WordPress 5.4 Field Guide

WordPress 5.4 is shaping up to be the best WordPress 2020 has seen!

As a user, you’ll see new blocks and enhancements in the block editor, new embeds, and improvements in the WordPress Admin experience.

As a developer, you’ll see 122 enhancements and feature requests, 210 bug fixes, and more! Of course, all those improvements mean code changes, which could in turn require you to make updates to your site, plugin, or theme.

So take a look through this Field Guide, and see what’s relevant to you and your users, among the many improvements coming in 5.4…


On the 14 updates related to Accessibility in 5.4, you’ll want to particularly note changes to the WordPress Admin Bar, to the calendar and recent comments widgets, on the Menu screen, and bugs reported by the WPCampus accessibility report.

Block Editor

The block editor has continued its rapid iteration since WordPress 5.0. Now it has Gutenberg version 7.5 bundled with WordPress 5.4; that’s ten releases all bundled into WordPress 5.4 (versions  and 7.5)! Bug fixes and performance improvements from Gutenberg versions 7.6 will also be part of 5.4.

The WordPress 5.4 Beta 1 post highlights a lot of new features and improvements across these releases, though you’ll also want to note the impressive achievement of 14% loading-time reduction and 51% time-to-type reduction (for a particularly long post of ~36,000 words, ~1,000 blocks) since WordPress 5.3.

Below you’ll find details on two new blocks, button component updates, block collections, default fullscreen mode for new installs/devices, custom keyboard shortcuts, general block editor API updates, new block variations API, a new gradient theme API, markup and style-related changes, and a new @wordpress/create-block package for block scaffolding.


On the 14 updates of the Customizer component, WordPress 5.4 improves accessibility of focused elements as a follow-up to WordPress 5.3 Admin CSS changes, adds documentation of existing Customizer functions and hooks, removes apple-touch-icon-precomposed deprecated meta tags, and improves Menu items selection logic.

Please note that some unused Customizer classes are now formally deprecated:


On the 5 updates in the Menus component, WordPress 5.4 improves keyboard accessibility of the Menu items selection tab panel and streamlines the user interface.

If your plugins add custom fields to menu items, you’ll want to update your code to use the new wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields hook:


On the 15 updates in the Privacy component, you will want to specifically note:

  • Personal Data Export now includes Session Tokens, Community Events Location and Custom User Meta.
  • Personal Data Exports now include a JSON file and a Table of Contents
  • New filters for the headers of all Privacy-related emails
  • The privacy tables are improved for a cleaner interface
  • wp_get_user_request_data() function was replaced with wp_get_user_request() for better clarity

All those changes are in this dev note:


On the 22 updates related to the REST API, WordPress 5.4 now supports “OR” taxonomy relation parameter in Post Controller, adds selective link embedding and introduces some changes in the WP_REST_Server method. Read below for more details on these updates:


On the 3 updates to the Shortcodes component, WordPress 5.4 introduces documentation improvements and a new function: apply_shortcodes. This function is an alias of do_shortcode, which is still supported.


On the 9 updates to the Widgets component, WordPress 5.4 introduces accessibility and user interface enhancements on the Widgets Admin screen and changes in the Recent Comments and Calendar Widgets HTML markup.

Other Developer Updates

There are even more goodies in 5.4, like the new wp-env (a zero config tool for painless local WordPress environments), enhancements to favicon handling, better information about errors in wp_login_failed, a new site ID in multisite’s newblog_notify_siteadmin filter, a new TikTok video embed and removal of the CollegeHumor embed, storing the original URL of media attachments in _source_url post meta, improved accessibility by loading the Admin Bar with wp_body_open, avoiding duplicate IDs in the Recent Comments widget, a new parameter in the lostpassword_post action in retrieve_password(), theme headers supporting “Requires at least” and “Requires PHP” declarations, and the delete_posts capability won’t trigger PHP notices for custom post types. Read through the dev notes below to see details on all these changes coming in 5.4.

But Wait, There is More!

Over 198 bugs, 121 enhancements and feature requests, and 8 blessed tasks have been marked as fixed in WordPress 5.4. Some additional ones to highlight include:

  • Bootstrap/Load: Enhancement to favicon handling (#47398)
  • Bundled Theme: Twenty Twenty: Add social icon for WhatsApp (#49098)
  • Comments: Add “In response to …” before threaded comments in comment feed (#43429)
  • Comments: Add “in reply to” in comment moderation email notification (#43805)
  • Embeds: Embed support has been added for TikTok (#49083) (Gutenberg#19345)
  • Embeds: Removal of CollegeHumor embed as the service doesn’t exists anymore (#48696) (Gutenberg#18591)
  • Login and Registration: Clearer information about errors in wp_login_failed (#49007)
  • Login and Registration: new parameter passed into the lostpassword_post action in retrieve_password() (#38334)
  • Networks and Sites: Site ID has been added to the newblog_notify_siteadmin filter for multisite installs (#48554)
  • Networks and Sites: switch_to_blog() and restore_current_blog() reuse switch_blog action (#49265)
  • Media: store the original URL of the attachment in the _source_url post meta value (#48164)
  • Menus: Make tabs panels more accessible for keyboard users (#49211)
  • Posts, Post Types: Use delete_posts without triggering PHP notices in every post type (#30991)
  • Post Thumbnails: Make sure get_post_thumbnail_id() returns an integer, to match the documented return value (#40096)
  • REST API: Expose all theme supports and changed permissions in /themes endpoint (#49037)
  • Site Health: Theme headers support “Requires at least” and “Requires PHP” declarations (#44592)
  • Toolbar: The Admin Bar is now loaded with wp_body_open when available (#47053)
  • Widgets: Avoid duplicate IDs in Recent Comments (#46747)

Please, test your code. Fixing issues helps you and helps millions of WordPress sites.

Props to @jeffpaul and @marybaum for contributing to this guide.

#5-4, #field-guide

What’s new in Gutenberg? (25 March)

This release is mostly focused on polish work for the Block UI redesign.

Screen Capture on 2020-03-16 at 15-49-00

It also includes an official API to register custom Block patterns from themes and plugins. The API is still a work-in-progress and might evolve before reaching WordPress Core.

        'title'   => __( 'Two buttons' ),
        'content' => "<!-- wp:buttons {\"align\":\"center\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-buttons aligncenter\"><!-- wp:button {\"backgroundColor\":\"very-dark-gray\",\"borderRadius\":0} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-background has-very-dark-gray-background-color no-border-radius\">Button One</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button -->\n\n<!-- wp:button {\"textColor\":\"very-dark-gray\",\"borderRadius\":0,\"className\":\"is-style-outline\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button is-style-outline\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-very-dark-gray-color no-border-radius\">Button Two</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button --></div>\n<!-- /wp:buttons -->",



  • Add visible labels to BlockPatternPicker pattern selection buttons 19789
  • Adds always on display of media URL 19504
  • Adds current menu class to navigation block 20076
  • Block: Outline when interacting with Toolbar Block Type/Movers 20938
  • Create block: Improve how prompts and values provided are handled 20756
  • Expand create block options and add readme.txt template 20694
  • Patterns: Make adding patterns easier 20854
  • Polish a few icons 20980
  • Polish date-picker component 20824
  • Improve permalink editing 12009
  • Nicer block footprint for social links 20978
  • Show inserter only when block selected for nesting contexts 20753
  • URL: Use test data from web-platform-tests for isURL spec conformance 20537
  • Adds multi-select to categories on Latest Posts 20781
  • Add basic nav block example for inserter and styles previews 21011

Bug Fixes

  • Allow media library in gallery mode to be reset 20675
  • Autocomplete: Add support for results with long titles 20962
  • Compat: Conditionally filter editor settings for image dimensions 20939
  • Compat: Use core-js-url-browser for URL polyfill 20225
  • Data: Migrate post editor persistence with fullscreenMode false 21082
  • Edit Post: Make sidebar header focusable for button focus normalization 21031
  • Fix auto-hiding appender regression 20780
  • Fix fullscreen mode device preview 21010
  • Fix link control search results spacing. 21003
  • Fix snackbar container block portion of UI while present 21000
  • Make the inner button block not allowed as a reusable block or editable as HTML 20948
  • URL: Fix getQueryString incorrect handling of hash fragment 20738
  • Update social links block to output a custom class on each individual link 20998
  • Update the inserter’s block preview to use the AutoHeightPreview 20817
  • Latest Posts:
    • Fix link for read more markup 20917
    • Fixes the categories selector crash when category does not exist 20960
  • Fix input rules 20964
  • Trim input value in navigation search input field 19832
  • Fix mobile header 20946
  • Fix visually hidden classnames 20649
  • Fix/screen reader text 20607
  • Fix SelectControl example code synax highlight 19803

New APIs

  • Add initial API to register patterns from themes and plugins 21074
  • Convert __experimentalCreateInterpolateElement to a stable API 20699


  • Site Editor:
    • Add Fullscreen mode 20691
    • Add fullscreen close button 20989
    • Add more menu and fullscreen toggle 21006
    • Style resets for top level page 20886
    • Get current template part correctly for auto drafts 20438
    • Add template preview to the edit site template switcher 20958
    • Add things required to load custom blocks to Site Editor page 20549
    • Avoid page templates overwriting page title 20865
  • Lighter block DOM:
  • Navigation Block:
    • Fix dynamic rendering recursive function name typo 21078
    • Avoid hiding submenu when adding a link 21035
    • Fix toolbar overlap on navigation links 21033
  • PlainText v2 21076
    • Editable Component 18361


  • Add ESNext example for unregisterBlockType 20784
  • Docs/SlotFills: Small update for consistency 20767
  • Correct 2nd param of useViewportMatch() usage 20911
  • Include npm run dev guidance in “Getting Started” 21015
  • Document default login credentials and wp-env run command 20678
  • Fixes docblock for useViewportMatch 20919
  • Lowercase visual editor and code editor to match block editor and classic editor 20968
  • Update README.md 20913
  • Add Custom Block Editor to TOC and Manifest 20749
  • Add tutorial link to Table of Contents for Custom Block Editor 20750

Code Quality

  • Block Editor: Use useResizeObserver in place of direct react-resize-aware dependency 20889
  • E2E Test Utils: Improve durability of embedding matcher 20811
  • Framework: Migrate/remove temporary compatibility script initialization 19178
  • Framework: Use WHATWG URL in place of legacy url module 19823
  • Nav Block: Remove ‘frontend’ from style comments 21034
  • Project Management Automation: Add TypeScript type-checking 20850
  • Refactor the inserter menu component and split into multiple smaller components 20880
  • Remove iframe from content elements 20976
  • Update Search/RSS block render method 20977


  • Update glossary 20934
  • Improve performance testing 20802
  • Edit Post: Register block patterns as separate plugin 20871
  • Accessibility: updated headings to reflect semantic relationship between html tag and it’s content. 16444
  • Add Prettier shared config package 20026
  • Add default styles to the TabPanel component 20872
  • Add isFileURL method and use it on all native media upload checks. 20985
  • Add menus endpoints. 20292
  • Block Patterns: Update text-two-columns.json 20890
  • Block Styles: Remove the block margin in the style selector 19983
  • Block patterns: improve success notice 21005
  • Blocks: Allow the Default Style selector to be hidden. 20620
  • E2E Tests: Mock Embed response for InnerBlocks locking test 20481
  • ESLint Plugin: Relax prefer-const for destructuring assignment 20737
  • Gallery: Update UI of controls 20776
  • Improves RTL style conversion 20503
  • Minor change to switch Help link target to _blank, add rels 20800
  • Mobile: Add accessibility label to Block List Footer 20633
  • Moves category multi select from LatestPosts to QueryControls 20832
  • Paste: replace iframes with url 20983
  • Polish poster image button arrangement. 20754
  • Preview Button: Remove the separator and border, and reduce the size of the icon. 20683
  • RangeControl: Improve disabled rendering and interactions 20723
  • Reduce gap between block library and preview 20777
  • Remove aria-expanded from close button in Publish panel 20993
  • Remove feature flag for mobile page templates 20718
  • Remove inaccurate message from image block 20909
  • Removed the textarea width restriction for the Shortcode block 20624
  • Revert “Framework: Travis: Avoid skipping Puppeteer download” 20828
  • Show errors in the media replace control 19244
  • Styles Panel: Don’t force it to be closed by default. 20617
  • Update Navigation Menu Item icon 20763
  • Update page template picker after design review 20883
  • Latest Posts: Testing larger margins 20563
  • Add codeowners for env package 20667
  • Scripts: Update all webpack related dependencies 20916
  • Dependencies webpack plugin: Let the output file be specified when output is combined 20844

Performance Benchmark

The following benchmark compares performance for a particularly sizeable post (~36000 words, ~1000 blocks) over the last releases. Such a large post isn’t representative of the average editing experience but is adequate for spotting variations in performance.

Version Loading Time KeyPress event (typing)
Gutenberg 7.8 5193ms 23.05ms
Gutenberg 7.7 5134ms 22.79ms
WordPress 5.3 9512ms 25.83ms

#core-editor, #editor, #gutenberg

Dev Chat Agenda for March 25, 2020 (5.4 Week 11)

Here is the agenda for the weekly meeting happening later today: Wednesday, March 25, 2020, at 09:00 PM UTC.


WordPress 5.4 Release Candidate 4 landed yesterday, March 24, as scheduled.

Upcoming Releases

  • The current major is 5.4, scheduled to go out on March 31st 2020; please keep testing for all the bugs!
  • Trunk has branched to 5.5 on the beginning of March. That means 5.5 is officially in Alpha.
  • Work for 5.6, aka all-women release, has kicked off with an initial round of messages going out to the women that expressed interest.

Components Check-in

  • News from components
  • Components that need help
  • Cross-component collaboration

Open Floor

Got something to propose for the agenda, or a specific item relevant to our standard list above?

Please leave a comment, and say whether or not you’ll be in the chat, so the group can either give you the floor or bring up your topic for you, accordingly.

This meeting happens in the #core channel. To join the meeting, you’ll need an account on the Making WordPress Slack.

#5-4, #agenda, #devchat

Editor chat Summary: 25 March, 2020

This post summarizes the weekly editor chat meeting agenda here. Held on Wednesday, 25th March 2020 held in Slack. Moderated by @get_dave.

WordPress 5.4 Upcoming Release

  • WP 5.4 RC 4 was released yesterday (Wednesday, 24th March)
  • WP 5.4 RC 4 adds the Editor packages (Trac: 49688)
    • The editor PR’s that were cherry-picked into 5.4 can be checked on PR: 21083
    • Remaining issues can be checked and triaged on this board

Monthly Plan & Weekly Priorities

  • Revisit March master plan
  • @youknowriad Progress is good
    • Global Styles: We’ve added CSS vars to multiple blocks and more coming
    • Full Site Editing (FSE): still some challenges (Context API) and we’re improving the Edit Site screen at the same time
    • Patterns: Thanks to @nrqsnchz we have a dozen patterns on the works and the UI is being iterated on
  • Check out some of the Overview issues here for a better outlook

Task Coordination.

  • @nosolosw will work on global styles for edit-siteand reviewing related PRs
  • @youknowriad worked on CSS var support for multiple blocks, Edit Site improvements and PR reviews
  • @isabel_brison worked on Navigation block and Triaging the a11y audit board
  • @Johnston Philip wants to help review things
  • @Jon Q has been working on adding more style controls to Blocks.
  • @karmatosed has been focusing on navigation, global styles and triage
  • @Bart Kalisz has been reviewing some Good first review PRs
  • @get_dave worked with @andraganescu to allow Navigation Blocks to be created from existing WP Menus: PR 18869
  • @michael-arestad works on multi-entity saving and navigation methods within the editor
  • @Brent Swisher will continue working on storybook stories

Open floor

  • @soean asked that we announce WPBlockTalk – a free, online event for all things block editor happening on April 2nd
  • @paaljoachim asked about a progress with the Reusable Block feature. Progress can be monitored here.
  • @paaljoachim also raised awareness on PR 18718 about refactoring cover background controls.
  • @paaljoachim asked if we have a “how to create a PR info area: in the Core Editor handbook. Closest match is here.

Post Meeting discussion

There has been some discussion post meeting between @matveb, Pablo Honey and @mapk about the limitations of designing more complex block patterns.

To sum up the way forward is to provide the best patterns we can which don’t don’t suffer from the lack of tools and when we run into limitations to distill them down to improvements on the blocks themselves.


CSS Chat Agenda: 26th March 2020

This is the agenda for the upcoming CSS meeting scheduled for 26th March, 21:00 UTC.

This meeting will be held in the #core-css channel  in the Making WordPress Slack.

If there’s any topic you’d like to discuss, please leave a comment below!


  • CSS audit status update
  • Open floor

#agenda, #core-css

JavaScript Chat Summary – March 24, 2020

Below is a summary of the discussion from this week’s JavaScript chat (agenda, Slack Transcript)

Have a topic for discussion for the next meeting? Leave a suggested edit on next week’s agenda.

Agenda: Date module dateI18n gmt parameter (added by @davilera)

Slack | Pull Request

This is a pull request that has been around for a while and David has addressed all the feedback given so it’s ready for merge.

Action: @iandunn pinged to verify the latest round of changes and that it tests good.

Agenda: Module naming and deprecations (added by @aduth)

Slack | Github and Comment including links to previous discussions

Topic concerns aligning naming conventions for wp globals on package exports.


  • Merge pull #18722 that documents how to use ServerSideRender from the wp.serverSideRender export. (Done)
  • Create an issue to track the broader effort of “fixing” the names for these globals. (Done)

News Roundup

This roundup contains a few links for Gutenberg and JavaScript related news curated (and commented on) by @nerrad

Other Random Stuff

#javascript, #meeting-notes

XML Sitemaps Meeting: March 24th, 2020

In case you were looking for an blog post about the XML Sitemaps feature project last week, worry no more. Work on the plugin is progressing smoothly and steadily, we just didn’t publish an agenda post last week. That means it is time for a double update today!

Meeting Recap: March 10th & 17th

For reference, check my previous blog post from March 10th:

A lot has happened since then. Here’s the summary, not necessarily in the right order:

  • SimpleXML dependency
    We received great feedback from a variety of big hosting providers, all saying that this PHP extension is widely available and we can rely on it safely.
    Current status: no action needed.
  • Rewrite rule conflict with plugins
    As we realized that the new /wp-sitemap.xml URL format clashes with big existing plugins, we decided to look into alternate names for both the rewrite rules as well as the query params. See GitHub issue for details.
    Current status: needs contributors.
  • Rewrite rule issues with custom providers
    It was reported that adding custom sitemap providers might require flushing rewrite rules. Ideally, that shouldn’t be needed.
    Current status: needs decision.
  • Last modified date (lastmod)
    We decided to continue with the proposed PR to remove lastmod from sitemaps (at least for now), but need to make sure there is appropriate documentation. It’s something that can always be added back if needed.
    Current status: has PR, needs documentation.
  • Query Filters
    Valuable feedback emerged from testing, which led to the decision to close the existing PR to make query instances filterable in favor of a simpler approach. In its place, we should make the query arguments filterable, and also add filters to short-circuit queries.
    Current status: needs contributors.

Please let me know in the comments if I got something wrong in this summary!

Agenda: March 24th

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 24 at 16.00 CET.

Today’s agenda is rather straightforward so far:

Want to add anything to the above? Please leave a comment here or reach out on Slack.

This meeting is held in the #core-sitemaps channel , to join the meeting, you’ll need an account on the Making WordPress Slack.

#agenda, #feature-plugins, #feature-projects, #xml-sitemaps

Editor Chat Agenda: 25th March 2020

Note taker: @andraganescu.

This is the agenda for the weekly editor chat scheduled for Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:00 UTC. This meeting is held in the #core-editor WordPress Slack channel.

If you have anything to share for the Task Coordination section, please leave it as a comment on this post.

If you have anything to propose for the agenda or other specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.

#agenda, #core-editor, #editor-chat

WP Notify weekly meeting suspended, call for proposals for new meeting times or new meeting hosts.

At the present moment, due to various circumstances, the Monday 14:00 UTC time slot for the WP Notify weekly meeting has become problematic for me. This means it is becoming more and more difficult for me to attend, let alone host these meetings.

I am therefore putting these meetings on hold until we can agreed on either a new meeting time, or chose a new meeting host to drive the weekly meetings forward.

I will leave the post open for comment for the rest of the week, or until we can agree on a way forward.



Dev chat summary, March 18, 2020

@marybaum facilitated the chat on this agenda.

Full meeting transcript on Slack

This devchat marked week 10 of the 5.4 release cycle.


WordPress 5.4 Release Candidate 3 was released on Tuesday March 17th! 🎉Thank you to everyone that has contributed! @johannlinnarsson asked when we might expect the final 5.4 release and @marybaum confirmed that March 31 is the target release date. 

Upcoming releases WordPress 5.4

WordPress 5.4 About Page: @karmatosed shared that many many folks contributed to the design and creation of the About page. Thank you to everyone that contributed. Testing is very much appreciated at this point as we prepare for release candidate 4 on March 24.

@jorgefilipecosta mentioned that there are two pull requests that are in need of review for 5.4 and those can be found at this link.

 @clorith asked if there was any additional information regarding the recent changes to editor default views and there is currently no new information outside of the discussions in the blog post. 

Components Check-In

@azaozz had some exciting Media updates showing off the now merged 1.1 changes for the Lazy Loading Feature Plugin and said that he will be working on a patch to introduce in trunk (5.5.) More to come soon on this much anticipated feature! If you’d like to contribute here is a link to the GitHub repo.

@audrasjb introduced some new changes to WP Auto Updates saying, “WP Auto-updates Feature Plugin version 0.3.0 was released with email notifications for plugins automatic updates. Next version will be focused on porting all the current features to themes screen.” A summary of this chat can be found at this link. If you would like to get involved in contributing to this feature, please feel free to jump into the Feature Plugin GitHub repo.

@pbiron mentioned another plugin that could benefit from some testing; Core Sitemaps plugin is aiming for an early inclusion into 5.5. Please feel encouraged to test it ahead of time! If you’d like to contribute to this feature, explore the GitHub repo!

@aduth provided a #core-js update around their processes. He said, “In the #core-js chat this week, it was suggested to share that our weekly meeting summaries are now including a “News Roundup” of JavaScript and Gutenberg-related items, for those who might be interested or think it helpful to keep in the loop. “ A link to that can be found at the end of this summary post.

Props to @garrett-eclipse for the peer review of this summary. 🙏🏼

#5-4, #core, #feature-plugins

Updating the Coding standards for modern PHP

Until May last year, contributions to WordPress Core were bound to PHP 5.2 syntax and most plugins and themes stuck to the PHP 5.2 minimum requirement as well.

However, with the change to PHP 5.6 as the minimum PHP version for WordPress Core, new PHP features have become available for use in WP Core and with the outlook of a minimum version of PHP 7.x in the (near) future, even more interesting language features will soon become available for use in WordPress Core, plugins and themes.

With that in mind, we’d like to define coding standards for a number of these constructs and propose to implement automated checking for these in the WordPress Coding Standards tooling in the near future.

While it may still be a while before some of these features will actually be adopted for use in WordPress Core, defining the coding standards in advance will allow for a consistent code base when they do get adopted and will allow for plugins and themes, which are not necessarily bound to the PHP 5.6 minimum, to safeguard their code consistency when they start using more modern PHP already.

To be honest, none of these proposals are terribly exciting and some may not even seem worth mentioning. Most follow either prior art in WordPress Core or industry standards for the same, but in the spirit of openness, we’d like to verify our take on these before implementing them.

Continue reading

#modernizewp, #codingstandards, #php, #wpcs