

“Gutenberg” is a codename for a whole new paradigm in WordPress site building and publishing, that aims to revolutionize the entire publishing experience as much as Gutenberg did the printed word. Right now, the project is in the first phase of a four-phase process that will touch every piece of WordPress — Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual — and is focused on a new editing experience, the block editor.

The block editor introduces a modular approach to pages and posts: each piece of content in the editor, from a paragraph to an image gallery to a headline, is its own block. And just like physical blocks, WordPress blocks can added, arranged, and rearranged, allowing WordPress users to create media-rich pages in a visually intuitive way — and without work-arounds like shortcodes or custom HTML.

L’editor dei blocchi è diventato disponibile per la prima volta a dicembre 2018, e stiamo ancora al lavoro per perfezionare l’esperienza, creando molti più blocchi e migliorandoli, e gettiamo le basi per le prossime tre fasi del lavoro. Il plugin Gutenberg ti offre l’ultima versione dell’editor dei blocchi in modo che tu possa unirti a noi nel testare caratteristiche all’avanguardia, iniziare a giocare con i blocchi e magari lasciarti ispirare a crearne uno tuo.

Scopri di più

  • User Documentation: See the WordPress Editor documentation for detailed docs on using the editor as an author creating posts and pages.

  • Developer Documentation: Extending and customizing is at the heart of the WordPress platform, see the Developer Documentation for extensive tutorials, documentation, and API reference on how to extend the editor.

  • Collaboratori: Gutenberg è un progetto open-source e accoglie tutti i partecipanti dal codice alla progettazione, dalla documentazione al triage. Dai uno sguardo al Contributor’s Handbook per tutti i dettagli su come puoi aiutare.

Il centro per lo sviluppo del progetto Gutenberg è su Github:

La discussione per il progetto è in Make Blog e nel canale #core-editor su Slack, informazioni di iscrizione.


Questo plugin fornisce 23 blocchi.



Come posso inviare un feedback o contribuire in caso di bug?

Ci piace ricevere report sui bug, suggerimenti di caratteristiche e qualsiasi altro feedback! Vai alla pagina delle segnalazioni su GitHub per cercare segnalazioni esistenti o aprirne di nuove. Cerchiamo di contenere tutte le segnalazioni riportate nel forum del plugin, ma otterrai una risposta più veloce (ed eviteremmo la duplicazione degli sforzi) centralizzando tutto nel repository su GitHub.

Qual è il prossimo passo per il Progetto?

Le quattro fasi del progetto sono Modifica, Personalizzazione, Collaborazione e Multilingue. Puoi saperne di più sul progetto e sulle fasi di Matt nei suoi discorsi State of the Word del 2019 e 2018. Inoltre puoi seguire gli aggiornamenti nel blog Make WordPress Core.

Dove posso leggere maggiori informazioni su Gutenberg?


29 Febbraio 2020
I have several pages on my site where I use html code sections that the old editor couldn't handle. Therefore, I pretty much had to use html-only mode all the time. I would end up having mild anxiety every time I opened one of those pages for editing, hoping the classic editor wouldn't have messed up my code (which it did on several occassions). To be fair, early on, there was a time or two where my HTML blocks got converted to regular blocks, but that hasn't happened in ages. Now I can easily insert custom code in separate blocks and trust that it will stay that way. For everything else, the block interface is a nice way to easy work with content, re-arranging if necessary. I've even been able to use re-usable blocks to clone bits of content to other pages. Not that you couldn't just copy/paste such things before, but you never knew when your formatting was going to come across cleanly in the old editor, and when it was going to go sideways on you. In the old editor, I found myself frequently switching to the text mode to fix code that had been messed up quite horribly, but that experience is long gone thanks to Gutenberg. Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard on this project, your work is greatly appreciated!
28 Febbraio 2020
I made the terrible mistake of updating my company's WordPress account to work with some plugins we needed. This block editor is terrible. I am not one of those people that is totally against change. While I find the interface to be a hell of a lot less intuitive than the old counterpart (despite its obvious attempts to do the opposite), what I find most maddening about this system is that its need to "assist" is, more often than not, making matters much much worse for absolutely no reason. I find it pasting strings of incomplete and unusable code between the quotes in my code - and when I fix it, it goes right back. I find it adjusting the formattimg of my code beyond reason. When I pause to find the string of text I want to type next to my [li] tags, I find it attaching the paragraph below to it instead. Even normal text - I had to spend 30 minutes repeatedly deleting unnecessary percentage signs between all of the words in a paragraph. I find it ridiculous that I have to install a plugin to avoid being inconvenienced by this plugin. I don't need help typing in code - if I make a mistake, I would like to have the space to figure it out. I don't understand what the point of having something trying to "help" people with code is - if you cannot learn to do it yourself, you need more practice, not a bad assistant. It makes my professional work look unprofessional and incomplete and the worst part about it is that I am unable to fix it because of the stupid system. I have come incredibly close to rage quitting. Please remove the auto-adjustments.
27 Febbraio 2020
I remove it as soon as I install a new WordPress site. I hate it
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Contributi e sviluppo

“Gutenberg” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.


“Gutenberg” è stato tradotto in 47 lingue. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.

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Changelog (registro delle modifiche)

To read the changelog for Gutenberg 7.6.0, please navigate to the release page.