risk of losing your store if the provider closes. WooCommerce store data is future-proof — you’re are free to export all your content and take your site wherever you choose.
Derfor elsker udviklere WooCommerce
WooCommerce blev oprindelig skabt med udviklere for øje. Med et REST API, kan det integreres med praktisk talt enhver tjeneste. Shoppens data kan tilgås, hvor som helst og hvornår som helst, 100% sikkert.
WooCommerce allows developers to easily create, modify, and scale a store that meets client’s specifications, and to make enhancements either with extensions or with customs solution.
No matter the size of the store you want to build, WooCommerce has a robust framework that supports stores from basic to enterprise – with content and commerce in a single, central location.
WooCommerce is audited by a dedicated team of developers who work across time zones to identify and patch any and all discovered bugs. There is comprehensive, easily-accessible documentation that is updated with each release. With our docs, you’ll learn how to create the site your client needs.
Kom med i vores voksende fællesskab
WooCommerce er et af de hurtigst voksende eCommerce communities. Vi er stolte over at det er hjælpsomhed og bidrag fra deltagerne og de mange kompetencer, der er til rådighed, som er de årsager, der gør, at vores brugere er vilde med WooCommerce.
Der er 80+ WooCommerce Meetups som finder sted i byer over hele verden, og du kan deltage gratis og endda være med til at få det til at køre. WooCommerce deltager også i WordCamps globalt – og vi vil gerne møde dig.
Hvis du er interesseret i at bidrage til WooCommerce, har vi mere end 350 bidragsydere, og der er altid plads til flere. Gå til WooCommerce GitHub samlingstedet for at finde ud af hvordan du kan hjælpe.
WooCommerce er p.t. 100% oversat til 24 sprog, inklusiv dansk, ukrainsk, og persisk. Hvis du er interesseret i at hjælpe med at oversætte WooCommerce til dansk, så besøg
Bidragydere & udviklere
“WooCommerce” er blevet oversat til 55 sprog. Tak til oversætternefor deres bidrag. Oversæt “WooCommerce” til dit sprog.
Gennemse koden , tjek SVN-depotet , eller abonnere på udviklingsfilen af RSS .
This plugin provides 17 blocks.
- woocommerce/price-filter
- Filter Products by Price
- woocommerce/attribute-filter
- Filter Products by Attribute
- woocommerce/active-filters
- Active Product Filters
- woocommerce/product-search
- Product Search
- woocommerce/featured-category
- Featured Category
- woocommerce/product-categories
- Product Categories List
- woocommerce/handpicked-products
- Hand-picked Products
- woocommerce/product-category
- Products by Category
- woocommerce/product-best-sellers
- Best Selling Products
- woocommerce/all-products
- All Products
- woocommerce/product-tag
- Products by Tag
- woocommerce/featured-product
- Featured Product
- woocommerce/product-on-sale
- On Sale Products
- woocommerce/reviews-by-product
- Reviews by Product
- woocommerce/all-reviews
- All Reviews
- woocommerce/reviews-by-category
- Reviews by Category
- woocommerce/product-new
- Newest Products
- PHP 7.2 eller højere er anbefalet
- MySQL 5.6 eller nyere anbefales
Gå til dokumentation for WooCommerce-serverens krav for en detaljeret liste over serverkrav.
Automatisk installation
Automatisk installation er den nemmeste løsning, da WordPress håndterer filoverførsler selv, og du ikke behøver at forlade din browser. For at oprette en automatisk installation af WooCommerce, log ind på dit WordPress kontrolpanel, navigér til menuen Plugins og klik på Tilføj ny.
Skriv “WooCommerce” i søgefeltet og klik derefter på “Søg plugins.” Når du har fundet os, kan du se detaljer, såsom udgivelse, vurdering og beskrivelse. Men vigtigst af alt er selvfølgelig, at du kan installere det! Klik “Installer nu”, og WordPress vil installere det valgte til din pluginliste.
Manuel installation
Den manuelle installationsmetode kræver download af WooCommerce plugin og upload af det til din webserver via et FTP program. WordPress codex indeholder instruktioner om, hvordan du gør dette.
Automatisk opdatering skulle gerne virke, men vi vil anbefale at du tager en back up af din hjemmeside.
Hvis du støder på problemer med webshoppen og/eller kategorisider efter en opdatering, skal du gemme dine permalinks igen. Det gør du ved at gå til WordPress > Indstillinger > Permalinks og trykke “gem”. Det bør få dine links til at virke igen.
WooCommerce har nogle demodata, som du kan bruge til at se, hvordan varer ser ud; importér sample_products.xml via WordPress importer. Du kan også bruge selve CSV importer eller vores CSV Import Suite udvidelse til at importere sample_products.csv
- Hvor kan jeg finde WooCommerce dokumentation og brugerguider?
For hjælp til at opsætte og indstille WooCommerce så kan du få mere information i vores brugermanual
For udvidelse eller temagørelse af WooCommerce, så se vores codex.
- Hvor kan jeg få support og snakke med andre brugere?
Hvis du går i stå, kan du bede om hjælp i WooCommerce Plugin Forum.
For hjælp med betalte udvidelser fra brug vores helpdesk.
- Vil WooCommerce virke med mit tema?
Ja! WooCommerce virker med ethvert tema, med der kan være brug for noget styling. Prøv at se vores codex for hjælp. Hvis du leder efter et tema med indbygget WooCommerce integration, anbefaler vi temaetStorefront.
- Hvor kan jeg foreslå nye funktioner, eCommerce temaer og udvidelser?
Du kan stemme på samt forespørge på nye funktionaliteter og udvidelser på vores WooIdeas board
- Hvor kan jeg rapportere fejl og bidrage til projektet?
Rapportér fejl på WooCommerce GitHub datalager. Du kan også rapportere dem i vores supportforum.
- Hvor kan jeg finde REST API dokumentation?
Du kan finde dokumentationen af vores REST API på WooCommerce REST API Docs.
- WooCommerce er fedt! Kan jeg bidrage?
Ja, det kan du! Deltag i vores GitHub datalager.
Contributors & Developers
“WooCommerce” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Bidragsydere“WooCommerce” er blevet oversat til 60 lokalområder. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.
Translate “WooCommerce” into your language.
Interesseret i udvikling?
Gennemse koden, tjek SVN repository, eller abonner på udviklerloggen via RSS.
3.9.2 – 2020-02-13
- Security – Show a notice when a logged-in customer pays for a guest order.
- Security – Disallow links in coupon error messages.
- Fix – Restored the default behavior of the “Shipping destination” option. #25571
3.9.1 – 2020-01-28
- Tweak – Trim whitespaces and strip slashes from MaxMind License Key.
- Dev – Prevent empty notices to get displayed on frontend.
- Fix – Show “-” instead of “0” when tax isn’t applicable to a product.
- Fix – Fixed fatal error on the thank you page if order is not specified.
- REST API – Fixed – Product and variations schema to allow remove sale prices, dimensions and weight.
3.9.0 – 2020-01-21
- Enhancement – Added a “Show” button next to the password field on the login fields. #24915
- Enhancement – New WooCommerce Onboarding experience (shows to only 10% of new users). #24991
- Enhancement – Introduced Payment Gateway API to support “pay button”. #25000
- Enhancement – Includes WooCommerce Blocks 2.5.3, introducing an “All Products” block, a new block listing products using client side rendering (requires WordPress 5.3), and more. #25181
- Tweak – Updated PayPal standard “Thank you” page message to comply with PayPal Guidelines. #24756
- Tweak – Account for non-EU countries that collect VAT and rename tax to VAT on the frontend. #24999
- Tweak – Cache checkout fragments and update DOM on change only. #24227
- Tweak – Eliminate extra update order AJAX request on checkout page load. #24271
- Tweak – Prevent billing address from being updated on shipping update. #24374
- Justering – Tilføj et værktøjstip i feltet “Rabatkupons udløbsdato”. #24749
- Tweak – Make phone numbers clickable in emails. #24786
- Justering – Forhindre PHP advarsler i tracker, hvis der endnu ikke er oprettet en ordredato. #24441
- Tweak – Capitalize “T” in “Move to Trash” phrase on order page in wp-admin to be consistent with product and coupon pages. #24867
- Tweak – Changed
invalidation from using increment to using microtime. #24961 - Tweak – Made the usage tracking link on the setup wizard more transparent. #25026
- Tweak – Fixed menu highlight of My Account page when browsing “Add payment method” page. #25041
- Tweak – Prevent creating products before registering related post types and taxonomies. #25049
- Tweak – Include processing orders in tracker data when opted in. #25071
- Tweak – Centralize check for default themes to fix Storefront appearance in the Setup Wizard. #25216
- Tweak – Adds a WordPress version check before recommending the WooCommerce Admin plugin during setup. #25260
- Fix – Added license key support recent changes from MaxMind GeoLite2. #25378
- Fix – Honor tax rounding preference in edit item and refund flows. #24208
- Fix – Prevent incorrect number of decimal points in prices. #24281
- Fix – Fixed initial support for Gutenberg’s Experimental Legacy Widget block. #24292
- Fix – Fix overriding of query when using orderby on archives with a static homepage. #24683
- Fix – Use of
function when escaping admin settings values. #24793 - Fix – Do not set the tracking cookie when doing ajax requests. #24798
- Fix – Display button to delete images from product galleries in the admin when using a mobile device. #24840
- Fix – Fixed order note’s date format. #24843
- Fix – Refactored
to remove function deprecated in PHP 7.0. #24852 - Fix – Fixed product stock status changes on Bulk Edit save when “Enable stock management” is disabled. #24876
- Fix – Fixed default country code fallback in wc_get_customer_default_location(). #24884
- Fix – Fixed misleading message for Shipping options in cart. #24914
- Fix – Customizer not loading when viewing from #24935
- Fix – Prevent notice when a variable product has no images. #24986
- Fix – Adjusted the slug generation for duplicated variable products to prevent performance degradation when using templates. #25064
- Fix – Added appropriate minification to photoswipe.css. #25074
- Fix – Corrected the sorting behavior for the “products” shortcode when manually sorting products. #25084
- Fix – Fixed invalid backlinks for in-app purchases. #25098
- Fix – Corrected the media element player initialization for product variation descriptions. #25103
- Fix – Enable Site API on installations not using permalink. #25131
- Fix – Site API now returns success if the plugin was previously installed. #25140
- Fix – Site API checks to
case to make sure result array containsfolder_exists
item and doesn’t return a warning. #25160 - Fix – Ensure that categories containing only private products are selectable in the product exporter. #25132
- Fix – Prevent variable product parents from being added to orders. #25162
- Fix – Use sorting settings as a default to product shortcodes. #25180
- Fix – Applied setup wizard CSS fixes to the respective WP versions. #25197
- Fix – Fixed “account erasure request” URL in WordPress 5.3. #25208
- Fix – Ensure all cache get removed on webhook deletion. #25164
- Fix – Adjusted the checkout email validation regex to be more accurate. #25251
- Template – Introduced
filter. #25059 - Template – Introduced
hooks. #25096 - REST API – Fixed
for customers v2. #25181 - REST API – Fixed Restored “Total post count” section on System Status endpoint v2 and v3. #25181
- REST API – Filter empty objects from results before loop. #25181
- Dev – Introducere ny PHP 7.0 minimumskrav.
- Dev – Introduce new WordPress 5.0 minimum requirement.
- Dev – Tjek for max discount for at være “-ve” for at forhindre overskrivning af refunderet gebyrbeløb. #24341
- Dev – Add unload event to the checkout page to prevent reloading during checkout after placing an order. #24609
- Dev – Only toggle form field description if element exists. #24752
- Dev – Introduced
filter to change separator string while exporting CSV files. #24759 - Dev – Introduced
hook. #24760 - Dev – Introduced
filter. #24849 - Dev – Introduced
filter. #24914 - Dev – Introduced
filter. #24934 - Dev – Introducér
filter. #22216 - Dev – Introduced
hooks. #25028 - Dev – Included third parameter
filters. #24870 - Dev – Pass the
variable to thewoocommerce_before_cart_emptied
andwoocommerce_cart_emptied actions
. #24930 - Dev – Made variables in
default. #24822 - Dev – Refactor to use the same rounding logic in orders and cart. #24828
- Dev – Add order note immediately after status change before the `woocommerce_order_status_changed action. #24879
- Dev – Added support for custom attributes in
. #24937 - Dev – Added initial support for inline notices on checkout. #25001
- Dev – Introduced wc_get_product_object() helper. #25031
- Dev – Pass the correct
variable to thewoocommerce_coupon_object_updated_props
action’s second paramater. #25077 - Dev – Remove a few calls to
with the spread operator for better code legibility and performance gains. #25101 - Dev – New
hook that triggers when an order is paid. Use this new hook instead ofwoocommerce_order_status_changed
or woocommerce_order_status_{old_status}}to{new_status}` to trigger code for payment completion. #25158 - Dev – Ability to exclude certain product types from product search calls. #25162
- Dev – Raise exception when
is instantiated with an ID that belongs to an object that is not a variation. #25178 - Localization – Add subdivisions of Laos. #24765
- Localization – Fixed translatable string in WooCommerce’s libraries. #24892 #24894
- Localization – Fixed translatable string comments for translators. #24928
- Localization – Add postcode validation for Slovenia. #25174