Editor chat Summary: 6 May, 2020

This post summarizes the weekly editor chat meeting agenda here. Held on Wednesday, 6th May 2020 held in Slack. Facilitated by @paaljoachim.

Monthly Plan

What’s next in Gutenberg? (May)

A summary from @youknowriad
Let’s do aa small recap about the previous months and the next one:
– We did some good progress about the Block Patterns on the last month
– FSE Site Builder screen is getting closer in terms of parity with the post editor, there’s still some work left
– FSE: we worked on the context API, it was a bit more complex than originally anticipated but we landed something
– Navigation screen continues to improve
– Implemented several Global Styles config per block (colors, line height,…)
The priorities remain mostly the same because most of these are big projects we’re polishing and improving.

Some highlights to come:
– Query Blocks
– More iterations to the patterns (categories)
– Sibling inserter redesign maybe
– Continue on Site Builder and Navigation Screen
– Expand theme.json capabilities

Task Coordination

Different blocks in navigation: 22096
Sub-nav improvements: 22087
Ellipsis and movers: 22089
All my other focus is on triage, “needs design” and “design feedback” label has replies.

I’ve worked on style things at various levels:
– theme.json: convos & reviews about its role to control the editor.
– Global styles: expose style presets (font-size, color, gradients) as CSS vars.
– Editor styles: fix for font-sizes.
Also contributed to some misc things such as convos and PR about the JavaScript version we support, and provide feedback on switching the JSDoc parser we use for our API docs tool.

@mkaz and @annezazu
Working on a plan to improve block editor docs.

– Worked a little bit on some follow-ups to the Patterns UI (search support)
– Worked on some small refactorings PRs, bug fixes and performance.
– Planning to focus more on the categories support for patterns.

– I am mostly working on the new nav screen project.
21557 PR in progress of adding a new feature to core data entities delete.
– I constantly try to do more reviews!

– I continue to work on iterations to the Welcome Guide.
– Starting to take a dive into Full Site Editing with Inserting existing saved template parts.
– Started to put together a matrix of pattern categories in a spreadsheet found in other site builders so we can get a better idea of what categories we’d want to have in the inserter.

I’ve been finalizing adding the functionality to filter the Latest Posts block by author and added the ability to show the author in the list: 16169

– Posted a prototype of a page switcher when editing site. (could use some feedback)
– Iteration on template partial creation – (needs dev)
– Proposed persistent block navigator.
Next up:
– Iterate on template partial insertion.
– Explore transforming template partials.
– Could use help with implementation of multi-entity saving.

Search block enhancements.
Block mover explorations.
Helping to push scheduled post PR forward with @earnjam.
Providing feedback where I can.

First approach on improving tips. Looked at contextual tips issue.
The idea is being able to register tips defining description, scope, etc.
Related issues
Add rotating block-specific tips to the inserter’s help panel.
Compile a list of possible block-specific tips.
Consider adding adding a rotating Tips area to the block sidebar.
Blocks: Contextual tips tied to specific search queries.

Hoping to finish adding storybook stories for components this week.
Hoping to review: Storybook: Add DateTimePicker.

Improving the post scheduling process by showing you what dates you’ve already scheduled for. Needs feedback/reviews.

Working on visual improvements to the navigation block (#22107) and experimenting with making menu items editable in the inspector on the experimental nav menus page (#21948).

Table of Contents block.
Done: Added multipage post support. Ability to toggle if all multipage headings are listed.
Needs: technical reviews/feedback, accessibility and copy reviews. A G2 icon.
Heading block H1-H6 level control. Needs: design and technical reviews.
– Custom HTML block polish PR that could use another design review.
– PR: Enable backspace to remove empty Navigation links. Needs help to fix issues and how to handle certain scenarios like removing a Navigation Link with children.
– PR: List block: add color controls. Stuck: Editor style conflicts.
Resolving this PR would open the door to adding color controls to other blocks that use HTML lists (e.g. Latest Posts or Table of Contents).
– PR: PreviewOptions: remove chevron from button. What should the button look like, since it’s text/border styles are inconsistent with the Save Draft button.
– PR: Embed: use same SmugMug URL regex as core. Needs: Review.
– PR: Refactor reusable block edit component using hooks and Refactor ReusableBlockEditPanel to use hooks (and add type info) both need reviews.
– PR: Polish block wrapper elements file. Needs: Review.

Open Floor

Discussing the need to find additional people to review PRs.

We have 137 on the Github team on Gutenberg that can approve PRs. How can we increase the confidence level of these people to actually review and approve PRs?
…Work on more areas = more confident to make a decision regarding those things.
It’s something I was really hopeful CODEOWNERS approach would help with. Where people can specialize in certain areas of the codebase, and it’s fine to focus in those areas. At this point, I think Gutenberg has scaled to such a size that no single person can possibly know how it all works.
Ideas from experience with triage:
Open sessions for learning how to review PRs. During these go through a few and pick out gotchas and gain confidence through doing.
Mentoring/pairing on PR reviews.

Asked for interest in..
Multi-select: add a toolbar with formatting options when multiple blocks are selected. Owoce started some work on this as a plugin (repo) but she is hoping to get something like this into the editor itself.
Riad shared an example from an older multi select PR that stalled.
@paaljoachim and @youknowriad
Both mentioned that it would be good to create a Github issue when questioner is ready to do so as to continue discussion in an issue.
In the mean time check out her Gutenberg-multi-edit plugin currently at alpha stage.

Github is having their satellite conference virtually and free this year here: https://githubsatellite.com/schedule/ if someone is looking for learning opportunities.

NB! A heads-up to label issues and PRs that impact theme styling or markup with the label: [Feature] Themes

#core-editor, #gutenberg

Dev chat summary, May 5, 2020

@davidbaumwald facilitated the chat with this agenda. @sageschilling wrote this summary. @marybaum edited.

Announcements and highlighted posts

Core team rep elections

Nominations for Core Team Reps are still open until May 14. After that, we vote! Thanks to @jeffpaul for getting that process underway.

WordCamp Europe Online 2020 Contributor Day

This year you, too, can join WordCamp Europe’s Contributor Day – even if you don’t live in Europe and weren’t planning to be anywhere near there. But especially if you do! Find all the details in the WCEU post here.Getting a handle

An Experimental Outreach Project for Full Site Editing

Thinking hard about full-site editing? You’ll want to join this experimental outreach project. The deadline to comment on the post or join up is May 14. Questions? Ask @chanthaboune.

APAC Dev Chat + Town Hall Meetings

See the post here. The deadline to comment and volunteer May 18

Core Team profile badges

And finally, a lot of developers (ed. note: and more, like your two-bit copy editor here!) just got Core Team Badges.
The #meta team added everyone who was a Noteworthy Contributor in the core-developer list, going back at least to 5.0; read all the details in this meta-trac post. 

The Core team always wants to attract and support new contributors. So from now on, every release that publishes a credits list will auto-grant the badge.

WordPress 5.4.1

And a big announcement, WordPress 5.4.1 has been released!
WordPress 5.4.1 is now available! This security and maintenance release features 17 bug fixes in addition to 7 security fixes.

Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update …Merge Announcement: Plugins & Themes Auto-Updates
and to go along with this,

Upcoming Releases

@chanthaboune will release the WP5.5 post this week, so keep an eye out for that!

David will lead another early scrub for 5.5 next week. Date and time TBD. Keep an eye out on https://make.wordpress.org/meetings/ 

@sageshilling mentioned the media team is looking at patterns to add for gallery and would welcome some guidance.

Components Check-in

@dlh brought up the Gutenberg site-editing project as it relates to the customizer.

  • What can happen in the Customize component that would help pave the way in core for the site-editing component?
  • How can developers familiar with the Customizer help the Gutenberg team?
  • What’s the best use of time in the Customize component for non-Gutenberg tasks? Is it worth it to patch bugs or build enhancements?

@youknowriad mentioned he’d be happy to have such a discussion and is looking forward to working more in collaboration.

@chanthaboune suggested posting time/day for the discussion on make/core, since plenty of people will join in.

@dlh offered to stop by #core-editor to find a time.

Plugins & Themes Auto-Updates

@audrasjb shared:

  • #50052 Plugins & Themes Auto-Updates is a nearly blank ticket for the Auto-Updates feature plugin — Azaozz and others gave code suggestions. They have updated and sent a full patch to Trac.
  • Also, the feature plugin has just auto-updated to 0.7.0 — download and test, please! https://github.com/WordPress/wp-autoupdates/releases/tag/0.7.0
  • They’ll give it few days to soak a bit and to be tested before sending the merge proposal on to Trac.

#auto-updates, #core, #devchat, #full-site-editing

CSS Chat Agenda: 7th May…

CSS Chat Agenda: 7th May 2020

This is the agenda for the upcoming CSS meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 7, 2020, 5:00 PM EDT.

This meeting will be held in the #core-css channel in the Making WordPress Slack.

If there’s any topic you’d like to discuss, please leave a comment below!

  • CSS audit status update
  • Color scheming update
  • Open floor

#agenda, #core-css

Dev Chat Agenda for May 6, 2020

Here is the agenda for the weekly meeting happening later today: Wednesday, May 6, 2020, at 20:00 UTC.


WordPress 5.4.1 has been released!

Highlighted/Need Feedback Blog Posts

Components Check-in

  • News from components
  • Components that need help/Orphaned components
  • Cross-component collaboration

Open Floor

Got something to propose for the agenda, or a specific item relevant to our standard list above?

Please leave a comment, and say whether or not you’ll be in the chat, so the group can either give you the floor or bring up your topic for you, accordingly.

This meeting happens in the #core channel. To join the meeting, you’ll need an account on the Making WordPress Slack.

#5-4-1, #agenda, #devchat

What’s next in Gutenberg? (May)

This is a monthly update containing the high-level items that Gutenberg contributors are focusing on for the next month. Join us in our efforts.

Full Site Editing

Work on this major focus is ongoing and is expected to continue iterating over the next months.

The Site Editor UI is improving constantly and it remains a priority while other important building pieces will be tackled such as the Query block and the controlled InnerBlocks API.

The important tasks have been split into sections and highlighted on this overview issue.

Global Styles

The Global Styles work remains a major focus for this month. The important tasks for the month here are:

You can follow the progress of this project on this overview issue.

Navigation Screen

The new Navigation Menu screen and Navigation block will continue to be iterated on and polished.

Refining the interface

The previous releases saw a big UI update for the editor canvas and the inserter. The team will continue to iterate based on the remaining tasks and the user feedback.

The remaining tasks here include:

  • Support pattern categories.
  • Improvements to the inserter tips.
  • Better canvas inserters (also called sibling inserter)

While these are our focuses don’t forget you can always help with triage, needs testing issues, good first issues and reviewing PRs.


Auto-updates feature meeting summary: May 4, 2020

These are the weekly notes for the WP Auto-updates team meeting that happened on Tuesday May 4, 2020. You can read the full transcript on the core-auto-updates Slack channel.

As a reminder, WP Auto-updates Feature Plugin is developed on GitHub and is available for testing on WordPress.org plugins repository.

Core merge announcement

Last week, we announced the incoming core merge of the Feature Plugin 💥

@whyisjake already opened the Trac ticket. It will be used to merge the feature into WordPress core.

However, @azaozz and other people raised some issues, especially with JS/AJAX implementation. Our top priority is to fix them before sending a full patch on Trac.

Version 0.7 scope: core merge prerequisites

Version 0.7.0 will be focused on core merge prerequisites.

@pbiron is currently working on cleaning the AJAX part of the plugin. For reference, see PR #103 on GitHub. This is one of the major blockers before core merge and that’s why we absolutely need a new release before the core merge. @azaozz added that this pull request is almost ready to be merged.

While @pbiron is working on cleaning the existing AJAX code, @audrasjb will focus on other minor issues, like internationalization issues raised by @PascalC.

Once PR #103 is merged, the team will release version 0.7.0 and give it around one week to be tested before sending the patch proposal on Trac.

@azaozz pointed out issue #95 which raises some user interface issues. The setting that the users can change (enable|disable auto-updates) is actually the default setting. It can be changed at the moment of updating by plugins and by core. He thinks it should be reflected in the UI to avoid giving wrong expectations to users. It can be addressed by changing the wording and/or the name of the functions, for example by replacing the existing functions with something like maybe_auto_update_plugins or default_auto_update_plugins. Concerning the interface wording, @audrasjb noted it could be addressed by changing the column heading: Enable/disable auto-updates or Toggle auto-updates so users could understand we’ll be able to disable it later. By the way, the team agreed this concern is not a blocker for the merge.

After few discussions, it was also decided to remove the feature’s constants. Indeed, constants are used in WordPress core for specific cases:

  • Very early use, before WP is loaded
  • For use mostly by hosting companies/low level settings
  • Mostly for things that are really “constant” (never change)

@audrasjb will remove the existing constants once PR #103 is merged.

@azaozz also noted few small bugs on the AJAX action links. It kind of “jumps” when you click on the link, then “flashes” different text (when the network is fast) and the user cannot see/read the changed text, then it changes it again. These bugs are not a blocker for core merge and can be fixed in WordPress core after the merge. @pbiron noted that some of these bugs will be fixed in PR #103. @azaozz added that adding some delay (so text changes are readable) would be nice, or alternatively not changing the text while AJAX is running is another thing. (so there is only one text change instead of two).

The team also discussed the idea to add some filters for plugin authors to override what is outputted in the UI, for example to show something like “Updates enabled by [plugin/theme name]”.

Next meeting is scheduled on Tuesday May 12, 2020 at 17:00 UTC.

#5-5, #auto-update, #core-auto-updates, #feature-projects, #feature-autoupdates

Editor Chat Agenda: 6 May, 2020

Facilitator and notetaker: @paaljoachim.

This is the agenda for the weekly editor chat scheduled for 2020-05-06 14:00 UTC.

This meeting is held in the #core-editor channel in the Making WordPress Slack.

  • Monthly Plan & Weekly Priorities
  • Task Coordination
  • Open Floor

If you have anything to share for the Task Coordination section, please leave it as a comment on this post.

If you have anything to propose for the agenda or other specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.


#agenda, #core-editor, #gutenberg

Merge Announcement: Plugins & Themes Auto-Updates

After making the auto-updates project a feature plugin, the #core-auto-updates team is excited to announce that the plugins and themes auto-updates feature is ready for a core merge.

Here are the main features that have been developed:

  • The ability for website administrators to opt-in to automatic updates for plugins and themes.
  • Ability to enable/disable auto-updates on a plugin-by-plugin and theme-by-theme basis.
  • Multisite support for both themes and plugins auto-updates.
  • Email notifications to send auto-update summaries to website administrators.
  • Hooks and constants to help developers programmatically define auto-updates settings.

To be clear, plugin and theme auto-updates already exist in WordPress core, but these new features add a fully-featured user interface to allow administrators to opt-in to these features.The feature was developed on WordPress GitHub repository and tested for a few months as a feature plugin available on WordPress repository.

@audrasjb and @pbiron hosted weekly meetings on #core-auto-updates Slack channel, and those meetings allowed the feature to be developed at a good pace. While there are still some details currently discussed on GitHub, the feature plugin has been a great success, with more than 700 active installations. The plugins and themes auto-updates team is now excited to bring this feature to WordPress users and ship this feature in WordPress 5.5.

Site security is integral for modern website hosting, and bringing auto-updates to plugins and themes is a much-awaited feature in WordPress. This will allow website owners to more easily keep their site up-to-date and more secure. The core plugin team has also added a number of hooks that can be used by plugin authors and WordPress developers to customize the feature, including email notifications.

@whyisjake has opened a core ticket for the core merge. Any help is welcome to test the incoming patches.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the feature plugin on GitHub: @audrasjb, @whodunitagency, @xkon, @desrosj, @pedromendonca, @javiercasares, @karmatosed, @mapk, @afercia, @gmays, @knutsp, @pbiron, @passionate, @nicolaskulka, @bookdude13, @jeffpaul, @mukesh27, @whyisjake, @paaljoachim, @ronalfy, @timothybjacobs, @wpamitkumar and @azaozz.

#5-5, #auto-update, #feature-plugins, #feature-projects, #feature-autoupdates

Auto-updates feature meeting summary: April 28, 2020

These are the weekly notes for the WP Auto-updates team meeting that happened on Tuesday April 28, 2020. You can read the full transcript on the core-auto-updates Slack channel.

As a reminder, WP Auto-updates Feature Plugin is developed on GitHub and is available for testing on WordPress.org plugins repository.

Core merge announcement

@whyisjake previously started a document to draft the merge announcement, and it should be ready be the end of the week.

Concerning the core merge itself, there are already two existing Trac tickets (#48850 and #49199), but the team agreed that closing those tickets and opening a new one is the best option. We’ll ensure that the new ticket has a quick recap of what has been done in the feature plugin, and properly references the previous Trac tickets.

Feature plugin: next releases

While working on the Core merge patch, @pbiron noticed a few minor differences in the behavior of how some things in the feature plugin work compared to how similar things in the plugins/themes list tables work in core (specifically concerning bulk edits). They aren’t really bugs or enhancements, but it would make things more consistent. For example, WP_Plugins_List_Table doesn’t add the Activate bulk action to the dropdown if the current view is Active plugins, and we are currently always adding Enable Auto-updates even when on the Auto-updates enabled view. Those small changes can also be directly addressed in the Trac ticket.

@pbiron also raised this issue, which aims to discuss how plugins that have auto-updates enabled could be visually identified in WordPress admin. @apedog suggested to implement auto-updates action links into plugin row actions section. @audrasjb answered it was previously discussed, and the conclusion was that it is not the best choice, given that “Activate” (plugin) and “Enable” (plugin auto-update) links would introduce confusion, especially on Locales that don’t have any difference between those two terms.

@pbiron raised an issue in the Plugins screens using small viewports, but it appeared it was related to another plugin.

Next meeting is scheduled on Tuesday May 5, 2020 at 17:00 UTC.

#5-5, #auto-update, #feature-plugins, #feature-projects, #feature-autoupdates

JavaScript Chat Summary – April 28th, 2020

Below is a summary of the discussion from this week’s JavaScript chat (agenda, Slack Transcript)

Have a topic for discussion for the next meeting? Leave a suggested edit on next week’s agenda.

Agenda: Changelogs for npm packages (@gziolo)


Discussion was around:

  • How to make it easier to distinguish unreleased changes.
  • Can we somehow inform about the estimated date of the next npm release?
  • Possibility of adding linting rules.
  • Possibility of using a standard format (such as keepachangelog or atlassian changesets).


Some proposed next steps are:

  • Revisit some of the changelog verification work (@aduth)
  • Create a proposal for very standardized formatting of changelogs.

Agenda: React Fast Refresh (@gziolo)

Slack |Github comment

React Fast Refresh is coming to React ad Greg was wondering if we should start testing it with wp-scripts start as well.


  • Potentially experiment with things like React Fresh Refresh by putting it behind an env flag to start.

Agenda: Restoring TypeScript Types (@aduth)

Slack |Github

Of note is that with the work in the linked pull, it was decided that the project would be using React types directly rather than trying to abstract them through @wordpress/element.

For most consumers I hope it’s a detail most folks won’t even notice. It’s particularly important when doing more complex type operations. React exposes a lot of mapped types (think of functions on types) that will be necessary in some cases, but for the most part folks will continue to do import { Component } from '@wordpress/element'; and get all the right types.

Jon Surrell

Open Floor:

News Roundup

This roundup contains a few links for Gutenberg and JavaScript related news curated (and commented on) by @nerrad

Other Random Stuff

#javascript, #meeting-notes