WordPress Beta Tester


Cette extension permet de participer aux tests bêta de WordPress.

Une fois installé, elle vous permettra de mettre à niveau votre site vers la dernière version bêta ou « Release Candidate » d’un simple clic depuis l’outil de mise à jour.

Par défaut, une fois activé, elle passe votre site sur les mises à jour de type : « Version nocturne (point release nightly) ».

Pour les plus aventureux, il y a la possibilité de basculer votre site sur les mises à jour de type : « Version en cours de développement (Bleeding edge nightlies) ».

N’oubliez pas de faire une sauvegarde avant de commencer !

Extra Settings

There is a setting to Skip successful autoupdate emails. It functions to disable sending emails to the admin user for successful autoupdates. Only emails indicating failures of the autoupdate process are sent.

The Extra Settings tab may contain choices for testing new features in trunk that require constants to be set. A checked feature will add a constant to the user’s wp-config.php file in the format as follows:

define( 'WP_BETA_TESTER_{$feature}', true );

Unchecking the feature will remove the constant.

This plugin resets the constants in wp-config.php on plugin activation and removes them on plugin deactivation. Use the filter wp_beta_tester_config_path to return a non-standard wp-config.php file path.

If no settings are present there is no testing to be done that requires this feature.

PRs are welcome on GitHub.

Captures d’écran

  • This shows the main administration page for the plugin
  • This shows the Extra Settings page for the plugin
  • This shows the Dashboard callout


  1. Ajoutez-la à votre dossier d’extensions, généralement wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activez l’extension.
  3. Accédez au menu « Outils » puis « Test Bêta » pour configurer l’extension.
  4. Under Mulitsite, navigate to Settings … Beta Testing to configure the plugin.
  5. Accédez au « Tableau de bord » puis « Mise à jour » (ou « Outils de mise à niveau » dans les versions antérieures à 3.0) et mettez à jour avec la dernière version bêta.


19 février 2020
Being able to choose bleeding edge nightlies vs. beta/rc is a very nice change.
22 novembre 2018
I am a very new user of WordPress Beta Tester but I never show as a supporter as WordPress Beta Tester there has all item available and plugins also amazing. The installation system is very easy as a new member/user I am feeling exiting any hesitation wasn't working in my mind. I was thinking for a short time I am playing an interesting game.
18 mai 2018
So far looks good. Thank you for all your continuous effort to make WP better. It but would have been even nicer, to have a full set a built-in cookie disclaimer for GDPR compliance. Can you please add a cookie (may be filtered by cookies name) preference filter disclaimer with different level for visitors to choose from. Which disables all cookies deploy until the visitor accept one of the cookie level option. There could be a section where the WP developer/designer can have fields to add all the required cookie info and a option to categorise their importance for the filtering for the front end. Thanks. Kindest Regards Jay Vijay
11 novembre 2017
When I activated my plugins page returns 503: Server runs out of time. Deactivated this plugin and all back to normal. Not recommended for 4.8.3!
Lire les 39 avis

Contributeurs & développeurs

« WordPress Beta Tester » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.


“WordPress Beta Tester” a été traduit dans 23 locales. Remerciez l’équipe de traduction pour ses contributions.

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Le développement vous intéresse ?

Parcourir le code, consulter le SVN dépôt, ou s’inscrire au journal de développement par RSS.


2.2.9 / 2020-03-24

  • delete development RSS feed transient after core upgrade

2.2.8 / 2020-03-17 🍀

  • add Dev Notes and Field Guide links to dashboard
  • add text/link for bug reporting to trac
  • add help tabs to screen
  • arbitrarily changed settings page id from wp_beta_tester to wp-beta-tester 😏

2.2.7 / 2020-03-02

  • update trac link in callout for closed or reopened tickets on the milestone
  • only show Beta Tester Settings page link in callout with appropriate privileges, using manage_network_options and manage_options
  • menu to Settings page also checks privileges as above

2.2.6 / 2020-02-25

  • removed extra </li> in dashboard callout, 4th time’s the charm 😭

2.2.5 / 2020-02-25

  • less greedy regex for matching release posts in RSS for dashboard callout

2.2.4 / 2020-02-25 🤦‍♂️

  • added dashboard widget for network dashboard

2.2.3 / 2020-02-25

  • add dashboard widget callout for testing

2.2.2 / 2020-02-22

  • fix for strange Core API response where preferred version response contained the word ‘version’. We now grab the last word of that response

2.2.1 / 2020-02-20

  • fix some i18n strings, thanks @pedro-mendonca

2.2.0 / 2020-02-19

  • added support for updating to the beta/RC offer. Based on and with tons of help from @pbrion, thanks Paul 👏🏻
  • fixed so a downgrade from ‘unstable’ to ‘point’ serves the correct download
  • test and exit from Extra Settings if wp-config.php is not writeable

2.1.0 / 2019-09-17

  • add extra setting to skip successful autoupdate emails
  • add description to checkbox settings
  • composer update


  • add update version information to settings page text


  • a11y fixes for settings tabs
  • update wp-cli/wp-config-transformer


  • a11y fixes for checkbox, thanks @audrasjb


  • fix for incorrect last updated message


  • near complete re-write to use more OOPy practices
  • put distinct process into separate classes
  • allows for multiple settings tabs for addtional settings


  • remove extraneous code
  • add GitHub Plugin URI header


  • fixed error message for downgrading version, thanks @andreas-andersson


  • don’t use $GLOBALS


  • updated a few strings and correct typos
  • run through WPCS linter
  • fixed translation strings to include HTML in context and properly escape with wp_kses_post()
  • fixed link to settings page under Multisite


  • change wording from blog to website


  • Escape output
  • Indicate that Bleeding edge nightlies are trunk
  • new screenshot
  • code improvements from linter


  • Remove anonymous function for PHP 5.2 compatibility.


  • fixed PHP notice for PHP 7.1
  • made URL scheme agnostic


  • Fixed to work properly under Multisite.


  • Update tested up to version to 4.7.
  • Fix the location of the settings screen in Multisite (moved under Settings in Network Admin).
  • Minor text fixes.


  • Update tested up to version to 4.5.
  • Fix PHP7 deprecated constructor notice.
  • Change text domain to match the plugin slug.
  • Update WordPress.org links to use HTTPS.
  • Remove outdated bundled translations in favor of language packs.


  • Update tested up to version to 4.2.
  • Update screenshot.
  • Fix a couple typos.

See old-changelog.txt for previous changelog items