Call for Moderators: WP15 needs your help!

Social media posts with the hashtag #WP15 are being aggregated and displayed on between now and mid-June, yay!!! It’s fun to see people all over the world celebrating the 15th anniversary of WordPress, and it’s great that we’re archiving all this content for posterity and nostalgia. 🙂


We think so too! We’d love you to tweet about the 15th anniversary too! Unfortunately, some sexually explicit content has shown up on the hashtag in the past month, so the site is now sending all possible posts to a Pending list, so someone can review each post before it’s published to

How can I help?

We need moderators to help us make sure that all the content displayed on the anniversary site relates to WordPress and is appropriate for all audiences.

What do I have to do?

Depending on how many people volunteer, the time commitment is 5-15 minutes per day, every 1-2 days between now and June, to check the Pending list and publish all the tweets/instas/flickrs that relate to the 15th anniversary of WordPress (and don’t have adult content).

Probably the highest volume of posts will come over the weekend of May 27, so ideally volunteers can help on that weekend especially.

Skills requirements: knowing how to publish a Pending post in WordPress and how to distinguish between adult vs general content.

I’m in! How do I sign up?

Comment on this post, and a deputy will contact you, add you to the site, and you can get moderating! 🙂


Do you have questions or concerns that weren’t answered above? 🙂 Leave them in a comment below!