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Welcome to the official blog of the translators team for the WordPress open source project.

This is where we discuss all things related to translating WordPress. Follow our progress for general updates, status reports, and debates.

We’d love for you to help out.

Translate WordPress

You can help translating WordPress to your language at any time. Just log in to the translation platform with your WordPress.org account, and suggest translations. If you want to help in managing and validating translations, please make sure to get in touch with the existing language team and follow the glossaries & style guides if the team has them.

Don’t see your language?

Request support for it by following this guide.

Weekly Meetings

We have meetings every week and at various hours every week. Check Slack in #polyglots (the schedule is on the sidebar of this page or the meeting schedule page). You are also welcome to ask questions on the same channel at any time!

Posting here

In order to post to this site, you will need to log in with your wordpress.org account. Your first post may take a while to show up, as it is moderated. Please follow our tag policy when posting.

Home / Handbook

Translator’s Handbook

Welcome to the Translator Handbook!

The translators handbook will teach you everything you need to know about the Polyglots team and how we translate WordPress into different languages.

About the Team About the Team

Screenshot 2015-04-19 14.52.37The polyglots team is responsible translating WordPress is in hundreds of languages. It’s a big job, which is why we need help from native speakers to make it possible.

The polyglots team consists of volunteers from around the globe who take care of translations for a specific language (see a list of translation teams). Find out how you can become a part of your local team or how you can create one and help translate WordPress into your language.

The polyglots team can be reached at the polyglots blog and on the #polyglots channel on the WordPress Slack.

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Translating WordPress Translating WordPress


The easiest way to start translating WordPress is to go to translate.wordpress.org. Everyone can translate, as long as they are logged into their WordPress.org account.

On translate.wordpress.org, you will find a list of every language available for translating WordPress. If you speak one of the languages listed and it hasn’t been completely translated (listed at 100%), you can see the untranslated strings and suggest translations.

Before your translations become part of WordPress, they will need to be approved by a translation editor – a trusted member of the polyglots community who can also appoint new translation editors.

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Translation Tools Translation Tools

On the official site for translating WordPress – http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200326200455/http://translate.wordpress.org, The Polyglots team uses a WordPress plugin called GlotPress that turns WordPress into a translation management system. It allows collaborative work by translation contributors and translation editors and is the recommended tool for translating WordPress, plugins and themes.


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Rosetta Sites & Forums Rosetta Sites & Forums

Rosetta Sites are gateways to local communities. They are the version of WordPress.org in a specific language. They are also the place where you can download WordPress in that language, find more information on the team of translators and see examples of websites that have been built with WordPress in that language.


Local forums are the place for discussions and support in a specific language.

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What is Internationalization? What is Internationalization?

Internationalization and localization (commonly abbreviated as i18n and l10n respectively) are terms used to describe the effort to make WordPress (and other such projects) available in languages other than English for people from different locales, who have different dialects and local preferences.

The process of localizing software has two steps. The first step is when the developers provide a mechanism and method for the eventual translation of the program and its interface to suit local preferences and languages for users worldwide. This process is internationalization (i18n). WordPress developers have done this already, so in theory, WordPress can be used in any language.

The second step is the actual localization (l10n), the process by which the text on the page and other settings are translated and adapted to another language and culture, using the framework prescribed by the developers of the software. WordPress has already been localized into many languages (see our list of teams for more information).

This handbook explains how translators (bi- or multi-lingual WordPress users) can go about localizing WordPress to more languages.

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Terms Terms

Throughout this handbook, we’ll use a few terms that you might want to familiarize yourself with.

  • Internationalization: As mentioned above, internationalization is the method in which we make WordPress available in different languages and regions.
  • Localization: Localization is the process of translating software to a different language. This term is often used interchangeably in this handbook with internationalization.
  • Locale: A locale (as opposed to “local”) is the combination of a language and a regional dialect. Locales often refer to countries. For example, Portuguese (Portugal) and Portuguese (Brazilian). The default locale for WordPress is English (U.S.). To define a locale we either use a language code + a country code or the ISO 639-3 code of a language.
  • Rosetta site: The local WordPress.org site for a specific locale. For example the Portuguese Rosetta site is pt.wordpress.org and the Bulgarian site is bg.wordpress.org.

Tip: For a full list of terms, read the Polyglots Handbook Glossary


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