COVID-19 And The Diverse Speaker Training (#wpdiversity) Group

As you can imagine, the COVID-19 crisis affects the Diverse Speaker Training group (#wpdiversity) which is all about creating more speakers for in-person meetups and WordCamps. Many WordCamps are being canceled or are moving to being online. Folks are confused, tired, and sad, and developing a more diverse speaker lineup is not top of mind.

During this time, if organizers are looking for community-building projects to work on remotely while in-person gatherings are not recommended, it would be worth considering putting on a Diverse Speaker Workshop to develop your speakers from underrepresented groups. You can do all of this online.

You can be getting your speakers ready for when we are able to do in-person events again.

Also, if you’re holding your events online during this time, it is worth noting that speaking online removes some of the initial barriers that some folks from underrepresented groups have in public speaking. It might be an easier time for some of the new speakers to get started.

It would also be appealing for the attendance of your online events to have fresh voices and perspectives that haven’t been heard from before.

Just something to consider, if/when folks in your group feel up to doing something like this.

We can help you with holding your Diverse Speaker Workshop online. The lead of this group has run this workshop fully online many times before.

Get started here: