Latest updates on changes to WordCamps

COVID-19 has impacted many WordCamps globally. To help you keep track of the latest changes to WordCamps, we will be updating this list periodically.

Note that “Cancelled” means that the WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. will not happen in 2020, but there may be plans for a 2021 event. “Postponed” indicates that the organizing team is working towards making an event happen later this year.

Last updated March 31, 2020 at 9:00 UTC

  • WordCamp Asia, February 21 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Cebu, February 29, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Lancaster, March 14, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Albuquerque, March 20, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, March 20, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Geneva, March 20, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Kolkata, March 22, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Washington DC, March 27, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Antwerp, March 28, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp San Antonio, March 28, 2020 – Moved to livestream
  • WordCamp Jacksonville, March 28, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Santa Clarita, April 3, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Turin (Torino), April 17, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Paris, April 17, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Atlanta, April 18, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Bilbao, April 24, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Bucharest, April 25, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Kansas City, April 28, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Soltau, April 30, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Chicago, May 2, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp San Diego, May 2, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Houston, May 9, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Buffalo, May 9, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Madrid, May 9, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Athens, May 16, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Košice, May 16, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Plovdiv, May 16, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Kathmandu, May 20, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Irun, May 23, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Calgary, May 29, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Kent, May 30, 2020 – Moved to livestream
  • WordCamp Montclair, May 30, 2020 – Postponed
  • WordCamp Europe, June 4-6, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Raleigh, June 6, 2020 – Cancelled
  • WordCamp Centroamerica, September 17, 2020 – Cancelled

Are you a WordCamp organizer and unsure of how to proceed? Here are a few helpful links.