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WordPress 2.9, oh so fine

Posted December 19, 2009 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Releases.

I want to make you mine, all the time… oh wait. Hello. I’m here on behalf of the entire WordPress development team and community to announce the immediate availability of WordPress version 2.9 “Carmen” named in honor of magical jazz vocalist Carmen McRae (whom we’ve added to our Last.fm WP release station). You can upgrade easily from your Dashboard by going to Tools > Upgrade, or you can download from WordPress.org. And of course, it wouldn’t be a major release without a short video summarizing some of the cool things about the new version:

The coolest new stuff from a user point of view is:

  1. Global undo/”trash” feature, which means that if you accidentally delete a post or comment you can bring it back from the grave (i.e., the Trash). This also eliminates those annoying “are you sure” messages we used to have on every delete.
  2. Built-in image editor allows you to crop, edit, rotate, flip, and scale your images to show them who’s boss. This is the first wave of our many planned media-handling improvements.
  3. Batch plugin update and compatibility checking, which means you can update 10 plugins at once, versus having to do multiple clicks for each one, and we’re using the new compatibility data from the plugins directory to give you a better idea of whether your plugins are compatible with new releases of WordPress. This should take the fear and hassle out of upgrading.
  4. Easier video embeds that allow you to just paste a URL on its own line and have it magically turn it into the proper embed code, with Oembed support for YouTube, Daily Motion, Blip.tv, Flickr, Hulu, Viddler, Qik, Revision3, Scribd, Google Video, Photobucket, PollDaddy, and WordPress.tv (and more in the next release).

2.9 provides the smoothest ride yet because of a number of improvements under the hood and more subtle improvements you’ll begin to appreciate once you’ve been around the block a few times. Here’s just a sampling:

  • We now have rel=canonical support for better SEO.
  • There is automatic database optimization support, which you can enable in your wp-config.php file by adding define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);.
  • Themes can register “post thumbnails” which allow them to attach an image to the post, especially useful for magazine-style themes.
  • A new commentmeta table that allows arbitrary key/value pairs to be attached to comments, just like posts, so you can now expand greatly what you can do in the comment framework.
  • Custom post types have been upgraded with better API support so you can juggle more types than just post, page, and attachment. (More of this planned for 3.0.)
  • You can set custom theme directories, so a plugin can register a theme to be bundled with it or you can have multiple shared theme directories on your server.
  • We’ve upgraded TinyMCE WYSIWYG editing and Simplepie.
  • Sidebars can now have descriptions so it’s more obvious what and where they do what they do.
  • Specify category templates not just by ID, like before, but by slug, which will make it easier for theme developers to do custom things with categories — like post types!
  • Registration and profiles are now extensible to allow you to collect things more easily, like a user’s Twitter account or any other fields you can imagine.
  • The XML-RPC API has been extended to allow changing the user registration option. We fixed some Atom API attachment issues.
  • Create custom galleries with the new include and exclude attributes that allow you to pull attachments from any post, not just the current one.
  • When you’re editing files in the theme and plugin editors it remembers your location and takes you back to that line after you save. (Thank goodness!!!)
  • The Press This bookmarklet has been improved and is faster than ever; give it a try for on-the-fly blogging from wherever you are on the internet.
  • Custom taxonomies are now included in the WXR export file and imported correctly.
  • Better hooks and filters for excerpts, smilies, HTTP requests, user profiles, author links, taxonomies, SSL support, tag clouds, query_posts and WP_Query

All of this and more is reflected in the over 500 tickets, bugs, and enhancements that WP developers in this release cycle.

This release included code from over 140 contributors, here’s everyone we were able to identify: aaroncampbell (Aaron Campbell), abackstrom (Adam Backstrom), aldenta (John Ford), alexkingorg (Alex King), [amilanov], antonylesuisse (Antony Lesuisse), apeatling (Andy Peatling), apokalyptik (Demitrious Kelly), arena (André Renaut), batmoo (Mohammad Jangda), Ben Dunkle, BenBE1987, Benjamin Flesch, bookchiq (Sarah Lewis), brianwhite, c0nstruct, caesarsgrunt (Caesar Schinas), CalebKniffen (Caleb Kniffen), chrisbliss18, chrisscott (Chris Scott), christoph179, coffee2code (Scott Reilly), [cross country flight], Curioso, davecpage (Dave Page), dcole07 (Dan Cole), dd32 (Dion Hulse), demetris (Δημήτρης Κίκιζας), Denis-de-Bernardy, dj-wp, dwright, eddieringle (Eddie Ringle), error (Michael Hampton), ewestp, fabifott, filosofo (Austin Matzko), greenshady (Justin Tadlock), gsnedders/link92 (Geoffrey Sneddon), hailin (Hailin Wu), hakre, hanilovesme, Harald Nesland, harrym, holizz (Tom Adams), ikonst, jacobsantos (Jacob Santos), janeforshort (Jane Wells), jamescollins (James Collins), jdub (Jeff Waugh), jeff_ (Jean-François “Jeff” VIAL), jeremyclarke (Jeremy Clarke), JeremyVisser (Jeremy Visser), jikamens, jmulley, Joern_W, johanee (Johan Eenfeldt), johnbillion (John Blackbourn), johnjamesjacoby (John James Jacoby), johnjosephbachir (John Joseph Bachir), JonathanRogers, joostdevalk (Joost de Valk), Jose Carlos Norte, josephscott (Joseph Scott), junsuijin, kevinB (Kevin Behrens), kometbomb, lilyfan (IKEDA Yuriko), lloydbudd (Lloyd Budd), [lostinlafayette], madhyde, MattyRob, mdawaffe (Michael Adams), Mittineague, miqrogroove, morfiusx, mrmist (David McFarlane), mtdewvirus (Nick Momrik), mysz, nacin (Andrew Nacin), nanochrome, nao (Naoko McCracken), nathanrice (Nathan Rice), nbachiyski (Николай Бачийски), niallkennedy (Niall Kennedy), nickohrn (Nick Ohrn), ninjaWR (Ryan Murphy), noel (Noël Jackson), Otto42 (Samuel Wood), pairg, peaceablewhale (Franklin Tse), prettyboymp (Michael Pretty), ProDevStudio, ramiy, redsweater (Daniel Jalkut), ruslany, sambauers (Sam Bauers), scribu, Sewar, Simek, simonwheatley (Simon Wheatley), sirzooro (Daniel Frużyński), sivel (Matt Martz), skeltoac (Andy Skelton), snakefoot, stephanreiter (Stephan Reiter), strider72 (Stephen Rider), taco1991, takayukister (Takayuki Miyoshi), tellyworth, tenpura, usermrpapa, utkarsh, Viper007Bond, vladimir_kolesnikov (Vladimir Kolesnikov), VoxPelli (Pelle Wessman), [voyou1], wahgnube, waltervos, westonruter (Weston Ruter), wnorris (Will Norris), x
enlab (Eric Marden)
, yoavf (Yoav Farhi). Wowza!

2.9 has been an exciting development cycle, and I must say it has whetted our appetite for 3.0, which is coming next (probably this spring) and will include at the very least the merge of MU with the WordPress core, and a new default theme. We can’t wait to start working on it. But first, some Carmen McRae tunes and a beer. Join us! 🙂

(After you upgrade, of course!)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season.

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  1. […] 2.9 has just been released, in fact the WP Development Blog has a post date of December 19th! (not sure what time zone they are in). This version includes many […]

    Pingback from Wright On! » WordPress 2.9 – a Major Leap, with more to come on December 19, 2009

  2. […] I took the opportunity this evening to upgrade WordPress to the newly released version 2.9. […]

    Pingback from Blog Upgrade | Braden's Corner Of The Net on December 19, 2009

  3. […] on the official WordPress blog, founder Matt Mullenweg says that this release saw a total of “over 500 tickets, bugs, and […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 Now Available for Download | Megahertz on December 19, 2009

  4. […] Matt Mullenweg announced that WordPress 2.9 has been released! This latest WP version has a lot of new and awesome features […]

    Pingback from Oh great, another WordPress update and now it’s 2.9! | Daily World Buzz on December 19, 2009

  5. […] WordPress 2.9 was released today and features a ton of additions. Amongst the new features and fixes: […]

    Pingback from Batch Plugin Updater's Location in WordPress 2.9 on December 19, 2009

  6. […] WordPress 2.9 is out, and it’s time about thinking of WP 3.0 which will be something really, really special, and of course there it’s time to talk about a new default theme. […]

    Pingback from Thoughts on a new WordPress default theme | WordPreciousss 4 on December 19, 2009

  7. […] Just a quick update to let you know we have tested all of our themes with WordPress 2.9 and they are working without any problems, WordPress has added some new features and you can find more information over at this link. […]

    Pingback from WordPress Updates 2.9 Now Live. | Band Themer on December 19, 2009

  8. […] The software is available for download here, or should already be flagged as an update in your existing WordPress installation. I’ll need to back things up around here, then get going with the update. For a full list of fhe 500+ fixes and enhancements, see the WordPress blog. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 "Carmen" released | hertenberger.co.za on December 19, 2009

  9. […] This appears to be more of an eye-candy release than a security-fix release; there don’t seem to be any items of utmost urgency among the 500 or so code changes. […]

    Pingback from dustbury.com » Two dot nine on December 19, 2009

  10. […] to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.WordPress released a new version this morning – Version 2.9, named […]

    Pingback from WordPress Update to 2.9 – Check Your Plugins | Niche Store Builder on December 19, 2009

  11. […] wordpress 2.9 is finally here!!! And with it many new features, one of which is the new thumbnail feature. First […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 thumbnail feature / code + links for related issues – Open Source Design - fall09 on December 19, 2009

  12. […] Mark on Dec.19, 2009, under Life Story, technology After upgrading the blog to WP 2.9, I decided to do a little virtual housekeeping. For cleaning up post formatting (and some terrible […]

    Pingback from Housekeeping - ask-mark.com on December 19, 2009

  13. […] it’s time for the WordPress upgrade dance, yet again – 2.9 Carmen has just been released and everyone using WordPress is being “urged” to […]

    Pingback from Using WordPress’s “Upgrade Automatically” Feature » Blog Archive » The Code Train on December 19, 2009

  14. […] WordPress 2.9 was released today, and the upgrade has some very impressive features. So far the coolest one to me and I’m sure that will be for many of my clients is the Embeds functionality. […]

    Pingback from joedag32 » WordPress 2.9 Embeds on December 19, 2009

  15. […] those of you out there who are running their blogs on WordPress then you probably already know this but 2.9 has been released, and it seems like a major upgrade. Of biggest interest to me is the new image tools (especially […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 is Out | thomas fitzgerald.net on December 20, 2009

  16. […] was announced recently that WordPress 2.9 has been released. There are a few cool new features, which I’ll list […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 “Carmen” Released | Theme Lab on December 20, 2009

  17. […] The upgrade has been flawless. You can see whats new in WordPress 2.9 on this video found here. That’s it for now, just wanted to spread the word! 0 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 is Out! | AndyDev - Blog of Web Developer Andrew Yates on December 20, 2009

  18. […] A couple of days ago, guys at Automattic announced the latest release of the mighty blogging platfor… – named after a Jazz vocalist Carmen McRae -. This release comes really with a lot of cool features like the one I really love, Trash. So, instead of the old dialogue, “You are about to delete this post..bla bla bla”, you can now just move it to trash, cause most of time you are really sure that you are deleting a post! Then you can permanently remove it from your trash, or as we can say, empty your trash. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9, Carmen | Ibrahim Abdel Fattah Mohamed Personal bLOG on December 20, 2009

  19. […] Like any other newest version it offers the latest improvements and innovations which are supposedly better than before. Here are some of those: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 Released on December 20, 2009

  20. […] WordPress 2.9, oh so fine […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 is having install problems and causing headaches on December 21, 2009

  21. […] you haven’t already noticed the update notice in the WordPress admin, well, WordPress 2.9 was released on Friday, December […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 Released on 12/18/09: Highlights | (Anti) Social Development on December 21, 2009

  22. […] Am sure I will find more uses for this great new feature. To find out what other new features are included check out the release blog post. […]

    Pingback from WordPress & JUnit Updates and introducing Tohu on December 21, 2009

  23. […] pm While I was browsing through my Twitter feed over the weekend, I was delighted to find that WordPress 2.9 Carmen is now officially available and removed of its previous beta status. If you’re curious to know about its tag […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 Carmen is Officially Out on December 21, 2009

  24. […] WordPress 2.9 is now available. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 is Now Available: Backup and Upgrade! on December 21, 2009

  25. […] are many more great features in the 2.9 update, pop over to WordPress for more details. Be sure to upgrade your blog soon. Share […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 more than just an update | SeanClark.com on December 21, 2009

  26. […] WordPress 2.9 out of the door, I figured it was time to get the ball rolling on the latest Tarski release. There […]

    Pingback from Tarski · 2.6 Release Candidate 1 on December 21, 2009

  27. […] embeds, and batch plugin updating that should save you a bunch of time. Writing on the official WordPress blog, founder Matt Mullenweg says that this release saw a total of “over 500 tickets, bugs, and […]

    Pingback from RevenBlog | web knowledge workers » WordPress 2.9 Now Available for Download on December 21, 2009

  28. […] 2.9 is now street legal and straight outta beta for the […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 Now, Next 3.0 | Tech Startups on December 21, 2009

  29. […] news for users of the popular WordPress blogging platform: WordPress 2.9 has arrived, and it includes some major new features that make blogging easier, as well as hundreds […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 arrives, with an image editor and a trash folder « AutoBlogger Sandbox on December 21, 2009

  30. […] week's release of WP 2.9 brought some awesome image editing tools to WordPress users – but the entire image handling system […]

    Pingback from WordPress Image Handling Sucks (WP Wednesday) « Colin's Blog on December 21, 2009

  31. […] in time for Christmas WordPress 2.9 is out. Here’s what has changed in the XML-RPC and AtomPub APIs since […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 – XML-RPC and AtomPub Changes @ Joseph Scott on December 21, 2009

  32. […] Site is Blazing Minds. Karen recently posted an article about WordPress and the recent release of WordPress 2.9. She states that  “after installing the update, every time I made a post or used a ping back […]

    Pingback from How to fix WordPress Ping Once it Stops Working. | Evolutionary Designs on December 21, 2009

  33. […] WordPress Blog: WordPress 2.9, oh so fine. The gang has released the latest version of WordPress, with some awesome new features like easy image editing and a trash can (so deleting a post or comment is no longer a moment of truth). They’ve done a fantastic job with this release. I learned last week that I’ll be deeply involved again with version 3.0 (if you have no idea who I am, I created the current visual design of WordPress that we introduced in version 2.7, along with my Automattic colleague Andy Peatling). That work will begin in earnest after the new year, and I can’t wait. 🙂 30.882963 -87.773047   […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 Carmen « MNT on December 21, 2009

  34. […] 2.9 is out. The upgrade went quite smoothly here, but be sure you upgrade your plugins before running the core […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.9 Upgrade | langui.sh on December 21, 2009

  35. […] video embed. You’ll be able to ditch the plugins to embed video for popular sites. Please read the official release post on the WordPress blog for an overview and […]

    Pingback from 2.9 status - WPMU Tutorials on December 21, 2009

  36. […] bloggers seeking image management improvements. WP 2.9 does boast some cool new image tools but as Matt Mullenweg points out: This is the first wave of our many planned media-handling […]

    Pingback from What’s new with WordPress 2.9? | Blogging Classes @ LVS Online on December 31, 2009

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