
Make WordPress Core

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 10 months ago

#22660 new defect (bug)

Admin bar in multisite: mobile tap on "My Sites" dropdown in back-end doesn't work

Reported by: devinreams Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 3.4.2
Component: Toolbar Keywords: needs-patch bulk-reopened
Focuses: multisite Cc:


Quick steps here to reproduce an issue where the "My Sites" dropdown (multisite networks) will drop down and show the "Network Admin" link and the list of your sites. But, clicking on a site (to expand and see "Dashboard", "New Post", etc.) does not happen. Tapping the blog name just closes the dropdown.

I'm not sure what's different but I can consistently reproduce this when in the admin back-end (but works OK on front-end admin bar when viewing a site):

From /wp-admin/ on a mobile device (tested on iOS 6, iPhone 5, iPad) with a multisite network:

  1. Tap "My Sites" in admin bar
  2. See "Network Admin" and list of sites below
  3. Tap one one of the site names

Expected: Site name expands to show "Dashboard", "New Post", etc. (same behavior as front-end when viewing site). Screenshot: http://d.pr/i/reOi

Actual: Tapping site name simply closes the "My Sites" dropdown, does not browse anywhere nor expand menu

Change History (9)

#1 @Ipstenu
7 years ago

I can reproduce this too.

I have script debug on, by the way.

#2 @devinreams
7 years ago

  • Component changed from General to Toolbar

Yeah I get it with or without script debug.

I poked around in admin-bar.js, wondered if hoverIntent had anything to do with it (as its not loaded on front-end) and ruled that out.

My ability to troubleshoot further is a bit limited from here.

#3 @nacin
7 years ago

Related? #22505

#4 @devinreams
7 years ago

Ah yes, looks like it is.

I did some quick JS profiling in case it helps someone much better at this than I.

FRONT END (works as expected, jQuery not loaded)

Using Twenty Twelve, without jQuery loaded, I only get three events to go from tapping "My Sites" to tapping the name of a site because admin-bar.js comes in: http://d.pr/i/2Mhu

Tap "My Sites":

  • mouseover admin-bar.js 298

Then tap "{Blog Name}":

  • mouseout admin-bar.js 302
  • mouseover admin-bar.js 298

BACK END (does not work, jQuery loaded)

With jQuery loaded in the back-end we get a mess of additional events: http://d.pr/i/MltG

Tap "My Sites":

  • touchstart jquery.js 2
  • touchstart jquery.js 2
  • mouseover jquery.js 2
  • mousemove jquery.js 2
  • click jquery.js 2

... etc.

#5 @nacin
7 years ago

  • Version changed from trunk to 3.4.2

Not a regression, so not for 3.5. If this is a duplicate of #22505 (not sure re: frontend versus backend etc.), can someone close it?

#8 @jeremyfelt
5 years ago

  • Focuses multisite added

#11 @cbutlerjr
12 months ago

  • Keywords bulk-reopened added

Is this still an issue? If not, this ticket can/should be closed.

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